Dear Beloved Friends,
Wouldn’t you know those EARS anywhere? I love looking at THEM and every single part of MY adorable colt! This entire experience is very precious to ME and to my entire TEAM!
On this day, I wanted to share a few more of my favorite photos with YOU. After all, I think this fortunate foal is blessed to have the most GODPARENTS of anyone in history. I truly can’t THANK YOU enough for the way you have embraced both of US….ME for so many years….and now my ‘Dumpling’.
Many of you have asked about HIS NAME. At this time, my colt does not have an official name. Per the standard practice in our industry, he is referred to as “12 Zenyatta”. His halter tag reads this way indicating year born…and Mom’s name. I know Ann and Jerry so well and can only imagine how many countless hours they will spend discussing this to make sure he has the perfect name. I trust their judgment completely!
The most fun he and I’ve shared so far is when he ‘takes off’ to run in the paddock. Just like in MY RACING CAREER, I give him a head start (on purpose)…and then I catch him in a FLASH! This is one FUN GAME we play…and I’m loving every single stride.
I must say, having been a MOM now for a few days, I’m already applying some of the basics of MOM 101. (A HIGH HOOF to my Lane’s End pals for tutoring ME with some special GREAT MOM TIPS.) I’m really doing very well at ‘my new career’ and am rather proud of myself. (Blush, Blush)
My baby is by my side every moment….and I am loving it! We walk together, eat together, cuddle together, and learn together. I’m getting a daily education on all of the right things to do for him…and I’m hoping in return he is learning to be ONE FINE COLT from ME!
In life, things go FULL CIRCLE. I have gone from being a foal…to now having one of my very own to care for each day. In between these 2 stages of life, I have been incredibly blessed to achieve countless amazing accomplishments, a great deal of success in my profession, and to meet and share MY LIFE with some of the finest people one could ever hope to call her FRIENDS!
I do feel at this time, it is extremely important for ME to take some time off from my daily DIARY writing and allow myself the opportunity to BOND EVEN MORE to MY NEW FOAL and FOCUS on being his MOM. (I think in human terms, this is called a child-rearing leave!)
From the bottom of MY HEART, I want to THANK YOU for the joy, support, and love you have brought to ME over these past years. As I’m putting my “writing hooves on the shelf for a bit,” I also want to thank the countless people who have submitted photos (Sarah, you have been so kind) and written so many treasured responses in relation to the Diary entries.
Dottie and I wrote the very first Diary entry on November 1, 2010. We have cherished every single moment of sharing all of these experiences and memories with you….OUR DEAR and TREASURED FRIENDS!
Again, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! I will think of you often during my time off…and I hope you will do the same of ME….especially when you see the letter “Z” or hear any of my favorite sayings as ….”Too cute…Blush, Blush…It’s ME…Wink, Wink, BARN 55, High Hoof and I’m a MOM.”
Until next time…
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I so mean this from the bottom of MY HEART!)
I’d respectfully like to add a SPECIAL NOTE OF THANKS and a HUGE GROUP HUG to all of the people who have done so much to orchestrate and guide my racing career…and now my life as a broodmare. It is such a large and loving group which would include but not be limited to: all of my dear pals at BARN 55, LANE’S END, MY ANN and JERRY, MY JOHN, MY MIKIE, MARIO, FRANK, CHEVA, MICHELLE, DAWN, STEVE, and so many others!
Then, of course, I’d like to send a very special HIGH HOOF and one very BIG HUG to my writing partner, DOTTIE!
So many thanks to Queen Z and the Mosses and team Zenyatta for sharing with us Zenyatta’s life after racing and the birth of her beautiful colt. Both Zenyatta and her “ghost writer” certainly deserve some time off.
Other than having a star rather then Zenyatta’s blaze, the baby is the image of his Mom. When he loses his fuzzy, baby coat and gets his sleek, summer coat, he will look even more like her! Please post a photo or video of Zenyatta and baby once in a while.
And please let us now how Tasty makes out with her foal….
Thanks again for everything, and looking forward to more diary posts, perhaps next Fall or winter? God Bless you all.
Brockton, MA
HBO has ended its series Luck in the wake of three deaths of horses during filming.
Here’s the statement from HBO:
“It is with heartbreak that executive producers David Milch and Michael Mann together with HBO have decided to cease all future production on the series LUCK.
Safety is always of paramount concern. We maintained the highest safety standards throughout production, higher in fact than any protocols existing in horseracing anywhere with many fewer incidents than occur in racing or than befall horses normally in barns at night or pastures. While we maintained the highest safety standards possible, accidents unfortunately happen and it is impossible to guarantee they won’t in the future. Accordingly, we have reached this difficult decision.
Randy Moss tweeted: Latest Luck death wasnt in racing scene. \Horse examined/okayed by vet, reared & fell w/fatal head injury walking to stall.
That’s BAD Luck
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Here is a link to the story:
Terry Crow
Didn’t Saint Liam, a BC classic winner, die under similar circumstances?
Marshall (in NC)
Yes, Terry, I think you are correct. So sad.
Life is indeed fragile. Hugs.
Hoofray! I was saying this morning to boycott this show. I am so glad to hear this. 3 horses dead because of this? There was something just not right. Whether it was in handling or training I don’t know.
After the first two died supposedly the producers had folks come in and help them to make things better and safer for the horses. This didn’t happen for this horse. Someone failed him terribly.
carol in utah
PACE….PACE…PACE…for Tasty…a pretty good runner in her own right
Hollywood Park saved…
Zenyatta.com will continue …no daily diaries
…”NEWS” will be posted with pictures….not necessarily daily
….”FORUM “will be added for us to talk to each other
carol in utah
Site being reformatted…
Z and T will not be together because babies not born close enough together
By George, you’ve got it!!!
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
All very good news. I hope everyone is aware of the Forum for us to connect. Thank you for posting it.
Nancy Osmundsen
Dear Zenophans: We have really been blessed to have had Zenyatta in our lifetime and her life and times so generously shared with her adoring Zenophans. Now her first foal has safely arrived and we are graciously informed that she needs to take a break. Yes, we are all aghast and dismayed at this news. Let us all heave a collective wail and then admit that we have been so spoiled. Spoiled rotten! God bless everyone who manages and cares for Zen and Prince. Thank you for this very rich experience. I will miss the Diary more than words can say, but I have to feel that Prince Dumpling and his Mum need to have some privacy. I will always be grateful for the chance to keep up with this fabulous horse! Hugs and high Hooves! Love to all, Nancy
RuthG - NJ
To say that I am not sadden by this would be a lie. But I certainly understand the decision that has been made. I would like to add my sincere thanks to Dottie for being the voice and heart of Zenyatta, for giving her fans the opportunity to interact with “her”. And of course, many thanks to Ann and Jerry for sharing their beautiful girl with all of us. To John S and all at Barn 55, many thanks for all you have done for Z during her racing career and now, for always being there for her in her new career. I will cherish all the wonderful memories shared in this diary. Hugs and kisses to the most loved Zenyatta, awesome athlete and now awesome Mom. You are always in my heart.
Queen Z, I will be counting the days until this guy steps on the track for the first time. I want you to know you are the only horse – colt or filly – that I ever ranked alongside my beloved Secretariat as an equal. I have great hope that your colt will someday wear the Triple Crown, too. All the best to both of you, and all the people in your camp.
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
HBO has cancelled the Luck series.
Lou in Tx
Dear Zenyatta…we all love you soooo much andw now your precious young colt. Will definitely miss not hearing about your fun days in the paddock with your new colt. Hopefully Dottie will keep us posted every now and then just so we know things are going well with you both.
Thank you so much Dottie for doing Zenyattas diary. It has become so much a part of our lives. We will definitely miss hearing from you,but understand you need some time away.
Hope you will return to us someday all rested and ready to fill us in on what’s been going on with our favorite mare and colt. Thanks To everyone on all of Zs teams. Thank you to the Mosses for sharing her with us. Love you always Zenyatta…..Lou
Dearest Zennie and Dottie-please say it ain’t so ! I fully understand how hard it is to write a daily journal and I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed them and learned from them but I can’t bear the thought of no news from Z and baby. How about a weekly? Biweekly? Monthly? I will be thinking of you either way, and , as so many of us have said, I can’t wait to see the little Z race. Thank you again for a wonderful ride and best to you and your connections-hooves crossed that YOUR Mikie makes 5000-and I look forward to any news you can give us in the future-
Zenyatta’s a mother and, oh baby, people are excited
The legendary horse gave birth to a son last week, which has the racing world buzzing.
Horse racing has its own little March Madness thing going. No brackets. Just a baby.
There is lead-up buzz for the April 7 Santa Anita Derby. Same thing for the March 31 Dubai Classic, and its $10-million purse. Of course, there is the biggest deal of all in the sport, the revered first-Saturday-in-May Kentucky Derby.
But, arguably, none of those have rung the chimes of fans as much as the birth of Zenyatta’s first baby a week ago.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Keta. I think this Diary post, being the last one will get pretty big. Even though there are two “News” posts already.
Jeanne Johnson and our Herd Scottsdale AZ
Thank you so much for these adorable photos…you both are so precious together. We will miss your dairy so much but understand your need to bond even more with your baby and take some time off…
Do ask Dottie to keep us updated from time to time however…
High hooves to you both from our herd here..
Dottie, Zenny and all Team Z, Thanks for all your work on the diary. It is truly appreciated. I cried as I was reading many of the posts, but now there is news to look forward to and also the forum. Several people have offered forums where we can share news. Thanks to them also. It looks like we will still have news about Zenny, The Little Prince, and Tasty, just not every day. Although I don’t post very often, I read all your posts and feel the wonderful friendship that is present on this site. It is a unique blending of many different people with varying levels of knowledge about horses and racing, but we all love horses and especially Z and little Z. Hoping to continue to visit this site often. Thanks to all for making it such an uplifting place!
Doreen in CT
THANK YOU Mr. and Mrs. Moss for sharing Zenyatta with her fans. Both of you have always gone out of your way to give access to “everything Zenyatta.” Why would that change when Dottie decided to take a break from writing a daily diary. You both have gone above and beyond what any owner would do and I for one, are very thankful. Again, THANK YOU for sharing Zenyatta with us, past, present, and future.
THANK YOU Dottie for all your hard work in making the diary the success that it’s been. I’m know that you have put your heart and soul into it (your writing reflects that) and that at this present time, it was best for you, Zenny, and her foal to concentrate on other things.
I just wanted to get this off my chest. I know that emotion sometimes clouds judgment, but I for one am somewhat taken aback with some of the responses that have been written. I believe that Dottie said during her interview on HRTV, the day after Zenny’s foal was born, that there will be “creative new things to keep the fans posted” on Zenyatta.com. I know that not everyone gets HRTV, but Dottie did mention that changes would be coming (perhaps not what we wanted her to mention – as in – no more daily diary entries) but mentioned it, she did: http://www.hrtv.com/racing/rda/?VideoId=NEGTuobwAxSkZObrbI33lMaWWxxi4URhkz9cuCY4EaQ%3d
Mr. and Mrs. Moss have gone out of their way to make sure that Zenyatta’s fans have unbelievable access to her and yet some of us still want more. As I noted above, why would that change. I think the Mosses know that we want to be kept up-to-date on what’s going on with Zenyatta and her adorable foal. I’m also sure that they know that we want to know who her next date is, what the foal’s name is going to be, and any news about Tasty and her foal. As owners, I believe that it’s up to the Mosses what to name the foal, not us. The foal is theirs, not ours, but it still would be fun to see if we can come up with the name that they choose. I’m sure if we look-up what albums and songs A&M Records produced that would be “Zenyatta-esque”, that it would be a starting point, since a lot of their horses were named that way. It will also give us something to do until we find out what his name will be.
We’ve all have become spoiled, ME included, and I don’t think that constantly asking for things that I’m sure the Mosses are aware of us wanting, helps. You may or may not agree with what I had to “say”, but one thing that I’m 100% sure of is that the Mosses are a class act and we need to trust that they know what is best, for Zenny, her foal, her future foals, and for her adoring fans. They haven’t shown us anything otherwise to make us doubt them.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Doreen; I agree with everything you wrote. Thank you for putting into words what I have been thinking, but I couldn’t have stated it as eloquently as you did. Thank you again.
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny ♥♥
Doreen I agree – see my rather looong post under NEWS from Lane’s end. Thank you.
Doreen, I agree wholeheartedly with you as well, please see similar comment by me. Well said.
Marshall (in NC)
I am in total agreement with you. Very well said!
Thank you for this post. Take care!
marsha roliardi
dear zenyatta, dottie and the rest of team zenyatta. so thankful that you have had this site for our zenyata fix for a while. she is so special to so many. can’t tell you how thrilled that me and my family are that she has such a beautiful little boy horse. really love all of the pictures so far. i have the birth picture in the straw on my screen saver. i cry with joy whenever i look at it. we truly understand that everyone needs a break with the diary, etc. it would be cool if we got a month;s update on zenyatta and baby if possible. i’m sure that writing every day has become a drag although it was done well. thanks for everything. our love for zenyatta continues, but we don;t have to be so close as we were before. so happy for all involved. especially momma z. will be checking in from time to time, keep us posted with the majot events. thanks with love, marsha & joe roliardi
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Today’s tweets: A little news…. https://staging.zenyatta.com/news/5416
Sports Illustrated story about Zenyatta’s Baby Shower: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/more/news/20120314/zenyatta-baby-shower/index.html
All fans will receive this poster of Zenyatta and her colt this Saturday at Santa Anita for L.A.’s biggest baby shower. http://pic.twitter.com/xM2W8IlO
anna in CA
he is so cute, i love him and you the queen
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Hi Zenny, I just got back from the sale in Ocala. I am about to fall asleep on my computer but I was afraid if I didn’t. it may hit a point in numbers when it would stop didn’t Know? It was a wonderful sale there were some of the most beattiful horses I have seen yet. OMG, I about lost my mine. I didn’t buy one, but fell in love with a number of them. One that I was crazy about sold and one that I liked was pulled from the sale. They just had an amazing group this year.
@ Dottie, I met your son David. He is so very nice. I know you are so proud of him. It just made me the happiest person to get to say hello to him. I told him to tell you that we loved you. Celebrity’s around every corner. I saw Mike Repole also, I could have kicked myself, I meant to ask him how Uncle Mo was, but instead I told hm that we loved Uncle Mo. He thanked me, he was very nice also. You know sometimes you just get dumb struck when you just happen to run into someone. I saw him yesterday.
I think I was scurrying over to the barn to see A. P. Indy’s Colt. Everyone he was just gorgeous. I think he is going to be a real good race horse. He just looked the part. I visited with him for a good while over at his stall and talked to the guy that Had brought him there. I told the colt how I loved his Dad, (yes I do talk to them) He sounded like he understood. He looked so much like Indy. I heard somesone say that D Wayne Lucas was on the phone trying to buy him, but he got cut off. I remember them saying in the booth that they lost the Caller. I guess that was Wayne. He went to I believeMark Casse, (I hope I spelled that right.)
@Marty R, I had to tell you there were some of the prettiest Gray there this time. There was one that was a light gray with very dark mane and tail he was just beautiful. Beautiful
I am almost crying, I know I will miss everyone everyday. But you guys everybody’s still out there and I just believe we will still get the low down from time to time. I was so encouraged that they are going to hopefully do a forum.
Love to Everyone, We must all keep in touch.
Zenny Love you and Baby Z & B. Love, Always, Peggy
Sue Fredrick-Wisconsin-Tearful
Peggy N, sure sounds like you had a great time, boy I would have loved to see that Indy colt in person, you know he is my man, but I did see a picture of him on the Bloodhorse website. Looks like a racer!
I did tell Sally about you being there, and this morning she said there were just too many people and didn’t see you. Too bad, always nice to put a face to
Z’s posters. Hugs
Sounds like you had such a great time!
It will fun watching the horses race–you saw them at the beginning.
I’m sure that the Forum is coming.
It just takes awhile for the Web Team to get everything in place.
Welcome back!
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Yes, I do believe there will be a forum, we can probably just go back and forth from news to here maybe for a while.
I am sorry I missed Sally, but there was so many people there , she was right. We should have thougt about meeting some place like the girls at Santa Anita do..But I guess it just cameup so fast. I know the second day of the sale I spent a lot of time at the barn area, going to see the horses. When I was at Hip # 333’s stall I saw Bob Bafffet walk by and I told him Good LUck in Dubai. He said Thank You. It is so nice when you live somewhere like South Georgia and you don’t get to see these greats very often, this is a lot of fun.
I wil just cherish getting to speak to David for a few minutes.
And I was just blown away by Indy’s Boy.
Hi Sis Dawn will have to find you have missed your posts. I have to get time to go back and read and find you and a lot of friends.
Love to All.
Dear Zen, being as busy as you are these days I can certainly understand your wanting to take a writing break and focus more on the new treasure in your life. But I will miss your diary SO MUCH! I was even going to ask if it might be possible if we could get a video of what you were describing — giving your foal a running head start and then catching him. But I understand if you’re too busy.
If you could do me one favor though. Could you thank Dottie from the very bottom of my heart (and I think all our hearts here) for helping you share this most wonderful journey with us? I was already of fan of YOURS but have become a fan of hers and the rest of your family as well.
Will be hoping for periodic updates when you’re of a mind to write again!
With much love and gratitude — All best to you, your foal and your connections, always.
Sarah T.
I’ll miss the daily diary but life has to be lived and you are living it beautifully, Z. So glad we’ve been able to share the ride so long through the diary and love the baby photos. :)
Lisag in Texas Thankful for Ann&Jerry for keeping this Alive
@Sierra, I left you a message at the bottom of your poem in NEWS…Lisag
Hi my name is Madison bower Im 12 years old from On Canada. I knew zenyatta since her first race in fact my grandfather and I bet on her. He always told me that I could choose any horse I wanted even if the odds weren’t in my favor, I choose zenyatta to win and so she did. I can resite every race shes ever been in and what the anouncer said. Zenyatta is my FAVOURITE race horse of all time. I’m so sad to see her diary entries go, thank you for creating this website. Yesterday I was in a horse backriding acciedent i have a broken nose,spraied finger and a minor cuncussion, it was hard at first not being able to ride cause my parents were freaking out, i started to believe that all horses were like that, because of the false knoledge they were filling my head with. When I look at zenyatta it’s just a reminder that anything is possible and i can over come anything
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny ♥♥
AWW, YOU ARE SO PRECIOUS! That’s right, don’t ever give up! TOO CUTE!
carol in utah
still no baby….
Yes, I know this was posted yesterday.
But, with so many posts being added, wanted to make sure that everyone knows.
Terry Crow
I am anxious to see just what form this forum takes.
Me too!
Have fun Saturday!
Say “hey” to Auntie Judy.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
You’re absolutely right, Keta. I keep finding new posts by people who haven’t yet realized there is MORE now in NEWS, and that there is now more than one News post. This will go on for awhile. I think some people felt so hurt at the initial loss, that they haven’t come back yet, to find out that there was good news, too.
Here is the exact message from the Web Team
Hello everyone!
We are constantly hard at work behind the scenes to make sure this website is running smoothly. We will continue to add photos, videos, and new features.
Currently in the works is a forum where you can all share stories, memories, horse racing news, and all things Zenyatta. Check back very soon for updates!
Zenyatta’s Web Team
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny ♥♥
All – Kari’s daughter posted a video that Kari almost had the joy of sharing with us …. see NEWS LE post…. RIP ANGEL …
Linda Edwards in NJ
Dear Dottie:
If this website were a stage and us posters the audience. We would give you a standing ovation shouting out BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO.
Thanks for everything.
You will be missed.
– Linda
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
We have got to get organized here. I don’t know where to look anymore (here? in the comments under the News postings?). I’m afraid I will miss something important (not just about Z and baby Z but about all of you). My suggestion would be to switch over to the “News” postings so that we can keep current, and the page won’t get so enormously long. That’s where the “forum” will be eventually. Other ideas?
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny ♥♥
Sandy, I always check both. You never know when a surprise could pop up. I usually go to NEWS first and read post. I then go back to #457 to continue reading other new post from dumplings. I know a lot of back and forth, but I don’t want to miss something! LOL!
Sierra is so grateful for you all (Look below for present)
I agree with you Sandy we should try to switch everyone over.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
People will naturally move over, but I think a lot of people were so bummed about the bad news, that they haven’t come back yet, to hear the good news. So it may trickle from here for a long time, with more reminders. Actually, it would be good if they posted ONE more Diary, telling people to come on over to the Forum or News or where ever it is. And the Web Team may likely have thought of that, already.
I am glad that we are still receiving news, but this is where I always came to talk with you, Zenyatta. Hope you don’t mind me stopping by from time to time to tell you how comforting you are and how glad I am that you are doing so well.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
New Tweet: Z’s Baby Shower at Santa Anita https://staging.zenyatta.com/news/zs-baby-shower-at-santa-anita
Sue Noel/Sun Valley,ID
@ Dawn Conrad-Thanks SO much for your sweet message of night before last!!! It meant so much to me to hear from you. I didn’t actually get to see it until yesterday morning,as it must have come in between the two messages I typed that night. When I was through with the second one,I went right to bed,knowing that,once again,all was right with the world.
I tried to answer you right away yesterday morning but my computer kept freezing up at work,so I gave up! Then,last night I got caught up in doing an email to London for a travel client of mine ( I do travel arrangements from my home as a sideline)and sat down on the bed for “just a few minutes”. Next thing I knew,it was morning!!
I had wanted to read all of the postings night before last before I wrote mine and I just loved yours—so beautifully said,as always!!!It is so wonderful that we are still going to have a way to “stay together”. I notice that there is already a message board with lots of messages on it. So I guess we’ll start using that instead of making this one 10,000 messages long!!!
I’m going to once again ask them to keep the archives section (which,I imagine,they already planning to do) so that we can look back at all the Diaries and see the photos on the links there,and re-read the diaries. They were all so magical,they need to be treasured–particulary the really special one’s,like ones from you and OUR KARI!!!
I notice that entries being typed here now are very slow to show up as I’m typing,which I attribute to the fact that there are so many messages on here. Guess it’s time to switch over to the new board!!!
Have a wonderful day,dear friend!!!!
Louise Castello
Where is the message board? Probably looking right at it but can’t see it. Help! Thanks
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
I don’t see it either unless its the “News” button.
Sierra is so grateful for you all (Look below for present)
It is not up yet.