Dear Beloved Friends,
Wouldn’t you know those EARS anywhere? I love looking at THEM and every single part of MY adorable colt! This entire experience is very precious to ME and to my entire TEAM!
On this day, I wanted to share a few more of my favorite photos with YOU. After all, I think this fortunate foal is blessed to have the most GODPARENTS of anyone in history. I truly can’t THANK YOU enough for the way you have embraced both of US….ME for so many years….and now my ‘Dumpling’.
Many of you have asked about HIS NAME. At this time, my colt does not have an official name. Per the standard practice in our industry, he is referred to as “12 Zenyatta”. His halter tag reads this way indicating year born…and Mom’s name. I know Ann and Jerry so well and can only imagine how many countless hours they will spend discussing this to make sure he has the perfect name. I trust their judgment completely!
The most fun he and I’ve shared so far is when he ‘takes off’ to run in the paddock. Just like in MY RACING CAREER, I give him a head start (on purpose)…and then I catch him in a FLASH! This is one FUN GAME we play…and I’m loving every single stride.
I must say, having been a MOM now for a few days, I’m already applying some of the basics of MOM 101. (A HIGH HOOF to my Lane’s End pals for tutoring ME with some special GREAT MOM TIPS.) I’m really doing very well at ‘my new career’ and am rather proud of myself. (Blush, Blush)
My baby is by my side every moment….and I am loving it! We walk together, eat together, cuddle together, and learn together. I’m getting a daily education on all of the right things to do for him…and I’m hoping in return he is learning to be ONE FINE COLT from ME!
In life, things go FULL CIRCLE. I have gone from being a foal…to now having one of my very own to care for each day. In between these 2 stages of life, I have been incredibly blessed to achieve countless amazing accomplishments, a great deal of success in my profession, and to meet and share MY LIFE with some of the finest people one could ever hope to call her FRIENDS!
I do feel at this time, it is extremely important for ME to take some time off from my daily DIARY writing and allow myself the opportunity to BOND EVEN MORE to MY NEW FOAL and FOCUS on being his MOM. (I think in human terms, this is called a child-rearing leave!)
From the bottom of MY HEART, I want to THANK YOU for the joy, support, and love you have brought to ME over these past years. As I’m putting my “writing hooves on the shelf for a bit,” I also want to thank the countless people who have submitted photos (Sarah, you have been so kind) and written so many treasured responses in relation to the Diary entries.
Dottie and I wrote the very first Diary entry on November 1, 2010. We have cherished every single moment of sharing all of these experiences and memories with you….OUR DEAR and TREASURED FRIENDS!
Again, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! I will think of you often during my time off…and I hope you will do the same of ME….especially when you see the letter “Z” or hear any of my favorite sayings as ….”Too cute…Blush, Blush…It’s ME…Wink, Wink, BARN 55, High Hoof and I’m a MOM.”
Until next time…
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I so mean this from the bottom of MY HEART!)
I’d respectfully like to add a SPECIAL NOTE OF THANKS and a HUGE GROUP HUG to all of the people who have done so much to orchestrate and guide my racing career…and now my life as a broodmare. It is such a large and loving group which would include but not be limited to: all of my dear pals at BARN 55, LANE’S END, MY ANN and JERRY, MY JOHN, MY MIKIE, MARIO, FRANK, CHEVA, MICHELLE, DAWN, STEVE, and so many others!
Then, of course, I’d like to send a very special HIGH HOOF and one very BIG HUG to my writing partner, DOTTIE!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
I dislike posting this on Z’s site, but I just heard some good and bad news. The bad news first: A THIRD horse had to be euthanized after being injured on the set of Luck. The good news is: HBO has SUSPENDED the use of horses in the filming of this series. The American Humane Association is conducting an investigation and hopefully, the suspension will be permanent. There are other ways to portray racing scenes – I’m sure there must be some way to use footage of actual races – but getting releases from all the owners, trainers, jockeys, etc., involved in using the footage would pose a problem, but it could be done without needless injury and death to the horses. The THIRD horse to die was being led by someone (not accustomed to handling horses? I don’t know this, just wondering) and the horse for some reason reared up and flipped over, hitting its head, and had to be put to sleep. Hopefully, something will finally be done.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Rosemary how awful. I really dislike the show. It is ugly. I wanted to say THANK YOU again for my Beautiful picture of the Queen. I look at it everyday. Love, Shari
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
My pleasure. You are so welcome – I’m glad that you enjoy it.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Rosemary, that type of accident happens at tracks and other places. It is generally referred to as “flipping.” It has nothing to to with the fact that a television show was being filmed or with the handler, who probably is experienced. Horses are very skittish. They are prey animals with an instinct to flee. All sorts of things can startle them–a bird, a piece of trash blown by the wind. Remember Real Quiet? Flipped in his pasture and broke his neck. Last June, Unrivalled Belle, the BC Ladies’ Classic winner, flipped in the paddock while waiting to be saddled for a race. She broke her withers and was summarily retired.
The problem isn’t so much with “Luck” as with Santa Anita, which has been rough on horses this year. Quite a few have been vanned off. If they were at another track, say Keeneland or maybe even Churchill, we probably wouldn’t be having this discussion.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Laura: By way of background – I was a race tracker for years and years. I have exercised and worked horses (thoroughbreds and quarter horses) and started yearlings for years. I have had a few “flip” with me over the years in the startng gate, to and from the track and at the farm. Luckily, I was never injured badly. I’ve also ridden English in competition and shown quarter horses at halter.
The horses injured in racing scenes during the filming of Luck were quite possibly (I wasn’t there) but I’ve been at the filming of horse movies before and it is likely that these horses were made to run some distance (short or long, I don’t know) many times during the course of filming a scene. If the shot or hte lighting or something else wasn’t right, they would have to film the scene a second or third and so on and so on until they get it right. Using horses that are not in peformance condition obviously will take its toll on their bodies, especially if these horses being used had any kind of past injury liked a bowed tendon, for example, causing them to break down and thus be euthanized. Even finely tuned and toned horses in training can’t take being asked to perform over and over in one day, Can you see a horse running in the first race, then being asked to run again in a race later in the card? Also, I don’t know what caused this particular horse to “flip” while he was being led back to his stall after filming, it certainly could have been caused by a blowing piece of paper, but it could also have been by mishandling.
Wondeful background, Rosemary. So fortunate to have
Such a long and loved career with horses. Riding
Them is their really true gift. They take you places
A human is not able to go; only to fly on the flat or over
Terry Crow
That’s our Rosemary. Redneck to the core.
Michelle M - England
Rosemary, Lisag and Alex – thank you for your messages, I have not gone in work today as could not face it (also my eyes and head are hurting that much), you are so right, Tara is a member of our family, I am picking her back up a week on Monday as I am having her ashes and she is going in her favourite place – next to the fire in the living room, it does help knowing that there are such friendly and understanding people, I will keep checking on the site as really enjoy reading / chatting with everyone on here, again thank you xxxx
Lisag in Texas Thankful for Ann&Jerry for keeping this Alive
Michelle, I have all three of my boys’ boxes of ashes with something of theirs on top, and then little statues of their breed and their color. My girl I buried when I lived in CA, and then I moved here without her…so for now on I cremate so I can take them with me if I need to.. Prayers for you….Lisag
Still crying in the Rain, but I got wondering, what if Dottie or her John was not feeling well!!!!!!!!!!, the abruptness sounds eerie.Haven said that, I also hope that ANN AND JERRY MOSS are doing well. In our sadness, let us also PRAY for GOD’S Grace on the lives of all those who are associated with the Queen.I PRAY all is well with Everyone. AMEN.
George Matkovich
GOOGLE ALERTS-ZENYATTA sign up for instant news to your e-mail Ive had it for well over a year sends you anythingwritten or reported to you inbox.
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny - ♥♥ NO More Broken Heart!!
Yes, I love it! ANY little bleep of Zenyatta, and it comes to you in e-mail! Gee, I forgot how I signed up for it though! Maybe just Google GOGGLE ALERTS ZENYATTA. That may work!
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Z Family I told the children and they are sad too.
My name is Shaylin i heard what happened that your are not going to post on here for a while so you can spend time with baby Z I hope you type again or we will be really sad :( Well i hope you and baby z have a great time together
Love:Shaylin Stovall in hm:215
Lisag in Texas Thankful for Ann&Jerry for keeping this Alive
Shaylin, Zenyatta will type again soon. She has a beautiful baby boy to take care of now, so she will not have time to type everyday. She said she will send us pictures to this site and give us all the good news, just not everyday. Put on that Zenyatta smile and give Ms. Voltz a mighty High Hoove…Lisag
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Shaylin: Keep in touch. I believe Zenyatta will give us news once in a while and maybe even a photo or two. Thank you for loving Zenyatta as much as all of us do. Maybe you can write us again and tell us about how school is going.
Terry Crow
Shaylin-I’m sure Ms. Voltz will be able to let the class know what the new form of this blog will be. When that happens, I hope you return.
George Matkovich
You know –What if 100,000 people sign up for Google Alerts-Zenyatta
Could you imagine the headlines -lets try this one
Lisag in Texas Thankful for Ann&Jerry for keeping this Alive
George, how do you set this up…Lisag..not that good with puters
Louise Castello
Yes, please George, how do we set this up? Thanks so much. Great Idea!
Louise and anyone who wants to set up ‘Google Alerts’ on your computer.
Go to Google.com/alerts, a dialong box will appear for you to click on and insert what you want. In the top space type in Zenyatta then click on the rest of the tabs to let Google know how often and what you want to be notified of. Very easy and simple. You don’t even have to have a Google email account. Any email account will suffice. If you still have problems with this , there is google.com alerts help on youtube.com they are tutorials on how to set this up. You won’t have any problems very easy.
Wow, Zenny–Your colt is absolutely adorable and those ears are definitely a mark of distinction that shows his lineage :)
Your posts have been a wonderful highlight in my life. I will definitely miss them, the photos, and the personal connection we have with you.
Please consider resuming, but at a more relaxed pace (once a week or monthly?).
In any case, have a wonderful, wonderful life and stay healthy!
Love ya and your colt,
Pati- HUGE fan of Queen Z's Prince
Hey Z Family!
Just a quick message but did anyone else notice the update that Betfair has bought Hollywood Park, and are making plans to renovate and draw younger crowds? This is exciting! I just read this!
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny - ♥♥ NO More Broken Heart!!
carol in utah
TVG….also part of Betfair is doing segment now about deal…supposedly a
many yr deal
Pati- HUGE fan of Queen Z's Prince
Terry Crow
Interesting. I just hope Betfair’s idea called exchange wagering doesn’t take hold. Lot of shady stuff possible.
Karen Gogue
Yes, Terry that may not be good! I don’t like that either! I think they would need some kind of permission to do that though.
Terry, please read my post March 14 around 3:20 pm.
A FORUM is being designed for sharing.
So, we all will be back chattting, sharing, & caring.
Terry Crow
Keta-Sounds good. I hope it happens.
Sue Simpson
Anything on Tasty yet????
carol in utah
Nothing on lanes end foal list about Tasty…checked this am
When Z was placed with T after zennys second date with B….I looked T up for info…
she still listed as active at that time…was months before info was updated…
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
Check the “NEWS”, Tasty is still in foal, and Lanes End promised to keep us uipdated with her as well. I bet she has her baby girl tomorrow night. Thank you Ann, Jerry and everyone at Lanes End.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
I must say thank you to Ann and Jerry Moss for the warm and gracious letter that reassures us that Zenny/Dottie will continue to let us know what is happening when there is something happening. I feel a whole heap better knowing that I don’t have go cold turkey.
I wonder if Santa Anita’s gift shop will ship that poster to Canada, must check into that.
Louise Castello
Dear someone!?! Would someone remind me how to sign up for google alerts? Great idea, but I never did and forgot how! Sorry and thanks!
carol in utah
Hi Louise
I just did it
If I can…so can you
I typed…. google.com/alerts
From there its fill in the blanks
I just typed zennys name and
next picked all
hope this helps
Louise Castello
Thank you, thank you. thank you!
Margie from SoCal
One more time, because I can’t help it: I love you, Zenyatta!
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny - ♥♥ NO More Broken Heart!!
No more TWEETS either?
Zenny, Your Ann and Jerry did a wonderful thing for us. They wrote a great fan letter and promosed to keep us updated on YOU and little Prince. I could not ask for any more. You are responsible for bringing me back to the sport of horseracing after I swore never to fall for a horse again. But, there you were in all your grandeur, dancing, prancing and opening your heart to your adoring public. I fell hook.line and sinker.
I can’t wait for more pics of you and your darling foal and understand why Dottie needs some time away from this precious diary. Maybe, just maybe we’ll get another on special days like your birthday and the holidays. My wish for you and your entire team is for good health and true happiness the rest of your days. You are a once in a life-time horse and I feel honored to be one of your dumplings. When my husband and I saw your race at the BC 2010 I saw greatness personified in your spectacular being.
To Sarah, Matt, Charles and all at LE who are entrusted with your care…you are among the luckiest people on earth.
Maybe I will once again have a chance to see you …..if not, you have a piece of my heart forever.
Soft kisses on your nose and little Prince.
Everyone go up a bit and see where I explained to Louise how to set up ‘Google Alerts’ on your computer. There are tutorials on Youtube.com too that explains Google Alerts. I think you all wil want this added protection on keeping up with news of Zneyatta and foal.
Karen Gogue
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
@Karen, I am so happy and relieved that HP is saved. When I heard a few years back that it was going to be gone..I just thought, no way..they cannot do that. Zenyatta’s World and HP saved…Lisag
Pati- HUGE fan of Queen Z's Prince
YAY!! So it is true!
I love seeing you and your colt. I am sad that the diary will be on hold. I hope it’s not permanently on hold. I know that YOUR DOTTIE is a very busy lady and we all so appreciate her efforts in keeping us updated. I know it’s a lot of work for her. I know most of us would understand if updates could only be done periodically (i.e. weekly or monthly).
Karen Gogue
Congratulations Betfair/Hollywood Park! And thank you for saving all those backside workers their jobs! (and the horsey’s comfortable barns and their blessed trainers!)
Terry Crow
Agree on that point.
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny ♥♥
Well, Zenny, must get on with my life here at home! I love you and b♥by too!
Abigail from Montreal
New bulletin on ZENNY & BABY Z:
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince In Tears
@Abigail, thank you for sharing this. It made so much more excited and relieved. Lane’s End is going to get us thru this transition. When I think about it, it was mentioned that someone named ‘Sarah’ (we did not know her at the time) would take over the Diary once Zenyatta retired and was settled in at Lanes End. Dottie kept it going and I never gave it much more thought. I am so happy…Lisag
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny ♥♥
ALL – click onto NEWS at top for latest from Zenny and baby! TOO CUTE!
Thank you Karen.
Here is the letter Ann & Jerry Moss posted:
We all appreciate very much what Dottie has created, bringing the voice of Zenyatta to her multitude of fans. We can also appreciate just how much work went into completing over a year’s worth of daily dairy entries, describing from November 1, 2010 the transition of a tremendous race horse to becoming a broodmare and, today, a successful one with a healthy colt by her side. For all of this we are grateful. Grateful, as always, for being blessed with owning this great mare since she was a yearling. Grateful for the treatment and training she received form John Shirreffs, Mike Smith and the great people at Barn 55. Grateful for all the terrific people at Lane’s End Farm, her current care-takers, doing what they do everyday for Zenyatta.
And certainly grateful to Dottie, our racing manager, who emerged to describe Zenyatta’s thoughts as if she could write them herself.
Well done Zenyatta!
And well done, Dottie!
With this website, we will do our best to continue to inform you of what’s happening in Zenyatta and her colt’s lives. Stories of interest will be published periodically with photos and news flashes as the events dictate. It probably won’t make up for the daily Diary that told her story so very well, but in the meantime, we hope you will continue to enjoy Zenyatta.com. We appreciate how much this community means to Zenyatta’s fans just as we appreciate how much all of you mean to her.
With gratitude,
Ann & Jerry Moss
Hello everyone!
We are constantly hard at work behind the scenes to make sure this website is running smoothly. We will continue to add photos, videos, and new features. Currently in the works is a forum where you can all share stories, memories, horse racing news, and all things Zenyatta. Check back very soon for updates!
Zenyatta’s Web Team
Another THANK YOU!
FYI–There is a Comment area!
And, if you read above: A FORUM is coming to share.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
EVERYONE – there is a new picture and post from Lane’s End under the News section of Zenny’s website. WOOO HOOO!!!
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince In Tears
Sandy, thank you. Such a cute picture. She cannot take her eyes off him. I guess I will have to check the News section Daily as well…Lisag
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Thank you for letting us know. I need to remember to check the “News” every day from now on.
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince In Tears
@Terry Crow & Signofthetimes, I left you a response to your response of my post of 9:05AM. I think I found out a way to find posts after I lose them, if I can get the time..in time..Lisag
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Lisag: When you are in the diary date you are searching, have you tried holding down the Ctrl and the f key? When you do that, a box opens at the top of your screen and you can type in your name exactly or someone else’s name exactly and the first instance of that name will appear. If it’s not the right one, then hit “next” or “previous”. If I mistook the meaning of your post about finding previous posts, sorry.
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince In Tears
Rosemary, thank you..no, sad to say you understood perfectly about my losing posts..constantly. Today there are so many, I feel like I am in the middle of the Ocean. I will write your instructions down, keep your hooves crossed that I can do it…Lisag
Joanne (Wyoming)
I hope the sudden stopping of the diary has nothing to do with Dottie and something changing in her life or health.
Will enjoy reading the News from Team Z with updates and photos.
thank you Ann and Jerry Moss and Team Z for sharing Zenny with her public
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
@Rosemary, I found Karen’s post for the SA poster, got in, saw the Beautiful poster and got kicked out. I can’t access at work, so I wanted to get to it now that I am home. I wanted to respond to Karen, and tried what you said..this is how bad I am at this..it took me three times to find the FIND BOX, but, girl, I did it and now I know how. Thank you. Not just horses leaning here, when I sign off, I am following the instructions for the Google/Alert. Ah, keep your hooves crossed..once again…Lisag
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Z’s fans can do anything!
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
LOL, you are so right!…Loves ya…Lisag
Jan Clair Mason
Thanks for the love …..with Zennie and now son. My God Bless you Zenyatta and son, and you Dottie for the gift to so many. Thanks and God Bless to Ann and Jerry and John too. I will keep you all in my prayers daily. Jan Clair
Team Zenyatta once again has done an outstanding job!
We just had to do a little treasure hunting to find it.
A big thank you for Karen for letting us know!!!
Posted on Wed. March 14 2012
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
@Family: We had an unbelieveable journey with Zenyatta/Dottie, but we still have Zenyatta and Our Family. It has been very emotional for all of us, beginning with the loss of Our Beloved Kari, then the upcoming birth where Mike Smith had us all sitting up all night, and Zenyatta’s First Born appeared with the full moon, not even a week later we are mourning the loss of Our Dottie while celebrating the kindness and generousity of Ann, Jerry and the beautiful people at Lane’s End. I am noticing some of us are not here tonight, but hope the word spreads fast and everyone comes home. I, for one am exhausted and emotionally drained so I will say Good Night to all of you now, and will see you tomorrow…Dreams of Peppermints, Carrots and flowers to munch on…Lisag