Dear Beloved Friends,
Wouldn’t you know those EARS anywhere? I love looking at THEM and every single part of MY adorable colt! This entire experience is very precious to ME and to my entire TEAM!
On this day, I wanted to share a few more of my favorite photos with YOU. After all, I think this fortunate foal is blessed to have the most GODPARENTS of anyone in history. I truly can’t THANK YOU enough for the way you have embraced both of US….ME for so many years….and now my ‘Dumpling’.
Many of you have asked about HIS NAME. At this time, my colt does not have an official name. Per the standard practice in our industry, he is referred to as “12 Zenyatta”. His halter tag reads this way indicating year born…and Mom’s name. I know Ann and Jerry so well and can only imagine how many countless hours they will spend discussing this to make sure he has the perfect name. I trust their judgment completely!
The most fun he and I’ve shared so far is when he ‘takes off’ to run in the paddock. Just like in MY RACING CAREER, I give him a head start (on purpose)…and then I catch him in a FLASH! This is one FUN GAME we play…and I’m loving every single stride.
I must say, having been a MOM now for a few days, I’m already applying some of the basics of MOM 101. (A HIGH HOOF to my Lane’s End pals for tutoring ME with some special GREAT MOM TIPS.) I’m really doing very well at ‘my new career’ and am rather proud of myself. (Blush, Blush)
My baby is by my side every moment….and I am loving it! We walk together, eat together, cuddle together, and learn together. I’m getting a daily education on all of the right things to do for him…and I’m hoping in return he is learning to be ONE FINE COLT from ME!
In life, things go FULL CIRCLE. I have gone from being a foal…to now having one of my very own to care for each day. In between these 2 stages of life, I have been incredibly blessed to achieve countless amazing accomplishments, a great deal of success in my profession, and to meet and share MY LIFE with some of the finest people one could ever hope to call her FRIENDS!
I do feel at this time, it is extremely important for ME to take some time off from my daily DIARY writing and allow myself the opportunity to BOND EVEN MORE to MY NEW FOAL and FOCUS on being his MOM. (I think in human terms, this is called a child-rearing leave!)
From the bottom of MY HEART, I want to THANK YOU for the joy, support, and love you have brought to ME over these past years. As I’m putting my “writing hooves on the shelf for a bit,” I also want to thank the countless people who have submitted photos (Sarah, you have been so kind) and written so many treasured responses in relation to the Diary entries.
Dottie and I wrote the very first Diary entry on November 1, 2010. We have cherished every single moment of sharing all of these experiences and memories with you….OUR DEAR and TREASURED FRIENDS!
Again, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! I will think of you often during my time off…and I hope you will do the same of ME….especially when you see the letter “Z” or hear any of my favorite sayings as ….”Too cute…Blush, Blush…It’s ME…Wink, Wink, BARN 55, High Hoof and I’m a MOM.”
Until next time…
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I so mean this from the bottom of MY HEART!)
I’d respectfully like to add a SPECIAL NOTE OF THANKS and a HUGE GROUP HUG to all of the people who have done so much to orchestrate and guide my racing career…and now my life as a broodmare. It is such a large and loving group which would include but not be limited to: all of my dear pals at BARN 55, LANE’S END, MY ANN and JERRY, MY JOHN, MY MIKIE, MARIO, FRANK, CHEVA, MICHELLE, DAWN, STEVE, and so many others!
Then, of course, I’d like to send a very special HIGH HOOF and one very BIG HUG to my writing partner, DOTTIE!
Shannon From Cool, CA
We are almost at an all time high of reaching 1,000 comments, only just over 20 more to go.
How’s everyone feeling this morning?
Carol Couvillon, So. Cal
I feel lost, terrible feeling. All good things must come to an end. I just didn’t expect it so quickly. A beautiful baby boy and now he’s gone and his Mom too. I’m not doing very well at all. I visited here everyday and Idon’t know what I’m going do to keep in touch with everyone. I cannot see through the tears. My heart is broken.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Shannon: Thank you for asking about everyone. I for one FEEL MUCH BETTER now that I know the site is not going away. All of us will still be able to stay in touch with each other, we just won’t have daily posts to read, but everyone on this site is very interesting and I look forward to reading everyone’s stories, jokes, etc. And there’s the ZENYATTA SHOP. I hope they offer a new Plushie soon. It will be different here, but different isn’t always bad. I’m glad that we will get updates on Zenyatta and the prince and look forward to seeing how he is growing between the photos they will share with us. I’m the Mosses need private time to enjoy the new little guy without the world lookin on. After all, the older he gets, and when he begins to learn his “lessons” as Zenyatta described her early training, they won’t have him all to themselves. The world will be watching this one!
Lisag in Texas With a Mending Heart Adoring The Prince & The Queen
Shannon, I am so sleepy..It has been a rough 2 weeks..Up then Down and now sleepily getting back UP again. I am so thankful that this site will remian Zenyatta’s World…thank you Ann & Jerry. Shannon, how you doin?
Agnes Carlson
Oh Zenny, we will miss you so much. I feel so sad now, but I hope you will have the greatest time! Send my love to your wonderful colt!
Until next time,
xoxo Agnes in sweden. <3
Not sad any more just read the good NEWS. God Bless all
Mr and Mrs Moss we understand that Queen Z needs a lot of Mommy time right now, but please don’t just cut us off. I too have a brand new foal that was born just one week ago today. I watch almost the entire time that the sun is up and love playing with our new baby, but Zenyatta has become a bright beacon in a sometimes dreary world, and now with her new baby, we all just want more. Can’t you at least post once a week or every two weeks. It will give us something to look forward to, to find out how the Queen and new prince are doing. Personally for me she brought me back to being interested in Horse Racing. I got very involved in Barbaro and just lost my love for the sport. But she brought me back and I would hope that all of us do not lose that again.
Thank you
Julie Malida
It is hard for me to share such mixed emotions. I am so happy for you, but will miss your daily posts so terribly. I will let the love just build and build until you come back and will have to find some other way to fill that void each morning in the meantime!
Blessings to you …you are a joy to humanity.
I suppose we will never know why this site changed so abruptly, but perhaps it had to do something with the Video that was first posted after Prince was born. We could only see it for a few hours, then it was marked Private. I think perhaps this happened because it got several “dislikes”. Maybe? Our Zenyatta World was a fairy tale and now we must deal with reality. Zenyatta is a horse, but what a great horse. I’m still IN.
Terry Crow
I do not understand how anyone could “dislike” the video.
I just sobbed last night. I know that this site will continue, but I felt homesick. I was already missing this place where everything was good and life with a beautiful horse was so wonderful. In a minute, it was all gone. So hard to adjust that quickly. I’m still reeling.
carol in utah
CHECK OUT LETTER FROM MOSSES…find it under “news”….
The. Z site is NOT going away…
I will miss Zenny/Dottiie daily posts, but am eternally grateful we had them as long as we did….
running this site could be a full time job…and the wonderful Dottie already has at least two of those….
Would the occasional photo of the adorable sophie…such a cuie
have much reading to do…..over 1000 here and another 200 under letter from the Mosses
As always kissess! For Zennys soft nose and for Baby Z Tasty
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
To all the folks that have posted on Wednesday morning. Please go to the news section and see the letter the Moss’s wrote to their fans. Take heart. They have good news.
It is such a positive message for all. Zenyatta.com and the “News” section.
Wipe those tears and know that they truly care about the fans. It will just be a different journey but all things Zenyatta.
Hugs to all.
Michelle M - England
Gutted that the diary posts will be ending for a while, logged on today as yesterday I had to take my 15 year old Staffy Bull “Tara” to the vets to put sleep and I am completely devastated, the pictures made me think of life and how precious time with the ones we love is then read about the diary posts going on hold and was gutted again, hope all with Zenyatta and “Zendini” is well, will also miss all of the comments on here love Michelle xxx
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Michelle – the site isn’t over with, we will still be able to connect with each other. The difference will be that Zenyatta/Dottie will not write a daily diary, and will instead post updates and some photos periodically. Please check in as usual, along with all of us to keep in touch and see how the site is redesigned so that all of Z’s fans can stay in touch.
Sympathy to you for the loss of your beloved dog. Been there – I know what you must be feeling.
Lisag in Texas With a Mending Heart Adoring The Prince & The Queen
Michelle, I am so sorry to hear about your caniine baby, Tara. I know how you feel, my Lucy is 10 now, and I think about how fast the time goes…has it really been 10 years since I held her in the palm of my hand? My canine boys, they will meet up with Tara, they will help Tara along the way…Prayers and love…Lisag
Alex Bowdoin, MA
Michelle, I am very sorry to hear of your loss. It is very difficult to put a member of
your family to sleep. HUGS TO YOU
Terry Crow
Michelle-Always good to hear from our friends in the UK. Sorry about your dog. My old hound Corrie will be there at the Rainbow Bridge to guide your precious Tara.
Marshall (in NC)
So sorry about your Tara. Healing thoughts and prayers go out to you — it is so very hard to lose such pure love. Tara will always be in your heart and will continue to watch over you. Take care and when the time is right, perhaps another deserving soul will find a home with you.
The Zenyatta diary site will continue to be here, but not with daily posts. We can still stay in-touch and get updates, photos, etc. Dottie will no longer be Zenny’s scribe so we will miss her very much. Check the News section of the Diary Page for a letter from The Mosses about this.
All the Best Always
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny - ♥♥ NO More Broken Heart!!
Ohhhh, just saw the beautiful poster that SA is giving to fans this Saturday! Thank you – mom and baby AWWWW! ♥♥
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny - ♥♥ NO More Broken Heart!!
oops! forgot the link!
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny - ♥♥ NO More Broken Heart!!
oops opps! wrong one, sorry! I’ll try to get it right! LOL!
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny - ♥♥ NO More Broken Heart!!
Poster of Z and baby.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
It’s a great poster. I heard the track was going to hand out a poster – I was hoping it would have a photo of the little prince. I assume there will be a 2012 BC announcement as well.
Lisag in Texas With a Mending Heart Adoring The Prince & The Queen
Cannot get it here at work, will check it out when I get home. Loves ya
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
@Karen, I love this poster…How can I get one, do you know? Desparate in Texas…Lisag
Sue Simpson
On getting the poster. There is a fress software on the internet called ZAP GRAB. You can use it to higlight the picture that is facebook, save it to your computer as a JPG and then print. Hope that helps as I wanted one also but cant get to the park from Virginia!
hi Z! I’m having a hard time typing through my tears, I went to thte dentist yesterday for hours of work and was sleepiing the rest, like I lost a day, then this morning I’m catching up and well, this broke my heart… I will miss these daily dairies sooo much but I want to thank YOU, DOOTIE, and all of TEAM Z for sharing YOU with us! I LOVE YOU GORGEOUS MAMA XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO (xtras till next time)
Megan S
<3 <3 <3
OK I have bred horses for about 6 years. I own 6 mares and they are bred every other year. On years they are not bred they go into light work and some are used by trainers in a lesson program. During the foaliing and after there is a lot of manpower to be needed. Foals like babies and puppies have a lot to learn, They need to be taught how to wear a halter and eventually lead. They are taught how to pick up feet and to become grooming tolerant. The staff of larger breeding farms have many mares to tend to. First time brood mares can be nervouse and might be hesitant to have a lot of interferance.This very well could be a case of the people at the breeding farm either not have the manpower to keep an active blog going or Z and the foal showing signs that to much attention is upsetting them. They did not say they are stopping they just said they are not doing it several times a week right now. Which is understandable as the mare and staff could be overwhelmed.
Jan S. / Houston
Hi all Zsters who are still here. Hope you all are having a nice day. Luv you all. ;);)
Terry Crow
Jan-The day has brightened considerably.
Lisag in Texas Thankful for Ann&Jerry for keeping this Alive
Love you, the news will spread quickly and we all will be home again…Lisag
Carlene Nusbaum
Your colt is so cute and I know you will take good care of him. Love to both Zenny and her colt – Hugs and kisses to both of your.
George Matkovich
What a depressing week so far.On Sunday it was announced that my Home track Hastings will probably close and the end of this year after 120 years of racing at the same site-Monday Fort Erie Track in Ontario will probably close after 115 years at the same location Tracks everywhere are in trouble And yesterday The Racehorse that brought together a 100,00 fans on her diary blog notifys abruptly that the end is NOW.
Zenyatta and her team have done more for horse racing than anyone past and present.
Remember there was no social network when Seabiscuit and Secretariat were the fans horses.There was no way to have an intimate close contact with these horses except reading sparse articles in the sport pages and the DRF.
I for one will miss checking in on the Greatest Horse of Alltime and reading all the great comments by all the great fans.
I do hope that all is well within the Z team.
I would like to thank Dottie and the entire Z team
I am now going to put my Zenyatta cap on and go for a walk
Take care Lady Z and take care of our Little Prince
In closing I will sign off the way Hastings legendary Race Caller did
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Not goodbye, George – I believe the site is staying up and we will all be able to connect – just not with the daily diary reports we’re used to. We have been together for quite a while now, and I hate to see anyone leave – we all need to stay in touch and get periodic updates and photos as they are available. Better than nothing at all and in the long run, maybe more often than we think. Don’t say goodbye.
George Matkovich
Your right Im not leaving– by the way if anyone is interested I would suggest signing up GOOGLE ALERTS NEWSLETTER-Zenyatta any news at all and it comes to your e-mail
Terry Crow
George-Your sentiments are well taken. The picture has brightened, though.
George Matkovich
Forgot the racecaller was JACK SHORT
Lisag in Texas With a Mending Heart Adoring The Prince & The Queen
Back from lunch & no new post, this is take some time to get used to. I am happy this post has 3 beautiful pictures of Our Queen and Her Prince…Lisag
Good morning mama Z, I trust that you and the little prince are doing well today. I’m in Northern CA, Sacramento to be exact but live in Southern CA and its being raining since I got here. How is the weather over there??. I just read the news that you would not be blogging anymore and its like the rain was a bad omen raining down on my parade!!!!!!!!.
I want to scream because my heart is breaking but will not because if this is what you want, then we you’r life long fans WOULD honor your wishes, hard as it mIGHT be. I understand your wanting to spend more time with the little man and we will all be here whenever you decide to come back.
If I may make a suggestion to the zillions of Z’s fans, maybe we should keep the blog going were we all still keep in touch with each other and share any news of her that we come across with each other and also continue the good work for equine life that has been possible because of this site. It would be such a waste to let everything come to a screeching halt now!!!!.
We can all continue to keep in touch with each other as has been the practice on this wonderfully positive site if it would be left open, sharing our joys and comforting each through our tough times. I just hope the Mosses and Dottie will agree to keep the site open even if to continue to send sweet messages to the Prince and Queen Z.
Lisag in Texas With a Mending Heart Adoring The Prince & The Queen
Maaureen, I am hoping that all have heard the good news and will start coming in after work. I am so glad Zenyatta’s World is here to stay, thank you Ann & Jerry…Lisag
I agree with many of the other posters. This just seems very sudden. I think it comes across, at least, as being unplanned. I just wish there was some explanation.
Lisag in Texas Thankful for Ann&Jerry for keeping this Alive
I wonder, DRF knew about this before we did, and held off publishing it until this last Diary Post was made. It makes me wonder if it really was sudden, or unplanned. Who knows? I do not think we will ever know what happened…Lisag
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny - ♥♥ NO More Broken Heart!!
George Matkovich
Well Im sad to say
Im on my way
My head is down
My heart is turning around
I had leave
Our lovely girl today
Terry Crow
George-There used to be a track named Jamaica.
George Matkovich
Was it in Kingston Town
George Matkovich
Our girl is in Kentucky Town
Terry Crow
No, New York. Clever lyrics, though.
Susan in SO CAL
Oh Zen, I will miss your diary; it brightened each day for me. I’m feeling a bit misty now. Thanks to your writing partner, Dottie, for sharing your world with us. Please send us occasional updates on you and your Prince. Much love and best of wishes to you, the Prince and all of your connections.
I feel like I just got kicked by a horse and punched in the stomach. I am very grateful to Dottie, Zenyatta, Jerry and Ann, but this sudden departure…I agree…sounds unplanned and like a knee jerk response to something or perhaps something is wrong with Dottie. Gosh, I hope not. Still a loyal Zenyatta Fan, but smarting.
Mary Margaret in Georgia
Praise the Lord we still have Zennyland. We just have to be patient, I believe we will get updates on a different time frame. On the live cast “Talk-in Hosres” I think Mike Cline said Lane’s End had 120 mares foaling. They really have their hands full. Like Stacey above said, the mares & foals, especially need training. At least we have each other to console, until we get our updates. My love for Zenyatta & her foal is forever. Check out Farm News at Lane’s End, you can see when Tasty has her foal, along with all the other mares. Hope everyone has a blessed day. Hang in there.
Lisag in Texas With a Mending Heart Adoring The Prince & The Queen
Well, I reckon JAG did not get fired, but is truly puttin in 8 hours today for the boss…Have not seen her in a couple of few hours…Lisag
Terry Crow
She may be getting fitted for a new prison uniform.
Lisag in Texas Thankful for Ann&Jerry for keeping this Alive
LOL, more than likely….
♥ JAG / Auntie Judy / So. CA
LOL :-)))) I had to send mine to the dry cleaners from all the tears I shed….
Linda B from Va
Reality is setting in and I am going through Zenyatta withdrawal. I feel so lost without an update of how you and the prince are doing. I know that this is about the industry of racing but Zen you were different..You brought a loving feeling to the whole thing. Thanks for the time we had …thanks Dottie and the Team. Just very very sad right now and feel a great loss
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Linda, you did read the NEWS page “Letter To Zenyatta’s Fans” , didn’t you? We are not left with no updates, just not every day.