Happy Monday to All!
It has truly been a very eventful few days. My foal and I are adjusting beautifully to our life together. He is quite smart, inquisitive, and charming ….if I say so myself. (Blush, Blush) I’m hearing others making these same statements about him…so I guess you could say I am in complete agreement with them!
Weather permitting, we spend time outdoors in the paddock together….and then we return to the barn for our evening’s rest. I am pleased to report that he is doing everything perfectly…just as a MOM would hope for a foal who is only a few days old.
I must say, I am having the most fabulous time being a MOM and just watching him…sleep, eat, play, and snuggle up to ME. It is an absolute JOY….and I could not be happier.
Just as with human babies, there is paperwork to be completed upon the birth of a foal. All of the proper information must be submitted to the Jockey Club for his JOCKEY CLUB PAPERS to be issued. These papers are a thoroughbred’s version of a human’s BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
Martha at Lane’s End is preparing his LIVE FOAL report this morning. Later after this information is processed, blood work will be provided and this will be used to properly verify he is definitely MY FOAL SIRED BY BERNARDINI. I.D. photos will be taken and submitted to the Horse Identification Department noting every single aspect of his body…color, white star, any other white hairs, or markings. All of these details are noted in a very explicit format. Such steps are completed with each foal that is born. ALL thoroughbreds are specifically identified and parentage qualified with the goal of keeping the integrity of our sport always operating at the highest levels.
You may remember my HORSE IDENTIFICATION PHOTO. I found it again for you. I was just a few months old at the time it was taken. Who ever thought it would be so much FUN to look at several years later.
Hmmmm! What do you think? Does he take after ME?
When all of these requirements are completed and verified, the Jockey Club will formally issue his CERTIFICATE OF FOAL REGISTRATION. This will follow my adorable little guy, just as a birth certificate does a human, throughout his life…when he races, travels, or whatever else he may do!
I also want to tell you that I checked in on TASTY this morning. She is ‘happily in foal’…and from all indications it appears she still has a few days to wait before she gives birth! I’m wishing her all the best! While he’s napping, I think I’ll send her a few ‘foaling pointers’….now that I’m such a PRO and have a bit of experience in this area!
Please enjoy your week!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’m still in AWE of this entire MOM experience!)
Z….and her BABY! (How cute is that to say!)
This is SO SWEET!!
I just got the memo and the date is all set! SANTA ANITA is having LOS ANGELES’ LARGEST BABY SHOWER FOR ME and MY BABY this Saturday. How special is this!
The life-size painting of ME, THE QUEEN’S DANCE, which we unveiled during My Breeders’ Cup Party last year at Churchill Downs, is going to be on display. Jaime Corum, the artist who created the piece, and some members of my TEAM, will also be there to visit with fans.
The beautiful part of this is that MY SHOWER will honor some of the charities I have worked with during my career! My BABY and I are so fortunate, thus, it is truly my privilege to assist others who may need some help whenever I can!
I’m beginning to realize the ‘teaching part’ of being a MOM starts the minute the baby is born! Thank you for helping ME to illustrate to him the ‘gift of giving to others…comes in so many ways’.
Steve Haskin’s Derby Dozen 3/12/2012
Zenyatta and Foal Video from Bloodhorse; quality is better and so is sound.
Abigail from Montreal
Hi sweet Zenny, Baby Z, Dottie, Zensters, Tasty & TT’s tummy:
This is just so sweet a photo that it really ought to be a painting! Or else an 8 X 10 in your store, Zenny. I just love the soft, goofy expression on your face and I bet that, like a lot of new moms, you’re thinking, “This is MY baby. And just look at him. Perfect little face, perfect little tummy, perfect little feet…” At least, this was DEFINITELY how I spent (at least!) the first 48 hours with my newborn son. I just couldn’t believe that I had nurtured a brand new human being — he was my little miracle! I remember sitting for hours just looking at him….at his fingers, feet and toes, beautiful face, eyelashes….the whole 9 yards!!!! All those early photos, Zenny, I have exactly the same softened and goofy face as your wearing here….the face of love, to be sure, in the “opening hours” of the story you’ll weave together.
Today in Montreal was a true “breath of Spring”! All I could think of were the opening lines from one of my favourite e.e. cummings poems:
“In Just
when the world is mud-
… and out went Daisy Doodlebug & I into a world of mud pools and winter grasses and sun shining down in soft big slurps of warmth and birds chattering in flocks in hedges and smells of earth everywhere. Needless to say, an excellent time was had by all, as Daisy sniffed and snoofed her way to the dog run, pausing to marvel at these little twittering birds that would take flight in dark clouds as she got close, or coming to a dead halt when she picked up a brand new smell.
Watching her, I embraced the first day of Spring (even tho’ unofficial in March!) as though I, too, had never known it before. And then thought of you, sweet Zenny, seeing the world through your baby’s eyes and smell and dainty footsteps.
So to you, to all of us who love you, Big Girl, and your little man, I thought this poem — also by e.e. cummings — captured precious moments:
PS: Nope, it’s not me reading it. Someone else got the idea first!!!!
Love & hugs to all my Zen sisters and brothers and kisses to you, Zenny, and Baby Z
BARB G (SKIP) and JULIETTE the Cat in NJ
So amazing how one horse–one magnificent horse–can bring such joy and love into the hearts of so many thousands of us. All the words we have heard and read that describe her–are not hype. They have all been proven with the photos and films of this colt’s arrival–she is so loving and cares so much for the little guy that seeing who Zenny really is just shines through. Zenyatta is the real deal. I am grateful that all went well and momma and baby are fine. Zenny, I adore you and look upon you with utter amazement and love.
Sunny, i really loved your poem. It has such a dramatic point of view. Intensely and quietly and respectfully focused on the actual birth scene…beautifully done.
Trina–your poems will never be forgotten. They are an ongoing testament to the love and friendship that thrive in Zenny’s garden here. They won’t fade away…not if your team mates have anything to say about it!
Judy B–i rarely post here because every time i think i would like to comment on something or raise a point–you have already done it in the exact language I would have used!!!! I am thrilled at this! Two friends who are both looking in the same direction! Magic!!! Love you, Judy!
Auntie JAG: how I enjoy your posts, your humor, your ideas when i read them here. You also give me a chance to see what’s going on in SoCal because I am on the other coast!!!! Have fun at the shower, and as Judy B said, please please let us know what happened there with Zsters!!! Take pictures–and enjoy every minute of it. (I also support Best Friends and have for years–it is a shelter that does it all for all species.)
To all of you who said you were contributing to rescues in Zenny and her baby’s names, thank you. We are part of a racing royalty family here but we all know of the tens of thousands of other horses not wanted, loved or cared for. Honoring Zenny with a gift to any rescue is such a sweet and perfect way to say “I love you” to her. Right now, we have Marlene Dodge soon to take another arduous trip to rescue 7 horses from slaughter. So many other rescues are working hard to save our horses as well. Choose one–and it doesn’t matter what the size of the gift is. This is what we are all on this site for–to show love and respect and care for our horses. That’s what unites us here.
Have to say another word for Dottie, who is just perfection in the voice she gives to Zenny. The message today was so welcome, as all of them are. Dottie, if Zenny foals again and it’s a girl–she should be named after you, the bringer of her joy to all of us.
♥ JAG / Hi Prince I'm YOUR Auntie Judy / So. CA
Oh, my!!! Thank YOU! I write from the heart ♥ because I wear my ♥ on my sleeve!!! What you see, is what you get! I guess sometimes that’s not a good thing LOL
I have to pinch myself because us California peeps are very lucky to be able to get to the track and see these beautiful horses up close – and even visit some of them (wink wink) We got to visit ZAZU on Friday (shhh)
Anyway, I was just telling my Fellow Z Dumplings on Saturday how blessed we are to have 3 tracks to go to as well as great weather 99.9% of the time :D
Auntie JAG (Still sitting on Cloud Nine but Visits the Moon, too!)
sharon in seattle
lucky, lucky California peeps!! the event this Saturday will be OUTSTANDING!! I wonder if I should just go ahead and train commute between Seattle and LA – so much going on!! Have fun and cheer for both of us!!
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
Yes, Sharon do it. This is a once in a lifetime event, the Queen’s First Baby Shower…O, yeah, if I could I would.
JAG / ♥ Z-Prince! ♥ Auntie Judy!! / So. CA
Sharon – you know you are welcomed back any day!!!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- Estatic
Barb, such great sentiment, and I agree wholeheartedly. Thank you for putting into words so well. Hugs
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb (Skip):
Love and Hugs, JB
barb, I agree with you. If zenyatta has a filly next time or when, they should name her after Dottie, Mr. Moss said they had already named a horse before Zenyatta and name him Mondatta , so thats taken, but they could call a filly “Mondotti’ giving her Dottie’s name.
I think if we really want a clue to baby prince’s future name we need to go back and do some digging into ‘The Police’ and ‘Sting’ and there we could get a glimpse of a clue. JMO
Terry Crow
Good words from one who does so much and receives so little credit.
♥ JAG / Hi Prince I'm YOUR Auntie Judy / So. CA
Zenyatta Halter – Collectible!!!
If I had only bid……. :-(
♥ JAG / Hi Prince I'm YOUR Auntie Judy / So. CA
Sold for: $1,194.69
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta, Baby Z and all of your family at Lane’s End. Your pictures are beautiful. What a great idea of having a Baby Shower for you at Santa Anita to benefit charities. You are always giving back to everyone – you are all so special. Send hugs and treats to Tasty; looking forward to seeing her with her new baby. Love you, Angels.
Zenny, how precious is this picture! Matt sue did good when he snapped it…you and little “prince” are just too cute for words and look so content.
I really appreciate the update on TT…soon she will be loving her little one, too.
And…what grand news about your shower! You have a heart of gold just like your wonderful owners. I hope lots of money is raised to help support these worthwhile causes. Hugs to you and that little one…
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
I just knew that you were going to be the best mammy ever. In addition, yes, he looks a lot like you, and you are telling us that he is smart and charming. He got that from you my adorable Zenyattat. I love your baby and I love you so much, thank you for the news about TT, please give her a big kiss. Ingrid.
Anita in SoCal
Thank you for the post Mama Z & Dottie. I am feeling the glow of being in love with your baby boy. I am so happy that he looks so much like you and that you are both so well you are a Wonderful Mom as I knew you would be! That any picture of you has been a favorite for a long time :-). Thank you for the news on Tasty, too! Love you Z & Baby Boy. <3 <3 <3
Rose Cola
How wonderful the track is throwing you a baby shower! Please give all the details!
Tell Tasty to stay toasty and not to fret, her time will come soon and hopefullly her colt will be lifetime bffs with your little one. Hope you are all enjoying the warm spring.
Hi Zenny Mommy…All I can say is,”everyone is gorgeous,everyone is happy, and everyone is HEALTHY”…That boy of yours looks like his mom but his handsome looks are a credit to “Bernie”..He`s one good looking dude!! I have as many of you and the baby`s pictures on my phone as my grandchildrens…You are awesome and truly a queen. I never refer to you as “queen” but you are an absolute regal “MOM”…I love you and baby!!! Thank you Always Dottie. You are a blessing!!!!!! Lots of HUGE hugs and kisses, ALENE :))
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
I bet by Friday, he might be doing a little dance, be ready, Maureen, get your tissues. I saw Zenyatta’s half brother, sired by the great Street Cry, he was dancing.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Maureen:
Have you seen this video. Hug, JB
Your ID photo shows you were beautiful from the very early days! You and the little guy are adorable. So wonderful to see you enjoying motherhood. Still thinking Z-Max is a good name for him.
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
@The Kennedy’s in SD: The more I think about it and look at the Prince, the French ‘Le Prince’ has taken over the Italian, that is beautiful.
@Ann: I like MoonDancer as well. It may not be an album, but there is a song from the 70’s called “Dancing in the Moonlight”, I will find it and post it on my FB this weekend, it is a beautiful song.
‘Sting”, someone suggesed Sting and I like it. The Prince does not look like a Sting now, and I try to keep in mind when thinking of names that he is not going to be the cute, little colt we see now, but he will grow into the most handsome Stallion we will ever lay eyes on, and his name should be fitting all his life.
My thoughts for a name was to put TJ Brass and Roberto together and name him Alberto…well I look at The Prince now that he has arrived and he no more looks like an Alberto than I do..but I like that name, just not for him. It took me and most of us awhile to accept that Zenyatta would be ‘dating’, I think we all agree, there is no ‘man’ good enough for her. I am feeling the same about naming The Prince, is there a good enough name for him? He is the First Born and the First Born Son of the Queen. This is a heavy responsibility, I do not envy the Moss’s, yet they are soooo good at names…Zenyatta looks exactly like Zenyatta..it is a fit, a PERFECT fit. Lisag
I’ll call him ZenDini until he has an official name! Congrats to you! He is beautiful & you look wonderful with him!
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
So many wonderful posts, from so many of you…from The Queen and Her Prince, to the favorite charities. Thank you all for posting them to share.
The Big Baby Shower, it is really times like this that I miss living in CA. I miss it there so much.
@Harriett (Oklahoma), what part of OK? I go to Remington with my Z Cap, my Z shirt, and my treasured Dumplin Badge and no one else is there…Where are you at in Oklahoma??
@All, have I told you how much I love you today? Considered it said, and thank you so much for being YOU.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lisag:
Right back at ya. Hugs, JB
Darlene Daniels
Thank you Lisag. We love you too!
Terry Crow
Remington is a great track. Surprised that there are no Z’sters there.
♥ JAG / Hi Prince I'm YOUR Auntie Judy / So. CA
@ PRINCE – Your Chinese Horoscope March 8, 2012 (Year of the Dragon)
“What’s going on in your head? There’s probably plenty of good ideas churning in your mental melting pot, but you can’t deny that nothing is manifesting in the physical world yet. Have patience. Things are about to boil over.”
Venus, Jupiter in night sky dance
by Staff Writers From Space Daily
Washington (AFP) March 12, 2012
An unusual opportunity to see two of the brightest planets, Venus and Jupiter, appear to be right next to each other in the night sky is peaking in the next two days, astronomers said.
On a clear night from March 12-14, skywatchers may extend an arm and see the two planets look as though they are a couple fingers’ width apart, or about three degrees, even though they are actually quite far from one another in space.
The brighter of the pair will be Venus because it gets light from the Sun that is twice as bright as Earth gets and 50 times more intense than the sunlight that shines on Jupiter, according to Sky & Telescope magazine.
Venus is also seven times closer to Earth than Jupiter, which is the bigger of the two and may appear to be about twice the size of Venus.
JAG–thought you’d like to know.
JAG / ♥ Z-Prince! ♥ Auntie Judy!! / So. CA
Well, I didn’t know if I wanted to share this bit of info – I’m sure the most posters are going to think I’m really over the top with this “story”. But, here it goes:
Thursday night, March 8th just befoe 7:00 p.m. P.T./10:00 E.T. I walked into the backyard with my camcorder looking for the FULL MOON. Well, damn it, I couldn’t see it to save my life! How can you not find a BIG MOON!! lol
So, instead I turned my thoughts to Venus (Goddess of Love). ♥ She was the Brighest Star in the sky!
I turned the camcorder on and aimed it at Venus. I started “talking” to Venus. I asked her to watch over Zenyatta if she was foaling that night. To protect her and her newborn foal. I knew John Henry was lurking somewhere, so I said, “John, I know you’re sitting up there with the best view, so watch over Zenny, too!” He might have been sitting on the moon!
I started the recording: “Tonight is March 8th 2012”. I ended it with this: “I wanted to record this so I can look back and remember this day when I’m really, really, really old, and really, really, really gray! Hugs & Kisses My Queen”. Little did I know Zenyatta was about to go into labor…
I swear on my mother’s life, I did this! The proof is in the camera :-)
Auntie Judy (had esp with Zenyatta) LOL
Debbie G/Kentucky
That is such a beautiful picture of Zenyatta watching over her little Prince while he rests. You can see the love in her eyes. As someone posted earlier, it makes my heart smile. I was off work all weekend and went back today and 3 or 4 guys at work asked as soon as they saw me “How’s Zenyatta and her baby? Is she doing OK? What’s going on?” I proudly whipped out my phone and started showing them pictures. (Of course her and the Prince are the wallpaper on my phone!) That’s so great that they’re having a baby shower at Santa Anita Saturday. That sounds like so much fun. I know you California Dumplings will have an awesome time. Give my best to Tasty, Zenny. I know you’ll have lots of helpful pointers for her on being a first time mom!
Karen Cook
You are so generous… Your a bright star thats why your colt has that bright stat right on his head!!! Your a once in a life time mare … ALL HAIL THE QUEEN!!!!!!!! and her little prince… Love you beautiful QUEEN!
Quite an afternoon/evening at Lane’s End!! There were 6 foalings.
From DRF article: Zenyatta: Routine foaling for a special mare
(Bill) Farish and (Mike) Cline were on hand for the birth.
Also in the barn that night were Zenyatta’s owners, Ann and Jerry Moss, and a veterinary team led by Dr. Richard Holder. Assistant broodmare manager Charles Campbell and barn foreman Matt Martinez also were there.
It was a busy day of foaling for Lane’s End.
There were six foals born Thursday, starting at 3 p.m. and ending with Zenyatta’s.
FYI- Bill Farish is the General Manager, son of the founder.
Mike Cline is the Farm Manager.
William Farrish is the owner of Lanes End and has a very long family history of
experience in the throughbred racing and breeding business. Lanes End dates back to the Civil War and the Farrish family at that time. AP Indy special was a really wonderful
chronology of the Farrish Family and Lanes End.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and Little Boy Z:
Goodnight and Sweet Dreams. Love you so much, Judy and Russ
Heidi K (Proud Auntie) (Vallejo, Ca.)
Zenny, I just can’t get enough of the lil Prince! I’ve watched the video on BH over and over (better than the hrtv feed). We ended up “out” with friends yesterday and I didn’t take my lap top but, they were asking all about you and the foal. But, I showed them the pic of the two of you (my phone wall paper).Then, a friend had his iPad and let me use it to show the video to my friends. Everyone kept saying,ooooooo, ahhhhhh, how adorable! Then, they asked where the Cigars were?! LOL… Too cute!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Hope you foal soon. Love you, Judy and Russ
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
@Shannon, always, my prayers alway for you husband and all that are over there with him. Tell him the Dumplin’s have prayers special for him.
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
Ms Zenyatta and The Prince, Good night, sleep well, I wish I could watch you two cuddle and kiss as the day closes. I love you both so much, it is unbelieveable the love I have for you. I hope I continue to have dreams of the both of you…Lisag
Nancy Petrillo
Hello Beautiful Girl and Wee Prince,
First, I want to thank Dottie for today’s posting, it is a lot of work to get all these messages up on the site, it has to be a labor of love. I have enjoyed and loved every moment of seeing the Wee Prince on every website I scoured looking for photos and videos of the two of you. He is precious and looks so much like you, as well as Bernardini. I’m sure Ann and Jerry will come with a fabulous name for him, just as they did for you. Second, I hope we hear that Tasty has had her foal in the next day or two and that she too had an easy time delivering a healthy baby. I have a place in my heart for gray horses.
So happy to hear about the Baby Shower – what a lovely thought those devoted Californians had – that is my home state – three cheers! I will certainly send a contribution to Old Friends and The Exceller Fund which I donate to monthly.
I’m looking forward to the B-H session of Talkin Horses tomorrow. Maybe the LE team will bring some new photos to share on-line with us. They have just been aces since you arrived there. I do have one question I hope to have answered tomorrow if they select it.
I will close this note for now, as I’m sure Dottie has a mountain of them.
Hugs and Kisses to you and the Wee Prince.
Donna from Baltimore
I don’t know how much time has to pass before a name can be reused, but I think “Princequillo”, in honor of the Queen’s esteemed great, great, grandsire!
There are certain names that have been made permanently unavailable once “greatness” has been accomplished such as Zenyatta, Secretariat, etc. that can never be used again. Princequillo is one of those names. I like it too though.
JAG / ♥ Z-Prince! ♥ Auntie Judy!! / So. CA
Princequillo is also in John Henry’s pedigree :-)
Congratulations and best wishes – sweet Zenyatta and Baby! Many blessings, and wishing you both a wonderful evening and restful goodnight. Love, Maryyette
Paula Higgins
This picture of Zenyatta lying on the grass, and watching her little boy sleep, is absolutely precious. She clearly loves this little guy and that is so good to see. It gladdens the heart in a way that few things do. Thanks for the picture Dottie. I have watched the Bloodhorse video over and over. The part where Ann is laying in the straw and petting the baby is priceless. The whole video was just wonderful. Made me smile ear to ear.
Perky Green
Hay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Baby Girl I Just keep going through the photos of you and baby I notice on your blaze the upper left side looks like there is a missing piece which seems to be perfectly lodged as the baby’s star.With all of the commotion going on in our galaxy,It makes me wonder if the little white specks on your feet are the wings of the angles placed there for swiftness and sure footedness. You our little one have been truly blessed LOTS’O’LOVE