Happy Monday to All!
It has truly been a very eventful few days. My foal and I are adjusting beautifully to our life together. He is quite smart, inquisitive, and charming ….if I say so myself. (Blush, Blush) I’m hearing others making these same statements about him…so I guess you could say I am in complete agreement with them!
Weather permitting, we spend time outdoors in the paddock together….and then we return to the barn for our evening’s rest. I am pleased to report that he is doing everything perfectly…just as a MOM would hope for a foal who is only a few days old.
I must say, I am having the most fabulous time being a MOM and just watching him…sleep, eat, play, and snuggle up to ME. It is an absolute JOY….and I could not be happier.
Just as with human babies, there is paperwork to be completed upon the birth of a foal. All of the proper information must be submitted to the Jockey Club for his JOCKEY CLUB PAPERS to be issued. These papers are a thoroughbred’s version of a human’s BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
Martha at Lane’s End is preparing his LIVE FOAL report this morning. Later after this information is processed, blood work will be provided and this will be used to properly verify he is definitely MY FOAL SIRED BY BERNARDINI. I.D. photos will be taken and submitted to the Horse Identification Department noting every single aspect of his body…color, white star, any other white hairs, or markings. All of these details are noted in a very explicit format. Such steps are completed with each foal that is born. ALL thoroughbreds are specifically identified and parentage qualified with the goal of keeping the integrity of our sport always operating at the highest levels.
You may remember my HORSE IDENTIFICATION PHOTO. I found it again for you. I was just a few months old at the time it was taken. Who ever thought it would be so much FUN to look at several years later.
Hmmmm! What do you think? Does he take after ME?
When all of these requirements are completed and verified, the Jockey Club will formally issue his CERTIFICATE OF FOAL REGISTRATION. This will follow my adorable little guy, just as a birth certificate does a human, throughout his life…when he races, travels, or whatever else he may do!
I also want to tell you that I checked in on TASTY this morning. She is ‘happily in foal’…and from all indications it appears she still has a few days to wait before she gives birth! I’m wishing her all the best! While he’s napping, I think I’ll send her a few ‘foaling pointers’….now that I’m such a PRO and have a bit of experience in this area!
Please enjoy your week!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’m still in AWE of this entire MOM experience!)
Z….and her BABY! (How cute is that to say!)
This is SO SWEET!!
I just got the memo and the date is all set! SANTA ANITA is having LOS ANGELES’ LARGEST BABY SHOWER FOR ME and MY BABY this Saturday. How special is this!
The life-size painting of ME, THE QUEEN’S DANCE, which we unveiled during My Breeders’ Cup Party last year at Churchill Downs, is going to be on display. Jaime Corum, the artist who created the piece, and some members of my TEAM, will also be there to visit with fans.
The beautiful part of this is that MY SHOWER will honor some of the charities I have worked with during my career! My BABY and I are so fortunate, thus, it is truly my privilege to assist others who may need some help whenever I can!
I’m beginning to realize the ‘teaching part’ of being a MOM starts the minute the baby is born! Thank you for helping ME to illustrate to him the ‘gift of giving to others…comes in so many ways’.
Joanna from TX
I’ll try this again :)))
I just LOVED the vids and coverage HRTV gave to Z and the Prince’s delivery. My favorite parts were 1-pic of Prince walking under Z’s tummy out in the paddock, 2- Ann hugging and handling Prince in the stall w/ straw and Zenny looking on and 3- Jerry and Ann talking about the whole birthing experience and how emotional Ann was. During a brief interview HRTV’s Kurt Hoover did with Jerry at SA on Saturday, Jerry admitted he had NEVER attended any of their other mare’s foaling activity. Goes to show how important this was. BTW, Mr Hoover’s name suggestion was ‘Wrapped Around’ (I believe), from a song by Sting (this was reported by one of the other HRTV folks). I like it!!
Such great fun watching this baby…along with Rachel’s little guy. Tasty…we’re pacing for you girl. Any time you’re ready…..
Thanks for the update on Tasty. Hope all goes as well at Baby Z.
Laura S
Hello Zenyatta and baby Prince. I’ve put your pictures on my phone as my “home screen” – just TOO CUTE not to! I know we all can’t wait to find out the official name, but here’s one that I’ve had running around in my head. In the instant before the Big Bang, science tells us that all the energy and potential in the universe was contained in a single mathematical point called the Singularity. What a name this could be: all the potential and energy of the universe in one place…
Denise Skladany
How awesome. A baby shower. Love how you are teaching your little one generosity and kindness. What a wonderful example.
♥ JAG / Hi Prince I'm YOUR Auntie Judy / So. CA
Animal Kingdom Injured; Won’t Make World Cup :-(
THE HORSE COMES FIRST! Prayers to Animal ♥ xoxo
Z your foal is BEAUTIFUL just like YOU!!! How precious to see you and your sweet baby. Thanks for sharing this experience with us, it is truly heartwarming.
Well hello to you and your son Z! Wow, I heard Scott Hazelton mention on HRTV that he thought a great name for your son is STING. I love that name, but I know your mom and dad have been thinking of the perfect name for you for quite some time. I know they will pick an absolutely stunning name. It will be so nice when your friend Tasty has her foal. Then you two can bask in the sun together just hanging out and playing with the kids. I loved the video with Ann and Jerry. They love you so much. And, it is so apparent that you love and trust them. What an amazing family you have. Have a wonderful day! Oh, I wanted to ask if it is standard to have a blood test before obtaining your papers for a new foal. I was not aware that is required. Learned something today. Sending you and your sweet son smooches and hugs and sending Tasty smooches and hugs too. xxoo
Shannon From Cool
All the happy voices are rushing to tell you how much they adore you and your son and how thrilled we are for you. A happy Monday it is. We’re all beaming!
shirlee in Indy
Hope Dottie, John and Mario can get there soon to see the new Prince.
Thanks for the update on Tasty!
Any Hanson fans out there, there is a video of him being paraded at Turfway on Bloodhorse.com March 10th. What a beauty and he dances too!
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Fed Biz off trail as well.
Such a cute photo!Has Tasty had her foal yet?Have a nice day Zenny.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
This should be an interesting discussion of Zenyatta’s pregnancy and foaling featuring the Lane’s End people, tomorrow, March 13th, at 1:00 EDT:
Abigail from Montreal
Yes — and you can submit a question!
Yes, your baby picture definitely resembles your son! Both of you are indescribably beautiful.
Thank you for the update on TT. Please tell her that I love her and hope to see her soon with her gorgeous baby at her side.
I loved the HRTV interview with Mr. and Mrs. Moss! The video of you and your son was so appreciated. I loved every second of it. I hate to tell you how many times I’ve watched it because you will think I’m crazy. Well, I am crazy….for you and your son! When Mrs. Moss got a little teary while talking about you, Z, my heart was filled with gratitude that they are willing to share you and your son with us. She’s absolutely right, you’ve done everything with elegance!
I hope Dottie and John and Sophie can fly to Kentucky soon to see you and your son. That will be a happy reunion for all of you. Mike, too! And Mario.
Sending lots of love to you and your baby boy!
Your foal is absloultely adorable Z! I saw some clips of him on HRTV! He is absolutely adorable, and definately looks a lot like you!!!! Have fun with your baby!!!! :DDD
Jamie Smith
I loved the video, especially the part when your baby walked right under you…. that was so precious! LOVE HIM! and you too of course… Hugs and kisses to you, your baby, and your team….
hi Z and baby Z/B! I love the photos of YOU two, they’re just TOO CUTE!!! and yes, Z the little Prince looks like his Mama;) I’m just sooo happy seeing YOU sooo happy! I wish I could go to YOUR shower;( So good to hear that Tasty is doing well and please keep us updated on her progress;) Love YOU gorgeous mama xoxoxo
Carole Klumb #42 / Eagle, WI
Hi Zenn,
What a PERFECT LITTLE BOY YOU HAVE. He is such a precious little one and you are such an adoring mother. Loved the photo today and all of them since his birth. OH how I wish I could see him in person. Special hugs and peppermint kisses to you and your l”little Prince”.
Glad Tasty is doing ok too, and now the pacing can start again. Love her too.
Z. rest with your little one. XOXOXO.
Zenyatta, everything seems to have happened pretty fast the night that your foal was born. However, it came together perfectly. I’m really happy that you and your foal are getting along so well and that he’s picking things up quickly. Does he follow you around everywhere you go down to almost the last step? Does he go to sleep in the middle of a field while you stand there and watch him sleep? I’ve heard that that’s how it is with mothers and their newborn foals. I’m happy, like I say, that the two of you get out together and play and run around every day. You guys are then brought in at a certain time every night to rest. You say that Tasty is still in foal and might be for a few more days. Keep me posted on her status and let me know when her foal is born. Her foal and your foal will become best friends-friends for life. It does sound like you will have to advise her since you gave birth before she did. I look forward to seeing pictures of Tasty and her foal once it is born. The Lane’s End Farm staff is bound to give Tasty the exact same expert treatment that they gave you when she goes into labor all the way up to when her foal is born. Take care of that foal!
Roberta Smith
Hello Pretty Girl – Mom! You boy is so beautiful! I love the “star” on his head…it must mean…that he is a star! Also, those long legs…they must mean that he is going to be a great racer! Oh Zenyatta, I have been so very happy the past few days and keep on looking at his pics! I also have you both as my pic on my Facebook page! I love you so much Zenyatta and your boy too!
Dear Zenyatta, So many of my friends have said that after watching the HRTV video of you and your Prince that they could see why I follow you. The video really captured how much you love your little one and how much Ann and Jerry love you. You have inspired the World, Zenyatta and we adore you.
Jan Clair Mason
WOW! How awesome is that baby boy AND his wonderful Mom. It made my day to see that video of him that the Mosses made. Thank you to all the connections for sharing
this wonder horse with all that love her. You have no idea how it blesses me.
We love you all. Friends of Z Jan Clair
I’ll be turning 18 on the 25th. Maybe then I can get a job and save up to go to Santa Anita to see the statue of you this fall… *Wistful sigh*
Terry Crow
Lexi-Like the statue of Seabiscuit, Zenyatta’s will be there as long as there is a Santa Anita. You have time.
Dallas from Texas
Hey baby girl, I guess I need to change my name for you now that your’re a Mom. But you will always be baby girl. I hope that you and your little baby boy had a wonderful weekend. I know this is all so new to you but it seems as if you are having no problems with Motherhood. As time goes on I can’t wait to see little Prince develop. You and little one take care baby girl, love you both…so much!
Animal Kingdom; sore in hind leg that had surgery; cause unclear; No trip to UAE
Deborah Richman from So. Cal.
Zenny, your little Prince is so handsome! Seeing how much you love him makes me smile from head to toe, or as Kate said above, it “makes my heart smile!”
I can hardly wait to participate in your baby shower at Santa Anita! The idea that charities in need will be the beneficiaries of your celebration is TOO WONDERFUL!!
Thank you for the update on Tasty. I am sending her lots of love and best wishes for a peaceful, easy foaling.
Fed Biz off Derby Trail with injury
HDG is ready for her season debut on March 17, 2012; Best of Luck to her and her connections; a safe and winning trip.
Special edition: Lanes Ends staff talking about Zenny’s pregnancy, foaling and foal.
Name him Z Prince
Wonder if anyone else heard that the owner of Hansen, says he intends to paint Hansen’s tail blue.
heard this from my daughter, who insures race horses. She said the New York Stewards told him no, but it is rumored he is going to do it anyway. How riduculous is this!!
Don’t think he will as Hansen won’t be able to race; don’t think he would risk the KY
Derby for a blue tail. He is a physican however, but they are very money oriented.
♥ JAG / Hi Prince I'm YOUR Auntie Judy / So. CA
I have a friend who knows some people with Team Hansen. I understand Dr. Hansen is very generous, and that has already donated portions of his winnings to charity. Can’t fault him for that ;-)
IMO he won’t risk his career, or the horses, by painting HANSEN’s tail or any other part!
BTW I thought it was rather whimsical – but I don’t want to start that debate over again…… LOL