Happy Monday to All!
It has truly been a very eventful few days. My foal and I are adjusting beautifully to our life together. He is quite smart, inquisitive, and charming ….if I say so myself. (Blush, Blush) I’m hearing others making these same statements about him…so I guess you could say I am in complete agreement with them!
Weather permitting, we spend time outdoors in the paddock together….and then we return to the barn for our evening’s rest. I am pleased to report that he is doing everything perfectly…just as a MOM would hope for a foal who is only a few days old.
I must say, I am having the most fabulous time being a MOM and just watching him…sleep, eat, play, and snuggle up to ME. It is an absolute JOY….and I could not be happier.
Just as with human babies, there is paperwork to be completed upon the birth of a foal. All of the proper information must be submitted to the Jockey Club for his JOCKEY CLUB PAPERS to be issued. These papers are a thoroughbred’s version of a human’s BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
Martha at Lane’s End is preparing his LIVE FOAL report this morning. Later after this information is processed, blood work will be provided and this will be used to properly verify he is definitely MY FOAL SIRED BY BERNARDINI. I.D. photos will be taken and submitted to the Horse Identification Department noting every single aspect of his body…color, white star, any other white hairs, or markings. All of these details are noted in a very explicit format. Such steps are completed with each foal that is born. ALL thoroughbreds are specifically identified and parentage qualified with the goal of keeping the integrity of our sport always operating at the highest levels.
You may remember my HORSE IDENTIFICATION PHOTO. I found it again for you. I was just a few months old at the time it was taken. Who ever thought it would be so much FUN to look at several years later.
Hmmmm! What do you think? Does he take after ME?
When all of these requirements are completed and verified, the Jockey Club will formally issue his CERTIFICATE OF FOAL REGISTRATION. This will follow my adorable little guy, just as a birth certificate does a human, throughout his life…when he races, travels, or whatever else he may do!
I also want to tell you that I checked in on TASTY this morning. She is ‘happily in foal’…and from all indications it appears she still has a few days to wait before she gives birth! I’m wishing her all the best! While he’s napping, I think I’ll send her a few ‘foaling pointers’….now that I’m such a PRO and have a bit of experience in this area!
Please enjoy your week!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’m still in AWE of this entire MOM experience!)
Z….and her BABY! (How cute is that to say!)
This is SO SWEET!!
I just got the memo and the date is all set! SANTA ANITA is having LOS ANGELES’ LARGEST BABY SHOWER FOR ME and MY BABY this Saturday. How special is this!
The life-size painting of ME, THE QUEEN’S DANCE, which we unveiled during My Breeders’ Cup Party last year at Churchill Downs, is going to be on display. Jaime Corum, the artist who created the piece, and some members of my TEAM, will also be there to visit with fans.
The beautiful part of this is that MY SHOWER will honor some of the charities I have worked with during my career! My BABY and I are so fortunate, thus, it is truly my privilege to assist others who may need some help whenever I can!
I’m beginning to realize the ‘teaching part’ of being a MOM starts the minute the baby is born! Thank you for helping ME to illustrate to him the ‘gift of giving to others…comes in so many ways’.
Keri Mattingly
Your sweet little Prince is so handsome!! We knew that you would be such a wonderful, caring Mom! Congrats Z!!
Jan S. / Houston
Thank you so much for the adorable pictures of you and your boy. Like all boys, looks like you’ll have your hands full, but in a good way. ;) And thanks for the update on Tasty, anxiously awaiting the arrival of her baby. Wishing I could be at your baby shower too. Sending you and your boy lots of hugs and kisses.. xoxo.
Good morning Mama Zenyatta! I just knew you would be the best Mama ever and you are proving me right! I am glad that you and Baby Z or as I call him Z Prince are doing so well! I know you will teach him all the right things in life. I love how you are going to give Tasty some pointers, LOL!
Thank you Dottie once again! We never can get enough of our Zenyatta and especially now with Z Prince. Hmmm, Z Princedini… I bet we all are thinking of names by now and probably before. It’s just a fun thing to do. I am hoping when the time comes he goes to John for his education.
Zenny, if you ever need a break just call me, I will be right there to take care of that special one!
Lawana Whaley
Silly fingers… they spelled your name wrong….sorry cause my brain does know the difference Zenyatta.. guess my fingers got too excited or maybe it was the tears in my eyes cause I had just watched the video of you and the sweet boy…. made me think of when my own son was born……………..
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Lawana–Did you see YOUR birthday poem on #449?
Zenyatta, you are truly the world’s most beautiful creature…you and your colt of course!! I feel so priveleged to get to live during your time and watch you become a mother. It’s absolutely awesome!!
♥ JAG / Over the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
♥ Good Morning Mommy and Baby Prince! ♥
Every time I watch the video of YOUR Mommy kissing Prince’s face I tear up!!! I want to do that :D
I’ll be at Santa Anita on Saturday. I look forward to meeting Jaime. Let’s pray it doesn’t rain because rain is in the forecast…
Some of us Z Dumplings attended the TROTT charity at the Derby Restaurant – what an absolute BLAST!! We laughed so hard over the stories told by YOUR Mikey, Joe Talamo, Kayla Stra, Gary Stevens, Laffit Pincay and Jack Van Berg! These people know how to entertain!
Mikey was very gracious (again) by having his photo taken with the horse racing fans. He donated dinner with HIM! Two women were on the phone bidding against each other. The woman who won bid something like $2,600.00!! She lives back east. Mike will pay for the dinner; her money goes to TROTT – how cool is that!!
Fred Stone donated a gorgeous litho he did of Secretariat – it was three sketches from the Triple Crown. Joe Talamo was up for auction, too; breakfast at Clocker’s Corner. Jack Van Berg auctioned himself for a day at his barn. Kayla Stra auctioned herself for a jog (or part walking) around the track at Santa Anita. Jack was kind enough to throw in additional things for each of these winners.
Well, back to work, Sweet ♥
Hugs to you and Baby xoxoxoxo
Auntie Judy (hasn’t come down to earth just yet!)
p.s. Hugs to your BFF, Tasty xoxo
♥ JAG / Over the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
p.s. This is my charity choice. This organization rescues ALL animals in need – horses, dogs, cats, birds, bunnies – great organization!!! The do not euthanize unless 110% necessary!! Not only that, they are located in MY home state :-)
J Smith
I’m still laughing. Those guys, and Kayla, were so funny. It was such a fun night. You felt like you were in your living room with friends. It’s so nice of them to donate their time so that fans can spend quality time with them. It means a lot to people, and it’s a great help to the horses. I liked Kayla’s answer to somebodies qu. ‘Is there a horse that’s special to you’? Her answer was, all of them, they are all special in one way or another and we have to take care of them. I can’t remember if it was Kayla or Gary Stevens that said, when you ride a horse and don’t come in the money, you just hope that you have been able to give the horse something that makes him better in his next race, even if you don’t ride him. Can’t wait for next year.
J Smith
Photo of our wonderful guest panel at Trott Legends event. Photo by Cj Wheeler, if you are on fb, go to her page, lots more pix of the event, but I think you will all enjoy this one. Cj is a great photographer as is Trott’s friend Jeffrey Mallard. Huge thanks to all in the photo. Judy, Best Friends is a fav of mine too. Dang, lost the link, be right back and will post it underneath.
J Smith
♥ JAG / Over the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
I cannot believe I forgot to share the link for Best Friends! Wake up, Judy, it’s almot noon LOL
Debbie G/Kentucky
I love Best Friends, Judy. That’s one of the charities I donate to regularly. I get their newsletter and I just love reading the stories of all the animals that they’ve rehabilitated. I would love to visit there some day.
Eveline / Maryland.
Same here Debbie.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
JAG–last year we went right by there in Kenab and didn’t stop because we didn’t know what a big deal they are!
♥ JAG / Hi Prince I'm YOUR Auntie Judy / So. CA
I have them listed as a beneficiary on my 401K. They do wonderful work rehabilitating pets. Even the senior ones. They took a lot of Vick’s bit pulls and found homes for them!!! ♥ I’d love to move back to Utah when I retire and work there :-)
Good morning JAG,
What a great weekend you had!
And, Mike is down to 6 to reach 5000.
Just so you know–I read & acknowledged your John Henry story in my earlier post.
It was a beautiful story of love.
Hope your work day is a good one!
Another fun weekend upcoming at Santa Anita!
Wish I could be with you.
♥ JAG / Over the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
Hi Keta!
I wish you could join us, too! We know how to enjoy ourselves at the track – the day goes by very f-a-s-t. We are there to support the horses! If it turns into a safe race day we are happy!
I will go to your posting when I get a chance… l’m trying to do catch up since I took Friday off :D Thanks for taking the time to read it…
Should have said earlier post TODAY
FYI–I use the FInd (search) in the Edit on the toolbar
File, Edit, View etc. area
Click on Edit. Go to Find on This Page.
Type in word
I maybe telling you something you already know.
This is great for me when I try & find something in all the posts.
Raylene/ So Cal
So JAG where are all of us “dumplings” going to meet? I would like to meet up with all of you and cannot miss saturday. Please let me know. And we need to hope and pray for no rain..
♥ JAG / Over the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
Hi Raylene!
Since the first race is usually at 12:30, we try to meet at the John Henry statue by noon.
I hope it doesn’t rain either! Not just because WE could get wet, but because it can affect the track and racing in general.
I look forward to meeting you :D
Z Dumpling JAG (wearing her dumpling tag!)
p.s. It’s pretty funny when total strangers call out: JAG! I forget I’ve worn the tag numerous times! :-))))
Raylene/ So Cal
I will see you there. I have a feeling it is going to be a great day. What exactly do these dumpling tags look like?
♥ JAG / Hi Prince I'm YOUR Auntie Judy / So. CA
Thanks to our Arizona Dumpling – Diana S – she made them. She photocopied an actual dumpling and put that on the tag, then she hand writes the name. Mine is JAG – easy to spot, trust me LOL
In any case, if you see a lot of women hoovering around JH’s statue, just walk on over, it’s most likely us! If you have anyone’s cell phone # you could call, too.
BTW John is very popular, so you will see other peeps having their picture taken next to him – he LOVES the attention, ‘ya know! Always has…..
Lisag in Texas
Raylene, you need to get a Dumplin tag.
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny - OH YEAH!! ♥♥
Ladies, remember this is Zenyatta we are talking about here – DO NOT UNDER ESTIMATE THE CROWD! I would be there when the gates open at 10:00. I certainly don’t want to be shout out again like I was on opening day! The traffic was bad, let’s hope NOT that way this Saturday. I know it won’t be on the scale that it was then, BUT just get there early and all will be good!
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny - OH YEAH!! ♥♥
Oh, sheese! Teacher Trina get the ruler out again! That should have been SHUT out!
Terry Crow
Hope everything goes smoothly this time, Karen. You deserve it.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear JAG:
Thanks for keeping those of us who can’t be with you to attend events in CA in the loop. Very much appreciated. Counting on a details of Z’s Baby Shower from you. Hugs, JB
♥ JAG / Hi Prince I'm YOUR Auntie Judy / So. CA
Whew! That’s a big responsiblity you are putting on my shoulders LOL
I just wish there were a way to share photos from this coming Saturday :D
Judy, did you know that Fred Stone’s wife, Norma, passed away a few months back? He’s such a wonderful man and artist.
JAG / ♥ Welcome Zillion Dollar Prince! ♥ Auntie Judy!! / So. CA
Yes, I knew he lost his wife. He had already scheduled a day to be at Santa Anita to sell some of his items. He was in the signing booth and my heart just broke when I saw him :-( She had just passed away a few days prior…
I know Fred because of John Henry – Yes, John Henry lol Fred loved John! Fred was interviewed by HRTV prior to unveiling of John’s statue. Fred said when JH raced the crowd attendance went UP. Reminds me of The Queen :-D
I see him at the track often and I always take the time to say hello. One of our recent chats was after Lewis Cenicola (JH’s exercise rider) died. Fred knew everyone on Team John Henry! I’ve met a lot of “old timers” that worked during John’s reign!! :-P
JAG / ♥ Welcome Zillion Dollar Prince! ♥ Auntie Judy!! / So. CA
I bought a Zenyatta print from Fred when he was selling them and signing them at SA.
I asked him to sign mine: “Queen Zenyatta”. Well, I went to have it customed framed & when they laid it on the counter to measure, etc., I noticed he misspelled Z’s name!! He spelled it “ZENATTA”! I called his home/business and spoke to his wife. I explained what Fred had done. You know what she said! She said you have a one of a kind!! An artist mistake! She suggested I keep it, which I did and framed it as is :-)
cathy p
Good morning Zenyatta and baby, you and your son are just too cute, the video from HRTV is so nice to see, and so inspiring. Also is nice to see you give back. Have a wonderful day both of you. Lots of Love and Big Hugs to all.
Zenny he is adorable. Love your baby picture, and yes he looks like you. Just look at those ears. Can’t wait for Tasty to foal so the two of you can be together again. Have a great day Zenny and Little Prince.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Zenny and Baby Boy,
I have watched the HRTV video (but it works better on Bloodhorse) over and over and over. I thought that I might stop “tearing up” at some point, but that hasn’t happend yet. Your baby is SO precious, and at some point it came to me that his star looks like one of those magnificent fireworks that bursts over the night sky to the ooohs and aaaahs of the adoring crowd. That’s really exactly how it happened – your little one burst into the night and into our hearts! I thought that “Skyrocket” might be a cool name, but . . . it’s already taken (and I KNOW I have nothing to say about this, but it’s fun to try to think of names that might fit).
Today’s photo is adorable, and of course we are all hoping for more (there will never be “enough”). What great news about your baby shower on Saturday. Wish I could be there, but I will make a donation in your honor. I’m sure there will be a large contingent of “Dumplings” in attendance, and we will count on them to keep the rest of us in the loop about the happenings.
Have a great day with BabyZ!
Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy
@Karen Gogue – Many thanks for your interesting and colorful description of your trip to Hollywood Park yesterday and especially for conveying the joy that Mario is feeling. I sure hope that he will get a trip to KY to see Z and baby in person (?maybe when John and Dottie go???).
Sharyn - Vermont
Such a sweet picture of the two of you out there in the sunshine!! And thanks for the update on Tasty – I was wondering if she had foaled too over the weekend!! Won’t be long now and the two of you will be out there in the paddock with your babies – they are so precious!!
Lots of paperwork for the little guy to get done. Wouldn’t want to get him mixed up with someone else!!
Enjoy your afternoon outside with that beautiful baby!!
Loved the video HRTV did of you and the Mosses’ – they sure are special people!! Can’t thank them enough for sharing you with us!
Hi Queen Mom, Wonderful pictures. Thank you. Happy, Joyful, Blessed Days !!! LOL, Arlene in Vermont
Hi Zenny, You did a beautiful job and I know you are the best mommy. I am so happy you let us know about Tasty, I have been thinking about her so much as well.
I am sure you will give her al the pointers so she will know exactly what to do! She is so lucky to have such a wonderful home and you for a friend.
Your baby is so beautiful and you were quite precious as a foal yourself.
I have just adopted a stray dog that needed a home and she is absolutely pricious as well. Feel as though I am a new mom too.
Best of wish’s you fan,
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Rebecca:
Good for you and your new baby. Hugs, JB
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
Congratulations on YOUR new baby, Rebecca. These strays or rescues are always so grateful for homes and caring owners. Good for you!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- Estatic
Rebecca, God Bless you for taking in a rescue! As most here know I have rescued two, one having passed a few months ago, and you will receive years of gratitude from this dog who is happy to have a good home. Hugs
Debbie G/Kentucky
Good for you, Rebecca! It always makes me smile when I hear of someone giving a rescue animal a good home.
Eveline / Maryland.
Rebecca, good luck with the new addition to your household. We love to hear more about her/him.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
High hoof, Rebecca! Tell us more about your adoptee.
Allie in Texas
DOTTIE, I need a favor. Several months ago an Omaha Group was formed from this very website. Nine of us decided to research Omaha. During this study of the third Triple Crown Winner, we discovered a REAL TREASURE, Morton Porter. Morton Porter was the young man that accompanied Omaha from New York to Nebraska in a train car, then took care of Omaha till he died in 1959. Morton, 85 years old now, is fragile, but his mind is sharp and he has shared many of his Omaha stories with us. Since this March 24th will be the 80th Celebration of Omaha’s birth, I was hoping that Zenyatta might give Omaha and Morton Porter a HIGH HOOF! If that is possible, I will copy it and mail it to him. Morton would be so thrilled that he was remembered. Thank you for your consideration and for making Zenyatta’s foaling so much fun. Finding myself in a equine waiting room (aka zenyatta.com) with so many expectant aunts was a delight.
Terry Crow
I would love an hour alone with Mister Porter to talk about the old days.
Maryp (New York)
I would be at that baby shower in a NY minute (not really sure what that is) if I could but I can’t. I will be there in spirit and wish all who attend be generous to those charities helping those in need. I will make donation to Old Friends. Happy shower/race day!
Zenny, you and your little prince are spectacular, way too cute!!!
I hope your BFF Tasty does as well as you and you can meet in the paddock with her and the kids to enjoy the sunshine, the wind, the blue grass of Kentucky and the sweet smells of Spring.
Thank you Dottie, as always giving of your knowlege and time and thanks to Matt for the “too cute” photo.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you, Maryp! I bet they don’t know this barrage of donations is coming!
congrats Beautiful One and yuir foal is a beauty too..best of health and happiness to you both… :)
Trisha from VA
What a joy to see you two together in your paddock. He is a precious little one and I understand how proud you must be. To all of your team thanks for keeping us in the loop. Dottie you are amazing and we love you for all you do.
Yes Zenyatta you and team are certainly an inspriation to all to look outside of our own needs and give to others.
When are more videos coming? Want to see the boy walking.
Love, hugs and kisses to all
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
You can see him on his feet here:
(It’s the HRTV video cited several times above, but without the technical issues on the HRTV website.)
Pam Homeier
Thank you for posting that link!!! Kept reading about it but hadn’t seen it. Wonderful!!!!
Cheryl Y
Thanks Laura for the link,I hadn’t seen it yet !!!! Of course now I can hardly see the screen as I can’t stop the tears pouring from my eyes !!
Beautiful! Hopefully, when this baby starts racing the favor will be returned to Zenyatta by keeping her and her baby togetther. I don’t understand the racing community well, but for all Zenyatta has done, she deserves to keep her baby at close watch. I know the Sherriff’s will do the right thing for this baby so that he doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
At about 5 to 6 months the foal will be weaned from Zenyatta and set up with a group of friends his own age to play and grow strong with. When the time comes, he will follow in his mother’s foot steps to the training facility where Zenyatta learned her ABCs and then on to Sherrif’s barn in CA to hopefully make his mark on the world.
Everything I have read says the Moss’s will not be selling the colt on so he will remain safely under the watchful eye of Ann and Jerry and be given every chance to become his own unique individual.
Lisag in Texas
I’ve heard that when the day arrives for the kids to be weaned…that Mom and Kids are all in one paddock…later they lead the Mom’s out one way and the kids out another way….I’ve heard that the Mom’s cry when this occurs.
Pam Homeier
Oh please don’t tell me that!
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Weaning is always traumatic for mare and foal … it’s just one of those things you can’t avoid. In the wild, a mare will keep her foal at her side for longer and they will gradually have less and less to do with each other (and Mom will start kicking if baby tries to nurse for too long), but with domestic horses it’s easier to make a clean break.
Z’s colt will probably be buddies with TT’s foal (esp. if Tasty throws a colt as well) and they will comfort each other … as will Zenny and Tasty. Soon, he will forget about being a “mama’s boy” and start playing rough with the other colts to prove how manly he is :) And Zenny will be able to concentrate on growing that new baby that will be in her belly.
MOM and BABY cry and call for each other for awhile, but it will soon
be over. It is mother nature and human children go through the same thing a survive and grow into young adults. He will go into the group of weanling/yearling colts to strut his stuff and show how talented he is.
Then when he is a yearling he will go off the “school” to learn to be a baby racehorse.
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
This is so sad! I do not want to see Ms Zenyatta go thru that. I know, it is nature, I try to understand this, but look at her with him….Fiddle Dee Dee, will think of this on another day.
One more question: Later, when The Prince retires, and let’s say he see Zenyatta…will they know each other?
I always weaned mine across the fence and nobody ‘cried’ at all. The mares are fairly happy to see them gone by then, if the truth be known!
I have heard a few calls back and forth but when weaning is done by experienced horsemen -which we all can agree is what Lane’s End is known for- there is very little distress. The mares are ready for the boisterous youngsters to be on their way and have their ‘girlfriends’ to band together and are often carrying their next foal. Their bodies do not need the added strain of nursing a 5 month old.
The weanlings have each other and usually either an elder gelding or pensioned mare as a babysitter for the first few months. By 5 to 6 months everybody, mare and foal are ready to move on to the next stage of their lives.
I knew a TB broodmare, back in my youth, who when her foal was on her side was just the most devoted attentive mother you could ask for. Her foals were always friendly, independent souls and she raised them with an eagle eye to their safety and happiness.
But come that 5 month mark she would start looking at us more and more expectantly, ‘Isn’t it time for someone to go in his own stall now???’ If for whatever reason circumstances kept her foal with her past the 6 month point she would start weaning on her own. She was NEVER cruel or hurtful towards the youngster but she made it clear he/she was no longer welcome at the milk bar!
Lisag in Texas
Thank you, ZenYen, Julie, Signofthetimes, and Peggy…this info does make me feel a ‘little’ bit better.
Kim in Saratoga NY
So cute and peaceful. Love you both. Thank you Dottie for the update on TASTY. More pacing in store until that bleesed birth takes place! Will there be a name for baby Z soon? Just curious if there is a process for that, or will the Mosse’s pick what they want?
Hugs and kisses!
Jeanenne Cliffman
I have watched (like everyone) the video clips of you and your darling son and it makes me cry everytime. You and he are just so blessed and I consider myself blessed to be a part of it in my lifetime. What a great honor. (He looks a lot like you by the way!!)
I love you, and can’t wait to see more. Lots of hugs and kisses to you both xxxxoooo
Shari Voltz/ Ohio
Dear Zenyatta what a Gorgeous picture. I just knew you would be a Great mom. He is just breathtaking. He looks so much like you. I have shown the video of you and Baby Z and you should have heard how my classes reacted. They were in Awe while watching. I so wish I could go to the Baby Shower. I think that is so wonderful. You are such a giving girl. I hope you and Baby Z have a good day. I am glad Tasty is doing well. I bet she misses you. Hugs and Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
Terry Crow
Ms. Voltz-You are truly a great teacher. Wish I could have been there to observe and participate in the class reaction.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Mrs. Voltz:
Lucky group of youngsters. Hugs, JB
Dear Great One
Oh how I have enjoyed seeing the photos and videos of you and your DARLING FOAL. He is the spitting image of YOU! And the look in your eyes — it is the look of TRUE LOVE. YOU ARE HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE WITH YOUR LITTLE MINI-ME! I am so happy for you and your humans. Ann was so emotional just talking about YOU and the birth and your MINI-ME, it was simply touching. And I LOVED what Jerry said — how important it was to them that everything done with relation to YOU was done very carefully. AFTER ALL, YOU ARE A NATIONAL TREASURE, AREN’T YOU! I THINK SO! I hope the two of you have such fun in the sun, on the grass, in the straw and doing everything together.
Your humble J
Shari Voltz/ Ohio
@ Allie taht is so nice : )
Shari Voltz/ Ohio
sorry about the mistake that
Terry Crow
Thank you, Yoda.
Hello Mom and baby Z, ( we really need a name soon please)
I am so happy you are both doing well. Thank you for the update on TT and BBII.
I was wondering what had become of the horse that was rescued a few months ago? The one that was with BB and it was going to be named Cloud after The late Great Cloud Man. Does anyone have information on that horse and her BB please?
love you Z
ps plushie update please
Barbara Wood (Texas)
We were just wondering that earlier. If I hear anything, I’ll post.
Sarah Powell, Clemson, SC
Couldn’t get anything done over the weekend because I kept checking in to see if new pictures of the “little prince” had been posted! Loved the video – especially the shot of him walking under you. Looked as if he was saying “look at me Mom.” He’s almost got 2000 fans and not even a week old! Glad to hear about Tasty – we were all worrying about her. Can’t wait to see pics of the two of you walking your little ones. We’re all so proud of you and so grateful to all your connections for letting us be a part of this. Can’t wait for more pics! (thanks Dottie)
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Sent mine in too!
Kim S in Tampa FL
Sent mine for Marlene’s birthday’s present and in honor Zenny and Zenbaby :)
Keep us posted on the total and we all can get the word out.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks for the update, Z1 We are all so happy for you and the Le Petit Prince.
There’s another birthday today. PS–Recent birthday people–you all got poems on your birthdays too.
A Birthday Poem for Wiggy
(March 12, 2012)
Dearest Wiggy,
Today is the twelfth
And it’s your birthday,
You say,
So I hope the day you brings
A wealth
Of things
To make your heart sing.
And just between you and me,
On your birthday
I’d say
It’s OK
To be just a little bit piggy,
So go for it, dear Wiggy!
I hope you have things
YOUR way
Let’s drink some toasts to your health,
But with a light touch—
That is, let’s not drink so much
As to make these lines go zag-ziggy!
Happy birthday, Wiggy, and many, many more!
Celeste in TX
Happy Birthday, Wiggy! Cute poem, Trina!
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Happy B-day Wiggy.
Lisag in Texas
Happy Birthday, Wiggy.
Eveline / Maryland.
Happy birthday Wiggy! Cute poem Trina and I’m sure all the other poems are brilliant as usual. I’m over 2000 !! comments behind, so I guess I’ll find them eventually.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Don’t worry–I’ll e-mail them to you, Eveline!
Terry Crow
Happy birthday, Wiggy. There is no greater gift than one of Trina’s poems.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Happy Birthday Wiggy. Hugs, JB
Dear Trina:
Another gem. Hugs, JB
Love your name and love the poem; Happy B-day Wiggy
Debbie G/Kentucky
Happy Birthday Wiggy! (cute name)
Great poem, Trina!
Marshall (in NC)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Wiggy!! Have a great day!
Celeste in TX
Aww, Zenyatta, your diary message brought tears to my eyes because it is so sweet and heartwarming. You are such a beautiful soul, a wonderful mom and your Dear Dottie is a genius and so dear for translating your messages to us, your devoted fans. Thank you so much for sharing the wonderful photo of your beautiful son and for the lesson on how all the paper work that follows a Thoroughbred gets started so early in life. As much as being a great place to share in our joy of loving you, Zenyatta, this is such a great place to learn more about racing and just about horses. Thank you.
How wonderful for Santa Anita to host a shower for your son! Your gifts are always so generous and kind to be thinking so much of others.
Thank you for the update on Tasty. I hope she will continue to do well and will have a beautiful foaling experience also. Some would say I’m prejudiced, but I cannot imagine another foal who could ever be more adorable than your sweet son!
Donna in El Paso
How precious it is to see you watching so carefully over your baby. He is beautiful. I recorded the coverage on HRTV and have watched it over and over. I think he will be as sweet as you from the way he was enjoying Ann’s loving on him.
Susan in SO CAL
Zenny, A beautiful Mom and beautiful colt. Has he a name yet? Looks like I’ll be at Santa Anita on Saturday to attend the Baby Shower! How great is that!!!