Happy Monday to All!
It has truly been a very eventful few days. My foal and I are adjusting beautifully to our life together. He is quite smart, inquisitive, and charming ….if I say so myself. (Blush, Blush) I’m hearing others making these same statements about him…so I guess you could say I am in complete agreement with them!
Weather permitting, we spend time outdoors in the paddock together….and then we return to the barn for our evening’s rest. I am pleased to report that he is doing everything perfectly…just as a MOM would hope for a foal who is only a few days old.
I must say, I am having the most fabulous time being a MOM and just watching him…sleep, eat, play, and snuggle up to ME. It is an absolute JOY….and I could not be happier.
Just as with human babies, there is paperwork to be completed upon the birth of a foal. All of the proper information must be submitted to the Jockey Club for his JOCKEY CLUB PAPERS to be issued. These papers are a thoroughbred’s version of a human’s BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
Martha at Lane’s End is preparing his LIVE FOAL report this morning. Later after this information is processed, blood work will be provided and this will be used to properly verify he is definitely MY FOAL SIRED BY BERNARDINI. I.D. photos will be taken and submitted to the Horse Identification Department noting every single aspect of his body…color, white star, any other white hairs, or markings. All of these details are noted in a very explicit format. Such steps are completed with each foal that is born. ALL thoroughbreds are specifically identified and parentage qualified with the goal of keeping the integrity of our sport always operating at the highest levels.
You may remember my HORSE IDENTIFICATION PHOTO. I found it again for you. I was just a few months old at the time it was taken. Who ever thought it would be so much FUN to look at several years later.
Hmmmm! What do you think? Does he take after ME?
When all of these requirements are completed and verified, the Jockey Club will formally issue his CERTIFICATE OF FOAL REGISTRATION. This will follow my adorable little guy, just as a birth certificate does a human, throughout his life…when he races, travels, or whatever else he may do!
I also want to tell you that I checked in on TASTY this morning. She is ‘happily in foal’…and from all indications it appears she still has a few days to wait before she gives birth! I’m wishing her all the best! While he’s napping, I think I’ll send her a few ‘foaling pointers’….now that I’m such a PRO and have a bit of experience in this area!
Please enjoy your week!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’m still in AWE of this entire MOM experience!)
Z….and her BABY! (How cute is that to say!)
This is SO SWEET!!
I just got the memo and the date is all set! SANTA ANITA is having LOS ANGELES’ LARGEST BABY SHOWER FOR ME and MY BABY this Saturday. How special is this!
The life-size painting of ME, THE QUEEN’S DANCE, which we unveiled during My Breeders’ Cup Party last year at Churchill Downs, is going to be on display. Jaime Corum, the artist who created the piece, and some members of my TEAM, will also be there to visit with fans.
The beautiful part of this is that MY SHOWER will honor some of the charities I have worked with during my career! My BABY and I are so fortunate, thus, it is truly my privilege to assist others who may need some help whenever I can!
I’m beginning to realize the ‘teaching part’ of being a MOM starts the minute the baby is born! Thank you for helping ME to illustrate to him the ‘gift of giving to others…comes in so many ways’.
Good morning momma Z and baby! I’m curious, when will the new version of the plushie be made available?
Carmela B/Pasadena CA
Lady Z–you never cease to amaze & delight us mere humans. Watching the Mosses’ video and seeing you interacting with your son is so exquisite. I may swing by Santa Anita on Saturday & check out the big baby shower doings…
Hugs to Tasty as she’s still the “lady in waiting” & hope all goes well for her too.
I’m just awestruck at this whole thing…you & your baby, watching from afar, it really hits me in my horseperson’s heart in a way I’ve never been hit before. I’m too old to change careers, and I have a sick husband that I’ll only have to devote more time to as months go by, but you have changed how I see my horsey world…not sure how that’s going to manifest over the next few years, but I know it will.
Patricia/Far northern CA
So glad you are here with us in this sprawling, yet so very close, Zenyatta Family. Know that you have many friends ready and willing to counsel, console, celebrate with you… how I envy you being so close to Santa Anita. My grandparents’ house was about 6 blocks from the track but when I was there as a small child there was no racing, and then we were liviing in far-flung parts of the world. Now I am about 650-700 miles away, might as well be the moon in some ways!! Thank heavens for the internet.
Come back as often as you can. Share some of your horsey experiences with us if you care to.
Arabian breeder and owner, TB lover, just plain horse lover, and Salukiphile
He surely is the PRINCE……….. your first foal, and the most adorable…… to quote your owner Mr. Moss. You are in good hands and it is a joy to see owners so happy and interested. YOUR Mrs. Moss even gave the little prince a kiss BEFORE he was cleaned up….. now that IS love. Thank U for the posts.
#1 New England fan
I am in awe at the love that just pours out from your photos and video..between you and your little prince, between you and Ann and Jerry, between Ann and Jerry and your foal. I cannot watch the HRTV video without smiling and crying at the same time!
The baby shower on Saturday sounds great and I only wish I could be there. I think a donation in honor of you and your foal to the Frankel division of Old Friends will be my way of participating and thanking you and all of Team Z for adding so much joy to my life.
Thanks for the update on Tasty. Please let her know that we are all thinking of her.
Can’t wait to see the new additions to your baby album!
Hugs to all!
Annie B in MA
PS — I love the starbust/full moon on your foal’s head. My cousin had a great idea for a name — what about “Moondancer” or maybe “Stardancer”… one word names are so strong.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Great idea! I know Team Z. will love that!
Terry Crow
I think the love oozing from this site is remarkable.
Shannon From Cool
Yes, this website proves just how much LOVE there is in the world.
This is a wonderful place to share it or get a good hit of it.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Love the Moondancer name! Has a musical quality to it…if there isn’t a musical album with that name, I would be surprised. Great choice!
Zenyatta, your little Zendini boy is just TOO CUTE for words! You are such the doting MOM! It looks like he sleeps a lot as newborns do. Can’t wait to see the videos of him running around the paddock with you!! How long will it be before the Moss’ name him? I’m sure you will have some fabulous names of your own you’ll recommend. I’m partial to Zendini! :)) When Tasty foals will she and her foal share the paddock with you? Keep those baby pictures coming! Love you Big Mama Z!! So happy you and your baby boy are so happy together.
Mary G
Hi Z, Good to see you and the little prince looking so happy and rested. He looks like he is enjoying the sunshine out in the field… the picture makes me want to find a nice grassy field to catch some rays too. Tell Dottie thank you for keeping us updated on Tasty. Best wishes for her to have a healthy, happy foal too! Well enjoy the day and your upcoming baby shower! What a great idea to help those less fortunate…you and your entire team are an inspiration! Give the prince a kiss from me.
Cheryl Smith
Such precious time in you life. He is so lucky to have you as his mom and have all your wonderful team there to support and love him. Your fans already love him so much! Zenyatta’s Prince! Thank you for sharing him with us! We love you So Much!
Please tell Tasty we are praying for her too!
Jill in Jersey
Once upon a time a beautiful queen gave birth to a handsome prince . . . and so it begins!! I can’t thank everyone enough on your team for letting us share this with you! I’ve had many tears of joy over you this weekend. Amazing, how with all the things that go on in this world, how one little colt and his mom can give so many people this much happiness. Can’t wait to watch this wonderful journey! Bless you and your little boy! And let us know about our girl, Tasty!
Oooh, Big Mama Z! I can’t wait for Saturday and the baby shower. I have heard that there is a 70% of rain Saturday, but I hope that changes by then or that the rain holds off. Glad you and junior are doing well. Love to you guys!
Dear Z and the PRINCE=======You two are simply OVER THE TOP! TOO CUTE!
Get those papers fixed up and LE, please keep a watchful eye out, someone might want to steal this cutie!!
Thank you Z’s connections, & LE & crew for taking such wonderful care of this very “special” girl & her baby.
I think Jerry & Ann will take their time in selecting the Perfect name for this baby, & the people who post names on hereSHOULD realize that they are not naming the baby, the owners are.
I am with Judy who said she is tired of hearing these silly names people are coming up with, like Zendini, Zenten ten, names that sound like pasta, magicians, etc. I’m sure the Moss’es will come up with a name “suitable” & intelligent for racing.
Thank you Dottie for the new entry today.
Zen, take good care of the Prince, I know you will
Lisag in Texas
Thank you, LIL. That says it all along with a great, big, long……sigh
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
LisaG in Texas.
Make that 2 great, big, long sighs.
that’s 3!
Thank you for your opinion on some of these silly names. I especially dislike the whole “Zendini” thing that was going around like wildfire right after his birth. As one poster at DRF.com said, it sounds like a “hack magician’s” name. I know the Mosses with pick something that fits him perfectly. We must remember, after all, that for all our love for Zenny and the little guy, they are the “parents” of Zenyatta and him so they have the right to choose the name for him, whatever our opinions are. As for me, I have no idea what should be his name. I have been so blessed by watching Zenny over the years and now her foal that I can’t even imagine that I’d be able to pick a suitable name for him. It would be fun to know what kind of nickname the people at Lane’s End are giving or going to give him prior to his offical naming. Only they truly know what his personality is like and will call him something appropriate to that I’m sure.
I agree, it reminds me of either a magician or a kind of pasta. LOL
Ann Maree / Tennessee
I recall reading that when Zenny was a foal, her nickname was “Little Tige”, as her mother, Vertigineux, was called “Tige”, I think. I think Don Robinson spoke of this in one of his interviews. The “name game” has sure been around awhile…can’t wait for the Mosses to pick one. Whatever it is, I’m sure it will fit perfectly, as others have said. Ann’s more emotional, but in the HRTV video, I think I saw Jerry about to lose it a couple of times talking about how special Z is and how much care they want to take and have taken with her to keep her happy and perfectly content. If there’s ever been more caring owners, I don’t know of any. It’s a peace of mind for me and for all of us to know our love and concern for Zenyatta could not be in better hands. How very special it is to be allowed to be a part of this whole experience that is Zenyatta in this new chapter. I love what Mikey has said in some interviews, when asked about what makes her so special: “It’s just who she is … she’s Zenyatta!”
Ann Maree,
Well said!!
Judy from South Carolina
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
You got that!
Gloria Jeanne - Rejoyce - The Prince has Arrived!!!!
Wow Zenny – you two are just TOO CUTE!!!
Enjoy the day being a MOM – he will grow up very fast.
You two are beautiful together!!! Let us know about when Tasty foals. Who knows one day a Derby with Rachel Alexander’s baby and yours. Wouldn’t that be tough to bet. Hoping you and your baby stay healthy and happy.
Sharon Kvistad
keep those pictures coming! name yet?? so happy for you Zenyatta!! we appreciate your page and all the info you give us–we are eagerly awaiting for any info every day!! Thank you!!
cindy albrecht, seattle
ok honey, all news good to hear, loved the Bloodhorse video and interview with the Moss’s, made me cry, Ann was so adorable, I think they love you and Baby Boy Z..
Thank you for letting us know about Tasty, say Hi for us.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z:
Thanks for the report on TT. Looking forward to her news. Little Boy Z looks so much like you. You’re a natural at Motherhood. Love and Hugs, JB
cindy albrecht, seattle
OOPS, left off too soon….anyway enjoy and please take care, know I LOVE YOU.
What wonderful photos! Sure can see the family resemblance between you and your baby. I know your foal doesn’t have an official name yet but does he have a barn name?
And you truly are the gift that keeps on giving. What a wonderful way to celebrate your foal’s birth with a shower to honour your favourite charities. Also, thank you for the update on Tasty…we wish her all the best too.
Janet Newman
Contented. That word comes to mind watching you and your precious little one.
You are a natural mom for sure. Loved the video of your your owners visit. So glad they got to see this marvelous moment in your life. I am sure they will have loving memories of it the rest of their lives.
Selene McCarthy
You teach us all, Zenny! Blessings to you and your beautiful baby. Well done! And thanks for keeping us up to date on Tasty’s status..can’t wait for her to share the motherly experience with you!
Linda M
Dear Zenny,
Many say women come into their own when they become Moms; you hae taken to this as beautifully as any I have seen. And you really have a wonderful GLOW! How nice to be setting this example as part of your adorable Colt’s early formativ days!
Cannot wait for your BABY SHOWER! George and I hope to come. We LOVE YOU! Linda and George
My donation in your honor has gone to Last Chance Corral to help their nurse mare foals who aren’t lucky enough to have the wonderful family you do.
Margaret I'm ECSTATIC!!!!!
Z I’m going to Kentucky at the end of April. Sadly I won’t be able to come to Lane’s End to visit. Oh well. Just knowing that we’re gonna be sharing some of the same air and space–that’ll be pretty cool. Good news is that I’m gonna get to see your poppa! Bernie won’t be there but I’ll be sure to send him some good thoughts about Prince.
I won’t be SA this weekend but I did make a donation to Old Friends in your name as a baby shower gift.
Be well sweet girl. You’ve done a wonderful job as did Bernie. My best to the baby!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you, Margaret!
Lawana Whaley
sooo precious…. and what a good momma… know that your owners will pick the perfect name but can’t help but think good names would be “Zenny’s Star” or “Polka Dot Prince”.
Can’t wait til he is old enough to come and run at Oaklawn. We will be cheering for him no matter what his name is, ’cause we know he will be as personable as you, Zenyetta,
Patricia/Far northern CA
“Polka Dot Prince” was the name of the Appaloosa stallion who was #1 in the studbook of Appaloosa Horse Club of Canada— foaled in 1943— his sire Tommy Davis was “said to be” a Thoroughbred, but Anne Peters, who is an amazing expert on TB pedigrees and history, could not find him in any Jockey Club records. At least not under that name. That could have been a local name or a ranch-horse name, too.
His son Simcoe’s Just Imagine, #19 in the ApHCC registry, was my saddle horse and companion in the 1960s-70s … he had been a working ranch horse in Saskatchewan for a time before going to the Simcoe Stables in Washington and becoming a showhorse and sire. I got him at age 15 and had him to the end of his life, a great old guy, “all boy” but VERY well mannered and was regularly riden in company with other horses, geldings, mares, etc. He could do many upper-level dressage movements, and my teacher (whose teacher in England had studied at the Spanish Riding School) used to love to get on him and put him through his paces. He sired his last foal at age 25, lived to 26 and was always a delight.
Thanks for triggering some happy memories. Just HAD to share…
…still in the far northern reaches of California
Great story! Thanks. Stay warm in the north country.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Patricia:
Thanks for sharing your wonderful story. Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I liked that , Patricia, thanks!
Terry Crow
Nice story. Appoloosas have been known to beat quarter horses in races.
Well, good morning Zee & Wee (one),
your video with both of you is just precious, and your owners Jer & Ann seem to be very nice.
When I wrote the poem, I thought you might deliver during the ‘Big Dance’
evening, but you surprised everybody, you pulled a fast one. Haha
This is for you, Zee & Wee one
Cold light of the March moon
Flowing through the tree’ lofty weave
Still barren but with the promise of spring soon
Casting The Great Mare’s shadow in the dimly lit stall
Standing there, her belly low & large with foal
Swaying gently now to the ancient melody
Of creation’s rhythmic heave
Written so along the wall
“Think we’ll see some action?”
“We givem plenty.”
“Think it’ll drop tonight?”
“Not without infraction.”
“Nervous pacing, not the usual ante.”
“Important term for the season.”
“Looks; not to kill, but ready to bite.”
“Bet,dropping tonight is the reason.”
Said one of the barn people on the watch
Turning away from the TV, keeping the barn’s hall in his sight
Looking softly at her side
The Great Mare started to dance
Lowering her head to a deep bow
While extending her right foreleg to a perfect point in a set
A step to the right, then back
A step to the left, then back
The foal inside her, in perfect position
Readying itself for the minuet
And so the Great mare and her foal were dancing
The foal following its Mother’s lead
Head against foreleg extended…
Its, in perfect harmony with Her heartbeat
“Kentucky’s ahead, three mor minutes, free-throw!”
The barn people in front of the TV game
On the watch, waiting…
“Listen!” said someone lowering the volume on the set
Whinnies, one low, one soft
Coming from the Great Mare’s stall, a perfect duet
“Why She didn’t, could she?”
“We didn’t leave her out of sight more then a wee!”
Oh, but She did. Indeed!
Wonderfully, independently, unnervingly so
The foal beside the Great Mare, unapologetic for taking the lead
Her noble profile bearing a grin,
She pulled ahead of them presenting the greatest racer to meet
“Hah, don’t think I won all those races without planning from the get-go.”
May be this poem is more for Tee’s time?
Anyway, congrats to you & all your connections
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sunny:
Beautiful. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
GREAT POEM, SUNNY! HIGH HOOF! And I love the names “Zee and Wee” too!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Love it!!!
Terry Crow
Anyone who spends their time and uses their talents to create a poem such as this deserves high praise and kudos.
Lisag in Texas
This is sweet.
Ann Maree / Tennessee
How beautiful! More tears….very touching.
Deborah Richman from So. Cal.
Wonderful poem!
Debbie G/Kentucky
Beautiful poem, Sunny. I especially like the basketball reference!
Eveline / Maryland.
Great poem Sunny, thanks !
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Great poem, Thanks, Sunny!
Amanda Gilliland
Sunny, I love this poem! Great job!
Debbie Hokanson
Dearest Z and your adorable Z baby,
You are absolutely right, he does look like you, especially when you were a youngster yourself! We are very proud of you momma, you have gone full circle…It is easy to see that everything you do turns to Gold…
Debbie and Riley , my 9 yr old granddaughter who is following your updates as well!
She has been in awe of you and now of your Babe!
Alberta Canada!
monica in long beach, CA
oh zenyatta your baby is the most adorable little guy!! sweet girl you did GREAT!! and we all KNEW you would be a TERRIFIC mom – that is no surprise – your love of humans and all other animals said it all – you are a most LOVING girl and we hope you always know we all feel the same towards you – i will be at santa anita this weekend to support your baby shower and to happily contribute towards helping other horses in your name – as always, you and your team are thinking about others dear zenyatta – you and your team are all that is GOOD in this WORLD – we cannot thank you enough for being YOU and for doing all the good that you do – prayers always to you zenyatta and your baby for good health and happiness always – with LOVE forever… monica
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Just in case you have not seen this photo of Z and Little Boy Z, here it is. White on his face looks just like a Starburst. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Great photo–thanks for posting, Judy!
Janie (in L.A.)
The HRTV video made me cry, Zenyatta. Seeing you with that darling baby boy and hearing your mom and dad talk with such love about you really got to me. You are so special, Zenyatta, and you and your baby are both straight from heaven – just perfect beauties, that’s all. Keep us posted about Tasty and keep those pictures coming!
You have an adorable baby! It is so cute to see him walk under your belly since you are so tall. I wonder if he will dance like you do! That would really be special. It will be such fun to watch him grow up!
carol in utah
You are doing a great job as a mom….a natural…
Baby Z is beyond “too cute”…perfect
sometimes before a name is picked…you need to get to know the baby …happens that way with humans ….once you him, the “chosen” name just wont fit…so take your time
…animal kingdom not going …hope he is ok
…my derby list lost another…fed biz…
…but the only girl on it won….go get ’em…On Fire Baby
Have a great day…rest and recuperate…watch over the little one
as always…kisses for your soft nose…some for baby Z…some for Tasty
Gloria Jeanne - Rejoyce - The Prince has Arrived!!!!
Hi Carol –
How are you holding up with the PACE PACE PACE?? I hope you are getting some sleep. I seem to have created a non sleeping monster with staying up waiting for Zenyatta’s colt to be born – now I can’t sleep much at all.
I’m looking forward to some check lists from you.
Take care – I’m going to try Sleep Pacing for Tasty – I hope she will foal any day now. Zen’s foal needs a play mate soon – After Tasty has her bonding time with her foal too.