Happy Monday to All!
It has truly been a very eventful few days. My foal and I are adjusting beautifully to our life together. He is quite smart, inquisitive, and charming ….if I say so myself. (Blush, Blush) I’m hearing others making these same statements about him…so I guess you could say I am in complete agreement with them!
Weather permitting, we spend time outdoors in the paddock together….and then we return to the barn for our evening’s rest. I am pleased to report that he is doing everything perfectly…just as a MOM would hope for a foal who is only a few days old.
I must say, I am having the most fabulous time being a MOM and just watching him…sleep, eat, play, and snuggle up to ME. It is an absolute JOY….and I could not be happier.
Just as with human babies, there is paperwork to be completed upon the birth of a foal. All of the proper information must be submitted to the Jockey Club for his JOCKEY CLUB PAPERS to be issued. These papers are a thoroughbred’s version of a human’s BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
Martha at Lane’s End is preparing his LIVE FOAL report this morning. Later after this information is processed, blood work will be provided and this will be used to properly verify he is definitely MY FOAL SIRED BY BERNARDINI. I.D. photos will be taken and submitted to the Horse Identification Department noting every single aspect of his body…color, white star, any other white hairs, or markings. All of these details are noted in a very explicit format. Such steps are completed with each foal that is born. ALL thoroughbreds are specifically identified and parentage qualified with the goal of keeping the integrity of our sport always operating at the highest levels.
You may remember my HORSE IDENTIFICATION PHOTO. I found it again for you. I was just a few months old at the time it was taken. Who ever thought it would be so much FUN to look at several years later.
Hmmmm! What do you think? Does he take after ME?
When all of these requirements are completed and verified, the Jockey Club will formally issue his CERTIFICATE OF FOAL REGISTRATION. This will follow my adorable little guy, just as a birth certificate does a human, throughout his life…when he races, travels, or whatever else he may do!
I also want to tell you that I checked in on TASTY this morning. She is ‘happily in foal’…and from all indications it appears she still has a few days to wait before she gives birth! I’m wishing her all the best! While he’s napping, I think I’ll send her a few ‘foaling pointers’….now that I’m such a PRO and have a bit of experience in this area!
Please enjoy your week!
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’m still in AWE of this entire MOM experience!)
Z….and her BABY! (How cute is that to say!)
This is SO SWEET!!
I just got the memo and the date is all set! SANTA ANITA is having LOS ANGELES’ LARGEST BABY SHOWER FOR ME and MY BABY this Saturday. How special is this!
The life-size painting of ME, THE QUEEN’S DANCE, which we unveiled during My Breeders’ Cup Party last year at Churchill Downs, is going to be on display. Jaime Corum, the artist who created the piece, and some members of my TEAM, will also be there to visit with fans.
The beautiful part of this is that MY SHOWER will honor some of the charities I have worked with during my career! My BABY and I are so fortunate, thus, it is truly my privilege to assist others who may need some help whenever I can!
I’m beginning to realize the ‘teaching part’ of being a MOM starts the minute the baby is born! Thank you for helping ME to illustrate to him the ‘gift of giving to others…comes in so many ways’.
Catherine Wells
Like everyone…would love to know the colt’s name.
Arnita Strutz
I am so happy for you and your baby – brings me a smile every day.
Arnita from Colorado
Sue MacGray
Happy Monday to you Z and to your adorable colt, too :) I’ve loved looking at all the pictures and the videos, too. Can’t get enough of those, please post more soon. I wish I could attend your shower, but I’m in Toledo, Ohio. I think I will follow Barbara’s lead and send a donation to Old Friends in your name.
Love you Zennie, please keep posting and giving us pics of your little one. Also, let us know when you’ve come up with a name for him :) Everyone’s speculating like mad!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you, Sue. I know it will be much appreciated!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Zennie- it sounds like you and your baby are really happy and healthy! What a lucky boy he is! I am so happy for you <3 Thank you for the update on Tasty. Won't be long! Are your mom and dad still there? Your baby shower at Santa Anita sounds wonderful, Z! What a great idea! I did send donations to Old Friends and Our Mims in your foal's honor. Please thank Matt for today's picture- too cute! Love you, pretty mama <3
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
We heard Karen G. saw Jerry at the track Saturday, so they’re back already, and Ann did not want to come back, but they needed to.
Susan from Fl
Just love these pics……you both look so great…Peace & Happiness to U both!
Sandra Frey
Hello Z and BABY! Oh, you all look so relaxed in the photo! I wanted you to know that I sent a donation to the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation last month in memory of John Henry – it was close to his birthday, so I thought it would be a good time to celebrate him…SO, I’ll send another donation in for YOU and the BABY to celebrate this beautiful birth and be able to help some Thoroughbreds that need a little help in retirement. I LOVE being a helper!
Hey, if you EVER need a babysitter…you know who to call, sister…
Thanks so much Z & Dottie for this next diary entry. Like most, I spent part of the weekend looking at the adorable photos and that great video that HRTV posted (and everyone has since re-posted all over the place!) I confess, I got choked up when Ann did while she was sharing her thoughts and emotions….. this is truly a precious experience… I’ve been following racing for many years and have had many favorite mares but this whole Zenyatta thing defies description. This past year has been a delight to follow and I’ve enjoyed reading about other fans’ enjoyment too.
And thanks for the update on Tasty. She has become a celebrity in her own right and everyone is just as anxious to hear news of her too…..it’ll be really sweet to see both foals playing when they are turned out together with their moms!
Past the Grandstand
What a precious picture! Thank you for the information, Zenyatta. I am so happy for you and your connections. Love you, Z and Little Z!
R.A.C.E. Fund, Inc
Baby Z is precious and he is getting some Z’s as he is out like a light when he naps. Zenyatta takes everything in stride and looks like she is adapting to motherhood quite well. She is so intelligent and has brought so much to racing and the world.
Joanna (UK)
You have such a beautiful son. Thank you for sharing the pictures and news of Tasty x
Look forward to seeing you both run together in the paddock
Terry Crow
Always god to hear from our friends in the U.K.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Good, too!
Terry Crow
Should never use God unless intended. Thank you, Vicki.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
No, Terry, I knew it was a fast typo. Just a little humor. But you’re welcome.
Hope your daughter is doing well, too.
Goodmorning Queen Z, Here is wishing you and the little tike a wonderfully lovely day. You two are simply too CUTE. Remain Blessed. Say Hi to Dottie and the rest of your Rainbow Crowd. Still wishing Taste the very best. How is Daddy dearesst? is he pleased?. Will check in later. Oh, the little guy looks too cute resting. A big kiss on his soft nose. Still sooooooooooooo HAPPY.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Lisag in Texas
Ms Mama Zenyatta, He is so just Too Cute laying out and basking in the sun, and you, your watchful eye…Perfect Mom…Perfect Son..
Your baby picture always brings tears to my eyes, you are absolutely beautiful. So young, so ‘small’.
Glad you two had a good weekend getting to know each other, and your little one getting to know the world under your guidance…Wow, I can see all the love you have for this little guy.
Glad for Tasty, tell her hi, and let us know what she thinks of Your Prince and Your perfect, experienced advise. Tasty is going to have a filly I think.
Thank you for all the information in order to get His birth certificate going. Well, I know you are a faithful wife, the blood tests are unnecessary as far as I am concerned.
I love You and Your my Prince, will check in on you later, thank you for the new picture..just cannot get enough…it is impossible. He is so adorable, I love The Royal Kiss….I love you both soooooooooooo much…Lisag
Susan Carothers (in TN)
P.S. Zennie- I love YOUR baby picture :)
So glad to hear all is well with you and your baby! He is so adorable and it is very clear from the pictures and videos that you are a fantastic mother.
Just wondering when he will be named. Is there a process to naming a foal? Can’t wait to hear what the Mosses name him. I’m sure it will be a great name. They do everything so well.
Enjoy the beautiful weather and keep up the good work!
Best wishes to TT for a smooth birth like yours.
Dottie, and Zenyatta,
Thank you so much for the most awaited Diary update to say all is well with mom and baby.
So worried, of course to not hear or see any pictures or updates since Friday.
VIDEO today????
Hugs and Prayers to all
ps thanks for update on Tasty
Richard & Kathy Somers
Oh’ we are such proud fans, We love you Z
Thank you for the update on Tasty. I love your little son very much so thank you for the pics! Just can’t get enough of the two of you together!
Linda B from Va
You sound like such a proud mom…he is perfect Zen…Can no wait to hear what we will call him…..your owners must be busy thinking what would be the best for the future champ and HOTY…enjoy him while you can they grow up so very fast.
Lisag in Texas
I just could not help but think that all the times Queen Zenyatta rested, Tasty was watching over her…..Now the Prince is resting….and our Queen is watching over him, just no rest for a Mom.
Robin LOVES Zenyatta
Queen – You and your baby are on my screen saver! He is just the cutest baby ever!!!!
And I have watched your video over and over. What a FANTASTIC IDEA the Santa Anita baby shower is – and for so many deserving groups. I hope that all goes well.
Love abounds in the Z world…
Queen Z,
You have come full circle now, a champion of champions and now
a supermega star MOM! Love u and your baby lots.
2012 Derby Watch
Gary Stevens on Twitter–top five Derby contenders —
creative cause, union rags, Bodemeister, hansen and el padrino.
Hope they all stay safe & sound.
Animal Kingdom will not be racing in Dubai due to injury.
Jim Rome’s mare Surfer Girl (aka Jelly Bean Queen) had a filly.
Ray Paulick tweeted: There goes Fed Biz off the #KyDerby trail, per DRF.
There are no “little problems” for 3yo’s in March and April
Amen to that, Ray! There are no little problems so close to the Derby!
Terry Crow
I respect Gary Stevens but Creative Cause couldn’t handle either Hansen or Union Rags in the BC and I don’t see that gap being closed. I do like Union Rags, barring any injuries.
Terry, I’m with you on that. Just sharing.
Terry Crow
I am always glad when someone shares my meanderings.
I agree with you Terry. Creative Cause is good, but no match for Hansen or Union Rags. Godspeed be with all of the 3 year olds, stay safe and sound. We have lost quite a few and Animal Kingdom, what a tragedy, that whole horrible Belmont. They have been playing it over and over and over again. It is so amazing Johnny V,
was able to stay on him. Those jockey are not held on by anything other than
superb balance.
Terry Crow
Agree. The jockey who caused the interference should have been set down for at least 30 days. 60 would have been appropriate.
What an adorable picture of Z and her baby. Such contentment and peace!!
TOO CUTE!! So sweet, just brings a smile to my face.
Nancy from California
CONGRATULATIONS PRETTY WOMAN, job well done and what a HANDSOME boy you gave us. I was so excited all weekend. The video is just precious, I had tears in my eyes just as Ann did. You are a perfect Mom just as you were in your racing days. I look forward to your diary every day and now to watch you as a Mom and your beautiful boy grow will also be something to watch. I also heard Dottie on HRTV and she was quite excited also, I can just imagine how YOUR JOHN felt. My best wishes to Tasty as well. You can be new Moms together. God Bless you all at Lanes End for taking such good care of all of you. Congrats again for a job well done.
I love all the ownderful pictures of you and your little guy. He is truly a handsome boy!! I absolutely loved the video of you and the Moss’. Your owners are wonderful people, but then I guess we don’t have to tell you that.
Thanks for updating us on Tasty. I hope that we see her foal soon!! Enjoy the beautiful weather!
So, Dottie, when are you and John heading to KY to see Zenny and baby??? Bet you can’t wait!
How cute, you are looking over him while he sleeps. You are such a protective mom. Can’t wait to see him grow up with you teaching him everything he needs to know.
Who will you be bred to for next year? Will you be bred on your foal heat? Please update us with your future plans! Love the new little boy!
wish I could be there this Saturday, Z and Baby Z and Z Team — I had to finally leave L.A. only 10 days ago to head back home to NY. But I went to Santa Anita 3x and spent wonderful moments with YOUR JOHN and YOUR DOTTTIE. and especially walked all along the paths that I knew you had taken so many times (except onto the track, of course.) I could feel you there and it was a joy. (I told Dottie that i just had to scoop up some of the shavings and dirt from the paddock walking oval ‘
cause I knew that while it probably wasn’t the actual earth you had walked on, maybe there’s a speck left that your hooves touched. I’m thinking that way, anyway.)
Your baby is adorable and I knew you will bring him up right. He has to follow in your footsteps for a while and then he will find his own. God bless.
This Auntie is doing the Happy Dance to the point of exhaustion! Thank you again to Z’s family for sharing.