Happy Friday, Everyone!
It is amazing how things in one’s life can change so much in just several hours. Here I am late yesterday afternoon with Ann and Jerry posing for this photo…..and then a few hours later….I became a MOM!
Shortly after this picture was taken, the Moss’ left for dinner. All was quiet in my life and it seemed like we’d all have a relaxing evening. Then suddenly things started to change!
A few hours later, Mike Cline called Ann and Jerry to let them know I was feeling a bit restless and I could possibly foal later that evening.
Jerry immediately called MY JOHN and Dottie in California… and everyone started to PACE. Shortly after this, my water broke…and my lovely FOAL was bornat 10:10 last evening. As I’ve said so many times before, NATURE IS TRULY AMAZING!
I am one who likes to LICK. It is a habit I developed somewhere along the way in my life. As you may remember, I used to lick MY MARIO’S face all of the time after I won a race. Thus, licking my dear foal seems like second nature to ME.
He is one handsome guy and I am now beginning to see that he and I will be embarking on an entire new journey as the future unfolds.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’M A MOM!)
Mary Margaret from Georgia
I love Zenyatta licking her precious son. The song is so perfect for her. It is a beautiful song. I’d love to hear more of that song with more videos of the royal family. Take care sweet Momma and baby. Enjoy your napping. Luv ya.
Congrats to the Queen! So glad to hear that all is well and that you are now a proud mama!!
Shanda Hooton
Congratulations sweet girl….he is so handsome..absolutely perfect! You did an amazing job just like I knew you would. Congratulations to not only you but all your family…The Mosses, Barn 55, Lanes End and The Sheriff’s. You never let us down Z: ) Thank you so much….all of you for making all of the fans feel so much a part of your everday life. I can’t speak for everyone but I know it means sooooo much to me! Take it easy, and enjoy your baby colt! Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!!! Sending all my love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elena Erdman
Hi Queen Z. Your colt is gorgeous. You look so loving and happy and he moves around just great and he just arrived. Amazing. Rest and relax and soon you will be running with him and showing him all kinds of fun things. I love you Zenyatta
Melissa Miz
Zenyatta congratulation on your new blessing. I got to say I had my class pray for a safe delivery for both you and your baby, He is so cute and I am so happy for everyone. Thank you Dottie, Zenyatta, and the Moss’ for letting us go on your special and personal adventure together. I hope one day I get to meet you and the baby. Kentucky is one lucky state to have such a beautiful queen. Love of love to you the baby and everyone in your connections.
karen cook
My day just went for a bad day to the best day I can remember.. So happy .. So happy the Queen and her Price are health and safe ..
Marty R / Colorado
@At ALL….Zenny did good, didn’t she? All of you did, too. Everyone can get a full night’s sleep tonight.
@Trina, Poetress Extraordinaire. Absolutely beautiful tribute!! Cool under pressure, couldn’t detect any at all.
Did anyone else notice there were six foals born at Lane’s End yesterday and all but one were colts? If they’re posted on the list in order, Zenny was the closer of the day.
Thanks to all who provided links or videos. I’ve been gone most of the day, so have lots of catching up to do.
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
I slept like a newborn colt last night, first good night’s rest this week.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Too Cute: “Zenny was the closer…” True Zenyatta style!
Congratulations new Momma. Your baby is beautiful. How right that he has a star on his forehead.
Sandy O
Another thrill for all of us with Mommy Zenyatta and her new boy. They are sooo beautiful. May they both have a happy and successful life.
Love from a FAN in California.
Sandra Hancock
Congratulations Dear Zenyatta !!!
From the short video, I can tell that you’re gonna be a great mom!!! And from the looks of him Hes gonna be big and tall and strong just like you!!! He’s gorgeous!!!
I am so happy for you. Best of all any one could wish you !! But please, do put up more pictures of him and video too Please!!!
Sincerely S.L.Hancock
Sea Tower
He is exquisite, Z! So happy for you and yours…that you and your foal are hale and hardy. He could not have wished for a better Dam (or sire – Bernardini or aunt – Eblouissante). Woo-Hoo!
Camille from Louisville, KY
If you’d like to see the first video of Zenyatta and her new foal, go to the following link:
Welcome to the world, little prince!!! =)
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
What a nice photo of all of you together, so tender… and a few hours later you became a mammy to a beautiful baby, that is even lovelier , I love you and I love you baby the same way, endless… Ingrid.
Louise Castello
Someone probably posted this already, but just in case there are two new photos of baby and mom outside on Bernardini’s facebook. Sooooooo cute!
pamela manzer
Congratulations Zenyatta on the birth of your colt. He is so perfect and beautiful. He will make you proud Enjoy motherhood. Love and Kisses.
Congrats on becoming a mom, Zenny!
I can’t wait to follow your progress–both of you!
Please post some photos and videos!!!
Love ya both!
Beatrice Lian
Absolutely adorable! Mommy & baby look wonderful in the video clip & photo.
She is so gentle & loving with her precious baby.
Looking forward to more news & videos of mom & baby – any name yet?
shirlee in Indy
Welcome to the world baby boy!! What at thrill that your big boy is here and you both are doing so well.
Thanks to Ann, Jerry, Dottie, John and all at Lane’s End for all the information and sharing this joyous event with us.
It is so great to read all the posting as none of my friends here in Indy even realize who Zenyatta is. Bless Their Hearts, they try to look interested but I can see their eyes glaze over when I talk about horse racing.
Congratulations Zenny!
Margie from SoCal
Sweet Zenny, what a glorious day for you, your family, team and all of ZenNation. My heart is full with joy that all is well, and filled with love for you and your precious colt. You light up our lives with your sweetness, dedication to excellence, and your magnificence. Now you, along with Bernardini, have given us another gift. Another angel on earth. May you enjoy every moment of being a mother and bask in the glow of your colt’s love, and of ours.
Thank you to all of Team Z for sharing these special moments with ZenNation. To Dottie, as always, your’re the best!
@Trina – your poem has already become a classic. And I especially liked the part about Zenny’s first born being loved even if he never runs a race. I know Ann and Jerry will let the little guy grow up to be exactly who he is supposed to be. He will indeed be loved, no matter what.
New pics:
Marilu V
Dear Zenny:
Hope you and baby are feeling better an rested today. What a night for you and the entire Z family.
Any news about your dear frirend Tasty? Please let us know.
Love and kisses to you and baby! Marilu
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- REBORN
Wow Zen, your never cease to amaze me……now you aced this delivery thing! You are officially a “MOTHER”, and have joined a very special elite group. We are life givers of life and the nurturers. You are going to enjoy this part of your life more than anything else and we get to enjoy it with you. Can’t wait to see what kind of personality he will have……we already know he will be intelligent and he can run, but will he love the competition like you did? What a fun story this is going to be, and thank you and blessings to the Mosses and Dottie for letting us watch.
My BFF Sally B is in Florida and going nuts running to the library trying to get on your diary to post. Hope she can get a message thru today.
Kisses on your nose and baby Z’s and TT too OFFICIALLY Auntie Sue
Oh My Gosh!!!! I am soooo happy everything went well. Where are the pictures? I can hardly wait to see them. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Congratulations to Queen Z and the new prince!
FABULOUS! Zenny you are sure to be a wonderful mama, just like you did everything else, PERFECT! Best to you and all the Zenny crew.
hooray! congrats! I can’t wait to see pictures. Thank Mother Earth and Father Sky that you are both healthy and doing well. Keep on lickin’-Saralee
Betsy McGrath
Is there a video of the little fellow getting to his feet? I don’t see a link anywhere on the site; also, someone mentioned a video of the first outing, but I cannot find it. Help!
I loved hearing Ann’s voice on the “minutes after” video.
What is the minutes ater video? Many thanks!
Betsy McGrath
Minutes after the birth, the “licking” video; the link is on this site.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Booyah! Slapsilly happy! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Love-Licks Love-licks Love-Licks! You go momma!