Happy Friday, Everyone!
It is amazing how things in one’s life can change so much in just several hours. Here I am late yesterday afternoon with Ann and Jerry posing for this photo…..and then a few hours later….I became a MOM!
Shortly after this picture was taken, the Moss’ left for dinner. All was quiet in my life and it seemed like we’d all have a relaxing evening. Then suddenly things started to change!
A few hours later, Mike Cline called Ann and Jerry to let them know I was feeling a bit restless and I could possibly foal later that evening.
Jerry immediately called MY JOHN and Dottie in California… and everyone started to PACE. Shortly after this, my water broke…and my lovely FOAL was bornat 10:10 last evening. As I’ve said so many times before, NATURE IS TRULY AMAZING!
I am one who likes to LICK. It is a habit I developed somewhere along the way in my life. As you may remember, I used to lick MY MARIO’S face all of the time after I won a race. Thus, licking my dear foal seems like second nature to ME.
He is one handsome guy and I am now beginning to see that he and I will be embarking on an entire new journey as the future unfolds.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’M A MOM!)
Bernie, San Joaquin Valley, CA
Congrats Zenny, you just made the world a better place! Adorable baby boy!!!
Diane from Solana Beach
Congratulations to you dear Mama Z. You truly
are such a loving mother looking at your newborn
prince with such pride and awe. Thank you Team Z
for sharing this joyful moment with the world. I
know your Jerry and Ann will choose the
perfect name for you but I can’t help but
think of Moonbeam Magic or still like the
Police song Synchronicity!
Enjoy your first hours and days with your
little prince, Zenyatta! Have a wonderful
happy, joyful weekend! XOXO
Kelly J. /ND
Congrats again Zenny!
Especially Horses / Southern California
When they created the Zenyatta’s Prince FB Page I think they serendipitously nailed what should be his registered name – Zenyatta’s Prince. It just sounds and feels right to me and I’d love to see the name Zenyatta in a Racing Program again.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Or just….The Prince
Lynne Langill
Congrats!! to Zenyatta, her team in CA and at Lane’s End. A simply beautiul baby is here at last. I can stop pacing, too. Is there going to be baby naming contest?
Your dearest friend, Lynne from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Ann Maree / Tennessee
Wow Zenyatta!!! You sure did good, sweet girl! What a handsome, beautiful colt!
Have to tell you I nearly lost it last night! Pacing, pacing, worrying, worrying (you always worry about those things out of our control more than anything else). What happened here in the Memphis area we had some big rain storms — no one was injured, thank goodness — but, lots of rain, and when I got home from work, my internet, my tv, and my home land line phone were all out! Fortunately, I had my iPhone and I checked into Facebook and Twitter frequently, but fell asleep in my recliner in my den and when I awoke, you had presented the world with your wonderful “package”! If you have ever tried to type and use the silly keyboard on an iPhone (I know you know what I mean with your hooves it must be so difficult! LOL), I was pulling my hair out, so, after midnight here, 1:00 your time, I jumped in my car and headed for my office so I could get online and read everything and catch up. Not much sleep, but it was worth it to share your wonderful experience with you. I did get flustered, though, when I saw there was a video, and then, darn it, it was gone before I got to see it. I’m afraid I lost my cool a little bit, I felt like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz getting caught up in the cyclone!
I finally made it back home around 5:00 — didn’t sleep much though so am going to call it an early night this evening. As I was checking my iPhone before falling off to sleep around 6:00 a.m., I got to see the video someone had managed to grab and made a musical tribute. I hope that was ok for someone to do that, because it sure made my night, er day! Can’t wait to see more surprises to come.
I know, everyone says it would be highly unusual and improbable for you to be able to reproduce yourself — I know that intellectually — but, my fertile brain likes to dream and to think that maybe you will turn out to be a Pretty Polly, who was not only successful on the track, but founded a small dynasty of her own. Her legacy is still being felt today….I hope that happens for you, but, even if it doesn’t, your foals are assured protection and care whether they make it on the track or not. My biggest fantasy is for your colt and for Rachel’s colt to meet up in a couple of years!! Wow, that is something I plan to stick around to see!!!
Big hugs Momma Z and kisses to your sweet boy. He is gonna be a champ, I just know it. Love you bunches, Ann Maree
Gary Moulton
Rachel’s boy is already getting 5 lbs. LOL. I Can’t wait if they were ever to race!
Lib Berry
This may have already been posted, but there are new pictures of Zenyatta and her precious new colt on her facebook; there’s a close-up, head shot of him standing. Another name that I thought of is: “Full Moon Rising”
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
WHERE on her FB page? I don’t see any new photos (none of him standing)?????
Lib Berry
They are on “The Wall” of her facebook. I did not see any new photos in the “photos” section yet.
They are under Zenyatta’s Prince facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.314917881901190.73527.313348545391457&type=1
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, must have this picture. Can you put it in your store? It is rare that You and both your human parents are in one picture….this is just beautiful..Cannot wait to go to YouTube and see you ‘lick’ your baby Prince. I love you all so much…When is Your John and Your Dottie coming? I wonder if John will check out his legs, first thing!! I love ya…Lisag
You should name the colt Zenyardini!
Past the Grandstand
I can’t stop smiling! What a joyous happening. I wrote about it immediately: http://pastthegrandstand.blogspot.com/2012/03/zenyatta-delivers-colt.html
I love you so, so, so much, Zenyatta. You, your colt, and your connections are absolutely wonderful. Thank you so much for updating us so promptly. Love you, Z and little Z!
Wise words.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Past The Grandstand:
Thank you for the article. Love it and I agree with Max. Hugs, JB
Elizabeth in NM
Loved the article! God’s blessings and looking forward to more about Zenny’s Prince
Terry Crow
Good job. Thanks for the link
Barbara P Turner
Awesome job Zenny! Looking for him out on the tracks! Keep up the great work! Love, Barbara and my dog Josey!
Pam Zacek,
Hey Mom, congradulations, Im so glad for you, a new prience, he will do you proud, Im sure, I so happy, I have saved something, just for this occation for you and your new baby, Im sure, the team is all so happy, and everyone, on this diary thing, you go and be relaxed, need that for yu new little one, probably a big colt, for sure, look at his , mom and DaD , thank God all went well, I m so happy, tears of joy, for you and evrey one, has Tasty had her s yet?? I hope soon, too, can t wait to see him, Love you Zen, take you care of that baby, like we all know you will , lick him clean every day, I am now going to get my saved, congrulations, present, and enjoy a night of celebrating, Love you Zen
Ashley in Madison, Wisconsin
Congrats Zenyatta!!! So happy for you :)
Congratulations Momma Z! Good job. Blessing on you and your baby boy.
Hallo Zee & Wee(one),(160lbs.) that’s a lotta lot wee,
I was trying to send my congrats this morning, but couldn’t get in.
I bet you’re glad it’s over, so am I, and I also bet so are all your connections.
He is just precious, as beautiful as his Mom.
Congratulations to you & all your connections.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
He’s 130 pounds, not 160. Give it a couple of weeks and he will be, though.
Christine in Northern Michigan
Congrats again Zenny! Some Z friends from where I used to work are coming over and bringing champagne!! A big toast to you, your little one and all the people that love you! Time to celebrate!!
Congrats Zenyatta I have a name for your boy. Zenmaster
Cara Ezzell
Congratulatlions Queen Z on the birth of your adorable, precious, gorgeous colt!!! I have been checking & checking ALL week & there have been some false alerts & many freak-outs (LOL!). I finally decided that Zenyatta will have her foal when “she’s” ready! So I just kind of chilled out & of course, I was asleep last night when your little prince was born. I didn’t check any messages & at approximately 9:00 a.m. (CST), I opened my e-mail & there was an e-mail from Blood-Horse Magazine announcing the arrival of your little prince!!!! I attempted to read your diary post 454 on Facebook, then tried your website & my computer kept freezing up & would not go through! I told quite a few friends that when your foal came, it was going to jam up computers everywhere! LOL! I’m so very, very happy for you & so glad he’s a healthy little boy!!! Of course, I heard you delivered him just like the champion you are with no problems! Girl, you had this colt exactly when “you” were ready just like in all your races, you made your move when you knew the time was right!!! Congratulations to Jerry & Ann & also John & Dottie & everyone on your team, your veterinarian, etc. Much, much love & hugs to you baby girl/QUEEN ZENYATTA & your little prince!!! Woohoo!!! Whew, what a ride!!! :) XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Booyah! Slapsilly happy! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
StarDreamZ – for your little ‘star’ on your snootie and the dreams you, Momma, made come true! or how about DreamstarZ …. I think I like that one better!
All about Zee :)
Great for you Z.Has Tasty foaled yet?
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
Well, I finally got on this website about an hour ago. I had been trying all day but found some news on Bloodhorse and DRF. Now I have the joy of reading #454 and 455 and, of course, am sitting hear crying even though I’ve known about this most all of today. I saw the newest picture of you and the Prince out in the paddock but I’m eager to see him on his feet. I know that pleasure will come soon. How can I be this happy about a horse that I’ve never seen and probably never will see and her first born? Because it’s Zenyatta – no more explanation needed.
Janie (in L.A.)
What a TOO CUTE family portrait that is! And your baby boy is soooo precious, I can’t stand it! And those licks you’re talking about are really horsie kisses, sweet girl. I’m so happy that you can now settle in to mommyhood. Love you sooooo much Zenyatta!
Robin Ventura Ca
I can’t stop looking at YOU and BABY Z BOY! TRULY A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE!
Gloria Jeanne - Rejoyce - The Prince has Arrived!!!!
So Exciting…… WOW. I have seen a few photo’s of him and what can I say –
What a handsome young pony – WOW!!!!
I’m glad the pacing is over, now we can all enjoy the moment and dream of what will become of such a famous little guy…. DREAM DREAM DREAM. So hopeful
janie from Massachusetts
How wonderful for all ……………. ZENNY’S PRIDE is here !!
Candace from Canada
What an adorable baby! May he grow up to be as handsome as his father and as fast as his mother.
Love to all from up north in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Trina Nagele in So Cal
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, KAYLEE! Your poem is on #454 as a reply to your 6:03 am post there from this morning.
Zenny, I am over the moon with happiness and excitement with the news of your sweet colt arriving into the world!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy this beautiful day!!!! HUGS TO ALL OF TEAM Z!!!!!!!
Marty R / Colorado
Congratulations to Zenyatta and Mr. and Mrs Moss. He is outstanding!!
A most heartfelt thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Moss for letting us continue to participate in Zenyatta’s life. Another heartfelt thank you to Dottie for all that you do keeping us up to date on everything Zenyatta.
Thanks also to the California Z team for taking such good care of Zenyatta while she lived there and thanks to the Lane’s End team for continuing the good care.
Because of all of you, Zenyatta is the horse of the world. Of course, her personality, beauty and racing talent have something to do with it, too.
@Your Highness, Master Moss…Welcome to the world!! We’ve been waiting and watching for you. Glad you’re here, Z/B.