Happy Friday, Everyone!
It is amazing how things in one’s life can change so much in just several hours. Here I am late yesterday afternoon with Ann and Jerry posing for this photo…..and then a few hours later….I became a MOM!
Shortly after this picture was taken, the Moss’ left for dinner. All was quiet in my life and it seemed like we’d all have a relaxing evening. Then suddenly things started to change!
A few hours later, Mike Cline called Ann and Jerry to let them know I was feeling a bit restless and I could possibly foal later that evening.
Jerry immediately called MY JOHN and Dottie in California… and everyone started to PACE. Shortly after this, my water broke…and my lovely FOAL was bornat 10:10 last evening. As I’ve said so many times before, NATURE IS TRULY AMAZING!
I am one who likes to LICK. It is a habit I developed somewhere along the way in my life. As you may remember, I used to lick MY MARIO’S face all of the time after I won a race. Thus, licking my dear foal seems like second nature to ME.
He is one handsome guy and I am now beginning to see that he and I will be embarking on an entire new journey as the future unfolds.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’M A MOM!)
Diane from Solana Beach
I like it!
Cathy Cook
Congrats big girl, I am thrilled for you and your extended family. You continue to thrill us!!
Linda B from Va
This “old nurse “still has it….Just had a feeling the moon would work it’s magic and Zen would do the rest…good work mom Zen
carol in utah
This old nurse agrees…there seem to be a few of us here..but everyone has different experiences…one yesterday thought she would wait…
Lanes End FB page is reporting that they had six foals last night and Zenyatta made hers the very last one. TOO CUTE!!!!
POOR Dottie, Now she has two superstars to write about every day. I can’t wait to see his first video in a few weeks were he is running and jumping up and down. Gosh, I love to see the foals frollicking around and running with mama.
Roxanne Cook - Boulder Creek, CA
Everyone’s grinning ear-to-big-ears! Congratulations to all Zenyatta’s connections. I’m so relieved it went smoothly and that she’s going to be an excellent mom. It’s been quite a feat to get onto the diary page – no wonder with over 100,000 FB fans trying to connect! Our thoughts are with you in pure joy! Now more than ever, we’ll be watching for updates, photos and video! Many blessing to you, Dottie, and to Ann & Jerry too, for sharing these precious moments and your thoughts with Zenyatta’s legions of fans. [We’ll be cheering for Blingo in the San Felipe Stakes tomorrow, you betcha!!!!]
Kimberly Potter/CELEBRATING
Congratulations My Beautiful Zenyatta~ I knew you would handle it all like a “CHAMP”. You and your precious baby boy are the CHAMPIONS of my heart.
Love, Hugz and Kisses to you BOTH Big Momma….thanks for sharing this journey of a lifetime.
i had a feeling when i woke up then come on this and bam wow congrats over here its the 10th hes a lovely foal good job zenny.:P
Mama Z! I can’t wait to see more pictures of your little prince! I bet he is just the cutest little fella!! Get some much deserved rest mama! LOVE YOU!
Carol C. from So. Ca
I’m calling the baby “Zdancersimage” cause he looks just like his beautiful Mom. Good Job Zenny he is gorgeous.
Suzanne G (IL)
How beautiful and thrilling! So happy for you and your baby and grateful to your families for always sharing. Very glad that everything went well under the light of that full moon. I’m sure that John Henry and Kari were also looking out for both of you. In your honor and to celebrate baby Z…
http://www.trfinc.org/ (Saylor Challenge–Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation–goal is only 50% met)
http://www.valleyviewranchequinerescue.webs.com/ (7 horses need to be saved)
MC Parris
Congrats Zenyatta!!!!! I’m looking forward to seeing more pictures! How is Tasty????? Glad you both are ok!
carol in utah
Hi again Zenny…glad all is well
I am sure Tasty was helping co-ordinate…and taking notes at same time
Thank you to All of Team Z….for sharing this with all of us…the heart overflows
Auntie JAG….are you out there…TVG is so funny today…all calls are either about our Queen Z or about the great JOHN HENRY…they are trying to report racing news
About the full moon/birthing thing….lanes end had 7-8 babies yesterday ..that we know of…hummmmmmm
Rest and recover….give Tasty all the tips you can…shes a first timer too
kisses and hugs for you, baby Z, all lanes end folks, all of TeamZ, and the whole Z nstion
Dear Zenny,
What a wonderful life changing day for you and
The Mosses. So glad horses foal so quickly and
You little one does like the licking, but I think you
Ticked him. He is TOO CUTE. Have a great day
Recovering from this big ordeal. Hopes and dreams
Realized through your lovely colt. So glad it is a boy.
Elizabeth G.
May love, joy , and happiness continue to abound — you and your new baby are a special treasure.
Please give a “congratulations” to the whole family including Dottie, John and the Moss’s. Thank you so much for letting us share in this wonderful experience of your life Zenyatta.
No words can express our love and adulation for you. We look forward to all the fun experiences with the new baby. You are a blessing, Zen.
Wishing everyone good health and a heartfelt peaceful journey into a great future!
PS: Tell Tasty that we wish her well too!
Melissa Bessette
It’s truly the miracle of nature. Nothing is sweeter than a new mom and her newborn baby! Congratulations to EVERYONE!
Cheryl Smirh
Congratulations again! He is beautiful!
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Congratulations again, Zenyatta and all of Team Z. It will be exciting to see what name they choose from their music library. They certainly gave the QUEEN a winning one. Perhaps he’ll have a nickname until his personality tells them the name that best suits him. Can’t wait for the next photos.
Hi Z
Congratulations…he’s sooooo cute! I’m glad things went well for you……..any news on TastyT?????
Audrey - British Columbia
Congratulations and as always many thanks to all the connections.
Karen in Indiana
Take care and enjoy! What a blessing :-)
Stephanie in CT
Congrats to all! I was so excited to hear the news this morning. Z, you will be an amazing mom! I can’t wait to see the pictures of your little prince frolicking along side you. Thank you to Ann & Jerry et. all for sharing this blessing with us.
Joani Jiannine
Congratulations BIG Girl!! What a handsome fellow! He’s special, born on the full moon, a huge solar flare yesterday and two top o the line parents!!! What connections he has!!!
Irene Caty
Hi Zenny, it looks like all is A-OK with you and your handsome colt. You are right that you are truely Blessed and we are all blessed to have you and share in your colts future. Love and kisses to you both.
I am sure your parents are very proud of their grandson
Terry Town
Beautiful colt, My sister Karen Ford Loves Zenyatta.
Julie Anderson
I’ll be anxiously awaiting first photos of the little guy.
Enjoy being a mommy.
Julie in Bonsall, CA
Leslie R.
Hi Zenny, your son is gorgeous!!!! Congrats again to you and to all of Team Z! It is sweet that you are giving him so many kisses. He’s going to grow up loved and be as sweet as you are!
Thanks Z and Dottie for keeping us updated. This is a very exciting time!
Love to all,
Jan in WV
So Very Happy For You And All Your Family !~!~!
Thanks So Much For Keeping All Of Us Informed For The Last Yr !~!~!
Hugggzzz And Lots Of Love Zenny !
I think his name should be ”Zendini”
Jan In WV
Trisha from VA
Still emotional for me as it is , I am sure for your connections. He is a beauty just like you. My heart swells with pride for you. I saw the video and it is oh so sweet and gentle. Love it and you both. Take care and have a restful week end , relax and enjoy the little one.
Congratulation to Bernadini as well , he should be proud also.
Thanks to everyone involved for making sure Zenyatta’s fans have been kept up to date and included in all.
Thanks again and congratulations.
Love hugs kisses and smooches to all.
Love you
Nancy in Lexington
Wow, Z! What a day you had yesterday! You and your foal are absolutely amazing! He is so handsome and your tender eye looking at him tells me you will be the wonderful mother God wanted you to be! Then again, did we have any doubts? I think not! I wish you the best of health and happiness and you begin your journey together. You have much love and happiness ahead of you and we all will look forward to watching your little guy grow! Congratulations to you and Bernie, and of course, “grandparents” Ann and Jerry Moss!