Happy Friday, Everyone!
It is amazing how things in one’s life can change so much in just several hours. Here I am late yesterday afternoon with Ann and Jerry posing for this photo…..and then a few hours later….I became a MOM!
Shortly after this picture was taken, the Moss’ left for dinner. All was quiet in my life and it seemed like we’d all have a relaxing evening. Then suddenly things started to change!
A few hours later, Mike Cline called Ann and Jerry to let them know I was feeling a bit restless and I could possibly foal later that evening.
Jerry immediately called MY JOHN and Dottie in California… and everyone started to PACE. Shortly after this, my water broke…and my lovely FOAL was bornat 10:10 last evening. As I’ve said so many times before, NATURE IS TRULY AMAZING!
I am one who likes to LICK. It is a habit I developed somewhere along the way in my life. As you may remember, I used to lick MY MARIO’S face all of the time after I won a race. Thus, licking my dear foal seems like second nature to ME.
He is one handsome guy and I am now beginning to see that he and I will be embarking on an entire new journey as the future unfolds.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’M A MOM!)
I like Zendini’s Twister for the name! Just a thought…
Congratulations to Zenny!!
Get some rest today big girl! You certainly deserve some TLC today. Hope all is well with Tasty and that she isn’t too far behind you.
Janey Boyd
So happy and excited that your precious son is HERE!Can’t wait to see pics and video of him walking around.Isn’t it amazing what you and Curlin produced!! You are such a good ,attentive mom.I know you feel overjoyed and a little overwhelmed but you will do so great.So glad the Moss’s were there!.Congrats to all the team!!
Zenyatta’s foal is by Bernardini, not Curlin. Curlin sired Rachel Alexandra’s foal.
Get some rest today big girl! You certainly deserve some TLC today. Hope all is well with Tasty and that she isn’t too far behind you. I
Sarah Powell, Clemson, SC
So relieved he’s here and you both are well and healthy! A big thank you to all who have taken such good care of you and to all your connections for making all of us a part of this. We just can’t wait to see him on his feet! He really is beautiful but what else from the Queen!! What other horse gets the birth of her first foal announced on the ticker tape of major networks? Get lots of rest in the next day or so because those long legs of his are going to give you a run. (thanks Dottie)
Shannon From Cool
Thanks for the update, Queen Z. When did your colt stand and nurse? I’m sure that was a thrill for you.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…I’m truly honored to be able to share such a momentous occasion in Zenyattas life. I’m a newbie….I “discovered” Zenyatta only after she was in foal and didn’t get to see her victories on the race track…but I do get to share in this. It’s so exciting! I’d like to offer a sincere CONGRATULATIONS to Zenyatta, Bernardini, and all their connections :-)
Wonderful to have you here with all of us. You are and always be a Z’ster.
Maryp (New York)
Lori, It’s a wonderful time for you to join in with us in the world of Zenyatta (and now, son). Welcome.
maria McLeese
thrilled beyond belief…..nature is indeed wonderful. I hope someone will video his first steps
Craig Sweet
Hmmmm…born at 10:10 pm…
Kim S in Tampa FL
Same thing that I’ve been thinking reading through all the posts :)
Congratulations on your little prince again z!!!!!! I must also agree that things have a way of changing so quickly!! Your evening of relaxing quickly turned into an eventful one last night!!!! I was super excited to hear about your colt!!! Maybe he will be our next triple crown winner!!! Anyways, please keep posting pictures of you and your adorable little prince!!! Also, please let us know how Tasty is doing, and when she foals!!!!!
Beth Buckley
They seem to follow the “Police” theme with the horse names…Giacomo is Sting’s son, Zenyatta Mondatta was a Police album. They will probably follow the same pattern.
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
I hope they do continue their musical theme with this colt. They have certainly done a very good job naming their other horses.
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
I am 100% sure they will continue their unique tradition with names. I have loved horse racing for decades, but some names are just silly.
Wendy from IL
CONGRATS ZENNY!!! I’m so happy all went well for you both. Tell Ann she took some took some GREAT photos of you two!! What a beautiful baby boy!! And he looks just like you… hope he can dance.
Love to you and your baby!!
Congratulations to the Queen and her new little Prince!!!!!
Diane H
Congrats Zenny! May your colt be blessed with an amazing life. He has a wonderful Mom and caring people to help guide him! Hugs to both!!!
Edie Dickenson
Thanks and more congrats, Zenny! Your Team is so special and good to us fans! I’ll be watching both HRTV and TVG for more about your Prince! I love you very very much!
CONGRATULATION BIG MAMA! Congratulations to Jerry, Ann, Dottie, John, Mario and the entire TEAM ZENYATTA! A very special thank you to the Moss’ for allowing all of us to be a part of all this and all before this! A HUGE thank you to Dottie for keeping her diary going, what a well done job!
I will be watching you both as your boy grows and starts taking his steps to the track! Oh, congratulations of course to Bernardini! What a proud Papa you must be!
Hail to the Queen and her court!
Louise Castello
Help! How can I find Zenyatta’s Prince facebook? Did he stand and nurse? Love you Zenny.
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
Go to facebook and you will see photos of Zenyatta and the Prince out in a paddock the next morning after he was born. He has his halter with Zenyatta’s name on it. He probsably nursed within the first hour or so after he was born. There’s a photo of him on facebook nursing. Watch HRTV Saturday morning 8:00 AM CA time and you will see his first official video. According to Dottie and from looking at the first photos, Zenyatta and the foal bonded instantly. She was washing him and cleaning him up. IThe photos are very cute. Enjoy them.
And she tickled him as she was licking his ears.
He startled her when he moved his head
Terry McNamee
What a wonderful event! Beautiful mom, beautiful colt. He was BORN TO DANCE, just like Mom! Congratulations everyone. Eagerly awaiting more photos & video!
Pam Homeier
Congratulations, Zenyatta! Such a beautiful baby! Thank you for allowing all of us to be a part of your very special life! Team Z in California and Kentucky are the best!
Allie in Texas
Zenyatta, love this picture as you look so whimsical. How is your little “Moonlight Dancer” doing this morn? Can’t wait to see him running circles around you in the paddock. Zen, you seem to naturally take to motherhood. But then, you have always been such a good caregiver to your fans. Looking forward to pictures, videos and diary entries as you develop. Love ya both.
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
Whoa, now that is a name and kind of musical…Dancing in the Moonlight…..Moonlight Dancer…Yeah, good one.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Congratulations again to you, dearest Zenyatta, and to today’s two birthday ladies! Here are poems for them (I left a poem for you, Zenny, on #454).
A Birthday Poem for Mary Werner
(March 9, 2012)
Mary it always did excite
To see Z’s power and might
As Z, surging from last to first,
Past the others would burst,
Ever so quick,
Ears forward pricked,
Showing the sheer delight
Zenyatta was feeling
While she left the others reeling.
Mary here did write
That Z was THE ONE
Who seemed to run
For pure, exhilarating FUN!
And Mary, we all unite
In hoping your birthday
A day of pleasure
You’ll always treasure.
Here’s hoping that you too
Will get to do
That which for you
True joy does ignite!
Happy Birthday, Mary, and many, many more!
A Birthday Poem for Kris O
(March 9, 2012)
Our dear Kris O
Up north in Chicago
Loves Zenyatta so
Partly because Z,
As Kris did us tell,
Helped with her recovery
When the big C
Knocked on Kris’s door,
And Kris is now doing well!
What more
Could one ever ask for!
It’s no wonder she does adore
The great mare.
And now through Judy Gadwood,
Kris knows
That she her birthday does share
With another great, John Henry,
Whom she was too young to see
In those victories
He won
In the Arlington Mile—
But now, being aware
Of how very good
He was,
She’s added him to her loves,
And knowing that they a birthday share
Does make her happily smile!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
OOPS–I meant to add at the end Happy Birthday, Kris O, and many, many more! And the poem on #454 was more properly said to Zenyatta’s first born!
Especially Horses / Southern California
Z’s poem needs to be on #455 for the long weekend. Please re-post it to #455. Thank you Trina.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Here is the Permalink to Trina’s Poem for Zenny’s foal: https://staging.zenyatta.com/diary/diary-post-454#comment-139397
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Happy Happy Birthday Mary!!
Happy Happy Birthday Kris !!
Happy Happy Birthday John Henry!!
Very nice Trina!!
Celeste in TX
Happy Birthday to Kris and Mary!! Thanks again to Trina for sharing your poetic talents!
Marshall (in NC)
You are the best, Trina!
Happy Birthday to Mary Werner and Kris O. All the Best!
stephanie from san diego
Happy birthday Kris and mary!
Oh my goodness. He is beautiful. Just like mom :>
Yes! You’re a MOM! So very happy today. I can’t get anything done except look on the internet for any little tidbit about you and your beautiful son. Congratulations to you and your Team!
Thank you for letting all of us be a part of your life. You and your Team are the BEST!
Sending lots of love to you and your gorgeous son….and to TT, too!
April Crawford
Congrats Mamma Z! What a handsome little boy you have!
Congratulations Zennie. Hope you and your beautiful colt are having a great day. Also, congratulations to your OWNERS, YOUR JOHN, DOTTIE, MIKIE, MARIO and all your other connections. They must be very happy. Cannot wait to see more pictures and videos when the time is right and your connections approve it. Also, how is your BFF Tasty doing did she have her baby yet?
Love you
Congrats Queen Z!!!!! He is absolutely adorable!!!! Please post lots of photos and videos soon!!!! I hope you got a video of him first standing and his first steps!!!
Congratulations to our Queen & her little Prince!!!! Thank you Ann & Jerry for sharing these pictures with us, her adoring subjects. The little man looks as beautiful as his mama, & seems to have inherited her “presence”. I look forward to the stories of his adventures as he grows and learns!
I’m here at the site of your Classic win, & all around you hear-“Did you hear? Zenyatta foaled! IT’S A BOY!!!!!”. We’re all so happy for you and your team!
Judy from South Carolina
I have FINALLY been able to get on here! Even TVG commented that this site crashed not only last night but again this morning. They also have their studio decorated with “It’s A Boy” blue helium balloons and Zenyatta memorabilia! Toooo cute!
Well, ZENNIE, you DID IT! There really WAS something about that full moon after all. And what a HANDSOME boy he is! Can’t wait to see you outside with him running beside you as you teach him the ways of the world.
TO DOTTIE: Thank you for allowing us to follow this journey with our beloved Zenyatta. And Congratulations to Ann, Jerry, and everyone at Barn 55. Thank you everyone at Lane’s End for taking such good care of Our Queen.
Have a peaceful day, Zennie. Rest, recover and we look forward to photos, photos and more photos! Oh and some video too!!!!
You are SOOOOOO loved!
Awww Congrats Zenny!! :) Georgus just like his mom <3
Barb France/Washington State
Oh Happy Day!! Congratulations Zenny! You sure have one handsome prince there! Loved watching your video of licking him. Can’t wait to see him take his first steps.
We can all see your love for him in your eyes..they always did tell us how you were feeling!
I sure want to thank Ann and Jerry Moss for all that they have given to us…your fans! Give them a big LICK for us! Dottie, your the BEST and so is John…the whole Team Z has never let us down in making us feel we are all right there with you!
Lots of Love coming your way, little one!! Watch out!! Now, what should we call you? I’m sure the Moss’s have something in mind!
Hugs and Kisses to all….oh, can you have a Guiness yet? I had mine..Cheers!