Happy Friday, Everyone!
It is amazing how things in one’s life can change so much in just several hours. Here I am late yesterday afternoon with Ann and Jerry posing for this photo…..and then a few hours later….I became a MOM!
Shortly after this picture was taken, the Moss’ left for dinner. All was quiet in my life and it seemed like we’d all have a relaxing evening. Then suddenly things started to change!
A few hours later, Mike Cline called Ann and Jerry to let them know I was feeling a bit restless and I could possibly foal later that evening.
Jerry immediately called MY JOHN and Dottie in California… and everyone started to PACE. Shortly after this, my water broke…and my lovely FOAL was bornat 10:10 last evening. As I’ve said so many times before, NATURE IS TRULY AMAZING!
I am one who likes to LICK. It is a habit I developed somewhere along the way in my life. As you may remember, I used to lick MY MARIO’S face all of the time after I won a race. Thus, licking my dear foal seems like second nature to ME.
He is one handsome guy and I am now beginning to see that he and I will be embarking on an entire new journey as the future unfolds.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’M A MOM!)
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
I’m still trying to catch up on all the posts, close to 1,000 at this time on Sunday afternoon in Fort Erie. I read Cynthia’s beautiful words and I can only say that if I had my choice the little guy would be called KARI’S KISS.
Terry Crow
Brenda-You have come up with the perfect name.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Beautiful thought and name, Brenda!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Brenda:
Kari’s Kiss. What a sweet idea for a name for him. Hugs, JB
OMG! Congrats to Mama Z! A friend of mine suggested Zendini for a name. Bless you and your adorable colt.
When’s your diary on on HRTV? I’m a HUGE fan.
omggggg!!!!! congrats zenyatta or should i say mom:) i saw the video on bloodhorse.com and he is as goodlooking as you are.. i bet you have high hopes for him… excellent colt you have there and he looks like one in a million have a great time with him!!!!!!
PS tell baby Z love him
Dear Zenny,
Hope you are having a great day relaxing and
Keeping track of your son. He seems to be a little
Mild mannered which is a great characteristic for
A TB. Noticed your TOO CUTE looks at the camera when
They were taking your first mother and son photos.
You glanced up and said “I am very busy now, have
To focus on raising my so; teaching him to graze
Now.”. See you later. Love how you are so focused
On being a good mom. Just don’t forget not to tickle
His lovely ears. Have a great day. Hope Tasty is progressing.
Mares generally come into season nine days after foaling, which is called the “foal heat”. Nine days after this foaling would be the 17th, which is St Patrick’s day.
So likely she will have a “date” on that day.
I wonder if they’ll stick with Bernardini or go with someone else. Either way, he is sure to be a royal stallion, suitable for our Z. It must be tough to try to evaluate a newborn foal to decide if the “match” got the result you wanted or if you want to go a different direction for the next foal. You only have a few days to decide. And it will be two years before you know if the foal will be a racer or not and by then Z will be pregnant with her third foal.
I’m pretty sure but not 100% that Lane’s End breeds on the next heat not the foaling heat so it will probably be April before she is bred again.
I’m thinking they might go foal heat because her first breeding didn’t hold, so she is foaling a full month later than what they originally intended. By breeding on the foal heat, she will foal in February instead of March next time.
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
I agree with you that she will be bred back on the foal heat, the next foal will come sometime in February. The Prince will stay with her until he’s six months old and the Lane’s End will handle the weaning with the utmost care and consideration of mare and foal. Can’t wait for new photos and I’m sure there will be many – lucky for us.
Pati- HUGE fan of Queen Z's Prince
Hello Hello Ms. Z!!!
How’s your little tike? I would like to say that he has tree trunk legs, just like you Z! Maybe it is a sign of healthy legs and feet. ;-)
Louise Castello
Good grief, Zenyatta, I simply cannot stop myself from looking at the pictures of you and your prince! Constantly! I’ve watched the videos so much that hubby thinks I’ve gone off the deep end. If this is crazy, yaaaay! Crazy is fun! Seriously, your boy is simply perfection as are you. Love ya’ll soooooo much!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and Little Boy Z and Z Fans.
Hope you are both well and happy today. Thinking of you and watching your video over and over again. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ.
PS: Love to TT and Little TT too.
Wait did TT have her baby?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sierra:
I don’t think TT had her foal yet. I just used that name for her soon to be born baby. Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Booyah! Slapsilly happy! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Hi dear girl momma Zenny and little love licks! A quick report from your Barn 55 Aunties and Uncles! I saw Uncle Mario this morning, he was just beaming from ear to ear, SO proud, and said he was so excited about going to see you soon! He said he couldn’t wait to have your little guy under his careful care, and watchful eyes, in a couple of years! (I don’t think his smile ever left his beaming face while I was there!) He shook his head at one point in our conversation, and thought it was kind of sad that it may not be at Hollywood Park though … he could not understand why ‘they’ wanted to close down HP .. he said it was the best track to train horses, and run races on, and that the barns were the best anywhere he’d ever been. Also saw your Auntie Michelle, Uncle Steve, and Uncle Mikey. Auntie Michelle looked so beautiful Zenny, and she and I both said that your little guy was the cutest baby ever!! LOL! I asked Uncle Steve why he was back on a horse, he said that he does from time to time. (He was leading your sister out to train this morning) I waved to Uncle Mikey as he was too far away to catch up with him. He turned around to look back toward Barn 55, and we waved ‘HELLO’ – I could see that famous bright smile cross his face (took up all his face!) and he looked so happy – when does he not? Of course, your dear John looked like he had an extra bounce in his step, and that ever present smile, smiling broader since getting the news of your little one! Too cute! I watched your little sister, Auntie Ebby, workout this morning Zenny. She too looked so proud! I was on the backstretch watching all the horses working out this morning. So interesting to hear and see trainers and owners talking of their precious ones as they passed by coming on the track and working out! Loved every minute of it girl! Back at the barn after work outs, Uncle Mario pointed to your sister and said that she has a nephew now! LOL! now that was too cute! (That was unexpected and cracked us both up!) The morning was so cold that Auntie Ebby did not get a bath after her work out. Uncle Mario said that it was too cold today and didn’t want her to catch a cold! Ahhh, what a sweetheart your Mario is! Well, just a brief update girl, but I am sure Auntie Dottie does that better than me anyway, and keeps you in the loop of what goes on back at your home, Hollywood Park. I do hope all is well with you and little one momma, as I must read all the posts. (I went back to bed once I got home this morning! LOL! frozen and sleepy. This time change stuff wrecks havoc with this ole body of mine girl!) Oh, I almost forgot! Your dad Jerry was at Santa Anita yesterday girl! Imagine my surprise as I was standing at the rail to the paddock and heard people saying “Oh! Congratulations on the baby!” I turned to my right, and there was your dad (new grandpa!) Jerry RIGHT NEXT TO ME shaking hands with all who came up to congratulate him on the birth of your new baby boy! He looked so ecstatic, despite jet lag, beaming too! He was so kind to everyone and thanked each one! I tried to video this, so I didn’t get to shake his hand! Bummer! Sometime later I will post my brief video of your Mikey working out Auntie E this morning! Love you and the little guy more and more! ♥♥ What a wonderful world, and made all the more special because it’s your world and we are just living in it! Thank goodness for this truly wonderful gift, and thank you to everyone who opened their hearts to share your life and world with us all. It is so appreciated and we are so grateful to Jerry and Ann, Dottie and John, and Lane’s End. ♥
Terry Crow
Thanks for the info. Also, LB State hasn’t been this good since Tarkanian left. Good luck to them in the NCAA tourney.
Pati- HUGE fan of Queen Z's Prince
Are they really closing HP?? I’m going to cry!!
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny
No one really knows for sure about Hollywood Park’s fate … I know they will race through 2013, but after that, who knows! I did not question Mario on what he may have heard, NOT MY STYLE!, so I can only tell you what WAS confirmed last meet there – it would still race through 2013. BUT, something may come up since then, I do not know.
Thanks for the info Karen!
sharon in seattle
what a great report, Auntie Karen!!! I felt like I was right there! Thanks for sharing all these wonderful details. ( I miss SA and the California sun!)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Karen G.:
Thank you so much for your wonderful post. So great to know how everyone on the CA Team are beaming over the little guy. Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Karen, for this colorful report on all the goings-on, especially that Mario is going to visit Z & “Z-B”, and Ann & Jerry are back, and everyone beaming!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Booyah! Slapsilly happy! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Congratulations to the Long Beach State 49’ers! A big WHOOP! BOOYAH! For winning the Big West Championship – great goin’ all!
Anne from Paramount, CA
@Judy B: yes, the Little Prince sure does resemble his mom! <3. And thanks for your kind words. I am actually hungry today, first time since Wed., so this is a good sign. (Crossed hooves, LOL)
@Trina, I cannot forget to comment on your beautiful "Welcome" poem. Outstanding. And @Karen and others, your words are/were indeed tear inducing but in a good way. And I also was thinking of Kari. How could we not?
I did see in the program yesterday during our brief time there that on the 17th, I think, Frontrunner Restaurant will be unveiling the Lifesize Painting of our QUEEN and didn't I hear Dottie say in her video (again I THINK–my mind has been very off base this week–no editorial comments please, ha ha) that it will be there through Breeders' Cup? Also on the 17th S.A. is having a "baby shower" day–giving away posters -not sure exactly what–just heard the P.R. guy mention this on radio this a.m. So, possibly Important Announcements could be made that day, also, as others have mentioned.
So Ms. Z and toddler (huh, already???), enjoy your times together and run through the Kentucky sun!!! What a beautiful picture in my mind's eye. AGAIN, MUCHO THANKS TO TEAM Z!!!!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Anne, Dottie did say that yes, through Breeder’s Cup.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Anne from Paramount:
You’re so welcome and I hope you are feeling better. Hugs, JB
Abigail from Montreal
It was a spring-like day here in Montreal, with lots of sad-looking grass and mud showing! Thank goodness Daisy Doodlebug isn’t a mud lover like you are, sweet Zenny. I’m hoping you & baby enjoyed similar weather in Kentucky and am wondering, too, about your BFF who was due the same day as you, as I recall! I guess that Lane’s End was so swamped with publicity about you and Baby Z that they stopped posting on their foal list BECAUSE THE LAST ENTRY WAS YOU, Big Girl!
We’ll have to wait until tomorrow to hear about Tasty, and see and read news from Zenny and her baby boy.
I can hardly wait!
Love and hugs to all, near and far. Special thoughts of you, Kari, who must be delighting in this new arrival. Peppermint kisses to you, Zenny, and many snuggles to “the most beautiful baby in the world” (Jerry Moss).
AND THANK YOU TO DOTTIE, JOHN, THE MOSSES, TEAM Z in CALIF & in KENTUCKY for including us in this delightful journey with Zenny, culminating in the blessed event. YOU ARE SIMPLY THE BEST!!!!
Two questions for the horse experts:
1. After reading comments on here, it sounds like Z will be bred again this year. Is this common? That they are bred every year. And if so, how many foals will they have during their reproductive life cycle?
2. Last picture release of Z and her baby, Z’s stomach still looks quite swollen. Is this common, their tummies looking pretty much the size prior to foaling?
Thank you in advance for your answers. :)
And to Z and her baby. I hope you had a quiet calm day today. I suspect LE was busy though with their other mommies.
Margaret I'm ECSTATIC!!!!!
I’ll have a go!
1. Mares can be bred back every year on their “foal heat”. Which is nothing more than about 9 days post foaling the mare comes back into heat. In the wilds this ensures herd growth.
Some mare owners swear that if they don’t breed on the foal heat they have problems getting the mare into foal again. (pregnant). Others wait for the second heat cycle.
Assuming the mare has no problems foaling breeding back on the foal heat is not a problem.
I think in this case they may wait until April to breed Z. This way she’ll have a March baby. For instance if they bred Rachel back on her foal heat–it might be so close to timing that the baby could be born before the first of the year! Then even though the baby would be one or two days old they automatically become a yearling on Jan1! So yes, they would wait until the end of Feb to breed.
Also something to think about is how cold it could get in Kentucky in winter. Far better to wait a month or so and have a foal that will have a better chance to survive.
How many babies? Gosh that depends on the mare. Some mares have only had one or two successful deliveries in their life. And others breed until the mare drops. Most mares are fertile until mid teens or so. After that you really risk mortality. With proper support it won’t be a problem. It just depends.
2. Yes, Z’s tummy hasn’t quite retracted. She will continue to have contractions until everything returns to normal size for up to 30 days. They may not be noticeable until you really look and measure her. At some point she may look pregnant all the time because of how the body changes.
All of this depends on the Moss’s, how often they choose to breed her and successful deliveries.
Last thing to note. Mother Nature will not allow her to get I to foal if her body is too stressed. For about every 4 years of active breeding–you can expect about 3 successful pregnancies.
Betsy McGrath
Margaret, your information has been, first of all, comforting and, secondly, so complete and professional. What is your background that you are so expert about foaling? In any case, thanks! I have so enjoyed learning from you.
I was a horse nutty teen years ago. I read tons of books. And last year when Z lost her first pregnancy I wanted to know why. Not sure that I ever found that out. But what I learned along the way are the things I’ve tried to say here.
Some of the info is old. Like now they can check for the best breeding and time that accordingly. A lot of books don’t talk about that. So I had to listen, read on the web, stuff like that.
When I was a kid and up to a couple of years ago–you almost never ever saw foaling on tv. Marestare has been a Godsend to me. It has allowed me to watch foaling, read others who tons more knowledge than me. People that have on the ground experience.
Professionally I’m literally a non professional. Honest to God, always have been the lowest person on the totem pole at work. So I always put my attention to horses because a horse isn’t going to betray you. People do.
Margaret. You are high on the totem pole of esteem here. Your work on this subject is appreciated.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Margaret, totem pole or not, we certainly benefit from your “professional” attention to your equine avocation, here. Thanks.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Margaret. by the way, do you have any idea how long foals stay with their moms, i.e., how long it’s likely “Z-B” will stay with Zenny, before going off to training (Winter Quarter Farm?) I have heard 4 or 6 months.
Margaret I'm ECSTATIC!!!!!
Well there are some vets who recommend early weaning like around 3 months. Having no experience on the ground with this I would hesitate only because traditionally weaning isn’t done until around 6 months.
I know of one farm who weans gradually. They wean two or three at a time. They turn the foals back out with their friends and their moms. It seems less threatening to them because they are still with horses they know.
Weaning is brutal. One is left in a stal, moved to another. And the mares are usually loaded onto a trailer and moved as far as possible from the babies. They’ll call all day that first day. It’s heartbreaking. And it all starts up again at night time. As hard as it seems it’s for the best. Mom is carrying another foal who now needs more energy from her and she doesn’t have enough to give her weanling
Margaret I'm ECSTATIC!!!!!
Sorry I hit enter by accident…
I was saying that mom doesn’t have enough energy to give to two youngsters. But everyone soon settles down, the mares get turned out with their friends, and the new weanlings race around and play with each other.
Soon enough the girls get separated from the boys who seem to play rougher. And a yearling colt could get a yearling filly into foal if they were allowed access to each other.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
@Vicki B., Zenyatta’s foal probably will not go to Winter Quarter Farm. It’s a breeding farm, not a training facility, IIRC. He will probably stay with his cohort as a weanling and then a yearling at Lane’s End until he is ready to go to Florida to the Mayberry’s training facility.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Margaret, thanks. The fact that it’s “brutal” sounds like it’s a mistake then, the way it’s done. May be “the best” for people, but not the horses. Whether “people” need it done or not, apparently the horses don’t need it that way, given a choice. Only my unprofessional opinion, I know.
LauraJ, thanks. I knew she went to the Mayberry’s (in Ocala?), but didn’t realize Winter Quarter & the Mayberry’s are totally distinct operations. Thanks.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Margaret:
Thank you for your post. When you mentioned pregnancy is risky for mares in there middle teens, it brings me to my concern for Vertigineux. She is 17 now, I think. That might explain why the mating to Street Cry failed last year. If I understood your post correctly, only 3 out of 4 consecutive matings, even in younger mares, are successful? Do you think it’s more beneficial for the health of the mare to be breed say every other year instead of every year? Hugs, JB
“V” lost a foal when she was younger, after
Zenny as well. Breeding older mares who have
Had foals is less concerning than being older
And have never foaled.
Margaret I'm ECSTATIC!!!!!
Let’s see if I can explain this. It’s late so my brain isn’t quite in gear! When I said mares will get into foal into 3 out of 4 times that’s correct. At least it was when I was a kid. But La Ville Rouge (Barbaro’s mom) has shown this ratio to still be true.
It’s more Mother Nature who just won’t allow the mare to conceive than anything man does or doesn’t do. mother Nature is protecting a proven mare so that the species will continue.
Is it better to breed every other year? As I said earlier today some breeders swear their mares will not get into foal without being bred back on the foal heat. They have to wait 2 sometimes 3 years.
But again some of this info is older– before vets can check mares for ovulation. And that can be tricky. Mare is usually cranky (lovely hormones) so they put them in narrow stalls with a bar that goes right above the hock. This keeps them from being able to kick, the stall is called stocks. And in horses the hock is nothing more than the knee on the front leg. It has a totally different structure to it but essentially the joint itself is the “back knee”. I hope this is clear–I’m suffering a tired brain!
But back to breeding–I think the health of the mare is the most important element. If she’s healthy, can maintain weight, has milk there shouldn’t be any reason not to breed her. Many mares get depressed upon retirement. Their job has been to have babies and they don’t understand this retirement deal. It’s important to give them another job they can do. And other mares take quite happily to retirement.
Thank you for your post! Very informative! It’s nice to know how things will proceed with Z and her little guy as well as possible breeding decisions that lay ahead.
Though I’m sure its not the natural process for youngins to be taken away from their mothers at 6months. I’m comforted knowing that Z trust her handlers and know this will help her with the transition.
Another interesting observation that I never thought of that you mentioned, is the breeding life cycle of a (racing) mare could be emotional healthy. Forget that she was/is a working horse and one that enjoyed working.
Thank you again Margaret for the information!!
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
Ms Zenyatta and My Prince, I will say good night now, and anxious, yet patiently wait for your next post and/or Twitter. Rest sweetly, dreams of pepermints, carrots and flowers to munch on. I love you, I love you..Lisag
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
@ALL: Barbara Wood is back with good news.
MMM, what can say but WOW, WOW, WOW
Go Mikey, stay hot!!
Good night, all. Sleep sweetly of Our Queen and Her Prince, snuggled in at night; getting to know the world with Her guidance, and all those sweet, tender kisses…Lisag
MMM is a very hot 4 year old, what a talent.
The Kennedys in San Diego
BRAVO MMM! He looked superb on Saturday.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lisag, Sign and The Kennedy’s:
So happy for MMM. He’s really grown up and into his frame. Great start to his four year old season. Hugs, JB
sharon in seattle
yes, yes – go MMM! love to see his sucesses
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and Little Boy Z:
Goodnight and Sweet Dreams. Love you lots, Judy and Russ
Goodnight TT and Sweet Baby Dreams.
Hope you foal soon. Love you, Judy and Russ
Lisag in Texas
He is a hunk, and his story will always be engraved in my heart.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Beautfiul words written by Kari on March 10, 2011. They could not be more appropriate for this entry of Zenyatta’s Diary. There is no doubt but that she would have cried a river of tears of “joy, pure joy” over the past several days.
♥ Congratulations my beloved Queen. I love you and all of Team Z so very much. I am bursting with Joy….Nothing , but Joy for you and all of Team Z. I love you all soooo much. I hope you get all the bananas you crave. ♥
Star kisses,
Robin LOVES Zenyatta
There is nothing like pure horse love from our Queen for her boy! Talk about perfection…….
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Karen Gogue–thanks for the great report on everyone on Team Z–California. I felt as if I was there, and I was wishing I could have been. You are so right about the time change. We are exhausted anyway, and the time change makes it worse.
@Anne from Paramount, CA–glad you have a glimmer of hope for a better week. I know how exhausting it is to work when you feel terrible.
@Margaret–thanks for putting the breeding info. all together. We have heard it in bits and pieces only before. Hope you’re feeling better too.
Hope we hear some news from Tasty soon!
I just can’t get enough of Z. in her new career.
BreeLynn Myers
congrats Z I’m so proud of you. And I bet your owners already have a name for him, but I was thinking what if they named him Worldwide because you are known all over the world. It’s just a thought and he is the cutest thing ever can’t wait to see more pictures of him. From your number 1 fan Bree
Barbara Wood (Texas)
I failed to mention that I loved our Jerry and Ann’s interview after the birth of Z’s foal. It moved me to tears, and I just wish all owners were so caring with their horses.
It tickled me when Baby Z. played “London Bridge” by going under Mama. Most don’t have mamas that tall! I love watching Zenny with him. She really does know what it’s all about and shows love thats visible for all to see. Good night sweet girl and son. I’ll be glad when we know his name. Love you both always (and Tasty too, of course).
Beth Buckley
Just got done watching the Zenyatta and foal video on the BloodHorse site. I must say that the Moss’s are the world’s greatest owners. I wish them nothing but success with the newest addition to their stable. He is a beauty and i cannot wait to see him run. Zenyatta you are the bomb!!!
I saw the video out on Blood-Horse where they take you out on the grass with your colt. He’s adorable and that was the consensus on all of the horse racing talk shows this morning in LA. Look forward to seeing this little guy grow up!
What’s happening with Tasty?
Yes, Jockey Club has to be involved. They think
Of such unique names. It will probably not be an issue.
Just gestimating a few weeks, it could be a year as
Yearlings are often sold without names. So they may wait
A long time to get to know him and his personality as
He gets older.
Dear Lanes End managers, staff and Mr Farrish,
Thanks so much for making such an effort to allow
Us to be part of Zenny’s foaling and foaling process and
Her new life as a broodmare and mother. We are so
Fortunate that you have opened your 5 star breeding
Operation to us on this busy 2012 breeding season.
And of course The Mosses and Sherriffs have really
Done all the hard work communicating so well to us.
We are just so fortunate. Special special thank you to
sharon in seattle
amen to all of that!!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Well-said, Sign OTT!
I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy for a Monday to get here as I will be tomorrow. New Diary Post and hopefully updated pictures and mayby “hooves crossed” new video! He is just too cute I can’t stop watching the video of them out in the pasture. Love it!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
This is not a new article, but I just discovered the Nov. 15, 2010 interview with Don Robinson at Winter Quarter Farm, about Zenyatta, and it is really very good. http://thesaturdaypost.org/blog/2010/11/15/don-robinson-talks-about-zenyatta-as-a-young-horse-at-winter-quarter-farm/
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vicki B.:
Have read that article a number of times. It’s a must read for every Z fan. Mr. Robinson shares some great early info about Z and her family. Hugs, JB
Lookin Winter quarter Farms website.
Lots of information about Zenny’s family.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Marshall in N.C.:
Thank you for your kind words. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Dawn Conrad:
Thinking of you and your Mom and hoping she is doing well. Hugs, JB