Happy Friday, Everyone!
It is amazing how things in one’s life can change so much in just several hours. Here I am late yesterday afternoon with Ann and Jerry posing for this photo…..and then a few hours later….I became a MOM!
Shortly after this picture was taken, the Moss’ left for dinner. All was quiet in my life and it seemed like we’d all have a relaxing evening. Then suddenly things started to change!
A few hours later, Mike Cline called Ann and Jerry to let them know I was feeling a bit restless and I could possibly foal later that evening.
Jerry immediately called MY JOHN and Dottie in California… and everyone started to PACE. Shortly after this, my water broke…and my lovely FOAL was bornat 10:10 last evening. As I’ve said so many times before, NATURE IS TRULY AMAZING!
I am one who likes to LICK. It is a habit I developed somewhere along the way in my life. As you may remember, I used to lick MY MARIO’S face all of the time after I won a race. Thus, licking my dear foal seems like second nature to ME.
He is one handsome guy and I am now beginning to see that he and I will be embarking on an entire new journey as the future unfolds.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’M A MOM!)
I submit the name He’sfitforaqueen! Congratulations to everyone. I can’t say it enough. Great picture of the Mosses with Big Mama Z! Wow, junior’s really here now. Let the celebratin’ begin! Love to Big Mama Z and junior. I just love those pictures of the two of them and Zenyatta is laying with him. Such a good mama!
hi Z! oh I’m just soooooo happy for YOU and YOUR TEAM!!! I can’t wait to watch YOUR PRINCE grow up and become a champion!!! Love YOU gorgeous mama xoxoxo
Dan Clark
“Legacy” has been born… whatever they name him!
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
UM, I think I like that picked name.
Susan from Fl
I can’t stop looking at you & your little one! Just soooo cute! Peace & Happiness to U Both!
Worried as no video of him getting to his feet!
How is he doing!?
How is Zenyatta today?!
Prayers for all to be healthy and well today
Let us know please!!!
Thank you!
I hope that there is a plan to bring Mario out to meet the baby. I’m sure Z. would love to introduce her new baby to the person that took such good care of her all those years on the track. Yes, yes I know how well Ann, Jerry, John and Dottie have done by Z but Mario was her groom, he was the guy that knew her best.
Looking forward to more pics and VIDEO!!!! Please, please, VIDEO!!!! I had video camera running on my foal’s first few days. They grow so fast. We so want to share this special time with you, Zenny!
Your baby is so beautiful, just like you. I’m really glad the foaling went well and that your family was with you.
sue and tony
Zenny, all of this is so exciting. You always were one for surprises so we think your Ann and Jerry were surprised to hear your were about to have that precious colt last evening. What a special time for all of you.
We can’t wait for more vodeos…and lots of pictures. Please keep them coming!
Hi Zenny. I`m so very PROUD of you. The baby is GORGEOUS. I think he looks like his mommy. Bernie is a handsome dude himself. We are so blessed that everything went perfectly and all is well. Now is your bonding time with your son. In your photo with him you can see the contentment in your eyes as well as his. He`s says,”this is my mom”,and how LUCKY is he!! You are going to be a wonderful and gentle mommy. It`s all in your eyes,Zenny. I want to THANK EVERYONE at Lanes End for taking such good care of you and helping you along. The Mosses are the best ever and Dottie and John are very special people. Well missy, I thank God I have the pleasure of being in your life (thank you Dottie) and may everyone involved with you enjoy every moment of this wonderful and joyful BLESSING…I love you Zenny and I`m sending tons of BIG hugs and kisses to you and your baby today….ALENE…xxxooo
Pictures!! Have to see a picture of the little one up on those legs!
Margaret I'm ECSTATIC!!!!!
If you go over to Zenyatta’s Prince there were six pics last night. That’s on fb.
The most beautiful royal family ever! Can’t wait for the photo with the addition of our little prince. Congratulations to all!
Of all our royal families on this planet, I love this one the best. =)
If your on Facebook you need to like Zenyatta’s Prince it’s by a fan but they have pictures we have yet to see. More of the two in the field and one of him nursing TOO CUTE!! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.314917881901190.73527.313348545391457&type=1
Marshall (in NC)
Thank you for the Zenyatta’s Prince FB link! Loved it!
sue and tony
Zenny, all of this is so exciting. You always were one for surprises so we think your Ann and Jerry were surprised to hear your were about to have that precious colt last evening. What a special time for all of you.
We can’t wait for more videos…and lots of pictures. Please keep them coming!
I can’t say how many times I have cried while reading these posts. I feel like Zenyatta is my horse because of how the Moss’s have shared her with us!! I am so happy to see the pictures and I show them off to everyone at work like they were mine. I can not wait for more pictures and videos!!! Thank you! We love you Zenyatta!!!!!!!!!!!!
Diana Harris
Congrats Zenny! And all of the Z team. It has been a year that all of us fans (family :) ) will never forget. You are so special and your kindness and love for all is a testament of you and all around you. You baby is perfect and we all got to live the dream through you. Thank you so much for sharing this journey. How is Tasty doing any word on her foaling? Love you Zenny get some sleep and send more pictures and video when you can.
Carole Biles
Congratulations Z, I am so happy you’ve had your baby. He is a beautiful colt. Thank you Z for all the happiness you give to everyone.
Barb Wilson
Congratulations!! I’m really thrilled for Zenyatta and all her connections! I’ve been excited all day since I heard. Can’t wait for more photos of the little guy on his feet. How long before he can go outside in a little paddock? I do hope you can post a video also. Best of luck! We never doubted Zenyatta would be an exceptional Mom.
Love to all
Margaret I'm ECSTATIC!!!!!
It’ll be a day or two. Z has to recover and the whole bonding thing is still happening. The little guy has to be more secure on his feet.
Don’t worry with every hour that passes he’s getting that much closer to the next steps!
Plus they have to put a baby halter on him too! There’s no rush!
I have already seen pics of Zennie and her colt in the paddock, complete with a little halter and tag!
They are on HRTV’s twitter stream.
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
I saw that little halter with the tag too. Halters with the name tag go on almost immediately. Watch HRTV at 8:00 AM CA time tomorrow morning and you will see his first official video.
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
He went out in the paddock the next day after he was born. He was napping in the sun and taking everything in. Foals get around amazingly well just a few hours after birth. It was a sunny day and Zenyatta and the foal seemed to enjoy it a lot. ‘There are photos on facebook and HRTV First Call will have the first video of him tomorrow morning at 8:00 AM,CA time, 11:00 AM eastern.
Margaret I'm ECSTATIC!!!!!
More photos please! Video too! Even video of Z and Prince snoozing! I know Z is exhausted, between the demands of nursing a newborn, and from carrying him and then labor. She’ll be fine.
This why Marestare would be so helpful! And it can be done so just Z and Prince show. It can also be silent so folks don’t have to worry about us listening in. Then we could all watch to our hearts desire!
Congratulations to you all.
Thanks to Mr and Mrs Moss, Mr and Mrs Sherreff and
all the wonderful staff at Lanes End.
Our 6 year old daughter jumped for joy this am when
we woke up to this heart warming news.
Love you Zenyatta your colt is beautiful.
Momma Z, my husband and I were driving back home yesterday evening at about 7:30 central, and the moon was full with a huge light Turquoise halo ring. I thought to myself what a magical night this is for Zenyatta to have her baby. Had to turn in extra early so I could help my friend get stalls ready for new horses coming in this weekend to start training, so I didn’t known until this morning that it actually happened! I am very thrilled for you, your beautiful boy, and all of your connections! Anxiously awaiting more pictures. Rest and enjoy sweet Z!
Mary Fritz
congratulations on the birth of your handsome colt! He is beautiful! I cannot wait
To see him running outside in the pasture with you by his side. Mary
Kathy P. in NY
AWWW, this just brings tears to my eyes. We love you Zenny so much!!! I am so glad that there were no complications and every thing went smoothly.
Zenny, I have a huge smile on my face and it just won’t stop! You and your little one are precious beyond belief.
I want to give a shout out to your Barn 55 pals, especially John, Dottie, Mario, Carmen, Steve, Frank and Michele …how excited they must be!
I can’t wait for pictures of you and little Z/B dancing in the paddock.
Hugs to your BFF, TT, as she waits her turn.
cathy lee
Congrats Zen and Team Z! Please share more pictures and video! Much love from Minnesota!
Lisa in TN
What a looker. Yes things do happen quickly with foaling. Your baby has no clue as to the reception he really had coming into this world. Thanks to all of Team Zenyatta for doing something that has never been done before. The first time with letting people get to know Zenyatta and then taking us all on a ride that for the most part is never seen or really heard about. What special people you are. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope this foal will not only be a wonderful racehorse, but will also be the ambassador for this sport that his mother is. High Hoof to all of us and Team Z for making this wonderful event take place. (Not the birth but the unity).
Kathryn Dube
Congratulations to the Queen, her Court (Team Zenyatta) and to the newborn Prince. Can’t wait to see a video. What’s happened with Tasty? Has she foaled yet?
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
Ah goodness gracious-it sure doesn’t get any better than this! Zenyatta you have done a fantastic job and have such a gorgeous looking and healthy little boy there. Thankyou so much for the wonderful little fellow that will surely keep us going for many years to come.
Also need to take a moment here to thank Dottie for keeping us all in the know here and everywhere else. You do such a fantastic and fine job, don’t know what we would do without you.
And Zenyatta, what a performance-one that we’ll never forget-and give that little guy a couple of licks for me!
Sending Love & Blessings by the bushels full!!
Kathy Baldwin
Yes, Dave is right on! MUCH THANKS to JERRY & ANN MOSS for letting us be part of
Kathy from SoCal xoxo
I kinda like the names ZEN’S BLESSING or PRINCE ZEN. ;)
Dear Queen Zenyatta and Prince Charming –
Can’t wait to see the Big Boy take his first steps and run around for the first time. He has – is it possible? – the longest legs on a baby! I hear the beat of little hooves! TCW in the making (Triple Crown Winner). Even if he does nothing but look pretty, we’ll keep him!
The Name – it has to be just right, and over the top spectacular, yet simple and elegant.
Oh Anne, Jerry, John, Dottie, Mike, Mario, and the understated but over achieving Lane’s End Family – GOOD JOB and THANK YOU for giving us a window into this beautiful world of All Things Z.
Horse Hugs and Squeezes to The Prince ~~HH
Harriett in Oklahoma
I’m so happy for you, dear ZenMom! It’s fitting that he was born on Tiago’s birthday. I loved watching that horse run, plus it was the first time I heard the names of John, Jerry, and Ann!
God bless, one and all. And thank you Dottie, ever so much for all you do. We are blessed to have you too!