Happy Friday, Everyone!
It is amazing how things in one’s life can change so much in just several hours. Here I am late yesterday afternoon with Ann and Jerry posing for this photo…..and then a few hours later….I became a MOM!
Shortly after this picture was taken, the Moss’ left for dinner. All was quiet in my life and it seemed like we’d all have a relaxing evening. Then suddenly things started to change!
A few hours later, Mike Cline called Ann and Jerry to let them know I was feeling a bit restless and I could possibly foal later that evening.
Jerry immediately called MY JOHN and Dottie in California… and everyone started to PACE. Shortly after this, my water broke…and my lovely FOAL was bornat 10:10 last evening. As I’ve said so many times before, NATURE IS TRULY AMAZING!
I am one who likes to LICK. It is a habit I developed somewhere along the way in my life. As you may remember, I used to lick MY MARIO’S face all of the time after I won a race. Thus, licking my dear foal seems like second nature to ME.
He is one handsome guy and I am now beginning to see that he and I will be embarking on an entire new journey as the future unfolds.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’M A MOM!)
JJ from MN
Hi guys,
Wating for more pricture of the little one. Must say the HRTV video was just wow!!! I don’t even know how to subscribe it. Everybody know in the nameing fase so here a few name i thought of.
Glory Be
Trail of Honor
Born into greatness
Love JJ from MN
P.S. hows tasty doing?
After reviewing the HRTV video again Prince does have a small ring of white around the left fore. And its POLKA DOTTED! Just like Ann said.
Where I saw it the clearest was the very end of the clip. Look for the white and you will see black polka dots!
I can’t stop rewatching the video. He is just so cute and adorable! Z and Bernie you guys did good!
Ann and Jerry of course you guys see to Z’s needs every single day. That is of utmost importance–not only to your Team but to us fans! I’m just grateful that you’ve chosen to share your fabulous horse with all of us. And John and Dottie who give so much of themselves–not only keeping this diary up but allowing us out to Barn 55.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Margaret:
Thanks. Have to check out his polka-dots. Love him. Hugs,JB
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Thanks, Margaret- I did see the white but missed the polka dots! Will HAVE to watch again :)
Rose Edwards(Quarterhossgal)
Queen Z….loved the video of you and Little Z out in the paddock. he is adorable. And the shots of Ann Moss laying in the hay with your newborn and you happily munching your hay are priceless! Your Z Team is so very special in the way they take care of you with so much love. We can’t get enough of you special girl.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
I know-and Zenyatta was totally comfortable having her there. Adorable! Special people, indeed.
@ Charlie White
why? He barely won.
OraJean Stevenson
Dear Queen-Mamma-Z & Prince-Colt-Z & Team-Z,
It’s a BEAUTIFUL DAY, for all of your fans and for all of the “Horse Racing World” !!
Thanks for all the videos you’ve given to HRTV and HRTV.com. I really admire
your kindness in sharing this touching event with me and all Zenny’s Fans.
Hugs to all. Fondly, OraJean
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta and Baby Z, just loved the pictures and video on HRTV – watched it over and over. Baby Z is so adorable – and he definitely has those ears!!! Too cute!!! Love you, Angels. Has anyone heard how Tasty is doing. Did she have her baby?
Nancy Petrillo
Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful!
Hello Beautiful Girl and Handsome Prince.
Thank you to Ann and Jerry Moss and HRTV for the video – it made my day! What can one say? No descriptive adjective suffices to describe the vision of the two of you loving each other and together in the stall and paddock. It was especially touching when the Prince nuzzled Ann as she embraced him in the hay. Such happiness, such joy – may it follow you all the days of your lives.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to Zenyatta for bringing such joy into our lives.
Hugs and Kisses,
Dottie, has Tasty had her foal yet and are they okay? Zenyatta was the sixth delivery the night of the 8th, so I’m hoping Tasty was among them. Would love to know that all is okay with her.
Thank you and for all you and John do Dottie.
Sierra is happy again!
Tasty was not apart of that according to Lane’s End Foal List
Haaaaa!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!! Having a little clelebration pary here in IL!! Cant wait to see what this precious life will become!! I know you will be a great mom!! I love you both so much!! oxoxoxoxo FROM YOU AND YOUR BABYS BIGGEST FAN AMY.
Sierra is happy again!
Did anybody else see the new photos on Z’s Twitter?
Lorie C
Okay here we go again, she will be ready to breed on foal heat, or they can wait till next month and have another March baby next year. I think they should breed her to Curlin this time , what do the rest of you think ??? She did have a great looking foal this time. Sure do love all the videos from HRTV they are just great and I want to thank the Moss’s for sharing Zenyatta and her foal with us .. We love you Zee and your Baby take good care of him<3
They will wait until the next heat to have breed her again.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
A number of horse people have said that Zenny & Curlin have too much pedigree in common, so it wouldn’t be good, and also that he’s so big, and she is too.
Sierra is happy again!
A good one would be Super Saver though because I am pretty sure he is small but he also has a very good pedigree on the mothers side.
Curlin is too big and stocky, breeding her to someone
This large could bring in the world a horse that is
Not able to race.
How about Giant’s Causeway? He’s smaller than Bernardini, by Storm Cat out of a Mariah’s Storm, a Rahy mare. Would the Roberto connection through Kris S. and Rahy be too close?
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
New tweet: “The sun shines on the Queen Mom and her new Prince :) http://pic.twitter.com/9G5FeBn3“
Sierra is happy again!
Such a cute photo! I wonder what got their attention?
Shannon From Cool
I just went through this diary and read the posts while trying to imagine what all of your voices sound like. This is an amazing group of people who come together for the love of a remarkable horse.
There is so much excitement, love, joy and happiness here, it is exactly what we need in these trying times.
I’m so proud to a part of this Zenyatta Nation.
Love to you all.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Shannon from Cool:
I feel exactly the same way. Love and Hugs, JB
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Well-said, Shannon. Couldn’t agree more!
Jan S. / Houston
Ditto Shannon.
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
Same with me Shannon. So many people here have helped me get thru alot of things, and they probably do not even know that they are my Online Angels….one of them left us, and now she is my Angel in Heaven..
Terry Crow
I have heard some of the voices and I can tell you that JAG sounds like Orson Welles in a prison uniform.
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
LOL, hearng voices?? Cannot wait to see JAG’s response.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
That’s funny! There’s that prison uniform again!
Marshall (in NC)
You crack me up!! Orson Welles in a prison uniform — best laugh I have had all weekend! Spent this afternoon organizing my tax stuff for the accountant, ICK!!!
I really needed that laugh. I think you will be hearing from JAG soon!
Thanks for the humor, friend.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry:
Sooo funny. Now I know you’re alright. Hugs, JB
Marilyn Braudrick
I just went back and looked at Rachel Alexandra’s beautiful Curlin foal and has anyone besides me noticed that he has the exact same white round star, actually a completely round little moon on the exact center of his forehead as Baby Z??? Is that some sort of destiny sign for them or what???
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
Could be Marilyn, both these boys are going to be something else, I just feel it.
carol in utah
Saw this yesterday
thought my old eyes were deceiving me
They are both “star kissed”
AJ from CA
Marilyn – to me RA’s son has an unusual square “post it” shape star and Z’s baby has a perfect round star like a giant 3rd eye – both of them distinctively striking though.
Danielle Manypenny
I’m not sure if anyone has put the like up, but this is too cute! I am just so excited for everyone!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Yes- isn’t it adorable?!? Happy times!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
For all of you that may not have seen this video of Bernardini, here it is. He’s just magnificent. Hugs, JB
Sierra is happy again!
Great video thanks so much!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thank-you for that, Judy! I had not seen anything that extensive on Bernie. It was great.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sierra and Vicki B.l:
You’re so welcome. Hugs, JB
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
JB, thanks. I have senn this like a zillion times and will watch it a zillion times more, The first time I watched it, even tho Prince B does not ‘dance’, I spotted some ‘moves’ by him. He is so Handsome. What a lucky guy, The Daddie of the Queen’s First Born. Thanks for posting it. Lisag
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lisag in Texas:
You’re so welcome. Bernie does have a spring in step doesn’t he! I wonder if Z and Bernie’s little guy will have some moves of his own. Love him. Hugs, JB
I think the spring in his step because he thought
He was going to the shed. When they are lead out of stall
Going a certain way they think they are going to
The shed.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- REBORN
Judy, thank you so much for that link, I know you and I share a special love for Bernie and that link reminded me of what a great sire my “beloved” A P INDY is. I hope to get down to Kentucky again this year to see him before something happens to him and hopefully to see his wonderful son “Bernie”. Last time I was there he was in Australia and I was so disappointed. Hugs
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sue Fredrick:
You’re so welcome. Hope you get to see both AP Indy and Bernie. Bernie’s got a special place in my heart. Hugs, JB
That video was awesome. You can tell that the Mosses really love Zenny like she’s there own kid and that they’re doting on the young’un so much. I am very curious to see what they name him. I know a lot of people have thrown out Zendini, but I don’t like that so much. Reminds me of some kind of kids’ magician or something. LOL
At any rate, I was thinking about the next breeding and I remembered that Rachel is supposed to go to Bernadini this year. I can’t wait to see what a Rachel/Bernie foal will be like. Has anyone heard anything about who they’re considering for Zenny for this year?
Sierra is happy again!
Nobody knows who they are considering for Zenyatta but I am sure we will know soon because in about a month she will be bred again.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Zenny, you and your little prince are sleeping now, and soon I will be too. It is now very early on the 11th, and we have a couple more birthday ladies to congratulate today, so I’ll start now.
RE: Loretta in Arizona’s post from November–QUOTE: “Guess I will have to put my request for due date of your foal too. My birthday is March 11th and it is going to be one of those BIG ones…for you and me! But I want you to have a nice easy birth of your first foal on the day you choose. That would be my birthday wish.” END QUOTE
A Birthday Poem for Loretta in Arizona
(March 11, 2012)
Our dear Loretta did us tell
Her birthday wish
Was for the birth
Of Z’s first
To go well
And easy
To be
For Z
And her little one…
I’m not much of a bettor,
But I wager to say
That now that the birthing’s done,
And Loretta’s seen
The Queen
With her precious newborn son,
She’ll say
It couldn’t have been better!
I’ll bet
That scene,
Not to be missed,
Of how the Queen
Her little prince nuzzled
Muzzle to muzzle
And then him sweetly kissed
From top to bottom—
Had our dear Lorett’
With joy gently sobbin’
And her heart with love totally throbbin’.
Happy, happy birthday, Loretta, and many, many more!
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
Happy Birthday, Loretta.
Terry Crow
Loretta-Happy birthday!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Trina, you ARE a good poet, I have to say. But gal, you’re workin’ overtime at 3:30 in the morning!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
P.S. Happy Birthday, Loretta!
Marshall (in NC)
Happy Birthday and many good wishes, too!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Sensitivity Alert: While the previous birthday greetings to Loretta focused on the sweetness and light of the birth of Prince Charming to the Queen, the following birthday poem for Marlene Dodge includes detailed reference to a dark reality in the world of the horse today, a dark side that Marlene combats every day—horse slaughter. Please do not read this poem now if you wish to bask today only in the pure joy of Zenyatta and her first born—come back to it another day. But please consider visiting Marlene’s website today and join me in making a donation in honor of Zenyatta and her precious little prince. Marlene’s rescue website (nothing graphic) is http://www.valleyviewranchequinerescue.webs.com/
A Birthday Poem for Marlene Dodge in King City
(March 11, 2012)
Our dear Marlene
Is a dynamite gal
Who resides
In central Cal
On a ranch called Valley View.
She’s part of a firefighting crew,
And, as if that weren’t enough to do,
Dear Marlene’s
Always on the scene
For horse rescue.
She takes on
At least one eight-hour drive,
And sometimes two,
Every thirty days
Or so
To a feed lot in Fallon,
A little east of Reno.
It’s quite a ways,
But she’s willing to go
All the way from King City
Because she’s aware
Of the nitty gritty
Truly a venality,
Facing the horses penned there.
No horse oughtta
Go to slaughter,
Yet that’s those horses’ destination
If Marlene can’t bring them salvation.
Once they’ve by owners been forsaken,
They’ll soon be trucked ’cross the border.
Don’t imagine their deaths
Will be like euthanasia—
Their precious lives
From them will likely be taken
By vicious jabs
And ripping stabs
Of knives.
They suffer cruel deaths
In order
For their flesh
To be eaten in Europe and Asia.
But Marlene arrives
To save the lives
Of a lucky few
And take them back to Valley View!
She may on her return be able to stop
Where new owners wait to adopt,
And if not,
Then at her ranch
The horses will enjoy their chance
To once again thrive
And enjoy being alive
Till forever homes for them are found—
Never again will they be slaughter bound!
Thank you,
Marlene, for all the great rescue
You do
At Valley View!
May many donations come in
To help you save these equines
So fine,
Zenyatta’s distant kin.
Happy birthday, Marlene, and many, many more!
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
Happy Birthday, Marlene! What would we do without the likes of you!
Thank you for the ALERT,Trina. I read it anyway, as it is a fact and what Marlene does is beyond what anyone should have to do. Beautiful Trina.
Terry Crow
Happy birthday to a real American hero.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Happy Birthday, Marlene! High Hoof to you! And thanks, Trina.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Happy Birthday Loretta. Hugs, JB
Happy Birthday Marlene. Hugs, JB
Wonderful poems. Hugs, JB
Marshall (in NC)
Great job, Trina — as always! Thanks!
Happy Birthday, Marlene! I just sent a donation to Valley View! All the Best and good luck to you in the rescue of these lovely creatures!
Gloria Jeanne - Full Moon Magic
New photos of Zenyatta’s Prince – Enjoy!!!
Zenny, I like the tweets…it looks like your team has all the bases covered. Good!
All the pictures, tweets and videos have been first rate…like you.
Allie in Texas
Trina and Marlene, before Zenyatta’s Prince was born, I made a donation in honor of this wonderful occasion and in memory of Omaha as the celebration of his 80th birthday will be this March 24th. As the recent HRTV video pointed out, Zenyatta is so popular because of her love for people. So it truely seemed that the best gift that I could give was to return that love with a gift to Z’s equine community. Giving the gift of life to the Nevada 7 in celebration of this the beginning of a new life seemed so appropriate. Marlene, thank you for the tireless, rescue work that you do. Zenyatta and little Prince, thank you for bringing so much joy into the world.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
High hoof to you, Allie!
Photos from the HRTV video now posted on Zenyatta’s Prince Facebook. I love the picture of The Prince standing underneath Zenyatta. Reminds me of Plushie. Too cute.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
I know- I love that picture!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Janice and Susan C.:
Love that photo too. I think he’s going to be like Z and Bernie. He’ll love the camera and the camera will love him. Hugs, JB
The article on DRF.com I believe it was where they were asking Lanes End about having Zenaytta there, it was so cute. I loved it when they said she gets gifts all the time delivered there by her fans, I know they were flooded with so much love when the prince arrived. Now they have real royalty there, The queen and her prince.
Gloria Jeanne - Full Moon Magic
Ballons and flowers for the prince.
Congratulations Mr and Mrs Moss on your beautiful new baby! He is adorable! Thanks to all of you for sharing them with all of us! Dottie these blogs are amazing! It’s so much fun to be able to be included in Zenyatta’s life! Best wishes to all!! Can’t wait to see more pictures and videos and find out who will be Zenyatta’s next mate. Any update on Tasty?
Zennnyyyyyy!!!! Congratulations Sweetie!!! Can’t wait to see pictures of the baby! My Mom sends her love and congrats!
iLuv u!!!
Shannon Fiore
ZENDINI, perfect name for a perfect colt!
Jan S. / Houston
Happy Sunday Mama Z and baby cutie patootie. Love all of the pics of you and your boy. I bet you can’t wait until your Dottie and John see him. :):) Have a relaxing day.
I danced under the full moon to welcome your colt and to offer my thanks that you delivered easily! BLESSINGS to you and your family…
Margaret I'm ECSTATIC!!!!!
For those thinking of a baby present–like balloons or flowers– why not consider a donation to one of Z’s favorite charities? You could use Old Friends or Southern California TB’s. TRF. Or any organization that you feel is worthy.
Me? I made a 25 donation to OF’s in honor of the baby. OF in winter always needs funds to help the horses, pay bills, feed etc.
If you are unaware of Old Friends you can find them at Oldfriendsequine.org. They are also on fb.
Michael has a lot of the lesser known stallions, those that have been retired. They are the only the facility to take stallions. They treat with them with all the dignity and love that they deserve.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Margaret- I did that, too! I made a donation to Old Friends and Our Mims in Zenyatta’s foal’s honor. It wasn’t a huge amount but I hope it helps.
Lisag in Texas Adoring the Prince
It is a glowing feeling. I baby showered twice, one in honor of The Queen being a Mama and another for the Prince. When I said for Zenyatta’s Baby Boy, I cried…so happy to be able to say that. This baby shower gift is for Zenyatta’s baby boy…OMGoodness…cring again
Margaret I'm ECSTATIC!!!!!
You should never consider any amount too small. Joe at tbfriends in CA had a Christmas save. For a one dollar donation you get a dollar a horse. Joe does all the work, the horse had an abscess, thin and all that.
After the money was raised to get the horse all the additional monies went to Magic for all of his medical needs. I think in the end Magic had 2000 dollars in just 2 or 3 months with just word of mouth advertising.
Think what this baby could do if everyone donated 1 dollar to whatever rescue you felt good about! I suggest Old Friends because of the work Michael does and most here have heard of it.
But I also think that if a charity exists close to you that you feel good about why not make a donation in Prince’s name?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Margaret:
So true. All the little donations add up to saving a life. Hugs, JB
Debbie G/Kentucky
That’s a great idea Margaret. Yesterday I made a donation to Valley View Ranch in honor of Z’s colt.