Happy Friday, Everyone!
It is amazing how things in one’s life can change so much in just several hours. Here I am late yesterday afternoon with Ann and Jerry posing for this photo…..and then a few hours later….I became a MOM!
Shortly after this picture was taken, the Moss’ left for dinner. All was quiet in my life and it seemed like we’d all have a relaxing evening. Then suddenly things started to change!
A few hours later, Mike Cline called Ann and Jerry to let them know I was feeling a bit restless and I could possibly foal later that evening.
Jerry immediately called MY JOHN and Dottie in California… and everyone started to PACE. Shortly after this, my water broke…and my lovely FOAL was bornat 10:10 last evening. As I’ve said so many times before, NATURE IS TRULY AMAZING!
I am one who likes to LICK. It is a habit I developed somewhere along the way in my life. As you may remember, I used to lick MY MARIO’S face all of the time after I won a race. Thus, licking my dear foal seems like second nature to ME.
He is one handsome guy and I am now beginning to see that he and I will be embarking on an entire new journey as the future unfolds.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’M A MOM!)
I’ve been checking the website twice a day for several weeks, just waiting and hoping. He’s beautiful! Any ideas for a name yet? Since his mom’s the queen, maybe he’s Royal Son, Royal Sunyatta.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
The look on Zenyatta’s face (first photos) was like, “THERE you are! I’ve been waiting to love you.”
Judy from South Carolina
Yes………..I agree……….that and “I KNEW that roll in mud would do it!”
But seriously…………even the “guys” at HRTV and TVG commented on Zennie’s “look” after the birth as compared to her competitive “look” on the race track. So you were absolutely spot on (as they say in Australia) as to your observation.
Aren’t we BOTH so glad that it is over, Zennie is fine and HE is a SIGHT TO BEHOLD?
I am just glad, too, that I can finally go back to getting a good night’s sleep! You?
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Thanks, Judy. Yes- I didn’t really realize that I was carrying so much tension (for lack of a better word) until I saw the birth announcement. It was such a relief, along with the joy!
Paula Higgins
Oh WOW!!! What a great day this is to finally see Zenyatta’s baby boy!!!!!! He is so handsome and he has her ears for sure. What a beautiful little guy he is. Zenny is already the perfect Mom, licking him, guarding him while he sleeps and nursing him. But we knew she would be, didn’t we?! He will be so well loved by her and all who care for him at Lane’s End. I am so glad Jerry and Ann were there for his birth. That is a memory they will treasure all their lives. Dottie, you continue to keep us all informed and part of the loop. We are very lucky to have you. A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Zenyatta, her baby boy and all her family. What a joy it will be to watch him grow up.
Good job, Mama Z! He is a handsome boy and he looks like You! He’s lucky too … has a star, born on the 8th, and under a full Virgo moon … not to mention his supportive TEAM and thousands of fans from the get go.
Have fun with him, Team Z, and thanks for my early morning “He’s Here!” e-mail.
Marianne Weichsel
Marianne Weichsel, in Manchester New Hampshire
March 9th 2012 at 11:23pm
Congratulations to you Zenyatta and to Ann and Jerry Moss. How proud and happy they must be of you and your baby. When I saw the posting of the birth this morning I had to call my sister even though it was only 5:00 AM. We here in New Hampshire wish you a happy and wonderful life and thank you for all the pleasure that you have brought to us racing fans.
Dollars to doughnuts, it won’t be Zendini. That sounds like an old magician and this colt needs a marvelous, glorious name. I’m sure the Mosses have something in mind, or will have during the coming year. They don’t have to name him for some time yet. He is so beautiful and healthy looking, plus being very muscular for just a day old. Z did a great job, laying off that Guinness and eating a good diet! I love the picture of him nursing! He’s very dark and looks like he’ll end up being brown like his Mama!
“On Eagle’s Wings” ?? “Carry The Banner” ??
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
Agreed. agreed. This is not just any ‘colt’ to have a ‘cute’ name. Looking back only a little, great ones have strong names, Zenyatta, Secretariat, Ruffian, Exceller, Bernardini, Native Dancer (Dancer, Grey Ghost), Rachel Alexandra and so many more. The Grrrrr and StopshoppingMaria’s…these are not the type of names for The Prince. I so wonder what they will choose, it is alot of pressure, I do not think I could do it. I cannot name this one, as it as to be SO SPECIAL, SO STRONG, SO WONDERFUL..Nah, I could not do it. I named my Plushie..but I would not choose that ‘cute’ name for The Prince. I wonder if they were thinking of names during the pregnancy? I wonder when they will name Him. I so hope we can get more pics and videos soon. He is so adorable, and She is so loving.
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
One more strong, and beautiful name I cannot leave out of the short list of Champs in our lifetime, the great “Barbaro”.
Judy from South Carolina
I totally agree…………..I am actually starting to BRISTLE every time I hear someone call him Zendini and a couple of other names that are being worn out…………
So happy for you and your dear – and very clean – foal. I’ve been smiling all day. Congratulations to you and all your human family. I can see in your eyes how happy and proud you are. And you should be! Your little colt is a beauty! I can’t wait to see even more photos and video. I am so happy to see you so blissful.
i can’t wait to hear his name!!!!! please, please, please come up with it soon!!!!!!!
Donna in El Paso
Oh, Zenny! Your baby is gorgeous just like you. You look so satisfied with your precious baby. Enjoy every moment.
Marshall (in NC)
Dear Zenyatta,
I just missed your announcement last night (this morning, actually) — I finally got to the end of the post and went to bed at 2 AM EST. When I checked the site at 8:30 this morning, I could only click on your FB. How exciting to see that the miracle had occurred! The twitter of the wee hours was really true!
Congratulations to you, Queen Mama, and to Bernardini. More congratulations to your family: Ann & Jerry, Dottie & John, the Barn 55 crew and Lane’s End.
Your baby is gorgeous! How could he be otherwise? Looks as though that full moon worked its magic, huh? Seems that there was quite a bit of foaling going on at LE, and as is your habit, you were still the closer. Well done, Zenny!
Sweet dreams and well-deserved sleep! Love and Hugs to Mama and Baby!!
Memento Vivere
Aww Zenny, we’re all so proud of you. Congrats girl!
olga lidia rubi
wow, now we can say it we were worried, so happy everything went like clock work and its a boy.Well i cant wait to see the pictures and follow you both for the next two years.Ladies and gentleman the triple crown winner has just been born…. no pressure
oooooo what did we name our baby? and how is your friend did she also have her baby?
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Booyah! Slapsilly happy! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Momma Zenny, I forgot to break out the Guinness – I have been so loopy with excitement! I still celebrate your precious little love-licks birth into this world … ‘Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the first wish I wish tonight’ … dream stars, dream stars, dreams of your first foal tonight. … Goodnight little dream star and may the first star you see tonight, wish you may, wish you might, be dreams come true and what they hold for you ……… oXXo♥Xoo♥Xoox
Shannon From Cool
Today was such a wonderful day of happiness knowing that your colt is finally here. I feel like I’ve fallen into a bed of feathers and can relax now.
Delores Baker
Oh Zenyatta, I am so proud of you. You will be a fantastic mommy. Your son is so lucky to have you for a mom and team Zenyatta to watch over you. Congratulations to all. Thank you for sharing this with us. Love & Big and Lota Kisses to Zenyatta and her baby.
Dava R.
Zenyatta, soft nose kisses to you and baby Z.
Tears of joy
jim mccullough
because he is bred to royalty, and has music connections i think you should call him “juscantwaittobking” from the lion king.
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I love that one!
OMG! he has her ears!!!!!
Michele M.
Dearest Zenyatta,
I cried when I saw the picture of you and your beautiful colt. Congratulations, you’re a MOM! You did great, and your colt is so HANDSOME! Of course congrats to Bernardini, and your ENTIRE TEAM, everyone took care of you and nature did the rest!
You warm my heart Zenyatta! I am thankful for your owners, and entire team from California to Kentucky!
Michele M.
(Northern CA.)
Louise Castello
Sweet girl, 3 a.m. where I am and I had to check back for the 6th or 7th time today to make sure all is well. So, so proud of you! What a beautiful mommy with a gorgeous little boy. You know, you are even more famous than ever. You are really something special with such a beautiful, loving family. Thank them again for sharing you with all of us. Your diary is a wonderful place to hang out with wonderful people from all over the world!!! I love you beautiful girl. You did so good!
Margaret I'm ECSTATIC!!!!!
Z it’s late and I need to go back to sleep. I woke ill to my stomach. I think it was something I ate cause I’m feeling better.
Geez, being so ill the past couple of weeks sure knocked me out for running errands. I got home and couldn’t move for about three hours. Just that tired.
Well you and Prince get some good sleep. I look forward to more pics and video. Prince is sure handsome. You and Bernie sure outdid yourselves!
Yvonne and Maurice
Good morning Zenyatta, Baby Z and your wonderful family. Congratulations and God Bless you and your baby. He is simply gorgeous and, of course, so are you. Have a wonderful day. Your video is simply too precious. Can’t wait to see more. HRTV is doing a special on you and baby, showing video, this morning – yea!!! Love you.
Also can’t wait to hear when Tasty has her baby!
Congrats Z Girl. You will be a fantastic mom.
Linda Fabiszak
Anyone else spending huge chunks of their day looking for more pictures? :-)
Judy Sims in Florida
Yes and for videos too!
Gave up at 10:00 pm EST last night and will resume
searching today.
Yes checking all the time. I can’t get enough of that precious ones face, nose and those fuzzy ears!!!
Good morning Z and baby Z
When will the new Plushie be out? Baby Z is so cute I want to squeeze him!!
Thanks to all that have posted photos.
Have a great Saturday with your family Z. I am off to the TBD. Do you or anyone have a pick in the Derby today? love you all
Good job Z, he’s gorgeous.
I named him Zententen(Zen 10:10) btw, lol. Miss you.
Kim S in Tampa FL
Good morning Sweet Mama and Sweetest of little ones. Hope your day is wonderful.
I’m heading to Tampa Bay Downs too, to see if one of these lucky guys in today’s Derby will be the next Kentucky Derby winner.
Anyone wanting to meet up, I will have my Z Dumpling name tag (courtesy of Diana Stuart–diastu) and my black Zenyatta t-shirt.
Good luck and safe racing to all, everywhere.
Lotsa love to all.
Judy C
What about Tasty, has she foaled Yet? Been waiting to hear about her also.
I’ve been reading this diary “religiously” in anticipation. Now such Joy! Congrats to Z and all involved with her care. How about “Racing with the Moon,” an old Vaughn Monroe
song, for a name.