Happy Friday, Everyone!
It is amazing how things in one’s life can change so much in just several hours. Here I am late yesterday afternoon with Ann and Jerry posing for this photo…..and then a few hours later….I became a MOM!
Shortly after this picture was taken, the Moss’ left for dinner. All was quiet in my life and it seemed like we’d all have a relaxing evening. Then suddenly things started to change!
A few hours later, Mike Cline called Ann and Jerry to let them know I was feeling a bit restless and I could possibly foal later that evening.
Jerry immediately called MY JOHN and Dottie in California… and everyone started to PACE. Shortly after this, my water broke…and my lovely FOAL was bornat 10:10 last evening. As I’ve said so many times before, NATURE IS TRULY AMAZING!
I am one who likes to LICK. It is a habit I developed somewhere along the way in my life. As you may remember, I used to lick MY MARIO’S face all of the time after I won a race. Thus, licking my dear foal seems like second nature to ME.
He is one handsome guy and I am now beginning to see that he and I will be embarking on an entire new journey as the future unfolds.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’M A MOM!)
Zenyatta. Congrats again on a job very well done. You have made so many people very happy with your good news.
You had excellent timing as a racehorse and that rare talent appears to have been carried onward to your new career. I am certain that your ability to set records will continue with this new phase of your life.
Let us know how your pal Tasty is doing. We look forward to seeing you both together again with your foals. Your fan base just keeps growing.
BARB G (SKIP) and JULIETTE the Cat in NJ
BACKSIDE 55 has more adorable photos of momma and baby!!!!!
Sierra is in love with mini Spike!
Aww could he be any cuter in the new photos? I mean he is zonked out and in one of the photos Z is like are you still alive? As she puts her muzzle on his head.
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
Good night for now, I will leave the puter on for when I get up in the middle of the night. It has been a wonderful day, special thanks to Signofthetimes…and Zenyatta Team, all of you, CA and KY…thank you, thank you, thank you!! I love you Zenyatta, I love you Our Little Prince..I wish I could cuddle with the both of you tonight….Lisag
Good night and sweet dreams, lovely Zenny and sweet little Baby Z – I love you!!!!
Sierra is in love with mini Spike!
Okay my offical new background is the one of Baby Z zonked out! The photo is through Z’s legs and you can see all of him he is so cute!
JAG / ♥ Welcome Prince!♥ Auntie Judy!! / So. CA
Dear Mamma Z and Prince,
Do you know how hard it is to be away from a computer ALL DAY! I was at Santa Anita tofay for Photography Day. I actually had the pleasure of telling three people working there about your colt!! They hadn’t heard, but they were very excited for you!! xoxo
Happy Birthday “Uncle John Henry” (aka Zenny’s Guardian Angel). JH would have been 37 years young today. I stopped by his statue to wish him a Happy Birthday… He said to tell you he is very proud of you and your Bundle of Joy. He knew you’d do it YOUR way. He thinks it’s awesome that your foal was born the 8 th – INFINITY !!
I haven’t taken the time to read all the emails, Zenyatta alerts, etc. I needed to congratulate YOU♥ and BERNARDIN♥ I!!! I know you are very, very proud parents – your colt is so cute I could just cover him in slobbery kisses.
I saw Dottie today! I congratulated her and I asked her to give my congratulations to YOUR JOHN, and to ANN & JERRY. I also saw Frank (he was schooling a horse for YOUR JOHN). :D
Love Always and Forever…
Auntie Judy XOXO
p.s. I hope Tasty is doing great, too.
Sierra is in love with mini Spike!
Great to hear from you JAG! Okay you may have already answered this but what was your connection to John Henry.
JAG / ♥ Welcome Prince!♥ Auntie Judy!! / So. CA
Hi Sierra!
Well, it’s a rather long story… I will try to make it simple!
My late husband, John, liked horse racing but I didn’t back then. He spotted John Henry in a post parade. He called me into the room where he was watching TV (my husband was disabled and unable to leave the house.) Anyway, he told me that if he were at the track he’d bet on John Henry. His father and grandfather were John Henrys!
My husband John died without ever seeing or meeting John Henry. So, in memory of my husband, I went to the Kentucky Horse Park. I became smitten with that ornery, tenacious, little guy. The bottom line is I actually bonded with John Henry. He knew my voice and we had a connection that cannot be described.
At first I was devasted to know he would be euthanized on MY birthday!! Then I realized it was a BLESSING that he was going to mee MY husband at Rainbow Bridge on MY birthday! John Henry’s headstone has my birthday inscripted on it – how COOL is that! :-) Number 8 = Infinity! I kissed John Henry good-bye just hours before he was put down – I have a photo of that kiss good-bye :-(
To ease my heartache and many tears, John Henry sent me Zenyatta! I could go on and on about the Full Circle of Love. One word: FATE!
I hope this explains my emotional attachment to both John and Zen without boring you to tears!!!!!
Judy G
p.s. One of the most hurtful things someone said to me many months after John Henry died, was that I should “move on”. Well, the grief lifted when Zenny came into my life………♥ I thank, God, for this gift!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Judy- I didn’t know the story about your husband and John Henry. Very touching and amazing! <3
Great story, JAG. We have all unfortunately had to deal with the “move on” crowd at some time. It is never good. Glad to hear that Zenyatta brought you back to happiness. She does that so well.
JAG / ♥ Welcome Prince!♥ Auntie Judy!! / So. CA
Thanks, Susan XO
Linda E (Ohio)
I am just starting to read John Henry Racing’s Grand Old Man by Steve Haskin. And this morning, the first post I read is yours…forever I will associate you not only with Zenyatta but with John Henry as your story touched my heart. Thank you for sharing it with everyone.
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
JAG, my Z’ister, that was absolutely heart wrenchingly beautiful. So fitting that Zenyatta’s Bronze will be with John Henry’s. A perfect time for you to post your story…Love ya, Girl…Lisag
JAG / ♥ Welcome Zillion Dollar Prince! ♥ Auntie Judy!! / So. CA
Thank you ALL for taking the time to post your kind words XOXO ♥
John hoped Zenny would foal on the 9th, but she did it HER WAY – just like he did LOL
JAG / ♥ Welcome Prince!♥ Auntie Judy!! / So. CA
p.s. Zenny, as you know, I’m a numbers kind of girl… well, guess what I have in common with your Baby Colt?! I was also born at 10:10 p.m. on the 8th (of October)… TOO CUTE! I was also born in Salt Lake City, Utah – just like YOUR MOM, ANN! :-P
Good-night My Queen and Prince B
Zenny and baby–Get a good night’s sleep. You’ve got a lot of playing to do tomorrow. Your baby is so sweet. I’m so glad you both are doing well.
I love you lots, Big Mare
Congratulations to you Zenyatta on the birth of your little boy! He looks so sweet. Can’t wait to see more pictures! Love you.
JeAnna from California
Zenny said, ” I’M A MOM! ”
YES you are my dear . . . . . . . . and a darn good one too.
I am so happy for you and your little boy.
^5 to you dear girl . . . . . . .
Love you,
Lupe Aranda
WWow! Awesome, Zenyatta! THANK YOU dear owners , and family ofZenyatta for sharing with us, her fans this WWonderful news we have all been anxiously awaiting!Love , in Santa Fe,NM!
Sierra has a question for everyone
I know this is really hard but what is everyone’s favorite photo of baby Z?
I know this is very hard so you can do your top three if you want! I really want to know as the baby is so cute I can’t stop looking at photos.
Kim S in Tampa FL
I really like the one of him sleeping, or looking like he’s sleeping. So content!
What’s yours?
Sierra has a question for everyone
Mine is the one where he is zonked out and the picture is from under Z. He looks so cute. I fangirl every time I see the photo which is now every time I open my computer.
Sierra has a question for everyone
Anybody have any idea?
Louise Castello
My favorite is the head shot from the side where someone is holding the lead. So precious.
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
I love the one in the stall right after the birth where he and his mom are almost nose to nose. Perfect caption would be “Hi, Mom”. But any photo of him is my favorite. Dont forget to watch HRTV at 8:00 AM CA time for first video.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Booyah! Slapsilly happy! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
I love the little guy so much too, but my favorite is just looking at Momma Zenny. What a magnificent beauty she is! A little out of shape after 11 months, but GOSH! she is still stunning to look at … and my eyes will never tire of seeing the gentle, kind, loveable sweetheart I fell in l♥ve with at first sight at Hollywood Park …. ♥
Zenny, I am so happy for you!! He seems so much like you….lovely…
Joan in Fort Worth
Z, got to give you a fist pump, job well done. His ears and long body, he will be your image. Thought of a cute name, Stingzzzzzz.
Hope Tasty is well.
To the team, thank you for allowing us all to be a part of the happy event, it is appreciated.
Love ya Z
Hello Beautiful Girl and Little Prince,
Zenyatta you have such a Cute Little Prince. I just know how proud you are to have such a beautiful little guy. As long as you are both healthy. I thought that you might have a little Filly. Maybe your next baby will be a filly. Does anyone know , who will be your next mate and date? I hope he will be good to you like Bernie is to you. I hope everything will be just fine. Thank You Mr and Mrs Moss for sharing Zenyatta and Little Prince with all of us and all the photos and videos of Zenyatta and Little Prince. Thank You to John and Dottie Shiriffs and all of Barn 55 and Lane ends people for taking such good care of Zenyatta and her baby Prince. God Bless All Of You. How is Tasty? Has She had her baby yet? If so what did she have ? A Filly or a Colt? I hope she have a healthy baby and a safe delivery. May God watch over Zenyatta and her little prince and Tasty and her little one . I Love You Zenyatta and your Little Prince. God Bless You…
Zendini sounds like a possible name for Baby – Congratulations Mama and Pop!
Congrats to Ann, Jerry, The Queen, Dottie, John . He is just adorable. I am concerned, is there any reason we don’t see him walking around. Do you think I am freaking out! Sweet dreams Z and her little Prince.
Hugs and kisses
Welcome to the world baby boy! You are as beautiful as your mom! I am so happy for everyone connected with this incredible mare. May this colt live a long and happy life surrounded by people who love him, just as his mom is doing now. God bless you all!
What are you gonna name the little tyke, Zennie?
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
I think it will be a while before they choose his name and they usually have names related to the Mosses’ musical background.
Terry Crow
I like the name Sweet Music Man. IT was a song written about Waylon Jennings but certainly applies to Jerry Moss.
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
Good one, Terry and it is sounds good when you hear it or say it.. The names should sound good when announced over the PA.
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
I am sure that they will pick out ‘classy’ names for the Queen’s children.
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Dear Sweet Zenny,
You are so beautiful. The pictures of YOU and your precious baby boy are so adorable! Please give high hooves to Mr. & Mrs. Moss, Dottie & YOUR John, everyone at Lane’s End Farm, and all of Team Z. I am very grateful that we are able to be part of your life and especially during this special moment. Being updated in such a quick manner of you foaling was so thoughtful!! God Bless All of Your Team!! Please tell them how much they are loved.
Now for that little one of yours… He looks like his Momma. Soooo handsome!! I bet he just loves all the kisses and licks from you. Please give him a kiss on the nose from me. You will have to get someone to take a picture of YOU, the Little Prince and your Mom & Dad (the Moss’). That would be a very nice family picture.
You make sure to enjoy every second with your Little Prince. They grow up too fast.
By the way… How is Tasty Doing? I really still would like updates on her, if you have the time.
Love You & the Little Prince OOOXXX
Keep the pictures coming, PLEASE! Oh… I just love the pictures of YOU and your Mom Ann. Those are my favorite. You can tell that she loves you soooo much from the way she looks at you.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I have been overdosing on cuteness, looking at all the adorable photos of YOUR BABY BOY on the Internet! I wish I had HRTV so I could watch the coverage tomorrow … we only get it on Ch. 31 for a couple of hours in the afternoon, which doesn’t help me. I hope the footage will be made available online.
Please thank Ann and Jerry for allowing all of us to share in this. Are they going to be back in California for your PARTY at Santa Anita on the 17th?? And most importantly … will YOU attend via satellite? :)
Sierra has a question for everyone
Yes it will be online they said so.
Barb Zylbert
Licking in horses is what animal behaviorists call “affiliation behavior.” The horse is greeting you and welcoming you as member of his/her tribe. The fact Zenyatta does that to some humans is significant and consistent with all the great handling and interactions she enjoyed all her life. Probably why she ran her heart out for us humans! Congrats on your beautiful colt! And of course, lick and nuzzle and wuffle to him and may he follow your lead.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I would also like to suggest that your team put together a BABY BOOK for your little man and sell it to raise money for equine charities. :)
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
From The Second Race’s FB page: We will extend our ticket sales through Monday incase you were planning on coming to the track for the Zenyatta celebration AND would like to join us as well. It will a doubly good day supporting retired race horses! We cannot extend past Tuesday, so hurry and decide!
Come join the celebration and help out TSR! See you there! :)
This has been one of the most fun sites to follow. How blessed are we as fans that we have the two ladies who captivated the world with their athletic abilities and the will to battle the boys that we have the privledge to be part of the new chapter in their lives. “MOM”. Zenyatta and Rachel have given all of us their all. A special thanks to the Moss’s and jacksons for allowing us to be a prt of this with their families..
two of the most handsome colts…… here comes the future triple crown champions…
Kim S in Tampa FL
First thought….Aw(e) Zenny had the baby! Second thought….He looks likes you! Third thought….Look at those ears! Job well done Miss Queen!!! He is absolutely TOO CUTE for words. I should have posted this morning when I first checked in but had to get my daughter to school. Then I couldn’t get back in to the busy “waiting room” so I turned on the TV, found the video on HRTV and a phone conversation with “your” Dottie.
Dottie, how do you do ALL that you do? :) Thank you Dottie for being the “life” in he voice of Zenyatta. I hope you know how much you are appreciated and respected by ZenNation.
And John, how much you are appreciated, still, for the patience, care and nurturing that you gave Zenny before and during her career. You have the respect and admiration of ZenNation.
Jerry and Ann, your generosity knows no bounds when it comes to Zenyatta. You took your horse and let her become the people’s horse. We are humbled by your unselfish thoughtfulness.
If you can’t tell, you have a cult following in the most positive of cult ways :) ZenNation, Zen’sters, Z’sters, Zen Army and Z Dumplings are having the best of times and the best of love affairs with Zenyatta and her first line Team Z.
We also feel the same about the second line in Team Z, Mario, Carmen, Steve, Mike Smith and others that I can’t recall at the moment.
And we have come to include everyone at Lane’s End because of the care and love that they have showered on Zenny. Kudos to all.
Now we include another into this wonderful world, Zen’s Prince. We are so glad he is finally here and wait in anticipation as we watch him grow.
Have a wonderful New-Mother night with your little Zenny. You are so truly loved as is your special boy.
Rest easy ZenNation, for all is well with world tonight.
Now we await the arrival of Tasty’s bundle of joy.
Lotsa of love to all.
Denise in St. Louis
Regal Beauty
Rosemarie Bandura
AHHHHH that’s so GREAT!!! Congrats Zenyatta and all the TEAM!!! What a little cutie pie!!!!