Happy Friday, Everyone!
It is amazing how things in one’s life can change so much in just several hours. Here I am late yesterday afternoon with Ann and Jerry posing for this photo…..and then a few hours later….I became a MOM!
Shortly after this picture was taken, the Moss’ left for dinner. All was quiet in my life and it seemed like we’d all have a relaxing evening. Then suddenly things started to change!
A few hours later, Mike Cline called Ann and Jerry to let them know I was feeling a bit restless and I could possibly foal later that evening.
Jerry immediately called MY JOHN and Dottie in California… and everyone started to PACE. Shortly after this, my water broke…and my lovely FOAL was bornat 10:10 last evening. As I’ve said so many times before, NATURE IS TRULY AMAZING!
I am one who likes to LICK. It is a habit I developed somewhere along the way in my life. As you may remember, I used to lick MY MARIO’S face all of the time after I won a race. Thus, licking my dear foal seems like second nature to ME.
He is one handsome guy and I am now beginning to see that he and I will be embarking on an entire new journey as the future unfolds.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’M A MOM!)
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
Wow, his stud fee has doubled. I am sure Zenyatta played a part in that, and my now 2nd favorite son of his, Stay Thirsty.
He is quite the handsome guy, and very proud of his new little son.
@ Brenda S..Ontario, Canada, Just read your post mentioning your #303 plushie and waiting for pictures. Mine is #286 and I haven’t received pictures yet either. So maybe there’s still hope!!!
Sweet dreams Zenny and son!!! God Bless, Arlene in Vermont
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
Thank you for the hope, I have #339 and just about given up.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- REBORN
Ladies, I’m #58 and I haven’t received one either. Don’t know who to call and ask.
ZENTATTA AND HER FOAL VIDEO; so very precious; now set to music,
miss Ann Mosses sweet voice.
Mama Z, I’m so happy for you and your handsome colt. Take care now and have some rest . What’s the latest on your BFF Tasty?
Talk with Dottie this afternoon for a short min. Told her how much your son looked like you, we both smiled and said how much he has your ears :) Zen your son is a wonder, he is sooooooooooooooo speical and we can see how much already that you are going to be a great Mom, and congrats to Mr. B as well the proof is in the son you both produced. Look forward to con. updates and photos as your baby boy grows. Also plase let us know how Tatsy is doing and what she thinks of your son :) since you both share a bond I’m sure your foals will have wonderful days ahead together. Hugs and peppermint kisses going out to you. Thank you Ann, Jerry, Dottie and John, and everyone else for keeping Zenyatta in are lifes, you are all blessed.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Booyah! Slapsilly happy! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
JAG GF! Where are you? Did you go to the track?? If so, I can not WAIT for your report – I bet this beautiful boy was all the talk today!!
JAG / ♥ Welcome Zillion Dollar Prince!♥ Auntie Judy!! / So. CA
Hey Karen!
You KNOW where I was!!! At the track (visiting ZAZU – shhhh)
Photography Day was a lot of fun. I asked John Sadler if we could join him in the paddock for his first race of the day, and he said “sure”! So, Jane, James & I stood next to him. We shook Eswan Flores’ hand and wished him luck :D It was great to see the Mosses’ silks Woo Hoo
Auntie Judy (On Cloud Nine & Over The Moon!)
Karen Gogue Proud Nanny/Granny - OH YEAH!! ♥♥
:) ♥♥
Dear Zenny,
Be careful with those wonderful licks; I think you tickled your foals ear and he
startled you. So very cute and loving. Hope you had a great day outside today.
Saw a photo on HRTV and he was laying down. Can’t wait to see him run.
laine raia
Yea, Zenyatta! He’s a CHAMPION, just like you!
Happy Parenting momma Z!
Donna from Baltimore
Well, he certainly got his mom’s EARS!!!!!!
YAAAAY!!!!!!!!!! (: He is so adorable! Congrats Z! I can’t wait to find out what you guys name him and see lots more pictures! Very happy both are healthy!
M.J. Whitmer
When do we get more pictures of baby and you?!! So thrilled for you and everyone at Lane’s End and the Mosses and Sherriffs. Hope all continues to go well.
To the marvrelous momma Z- How proud and excited we all feel upon the birth of your darling foal. But certainly no happier than Mr & Mrs Moss. Dottie, David, Mike and YOUR John. He is a shining example of you and Bernie, and I wish you and he the vesy over these next critical weeks. Take good care of your little champion. Whetherr he goes ro the track ot not, he epitomizes all that is right in this industry. Bless him and bless you.
Robin from Maryland
Congrats!!!! You are truly amazing. Can’t wait to see pics of your little one. Hope all is well with you and baby. God Bless!!!!
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
Liza G posted her video on her FB, The Zenyatta Song..the celebration being complete. All alone here, clicked on her video and did The Zenyatta Dance while I was crying my eyes out.
This link is a lovely tribute to Zenny and her baby from HRTV, Scott Hazelton and Joann Jones
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
I need more pictures, Zenyatta is my addiction and I need more pictures of Mom and Son.
More NEW pictures of Zenny and her beautiful little Prince!
More pictures of them in the pasture and one of him nursing. AWWWWWWWW!!! I can’t wait to see some video of them running around. Love it!
Great pictures. Zenyatta has already learned how to look after her foal. Very impressive but normal for her.
Sierra is in love with mini Spike!
Awwww… So cute! Thanks for the link! He is so tired but he looks so cute! Z is like are you alive still?
Judy from South Carolina
Amanda……..thanks for these……I am SO cyber’d OUT that I am relying on people like you to “direct” me at this point LOL!
I cannot get ENOUGH of these Mamma and Baby photos!
Please everyone keep posting these updates for me and anyone else LIKE ME that is so exhausted but is still trying to keep up…………….
This has been the longest week in my life……………LOL!
LOVE you Z and my LORD what a GORGEOUS son you have blessed us with!!!!
Thanks for posting these new pictures.
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
Lucy is so jealous, BRB, she needs some love time. She was always jealous when The Queen was racing and she is jealous during her retirement. Hehehe.
Congratulations one and all! What a fine looking fellow — so much like his Mom.
Thank you to the Mosses for sharing their fantastic mare and her ongoing journey.
Zenny’s foal standing with his new little halter on.
He looks like quite the man.
Here’s more new one’s of them in the pasture and one of him nursing. So Sweet!
Thanks Amanda, those photos are TOO CUTE,
So amazing he is only a few hours old standing
And trying to canter !!!! Very cute boy, Zenny and
Stella Bagwell in South Texas
Dearest Zenyatta,
Congratulations to You and Bernie! What a handsome little guy you have! He looks so much like You! Beautiful! And those ears are definitely Yours! :)
Enjoy your sweet son, dear Queen. Each time I think of You and Him I get tears in my eyes.
Love, kisses, and all my best wishes,
Deirdre Slater
Yea! And today I found out that I will have a new Grandson in a few months!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
How wonderful !!!
Kimberly from Santa Anita
Oh ZZZZZZ! I am so happy for the both of you…. Glad to hear that you are fine!!!
Get some rest tonight you will need it…..
Laura Peterson in DC
I’m so happy and excited for you, Zen; you’ll be a great Mom! You have such a contented look in those superb photos Ann took of you and your foal.
Your BFF Tasty must be wondering where you are and how you’re doing. I’ll be praying for her safe delivery too. Once she foals I hope you can share a paddock with her again and maybe Pirate’s Bounty too and their foals.
Please give Dottie and your devoted owners and friends at Lane’s End a high hoof for keeping us posted. These diary entries and photos would sure make a lovely book.
Love and xoxo to you and your beautiful foal!
susy palacios.
Gracias Zenyatta por hacer todo bien. Eso es algo que solo los grandes pueden lograr. Y gracias también a todos quienes están a tu lado y disfrutarán este momento. Felicitaciones.
Linda Edwards in NJ
Zenny: When did your little one stand. About how long did it take for him to stand and nurse? He is so beautiful. Can’t wait to see more pictures.
Linda Edwards in NJ
To Mr. & Mrs. Moss, Dottie and John and all of Lane’s End Z Team: Thanks so much for keeping us posted on all the updates and all the beautiful pictures.
Janet Newman
Congrats Zenny and Baby Z. Thank-you to The Moss’s, Dottie and John, Lanes End for this wonderful opportunity. Z you are a natural! Love to you!