Happy Friday, Everyone!
It is amazing how things in one’s life can change so much in just several hours. Here I am late yesterday afternoon with Ann and Jerry posing for this photo…..and then a few hours later….I became a MOM!
Shortly after this picture was taken, the Moss’ left for dinner. All was quiet in my life and it seemed like we’d all have a relaxing evening. Then suddenly things started to change!
A few hours later, Mike Cline called Ann and Jerry to let them know I was feeling a bit restless and I could possibly foal later that evening.
Jerry immediately called MY JOHN and Dottie in California… and everyone started to PACE. Shortly after this, my water broke…and my lovely FOAL was bornat 10:10 last evening. As I’ve said so many times before, NATURE IS TRULY AMAZING!
I am one who likes to LICK. It is a habit I developed somewhere along the way in my life. As you may remember, I used to lick MY MARIO’S face all of the time after I won a race. Thus, licking my dear foal seems like second nature to ME.
He is one handsome guy and I am now beginning to see that he and I will be embarking on an entire new journey as the future unfolds.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’M A MOM!)
Christine Welssch
Lovely as his mommy!
Thanks for sharing … may i suggest a name?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Don’t know if someone has already posted this DRF article about the birth of the Prince. Here it is. Some of your posts are quoted in it. Hugs, JB
Especially Horses / Southern California
Awesome article. And some of our fellow Z’sters were quoted. Too cute.
Linda Massey
Oh! Its ‘Mini-Zee!
Charlotte Farmer
Dear Zenyatta:
Congratulations on your new foal. I learned about it from your John’s friend. May the wind be always at BOTH your backs and may the luck of the Irish be with you always.
Brooke(From Mrs.Voltz 5th grade class)
Congrats Zenny!! Can’t wait till your birthday!! love ya!
Sierra is in love with mini Spike!
I am so happy you are doing well and mini Spike is doing well too! I cannot wait until we get more photos. I am finishing up your picture with your foal right now!
Kisses and Hugs,
Dianne Meyer
The Little Prince could be named Stars in my Crown.
Nancy McIntyre
Hi Zenny!
Loved watching you be such a gentle Mom in the YouTube video! You are the BEST – just as you were on the track.
Can hardly wait for more videos in the future.
Way to go Mommie Z :-)
San Clemente
sharon in seattle
Team Z – THANK YOU so many times for all the effort and time you put into keeping us Z and baby Z fans up to date. Love the pictures, the videos, the HRTV interviews — the list of gratitudes goes on and on. And two diary entries in one day! Bravo – what a team!
Congratulations on the beautiful colt! Zenyatta you will be a wonderful mom! Thank you so much to Jerry and Ann Moss and all of Z’s team for sharing this wonderful experience with all of Z’s fans. I hope that you will continue the diary posts so that I along with all of Z’s other fans can keep up with her and the little prince. Can’t wait to see more photos and I can’t wait to find out what his name will be. I like Zendini and Zealous as others have suggested. I’m sure you will come up with something fantastic. Congratulations again I am so excited for all of Z’s team her owners and her fans.
Dear Zenyatta;
I congratulate you upon the healthy and flawless arrival of your little boy! What you have created within you is the ultamite racehorse. He will achieve much in life not simply from his pedigree, but because he has such a great mother to raise him! I heard yesterday of your foal as I was reading about “Black Caviar” who many say is you all over again. I am curious of your opinion on the matter but that is for another time; for now….Congratulations!
suzy fox
Good Luck Zenyatta, and may “Zendini” be healthy and happy!!!!!
Oh boy, Oh boy! Congrats from Colorado!
What a beautiful, tender photo of proud Mother Z and baby boy. Thank you!
I recently came across a name that might have potential: “Zeferino” It means “wind of spring”. (AS IF I could come up with anything that would rival the Moss’ great name choices!)
Hoping all continues to go so beautifully for Zenyatta and her gorgeous colt.
Hoof Hoof Hurray!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and Little Boy Z:
Goodnight and sweet dreams. Love you so much, Judy and Russ
Kaitlyn Mendoza
name the colt VENIDERO!
It’s means ‘coming, future, next’ in Spanish!
He’s coming down the stretch!
He the future of horse racing!
He’s the next big thing!
he looks wonderful and so healthy!
god bless zenny
-Kaitlyn Mendoza :)
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
This picked name I like.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you lots, Judy and Russ
Sierra is in love with mini Spike!
I just saw the pic of you and your foal in the sun in the pasture so cute! How are Ann and Jerry going to be able to leave you two?
on dear Z, I’m so thrilled for you, your team, your baby, and the future of horse racing. I think your boy and Rachel’s colt have a date with destiny, what do you think?
Where did you see the Photo??
Sierra is in love with mini Spike!
Right here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Zenyattas-Prince/313348545391457 there are a couple new ones.
Thank you Sierra – my internet connection is going again. Will try to keep up as best I can. So happy I got to see him though.
Hi everyone I am not a horse person. I was wondering why in all of the photos I have seen via FB none of them show baby Z standing up. I am wondering about that it is really bothering me so much I thought I would ask the Z family why he is not standing up? I hope I am not to late for a sister horse person to explain this to me. Baby Z is so cute I sure hope he is ok?
Louise Castello
I’m not sure but the head shot of him on facebook with the halter on looks like he is standing. I think!
Louise Castello
I mean the one on Bernardini’s facebook. Sorry
Thank you too
Foals don’t have a lot of energy so they stand for a little and rest for a little.
If you noticed Rachels foal would trot or canter and then come to a dead stop.
They are so very small and delicate without much energy yet. Remember human babies don’t stand for 9 months.
Yes, he is standing in the one photo with his new halter on.
Thank you
Also he has been curled up like he is laying
Down in utero so it is comfortable for him to
Rest and comfort himself in that position,
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
He is just fine. He did not do a summer salt like the Filly in the video posted did. Did you not notice that look of independence he has on his face. I think The Queen will have her hooves full with this beautiful one.
They showed him on HRTV this morning skipping so I am sure he is fine. They took him and Zenyatta out to the pasture and he was walking under his Mom cause she is so tall. He was a bit wobbly on the walk out but he seemed to get his barrings once there. and he was trying to run it was so cute. Lady just kept following him she is so attentive to her baby.
Nancy Petrillo
Suzanne – Hi and thanks for the link for Z and baby. That was very sweet of you!
carol in utah
wait a minute….I don’t have to do that anymore …do I?
wait a minute….yes I do….Tasty is still a lady in waiting
love you Zenny….take care of yourself and baby Z…
Recover eat rest…..give tips to Tasty if you can find time
kisses for all the soft noses at lanes end
Sierra is in love with mini Spike!
I just saw Dottie’s interview about baby Z I think the reason we have not yet seen standing up photos is that they want to show us the first steps in a big way.
Nevermind – should have read first! Here’s the link to Zenyatta’s Prince:
Sierra is in love with mini Spike!
2 hours until little Z is 1 day old!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
What a day Zenny, you sure had me fooled. I went to bed last night just about the time you were delivering your “little” boy, thinking that you had settled down for the night. I checked as soon as I got up this morning and there you were, a MOMMY. Vic and I went into Buffalo so that I could go to my post box expecting to find some pictures of YOU. I purposely waited until delivery day so that I would have the pictures on your special day. Well, guess what, no pictures. I’m hoping that my “plushie pictures” are still on the way because my plushie is #303 and they haven’t got around to my number yet.
Your son is absolutely magnificent, he has a beautiful face, the longest legs and his Mommy’s ears and YOU did an outstanding job, with a little help from your friends at Lane’s End. Your human Mom and Dad sure knew what they were doing when they picked LE for you, it is a 5 star establishment.
I’m wondering what has happened to your Auntie Judy and your friend Tasty – no word from or about either of them. Maybe Auntie Judy is is hiding out behind a tree at Lane’s End or waiting to be bailed out.
Hugs and kisses to you and your son, licks as well, love you.
Congratulations! Can’t wait for the pictures.
Dear Zeester’s,
Sierra is in love with mini Spike!
It will be on at 11:00 am Eastern Time 8:00 am Pacific.
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
Signofthetimes, you made today even better with your info and links..10:30 Texas Time.
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
Oopa, 10:00 Texas Time…I still cannot type.
SEE BELOW: (posted link from HRTV)
11 am Eastern Time
It is sure going to be fun to watch. Dottie said she just he “popped”out.
Lisag in Texas Breathing again
He just popped out? Too Cute, cannot wait to get out and explore….Curious just like Our Queen. Signofthetimes, thank you for making this an even better day. Thanks to your info and links, I think I will be able to sleep good tonight..it has been a rough week. Thanks. Lisag
Oh my gosh I am so thrilled and SO IN LOVE!!! HE is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I just love you so much Classy Lady!! Cant wait to see more and more and more!!!!!!! LOVE YOU