Happy Friday, Everyone!
It is amazing how things in one’s life can change so much in just several hours. Here I am late yesterday afternoon with Ann and Jerry posing for this photo…..and then a few hours later….I became a MOM!
Shortly after this picture was taken, the Moss’ left for dinner. All was quiet in my life and it seemed like we’d all have a relaxing evening. Then suddenly things started to change!
A few hours later, Mike Cline called Ann and Jerry to let them know I was feeling a bit restless and I could possibly foal later that evening.
Jerry immediately called MY JOHN and Dottie in California… and everyone started to PACE. Shortly after this, my water broke…and my lovely FOAL was bornat 10:10 last evening. As I’ve said so many times before, NATURE IS TRULY AMAZING!
I am one who likes to LICK. It is a habit I developed somewhere along the way in my life. As you may remember, I used to lick MY MARIO’S face all of the time after I won a race. Thus, licking my dear foal seems like second nature to ME.
He is one handsome guy and I am now beginning to see that he and I will be embarking on an entire new journey as the future unfolds.
With Love,
Hugs to All~ (I’M A MOM!)
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Congratulations to you Zenyatta and to all your connections. Well Done Mama Z.
He is perfect. Your website has been very busy. Happy for you and your boy.
I’m sure you will be having lots of visitors. Thanks to all for letting us share in your joy.
Crista Worthy
Congratulations, Zenyatta!!!
A thousand thanks to Dottie and John, and to Jerry and Ann Moss, for sharing your life with us, your loyal fans.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Our little Prince has come, dearest Kari. Under a magic moon and a diamond sky, he arrived with your kiss on his forehead, which exploded into a star.
Kimberly Potter/CELEBRATING
PERFECT! Brought me tears…..again….
Shannon J. in Seattle
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- REBORN
Cynthia, so sweet, and I believe every word is TRUE! Hugs
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Booyah! Slapsilly happy! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Tears, tears!
Especially Horses / Southern California
I thought of Kari too. Love your words!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
That was so beautiful Cynthia. I thought of Kari too. : )
Abigail from Montreal
This was exquisite, Cynthia. Just beautiful. Love & hugs
Marshall (in NC)
Cynthia H.,
What a beautiful description — absolutely magical! A wonderful blessing to be kissed by dear Kari. Such JOY!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Cynthia- that is stunningly beautiful. I thought of Kari, too.
Shannon From Cool
Very nice, very nice indeed. You captured the moment perfectly.
Terry Crow
Cynthia-You do have a way with words. I am especially glad that you put these words together.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Such a wonderful tribute to Kari, Cynthia. I somehow missed it the first time, but had to come back and find it when I started reading posts that noted your beautiful words.
Rose Cola
I don’t know if my first post made it on the site since it kicked me out this morning. But I am so very happy for you and your darling son. I am telling everyone about him. I didn’t have a great day personally, but the news of the baby carried me thru.
THe video of you and the colt brought tears to my eys. Hope Tasty has a colt so the two boys can be weened together. Please let us know her status.
Once again, congratz on a job well done, my Queen!
I don’t know how to bring the link over but on Bernadini’s FB page there’s a link to an interview with Dottie by HRTV. It was done today and she discusses the birth, etc.
Apparently there are some big things in store for the fans to celebrate the little Prince’s birth.
Dear Great One,
So the Queen of Racing is now joined by her darling look-a-like Prince. He is just beautiful and we all know who he looks like — MOM! That is so great. And you look FABULOUS. I sure didn’t look that good after my son was born. I just love the look in your eyes when you watch him. It is just PURE LOVE and there is such a SERENITY about you, MOM!
Thank you Ann, Jerry, Dottie, John, Barn 55, Lane’s End and anyone else I’m not thinking of right now for not forgetting us at this amazing time. She kind of belongs to US too — in our HEARTS!
And she did it like a CHAMP! And pray-tell, how else would she do it? She doesn’t know anything else?
Thank you and God bless you all — horse, woman and man.
Your humble J
Leah in Washington State
I want to call this exquisite little colt “Khamisi” which in African means “born on Thursday.” I like everyone out there is wildly ecstatic over Z’s baby; seeing them together is the most compelling evidence of goodness inherent in the universe that one can ever find.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Congratulations Momyatta! Your little boy is sooo adorable. He looks so much like you. The look of love in your eyes just melts my heart. You’re going to be a great mom. And a big thanks to the Mosses and Dottie for putting out these beautiful pictures and info. You’re the best!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Debbie- love “Momyatta”!
Congratulations all around! So happy to hear that you had a safe birth and now a healthy little boy! What a good-looking little fellow.
Shannon J. in Seattle
Oh Zen,
We just LOVE you sooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! As hard as it is that you aren’t racing and hamming it up on the track it ia soooooooooo precious that you (&Dottie) share your life with us every day. Your beautiful little son is adorable and perfect in every way. He looks SO much like you!!! I can’t wait until we get even more pictures!!
What’s he like??? Is he feisty? Is he soft and cuddly like you? OH! I can’t wait to hear and read more about him every day and I cherish YOU, Team Z, Mr. And Mrs. Moss and Dottie and John for sharing you with all of us. Having you in our world every day makes it an even better place and now that your precious little son is here that is an extra bonus. I’ll bet Bernie is so proud…just as you are! WE ALL ARE!
To have met you reminas one my most amazing and wonderful experiences and I have never met a horse quite like you as you surely are the gentlest giant I have ever met!! If your son is as flashy and beautiful as you and his father are and if he has even half your talents and personality then we as fans and horse (and racing) lovers are surely in for a treat!!
Give that little boy a lick from Seattle for me…and one from Afghanistan from my Hubby…when I told him your baby was finally born and it was a boy all he said was SWEEEEEEEEEEET!!!! LOL!
TAKE GOOD CARE MOMMA…a new and beautiful life for you has surely begun!
PLEASE keep us posted on Tasty too!!! I hope she foals soon. Big hugs!
Kayla B
Omg Zenyatta!!!!!!! I can’t believe that it happened! Congrats!!!! So proud!!! Hope the little boy is doing well!!! Keep me posted!!! What is his name???
Your biggest fan
Kimberly Potter/CELEBRATING
My Beautiful Zenyatta~ Why am I not surprised to know that out of 6 foals born at Lanes End on March 8, you were the CLOSER!
For those that missed this earlier….check out this head shot!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kimberly P.:
Thanks for this link. TOO Adorable. Hugs, JB
Susan in SO CAL
Zen, You are beautiful and your little colt is beautiful. Thanks for the updates! It was love at first sight! Wondering if he will be named Zendini. The best to you, your baby, Ann and Jerry, Dottie and John, Mike and all the connections. So much love! It has been remarkable to follow your success over the years. Something so special; they were so generous to share you with the world!
Thank you for sharing so much with us!
April Haubert
Congrats on the birth of your son. We know you’ll be a good mom.
Heidi K (wanting more news) (Vallejo, Ca.)
Zenny, I’m still over the moon and smiling ear to ear. Speaking of, the prince has your Ears and look at his dished lil head. Adorable! Oh boy, I can’t wait for the video that HRTV will provide tomorrow. However, I don’t get HRTV so, hopefully, there will be a link. I can’t wait to tell my friends that are always asking about you! Wooohooooo…. So proud of you!!!
BTW… How is your BFF coming along?
Gerrie P
What a beautiful boy! So like Zenyatta!
Congratulations to the Mosses’ and the great Zenyatta team.
Fantastic news.
Love your family and newest addition.Hope Tasty has as smooth of delivery too!!
Congratulations!! He’s beautiful – just like his mama! This really makes my day. I’m so happy for you and your team. Thank you for the updates. Can’t wait to see mother and son on a video clip!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Booyah! Slapsilly happy! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Hi little guy! Your momma likes to love-lick, so I think I’ll call you little ‘Licker’. Or how about little ‘Love Licker’? You are just too, too cute!!!! A ‘BIG’ little boy for now, but Momma’s a big girl, so I hope you grow up to be big and strong like her – and run like a champion and thrill us as she did, and leave all the others in the dust!! Love you! xoxxooxoxxo
sharon in seattle
Hi Karen – love your new status name!!!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Booyah! Slapsilly happy! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Hi Sharon!! Isn’t this just TOO MUCH!!? I KNOW!! BOOYAHHHH!
Hope to see you down here soon! I left a post for you … ummmm … the day after, or the same night, as our ‘dumpling gang gathering’ at Santa Anita …. hope you read it! … love ya!
Sylvia Font /Southern Cal Gal
Thank Heavens he finally arrived,safe and sound!! Have been on pins and neddles, checking everyday. So looking forward to pictures and videos of them both. She is a great horse and has alot of followers who enjoy hearing about her.
Jan Allison
Congratulations!! It’s a colt!!!!! I am so happy for you & your family!!
Deborah Richman from So. Cal.
Z, what a sweet little lollipop your little prince is :)
Gloria Jeanne - Rejoyce - The Prince has Arrived!!!!
Some of the people who posted comments on this site yesterday are noted in link by DFR. Enjoy.
Hear Dottie talk about the birth of Zenyatt’a Prince on the above link.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Gloria Jeanne:
Sorry, I posted the same DRF article with the same comment below. I scroll from bottom to top so I didn’t she your post right away. Hugs, JB
Gloria Jeanne - Rejoyce - The Prince has Arrived!!!!
The Prince has his Facebook page with photo’s and video for those of you wanting to see or join.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Created by a fan, not an “Official” FB page. ???????
Gloria Jeanne - Rejoyce - The Prince has Arrived!!!!
I think it’s official – It has access to photo’s before anyone else but BERNIE’s Facebook page…. so it would seem official or maybe someone at the farm???
Don’t think it is official; someone got the video posted last night and posted it
on U tube.
Gloria Jeanne - Rejoyce - The Prince has Arrived!!!!
He has over 800 fans from last night to today…. way to go Kid!!!
Heidi K (wanting more news) (Vallejo, Ca.)
One more thing before I head out. The Prince is following right in your Hoof steps, Zenny!! He’s already got 852 fans on his Facebook page!! Fist Pumps, lil Prince!!!
Cheryl Y
Congratulations Dear Zenny and all the team!!!! I’ve had a horrible day,but now the horrible is gone and the wonderful is here !!! Thanks so much for the sharing of this gift from God ! Equine award for MOMENT OF THE YEAR 2012 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love to you and the Prince !!
Congrats to you on the birh of your son. Maybe the winner of. The. 2015 ky derby love you z
Doreen in CT
Zenny – Congratulations. The picture of you with your foal is both precious and priceless. I always knew that you were a “girly girl”, but the first picture on post #454 says it all – motherhood seems to bring out the best in you. You look so serene and absolutely loving your new role. I’m very glad and relieved that you and your little prince are doing well. I’m sure if he takes after you, he won’t be “little” for long – although he’s 130 lbs already.
Hello little one. May your journey called “life” be a long, happy and healthy one. I’m sure, no matter what, it will be a successful one. You are so handsome, so loved, and so fortunate to have Zenny as your mother and Jerry and Ann Moss as your owners, who already love you soooo very much. When I first saw you, all I could say was “those ears.” I’m sure that they will be just as expressive as your mom’s.
Congratulations to Bernie, the Mosses and Dottie for sharing what must be quite a joyful, but yet a personal occasion with Zenny’s adoring fans. Congratulations also to your JOHN, Barn 55, and your MIKIE. Congratulations to the Lane’s End team that have taken care of Zenny through her transition from race mare to broodmare (although we know that she’s just not any ole broodmare) and ensuring the birth was easy for both Zenny and her foal.
Last night, I went to bed earlier (10:30 PM) than I usually do because I had a quiz and a field trip to a local farm as part of my Large Animal course today. The last thing I remember before going to sleep, was seeing a picture of a foal, one who was bay in color, and had a “diamond” or what’s known as a “star” as far as markings are concerned. Then to wake up this morning and check out twitter to find out that Zenny’s foal was born last night was unreal. I was on cloud nine all day.
Good Luck and safe trips to all this weekend, especially to Battle Hardened, Creative Cause, Empire Way and On Fire Baby – four three-year olds, other than Hansen, that seem to have a bright future ahead of them.
Can’t wait until Tasty foals. I wish that her delivery is as easy as Zenny’s. I know that she’s in great hands too. I’m looking forward to the pictures and the videos that I’m sure will be posted on this diary for days/weeks to come.
carol in utah
Love On Fire Baby