Dear, dear, dear friends,
I am so proud and elated to share the news with you that I am now a MOM. I just gave birth to a lovely dark bay COLT, March 8th, at approximately 10:10 p.m. Eastern Time.
My adorable foal weighed in at 130 pounds, has a white star on his forehead….and some white on his feet. As Ann commented when she saw him, “he has polka dots on his feet, Zennie, just like YOU.”
All went very well with the foaling. I must say….I did it like a CHAMP!
My foal is absolutely precious…and I am so pleased to share this entire experience with all of you…my precious and loving friends.

We are all still just getting acclimated to this entire new experience. I’m doing great. MY BABY is doing great….and Bernie is also excited! I’ll update you again with some more photos in the morning.
With Love,
Hugs to All~(Can you believe it…..I’m now a MOM!)
Michele Moore
Dear Queen Z, what a magnificent gift that you have given the world. He looks just like you and the love I have had for you for years I can now share with your handsome baby. God Bless all of your team, I am sure Ann and Jerry, Dottie and John are floating on cloud nine. You have been such a blessing to me, and I am sure my dear friend Kari who is in heaven now is smiling down on both of you. Well done you beautiful gift from God, well done. Love, Michele.
Susan Sheld
My love! What a fabulous baby boy!!!!
All the love and kisses in the world to YOU and the Precious Baby Boy!!
PeggyW from CT
Congratulations Zenyatta!. . .Good girl, Good job!
Congratulations Team Z!. . .You are most deserving of the highest respect!
Happy Birthday Baby Colt!. . .Welcome! May you enjoy a life of contentness and accomplishment. You will always be very special to many!
Jaime Corum
PS. I can’t believe how much he looks like you!! He has your wonderful ears : )
Susan Carothers (in TN)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Jamie C.:
Yes, he does. Hugs, JB
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
What a wonderful surprise. Joy abounds….. He is very handsome and he sure has your ears. He has the best Mama in the world and the best human family too.
Tears of happiness. Santa Anita and Hollywood Park are bursting with pride. The stands will shake tomorrow for sure. Bet Trevor will make a big announcement for the crowd. What great news.
Rest and so glad to hear you and Baby Boy ZB are doing great.
Now Tasty, it’s your turn.
A baby boy. Wow….. Thank you Dottie and everyone for sharing in this special moment with all her fans.
Dearest Zenny:
A loving welcome to your little one! He is just like you: BEAUTIFUL!
Bless you both!!
Linda from Chicago
“THIS IS UNBELIEVEABLE” Congrats to Zenny, Bernie and Team Z. . . And beautiful, beautiful Zenny – great job – he’s a keeper!
kim z wichita ks march 9 201w
Zenyatta th Queen of racing _ You have nvr looked more elegant and magnificent the loving look in your eyes is so. Tender What a mom u wi?l b. He is long n sleek jst like you I am ovrjoyed thank you Ann & Jerry. Moss for letting us b a part of this wonderful journey . Yolu r th finest owners ikn th business. Love to Dottie n John n bar n barn 55 an Lanes end love to evryone. I am so excited What a night !! A toast to Queen Z and th Heir to th throne!! Much. Luv n gratefulness to all. Kim,Z .
Lou in TX
Just wanted to add a word of thanks to the Mosses and everyone associated with our Queen for letting us, her fans, be included in this wonderful moment in time. We so appreciate you keeping us informed on Z everyday and her friend Tasty. We are so fortunate to have owners that care about the people who care about their horse and love her so much. John and Dottie thanks for the Queens website and all the pictures you make available to us. We are now on a different journey with a precious little colt and a great Mom. What fun we are going to have keeping up with these two.
Thanks again from the bottom of my heart to the Mosses, John & Dottie, all the people who care for her at Lane’s End and of course all those who love and worked with her at Barn 55.
Gloria Jeanne - Happy Dancing
Zenyatta’s Colt looks a lot like Vertigineux – Zenyatta’s Mother. Pretty Cool. She has a Facebook Page – with photos if anyone wants to check it out.!/pages/Vertigineux/156360087751773
The Kennedys in San Diego
Excellent observation, Gloria Jeanne. He has a star similar to Vertigineux’s, the family (Kris S) ears and dark coloring.
Congratulations, Zenyatta. Where is the video that everyone is talking about? Somehow I missed it. Anyway, the photographs are wonderful. Stay healthy and get lots of rest.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I’m sorry you missed it — less than one minute, her colt trying to stand (but couldn’t yet), and Zenny sitting on the ground too, licking him all over. It was available when this page first went online, but it’s gone now, replaced with a 2nd static picture. A friend also found it on youtube, and emailed me the link, but now it just says it’s Private. Hopefully it will be available again tomorrow.
Terry Crow
There was a video on the sports page of the LA Times on Friday. If you go to its website, it might still be there.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Terry, the times link no longer works, but the vid. is available elsewhere, thank heaven.
Lib Berry
I am so happy for you Zenyatta. I was unable to focus on anything but you today, so I stopped trying and spent much of the day watching your videos, especially those that Kari made, working on my Zenyatta scrapbook, imagining what your little one would look like, and thinking of names that would fit such a special baby. I know that you and your team have probably already chosen a name, but I wanted to share one that I like. I’ve never met Steve Haskin, but like your team, I think he represents all that is good and right in the sport of horseracing. It is so clear from all the articles that he has written about you, that you are very special to him, and I think having one of your babies named after him would be such a wonderful way to honor him. I like “Hangin’ With Haskin” or “Haskin’s Pride”. Thank you to the Mosses for sharing this very special time with us, and to Dottie for always keeping us up to date on Zenyatta. You are all appreciated very much. Lib
Inge Alger
Congratulations, beautiful Mommy! He’s gorgous looking just like you!
I guess you’ll have to teach him your dance! :-) Can’t wait for more pics! Love your diary!
Ann Maree / Tennessee
A-w-w-w-w-w! TOO CUTE!!!
Hugs, sweetie! Ya did good!!!! Love you! Ann Maree
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: WHOA! OUT COLD!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Zenny, the 8 hearts above are for you and your birth date of little Prince Z. A heart for you and baby together. AND one heart for Ann & Jerry, one heart forJohn & Dottie, one heart for Lane’s End, one heart for Barn 55 and one heart forTeam Z! It is Zenny’s world and we all our just living in it! I Love you all and thank you, thank you for sharing this blessed event with us … we treasure you and will always ……
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ XOOXOOXXO
Your Highness Queen Z,
what a beautiful day !! And he looks so like you !
Congratulations to you and everybody surrounding you !
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: WHOA! OUT COLD!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Hellooo Netherlands!
Margaret I'm ECSTATIC!!!!!
Okay, now that I’m a bit settled down…
Did Z safely pass all the placenta? Has it been checked? I know everyone will automatically check for this but I’d liked to know for my own peace of mind…
How long was it before the baby got up? Did he need any help? Did he find the kitchen on his own?!
How is Z handling all of this baby stuff? Is she managing nursing easily? Did anyone need to teach her anything or was it pretty natural to her?
More pictures please!!! And video!!!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Margaret, in the 1st 50-sec. vid we saw (since removed), he tried, but couldn’t stand, and Zenny, sitting too, kept licking him. So no word on when he did get up.
Gloria Jeanne - Happy Dancing
All very good questions – not sure they will all be answered –
Heidi K (wanting more news) (Vallejo, Ca.)
Ok, as I commented above, I did not see the video and if you all are saying, that he couldn’t get up and that Zen was “sitting,” Makes me worry and for them to yank the video all of the sudden… Things that make you go hmmm….
Margaret, I understand about your concern, been there done that so, I’m with ya in hoping that she passed the placenta just fine and that, all is going smoothly. I’m sure we’ll have all sorts of things to talk about tomorrow. The News will be all over the place. I’m still curious if it will actually make it to the News on TV?!!! That would be too awesome!
Heidi K (sleepless in Cali) (Vallejo, Ca.)
Oh My!!!!!! As soon as I got home, first thing I did was pull up your diary and for a moment, I thought it was a prank. WoooooooHoooooo Zenny, you have a Prince now! I just popped open my guinness and will have a toast in the Honor of your new baby boy!!! I can’t wait to tell everyone tomorrow! It was funny, I looked at the clock at exactly at 7:10pm and I was thinking, hmmm, it’s after 10pm in Kentucky. Then a friend came up to me and started asking about you and then, we had the entire place talking about YOU!!!! I am so elated!!! Can’t wait for more pics and video. Now, where did I put the Cigars? LOL!!!! Fist Pumps Zenny, Fist Pumps!!!!!
Now, I’ll go back and read the posts…. Love You Zenny and I bet Ann and Jerry are besides themselves with happiness and Joy!!!!!!
BTW… If it wasn’t so late and cold outside, I would run around the block and scream out, “Zenyatta had her Prince!” Then, I would have to call JAG and have her call Mr. Sherriff’s to come bail ME out! LOL
One more thing… Kari B… Thank you for watching over our Queen!!!
Terry Crow
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: WHOA! OUT COLD!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
And a ♥ for Kari tonight … l♥ve ….. you are missed ….
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yes, I was thinking about her.
Anita Carville
I said to my husband today that I pictured a colt, dark with a star!!! What a blessing. So so so happy for you, my precious Zenny, and for Bernie, too! Congrats to all and thank you so much for the share.
Vickie A Dana Point Ca
Congrats! What a magnificent foal! Zenyatta and team Z – Ann and Jerry – I love you! Thank you so much for sharing!…I just got my new PC up and running so I missed the video….
OH MY GOSH!!!! How adorable is he!!!! Love the pictures. Look out world……..HE’S HERE!!!!!!!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: WHOA! OUT COLD!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Momma Z, do you feel like dancing, doing ‘The Zenyatta’ tonight!? That’s what I’m doing right now girl! And my ‘Z’ears are moving like your’s too! I AM SO HAPPY WHIPPEEWOOWHOOO! Can’t wait to see the cotton in the little Prince’s ‘Z’ear’s!!!!
Congratulations my Sweetheart!!
He’s so adorable!!
What about the name INDYAN PRINCE in honour of his grandsire?
Kisses from Germany!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: WHOA! OUT COLD!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Kisses back Germany! LOVE!
Melissa M.
C-O-N-G-R-A-T-S, Queen Z!! What a beautiful, sweet boy! I’m sure Bernie is beaming in his stall right now. So happy for the Team Z family and fans across the globe. Welcome to the world, precious baby bunting. You’ve literally got the best mom in the world! HUGS from Lexington!
Elizabeth in Oregon
Hooray!! When I saw that beautiful full moon tonight, I hoped it was shining for you Queen Z! What a wonderful surprise to look on the site one last time and see the glorious photo of you and your son. Big Congratulations to all, and thank-you so much, Dottie! We so appreciate your letting us know about this lovely baby so soon. :-)
Happy Birthday, Stephanie – what a great present!
Here is hoping Tasty will have her baby soon. Thanks again for the biggest news of the year!
I love this NEWS! Congratulations to Mama Z and her newborn colt and of course Bernie. Congratulations to all her human connections. I’m looking forward to more exciting news.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
A Birth Day Poem for Zenyatta’s First Born
(March 8, 2012)
Great tidings
To make our hearts sing
This evening
Does bring–
We’ve just been told
Our beloved Queen has foaled
The heir apparent!
We’ve long awaited
The first-born offspring
Of our beloved Queen–
Now we welcome this potential king!
Throughout the Queen’s realm
Joy does all overwhelm!
And exultation
Reign o’er the land,
And poets, with pen in hand,
Break out in verse!
The attendants
In the presence
Of the Queen
This evening waited
With breath bated
As you, little one, arrived,
And then all celebrated
When you, looking so grand,
Soon strived
On legs as yet untried
To stand
And unaided
Started to nurse,
Continuing till sated.
What a charming scene!
And, little one,
Though that slender cord
Is now broken
Through which Zenyatta you
Rich nourishment did afford,
You nonetheless forever to her
Will lovingly be attached–
Wherever YOUR name is spoken,
People will with reverence
Recall ZENYATTA’s great feats
And how she their hearts stirred,
And they YOU
Will treat
With the deference
Her flesh and blood.
Whenever YOUR name
By us is heard,
Happy emotion through us will flood.
Your dear mother’s illustrious fame
From her twenty starts
Insures YOU will in our hearts
Forever be latched!
Little ZB, you surely won the lottery,
For your mother
Is like none other:
Words are not adequate her to praise–
She’s the Queen
Of racing royalty,
And second, she’s as sweet
As can be.
She you will smother
With loving attention
And give you constant protection.
In coming days
You’ll in pastures green
There at Lane’s End cavort
Where your mother, the Queen,
Holds court.
Soon you’ll on fresh grass graze
Under your mother’s watchful gaze.
Of your father’s side
You’d also be justified
To burst
With pride,
For the handsome Bernardini
Bestows on you
A star-strewn
Including the great Seattle Slew
And Secretariat, too–
He’s your great-granddaddy!
So you see,
You may a great racer be,
With perchance
Lasting endurance
Coupled with blazing speed.
But no matter what you do
Or don’t do,
You are born of highest royalty
And will command our love and loyalty
Your whole life through
Even if you no race ever run.
So welcome to the world, young one!
And to your beloved mother, we say
Well done, dear Queen, well done!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: WHOA! OUT COLD!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Elizabeth in NM
Especially beautiful poem for Momm Z and her new Colt!
Kate Wheeler
Absolutely glorious! Your best ever, will remember and cherish this poetic tribute always with this day.
Well done, dear Trina, well done!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Trina, Congrats to you too. Special occasions bring out the best and as the official Poet Laureate of Zenyatta Nation you have outdone yourself. I hope that Ann and Jerry will keep your poem.
Celeste in TX
That’s so cool, Trina. Thanks!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Trina- perfect!
Deborah Richman from So. Cal.
Oh Trina, this is one for the ages. Beautiful!! Thank you! Tears yet again…
sharon in seattle
AWESOME poem!! congrats to Zenny’s poet laureate — Trina!!!
Maryp (New York)
Trina, You’ve outdone yourself right from the heart. This is the BEST! Thank you for a forever keepsake.
Margot Judd
Loved your poem! Kudos to you.
Terry Crow
Trina-Your usual epic seems a bit more so this time.
Margaret I'm ECSTATIC!!!!!
Ann that is one of the nicest pic I have ever seen of Z! Just captures all the magic of the moment! Not sure which I like more–the baby or the pic!
I can hardly wait to see video of him jumping around the stall tomorrow!
Congrats to you and Jerry! Z looks spectacular and so does the baby!
Tamara Grashian
The picture is priceless and so worth the wait!