Dear, dear, dear friends,
I am so proud and elated to share the news with you that I am now a MOM. I just gave birth to a lovely dark bay COLT, March 8th, at approximately 10:10 p.m. Eastern Time.
My adorable foal weighed in at 130 pounds, has a white star on his forehead….and some white on his feet. As Ann commented when she saw him, “he has polka dots on his feet, Zennie, just like YOU.”
All went very well with the foaling. I must say….I did it like a CHAMP!
My foal is absolutely precious…and I am so pleased to share this entire experience with all of you…my precious and loving friends.

We are all still just getting acclimated to this entire new experience. I’m doing great. MY BABY is doing great….and Bernie is also excited! I’ll update you again with some more photos in the morning.
With Love,
Hugs to All~(Can you believe it…..I’m now a MOM!)
Mike Sekulic
I actually meant to say “mystical,” not mythical.
Gloria Jeanne - Soooo HAPPEEEEEEEEEE
So Happy!!!
The video is gone – maybe they will put it back up tomorrow for everyone to see- Please – Please – Please
Gloria Jeanne - Soooo HAPPEEEEEEEEEE
PACE PACE PACE for more viedo’s and photos –
Congrats to Zenyatta and LANE’S END for a safe delivery!!!
YAAAAAAY!!!!! Congratulations to Team Z! What a handsome baby boy, looks just like his Mom! Wonderful wonderful wonderful :))
Best wishes and lots of love to Tasty! Hurry up girl! Hope she has a nice easy time of it to.
Rhonda in San Diego
Congratulations Zenyatta and family! Oh, your little boy is so adorable and looks like you! Super happy for you!!!!
Paul Soto
Yet again….ZENYATTA has left me speechless.
Terry Crow
Glad to see another male express that thought.
Stephanie in San Diego
What a perfect ending to my birthday:)). Tonight I will sleep like so many of us “aunties and uncles”!’ cause we know you are a mommy with a precious healthy baby boy!! Ann, Jerry, Dottie and all at lanes end….thank you for including us in this special day ! God Bless.
Congratulations, Zenyatta. You look fantastic as always, so serene and beautiful. Your foal is a handsome little guy. This is quite wonderful.
Looking forward to hearing good news of TT.
Congratulations to all. Your boy is handsome as can be, and couldn’t be more cherished. GREAT Job Mama Z! Hope he has your heart, your class, your sense of humor, and your love for your people, and your fans!!! Yippee…
Katie M.
I knew I would be excited to hear this news when it came.
I didn’t realize that I would be sitting in my living room with tears streaming down my face.
I am so happy for you Z and baby!
OMG I am sooooo happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Katie M.
Not to put the cart before the horse (pun intended lol) but anyone else gunna be dreaming about Z’s boy and Rachel’s Boy going head to head in the Derby in 3 years… totally possible right?? ;o)
Celeste in TX
Since Zenyatta and Bernardini both were slower developers in their racing careers, I’m not holding out for a 2 or 3 year old campaign for our new little guy. Zenny didn’t race until late in her 3 year old year, but who knows? We do know our little prince is going to be loved even if he can’t run a lick – lol! :)
Linda Fabiszak
LOL that is the first thing that crossed my mind when I saw the news.
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Congratulations Sweet Precious Zenny!! Your Little Prince is so handsome. Welcome Prince Z.
Thank you so very much Ann for sharing the video and photos with us. We can never see enough photos of Zenny and now the Little Prince. Wishing that more photos will be posted soon. Thank you very much for sharing this special time with us. May God Always watch over YOU and your precious Baby Boy.
Sweet Dreams….
I will sleep so good tonight!!
should name him born in to greatness
Margaret I'm ECSTATIC!!!!!
Geez, you guys I went looking and it does seem to be gone. My guess is this…they are probably trying to edit video now for us in the morning. I know that doesn’t help those of you who didn’t see it.
It was 50 secs long, and you saw Z constantly nuzzling the baby. At one point Z must have bumped him cause his head kinda jolted away. Nothing to be alarmed about.
We did not see him stand or nurse, so in this regard you didn’t miss anything.
Just the first few moments of who are you? Mom? It’s so good to finally see you!
Keep checking twitter and here. The people at backside 55 have gone to bed. Unlike those of us who are now feel wound up! It may yet come back.
Heidi K (sleepless in Cali) (Vallejo, Ca.)
Margaret.. Thank you. I was reading back through the posts and everyone was talking about a video.. I went to the Princes’ new facebook page, Zennys, Bernies etc… Nothing…. I thought I was going out of my mind!!! lol
Susan Jelmini-Haynes
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! He looks just like you. I am so excited.
Susan Jelmini-Haynes
A little prince for the queen….
Yee Haw!
Look at those lovely ears! Does he have a name yet?
Awesome news, Big Z! Your new son is absolutely beautiful, and I know he will make his Momma proud!
Barb Zylbert
Congratulations everyone! Super looking colt (of course!). And big, too. Lets see, thats the 2015 Kentucky Derby winner there………. and in momma Z’s hoofprints Breeders Cup winner, too!
♥ JAG / Over The Moon Auntie Judy!! / So. CA
Good luck to your BFF, Tasty! She needs some lovin’, too! XOXO
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I’ll bet Tasty’s been looking across the aisle, and taking notes all evening.
Breathless! And more beautiful pics in the morning? Yay! Thanks to Ann for these heartwarming pictures!! Now for a name. Oh I’m so proud of you Zen!!
Yay!! I’ actually in bed so as the comments above, I couldn’t scream or jump around because of family :-/ but there are tears and a giant SMILE!!
Congrats Zen!! Congrats!!! Yay!!! Bernie better be excited, he’s now a father for the Queen’s prince! Maybe you should name him Prince… Or something like that would be so cool!! Aw! Zen! Yay!!! Yay!!!!
Laura S
My first message didn’t go through – the site crashed just as I hit “submit” so I’ll try again.
Congratulations Queen Mommy Z and Welcome Crown Prince. And you’ve even got mommy’s ears! All the best to everyone at Team Zenyatta.
Perky Green
CONGRATS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted a filly, but he just adorable.Now I can sleep I’am well spent in the rest dept. Today is my late mothers birthday and may I say an avid fan of horse racing.Which carried over to her children. Can’t wait to see this little big guy in the paddock with you. Get some rest my Lovely will be back in the am. LOTS’O’LOVE Hope Tasty is doing well I bet she is missing you.
LotsofLove would be a great name for Z’s prince. Initials: LOL!!!
Elyse Mach
Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a thrill, what a beautiful moment, and how happy and thrilling it is to see that gorgeous little boy and his wonderful Mommy. Congratulations to you, Queen Mother, Zenyatta, and welcome to the world. little polka-dot footied Prince. Thank you Ann Moss for those lovely photos – absolutely stunning!
Congrats to you Queen Z…so happy that all went well with you girl , and now you have a gorgeous baby boy ! The hopes & dreams that you have shared with us are truly a blessing , and we can all look forward to sharing in the journey of your son ! Get some rest Zennie , you are going to need it raising that young man !
He is beautiful…congratulations momma Z…i love you!!
Gloria Jeanne - Happy Dancing
Now I can’t sleep – So exicted about Zenyatta and her prince colt.
Thanks to Ann, Jerry and Dottie for sharing this birth with us…. Really cool- way cool.
Mary Adkins-Matthews
Once again she did not let us down and her fans were able to be there with her all the way to the finish. Love to her and her precious new baby. And thank you Jerry and Ann for allowing us to be there with her and you in this most special moment that for many will be cherished forever!
Yayyyyyy! Can’t get over how he looks just like you dear Zenyatta,he’s a mini me Z! lol I’ve always loved your ears,would you look at that,he’s got em! Too cute as you would say! :) I tried to come over here to comment after seeing the news on facebook but the website crashed! Now how many horses has that happened to? Of course,only our Queen! So happy for Team Zenyatta,thank you for sharing pics and that video so soon after,video says private now though,hopefully it’ll be back tomorrow or a new one will be shared. What a happy day!
Jaime Corum
Oh Zenny, your little one is so beautiful and so are you! The loving look in your eye tells me what a good mom you will be. I’m sure you will share not only your speed but also your sweet spirit with this precious new life you brought into the world!
Congratulations to the sky and back!!!!
Pamela Hutchins
He is simply gorgeous. Wow. He really takes after his Mom. She looks like she just came back from a va-ca! lol
How about ZeeSting for a name lol
Honestly, he is so gorgeous…I am sure you will pick a name worthy of him!
Thank you for sharing this with us fans…that’s just one reason why we all love you!