Dear, dear, dear friends,
I am so proud and elated to share the news with you that I am now a MOM. I just gave birth to a lovely dark bay COLT, March 8th, at approximately 10:10 p.m. Eastern Time.
My adorable foal weighed in at 130 pounds, has a white star on his forehead….and some white on his feet. As Ann commented when she saw him, “he has polka dots on his feet, Zennie, just like YOU.”
All went very well with the foaling. I must say….I did it like a CHAMP!
My foal is absolutely precious…and I am so pleased to share this entire experience with all of you…my precious and loving friends.

We are all still just getting acclimated to this entire new experience. I’m doing great. MY BABY is doing great….and Bernie is also excited! I’ll update you again with some more photos in the morning.
With Love,
Hugs to All~(Can you believe it…..I’m now a MOM!)
He is simply beautiful! MAZEL TOV. Hugs to you your new addition. Congrats to Jerry and Ann and Dottie, you are unbelievable getting this post up so quickly. Thank you.
Ed Kane
Natalie Kilpatrick
Congratulations, “Mom,” and Grandma/Grandpa Moss!
Renata in NYC
Congratulations on your beautiful baby! I am so happy for you Momma Z.!
You & Baby Z are so precious together. I am so happy for you. You did a fantastic job & look absolutely fantastic. You are glowing, if that’s possible for a horse. Get some rest & thank you Ann for posting the photos & video. Love to all.
Tammy B
What a precious baby boy! He’s gorgeous! His muzzle and ears look so much like his mommy’s. I’m so so glad that you did so well during the delivery. Thank God! I get tears in my eyes when I watch you kissing your precious boy! Congratulations Zenyatta, little Prince, Bernardini, the Mosses, the Sherriffs, Team Z and all LE wonderful people. I love you Zenyatta.
Pat Cannon
Zenny you have made my day a little brighter. I lost my 17 year old cat this morning & to hear that you have a healthy colt is good medicine. Maybe he will be the one to break the Triple Crown drought.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pat Cannon:
So sorry for the loss of you beloved pet. Hugs, JB
Diana Stuart - Learning to Exhale
@Pat: My sincere condolences. When I’m not being a Zenyattaholic, I’m a cat rescuer and every one is precious to me. That your kitty lived to 17 in your keep is a testament to YOU as a great pet parent.
Love to you,
diastu in tempe
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
my condolences for the death of your kitty.RIP. :( i know your cat had a wonderful life w/ you. big hugs, vampress
Trina Nagele in So Cal
I’m so sorry you had to say farewell to your beloved cat this morning, Pat. As Diana says, seventeen years is a beautiful testament to your loving care. Hugz and condolences.
Celeste in TX
I am so sorry for your loss. Hold your kitty memories in your heart.
Deborah Richman from So. Cal.
Dear Pat,
I’m so sorry to hear you have your lost your dear cat. I know you will miss your furry family member very much. Sending you hugs and my sincere sympathy.
kelly-Allentown, Pa
So sorry about the loss of your kitty. what a day of mixed emotions! Never easy.
Raylene/ So Cal
So Sorry to hear about your cat. I am a cat lover and had mine for 18 great years and I now know she is waiting for me at Rainbow Bridge. Like Kelly said “what a day of mixed emotions”. At least Queen Z and her beautiful colt will help to ease your mind.
Sending hugs and blessings your way.
Eveline / Maryland.
Pat, I’m sorry for the loss of your cat. Seventeen years is a long time together.
Sandra Scott
Congratulations to all! Your foal is adorable and looks so much like you! Thank you for posting the video! How very gracious of Mrs. Moss to film your foals very first moments!
Thanks for the email Team Z… I planned to stay up till I got some news. Your baby looks exactly as I hoped, your fabulous ears and poka-dot feet blended with Bernie’s shiney dark coat. So perfect. Wow! So sweet how you welcomed him with your warm and loving kisses. This little boy will have the best Mom ever. But then we all knew that was a forgone conclusion. Ann and Jerry may be too excited to sleep tonight!
Kitty Kladstrup
Zenyatta came down the lane flying, as usual! So glad baby is here and that Mom and son are doing well!
Theosa Hoffeld
Congratulations Queen Zenyatta!! He is beautiful! Congratulations Bernadini! Happy Birthday little guy and Welcome to the World and Welcome to Kentucky!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOX
Ed Kane
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Congratz lovely Queen Mama Z.
im so happy for YOU.
Your colt is TOO CUTE.
HUGS/prayers. god bless
Zenyatta, what a good looking colt. Looks like he will have more of your build than Bernardini’s. His markings are just so Zenyatta. When I first mentioned the Full Moon, I didn’t get much of a response, but later the Zensters really got into the howling. What a cute Moon Bunny. Even though our weather is clouded over, think I’ll go outside and make one last howl in celebration of your newborn. Thank you for sharing this wonderful event.
Kari B.s daughter (Ashton) in Tn.
Oh, Moma…
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kari B’s Daughter (Ashton):
I know your Mom is celebrating with all of us right now. Love and Hugs, JB
Gloria Jeanne - Soooo HAPPEEEEEEEEEE
Awesome – Glad you are here with Zenyatta and us – Mom would be very Joyed and Happy.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Dear Ashton, Your Mom is very much in my thoughts and I know she is celebrating and crying tears of joy as I am right now. Zenny Hugs to you and the family.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
♥ I am still crying, Ashton! I will never forget our Zen-Magic moment, and will remember the night which I shared with you and your precious Moma until the 12th of Forever and beyond. My heart is over-flowing with “JOY, pure JOY!”
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Dear Ashton,
It is surely a joyous day and I know your moma is grinning ear to ear!
Terry Crow
Ashton-Your mother is a great part of all that is happening. We all miss her.
Sean in AB
Zenyatta, your baby boy is absolutely to die for!
Congratulations Queen Z, he’s a looker just like his beautiful Momma!
Dear Zenny,
What a beautiful baby boy. Thanks so much Ann
For the lovely loving video of Zenny kissing her
Boy. So wishing you and Jerry all of your hopes and dreams
For this foal to come true as Zenny’s did. Have a fun
Filled evening with your wonderful new family
member. So glad he is a boy.
Jan from Georgia
Hi there, Momma Zenyatta!!!
Congratulations to You and Team Zenyatta!!!
Thank You, Team Z, for sharing this very special moment in Zenyatta’s life with her fans!!! Y’all Rock!!!
What a beautiful baby boy and the world welcomes him with a big smile!! He favors you very much!!!
Love You, Zenyatta, and Little Guy!!!
Loved all those baby kisses you were giving him! So precious. Twitter is non- stop with postings of congratulations and “tweeting” your news… You will be “trending” soon! That’s how much people are interested and concerned and yes, rejoicing!
Terri Z/ South Fla
Congrats to Zenny and all of her connections. And thanks to the Mosses and the Sherriffs for making this web journal and videos all possible.
What a beautful baby boy; he looks so much like his magnificent mom. It sure was a thrilling Zenny finish. We were all on the edge of our seats.
julial lenoci
Jeanne Sutton
So adorable. I am still crying. Thank you for sharing.
Congratulations Zenyatta!! I saw the picture on Facebook and I had to come on here and read the post and then seeing the video just made it all so much more special! He is such a precious colt and already so handsome! =D looks just like you!
Linda M
Sweet Zenny – we are SO proud of YOU! We are extatic and cannot wait to learn more about YOUR COLT!! Love, Linda & George
Kelley Varner
Congratulations Zenyatta! What a wonderful boy you have had!
Congratulations!!!! You are now officially a MOM! It’s easy to see that you’re going to be as good in your new off-track role as you were on the track. Here’s hoping you and the little Prince get some rest tonight so you can start showing your little one this big new world he’s now in tomorrow. Sleep Well Pleasant Dreams. OK now its time for Tasty. I know you’re really busy now, but please ask Dottie to try and keep us updated on her.
Congratulations, Zenny!! I had a feeling when I saw that big FULL MOON tonight…I remember something about nurses saying how busy the maternity wards are during the full moon! He’s beautiful–just like you and his daddy! We’re just bursting with joy!! Bless you, little one! And your mama, and everyone who loves you!
Darlene Daniels
Leave it to you, Zenyatta to deliver right near the end of the Full Moon day. You kept us waiting, but What a Finish!! The video of you giving kisses to your little one is so precious. May the equine angels watch over you and your colt. A big thanks to Dottie for keeping us as calm as was possible during this what seemed like an eternity. Now for the fun. A Guinness toast to you Queen Zenyatta, your colt, your family, Dottie, John and all of your connections for making this such an incredibly heartwarming experience.
He is so cute!!!!!!!!!