Dear, dear, dear friends,
I am so proud and elated to share the news with you that I am now a MOM. I just gave birth to a lovely dark bay COLT, March 8th, at approximately 10:10 p.m. Eastern Time.
My adorable foal weighed in at 130 pounds, has a white star on his forehead….and some white on his feet. As Ann commented when she saw him, “he has polka dots on his feet, Zennie, just like YOU.”
All went very well with the foaling. I must say….I did it like a CHAMP!
My foal is absolutely precious…and I am so pleased to share this entire experience with all of you…my precious and loving friends.

We are all still just getting acclimated to this entire new experience. I’m doing great. MY BABY is doing great….and Bernie is also excited! I’ll update you again with some more photos in the morning.
With Love,
Hugs to All~(Can you believe it…..I’m now a MOM!)
Angie Martin
Zenyatta , super congratulations on your new baby boy. He certainly is handsome!!
Thank you team Z for keeping us all informed. We love Queen Z so much.
Can’t wait to see more video of the new prince and momma Z.
I hope Tasty is doing well and that she has an easy birth as well.
What an honor you and your family do us watchers by sharing this special and huge event with us. We love you Zenyatta because you are so special and now you have brought this beautiful colt into the world whom will hopefully follow in your illustrious hoofprints. Congratulations to you,, Bernardini, your Team and your proud owners!!!!
Yvonne and Maurice
Congratulations to you Zenyatta, Bernie, Ann, Dottie, Jerry, John, your family at Barn 55 and at Lane’s End. You look absolutely beautiful and your baby is just gorgeous, has your ears, is very long and resembles your plushie!!! Love you, God Bless you all.
It’s a boy Mrs. Z, It’s a boy
It’s a boy Mrs. Z – It’s a boy
A son
A son
A son
Yeah Zenyatta I am so happy for you and your little colt, I know you will make a great mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations to our Queen & her little Prince! I’m here @ the site of your Classic win & the group of photographers with me are all buzzing (did you hear? Zenny had a colt!!!). We are all so happy!! I can’t wait to hear more of your adventures as a mama!
Pattie in South Carolina
CONGRATULATIONS :) Praise the Lord for a safe & healthy foaling!! Baby BZ is precious!! Enjoy the day, & get plenty of rest.
THANK YOU, Ann & Jerry for sharing this wonderful news with the world.
Thank You, Lane’s End for taking care of Queen Zenny & her Baby Prince.
Thank You, Dottie for keeping us posted on the AWESOME News.
Hoof Hoof Hurray :)
Congrats Zenyy! i love you :)
HorseTurk.Com Team.
Dearest Zenny, Our prayers have been answered! A beautiful and healthy foal!
Congratulations sweet one! Much Love!
Julie Blair
Congratulations to the Zenyatta team for your newest edition. You have done such a superb job in sharing the beautiful, accomplished Zenyatta with her fans, and in making racing so much more accessible to the non-horsey set. Thank you.
My suggestion for a name…Regatta.
Zen we love you and the little one and all connected so much. This day, for me and other, gets no better. Dottie and all THANK YOU FOR SHARING EVERYTHING WITH US.
sue wright
So Very Much Love and Adoration in your eyes and touch when you are bonding with your beautiful new son…that pretty much says it all for us around the world who feel the same for you, and. now. your little prince…..the love just keeps growing!
Congrats to you and your whole ‘Family” and many thanks to them for sharing all your miracles with us.
Love You Mama –
Sue (from So. Cal.)
Linda E (Ohio)
Congratulations Zennie! Imagine my surprise when I got up this morning to go to work. I was tired getting up at 3:30 am. First thing I did was check your diary for an update. Your news sure woke me up! I was ecstatic. My first thought when I read you foaled at 10:10 pm- Zennie sure does know how to make a statement. She is a 10 and her baby is a 10! Perfection! Your timing is always spot on. Looking at your photos, I can tell how much you love him. Your eyes have such a soft appearance and you look so attentive. I know you will be the best mother and your foal will receive the best of care. SO MANY people love you. I cannot wait for more photos and videos. He sure is a handsome fellow!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Well said, Linda! A TEN and another TEN! Perfection!
Jean Patricia
What a great way to start the morning! Such wonderful, happy news! First thing I did was rush over to Sammy with my iPhone to show him your picture. Zenny, your baby is even more handsome than I expected. You and your connections must be over the moon. God is gracious and we love you!
Jean and Sam
I have tears of joy rolling down my cheeks.
I am so happy you have a handsome little guy and everyone is fine!!!!
It is going to be a treat following his journey in life.
Rhonda Clements
Zenny, I posted last nigh at 10:15 but I dont see it here and website was so slow maybe it didnt post, your little prince is beautiful like his Momma and Daddy!! Congratulations to Nana Ann you looked so happy with her in the picture not long before the arrival, and thank you so much for the photos and videos and keeping us all in the loop, I think this is the most awaited birth of the year!! Cannot wait for more video and photos !!! He is a miracle and looks so much like his Mommy!! I know everyone on Team Zenyatta is dancing today along with the rest of us!!! A name idea Mymommacandance! She looks so tender and sweet with him, you can tell she loves him, she is gonna be a world class Mom, but that was a given!! Hugs and kisses to The Queen and her little Prince and everyone on Team Zenyatta !!! Pass out the carrots and a big Guiness toast to all!!! I love you Zenny!!! xxxxxooooo
Alex Bowdoin, MA
Good Lord, it has taken most of the day to get into this site!! He is Gorgeous Z, good
job!!! I am looking forward to seeing him stand!! No Gymnastics please….HUGS TO
Patricia/Far northern CA
WOW, it’s all been said, hasn’t it? FANTASTIC… now we can all sit back and relax for a bit and just enjoy that baby… Zenny, you are already proving to be a great mother, and you will have many happy days with this handsome youngster. I have no doubts that you will do a terrific job of raising him.
SO glad all went well, and now the speculations begin as to baby name [I’m sure the Mosses already have a short list, no matter what we might offer up!] and next mate… I have heard it will be Bernie again, and think that’s a lovely combination. Time will tell, won’t it?
Okay, Zensters worldwide, get some rest, the long vigil is over, and when we wake up we will be seeing more photos and hearing all about this beautiful colt and his proud mom.
Ann, Jerry, DOTTIE, John, all the Barn 55-ers and the magnificent crew at LE— THANK YOU. From a lifelong horse freak who is still slave to a handful of them, but no more babies. We’re all getting too old for that so we’ll enjoy vicariously.
Took me 3 hours to finally get into the diary, and even now it is so fully loaded it takes a couple of minutes for what I type to show up on screen! THAT is the impact YOU have made, Zenny, with your wonderful racing career, your loving heart, loving Team Z, and all the Zensters and Dumplings and just plain Zenny fans all over this planet. Proud to be one of them.
Robin - Ventura CA
Wow- Relieved and awed- He is a handsome BOY- See ya in three at the run for the roses!!!
Robin - Ventura CA
Congrats Zenny! I did perdict that you would have your baby on the 8th. He is SO BEAUTIFUL just like you. I can’t wait to see both of you running around together in your paddock.
How is Tasty doing?
Janet Oliver
Beautiful baby Z. Precious just like you. Rest and enjoy.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Newest Tweet: “Z and Baby are napping…she looked over to make sure he was ok, he looked up and said Yep!…they both went back to sleep :) ALL IS WELL!”
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Zenny you are more beautiful than ever. When I woke up this morning & read that you had your baby I yelled to my husband , who was sleeping, that you had a colt. I don’t have the words to express what this means to me. You are LOVE! I wish I could give everyone a great big hug. I have enjoyed these months reading your diary & all the posts. Your fans are the greatest people on earth! Love you all!
Chrissy Buechler
Congrats to you Zenny as well to your Mom and Dad the Moss’s. My your little one grow healthy and strong and run as if he flys with wings.
carol in utah
Always knew you would handle this whole thing with style
Tell little BizZeeDancin that we do not care if he never sets a single hoof on a track…we will always love him …because HE IS YOURS..
took hrs to read all posts
Finally saw video…such love it shows…chills
As always…kisses for your soft nose…some for Biz…lots for Tasty…now its her turn
Margaret Ann Hopf
What a joy for us all !!! Congratulations and much love to Zennie and son, and to both the immediate and extended family, which includes all of us.
Thank you for posting the pictures. He is absolutely beautiful and the spitting image of his beautiful mother. High hopes will be with him when he begins his racing career. Stay safe and healthy. Look for more pictures and videos daily. Thank you for keeping her legacy going. Bless Zenyatta and her little boy.
Congrats, dear Z!! He looks amazing! I can’t wait to see him out on the track, following in your hoof prints!
congrats Z whats his name he looks gorgeous :)We have all been waiting for this to happen for ages
D Ciani
Congratulations Zenyatta! Im really glad everything went well, hes so handsome!! I actually have tears in my eyes writing this- just like I did every time I watched you race. Cant wait to see him in a few years, hopefully in So Cal!!!