Dear, dear, dear friends,
I am so proud and elated to share the news with you that I am now a MOM. I just gave birth to a lovely dark bay COLT, March 8th, at approximately 10:10 p.m. Eastern Time.
My adorable foal weighed in at 130 pounds, has a white star on his forehead….and some white on his feet. As Ann commented when she saw him, “he has polka dots on his feet, Zennie, just like YOU.”
All went very well with the foaling. I must say….I did it like a CHAMP!
My foal is absolutely precious…and I am so pleased to share this entire experience with all of you…my precious and loving friends.

We are all still just getting acclimated to this entire new experience. I’m doing great. MY BABY is doing great….and Bernie is also excited! I’ll update you again with some more photos in the morning.
With Love,
Hugs to All~(Can you believe it…..I’m now a MOM!)
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Finally got to see the video (thank you Abigail and others who somehow found it – I can barely navigate Facebook let alone Youtube). Oh Zenny . . . . what a precious few moments with your baby (and it looked like he was already trying to stand up). I’ve gone through all the Kleenex in the house (and I thought I was “prepared”). Can’t wait to get back and see more pictures. You must be having an amazing day! Give him a lick for me!
Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy
Donna in CA
Gorgeous foal Zeeny, looks just like you! Glad you both are doing well. Please post a photo of this big guy standing and nursing, as that is the ultimate goal.
Love you soOoo much.
donna in CA
Congrats to you and your little one and to the entire Zenyatta team! What a wonderful looking little colt he is. So very excited for everyone!
Love, Lorrie from Pittsburgh
hi Z! CONGRATULATIONS GORGEOUS MAMA TO YOU AND TEAM Z!!! I rec’d a tweet and ran to the computer and saw the video with Ann talking, tried to write to YOU but I guess the website got too busy because I couldn’t get it to post so I tried all morning and this is my first chance, my internet isn’t great so that’s probably part of it too! Anyway, HE IS PRECIOUS AND SOOO CUTE AND LOOKS LIKE MOM!!! What’s most important is that YOU BOTH are OK!!! LOVE YOU XOXOXO
Carrie Sudweeks
I am so excited!!! What a beautiful colt! And he looks just like Zenny! I am looking forward to seeing him grow and following his career! Just think, in 3 short years he may be gearing up to run against Rachel’s colt in the Kentucky Derby!!
Congratulations. Happy that you are both doing well.
Deborah Richman from So. Cal.
Zenny, I am so, so happy for you !!! Your new little colt is absolutely beautiful…he looks so much like YOU! Congratulations, Mama Z!! From the wonderful pictures and adorable video it looks like you and your little prince have really bonded. It is a picture of pure sweetness!
Congrulations to all of Zenny’s human family and shouts of JOY to you all and to the thousands of aunties and uncles out there who have been sharing in this whole experience.
Love to all!
Mary in Central Virginia
Wow…..Z…….. congrats…….what a cute and beautiful colt……..he has your ears it seems….too cute….hope he will have your curiosity. I have to say I cried when I saw the pictures………Z…you look beautiful…..and just gave birth……..what a champ in everything you do. Thanks Mr. & Mrs. Moss….and Dottie for sharing all this with us fans. You are such dear, kind, and caring people. I had a time getting on this site…….gee Z only you and maybe a famous rock star could almost shut down a site. Wow us fans love you!!! Hugs to you Z….and now to your handsome colt!!!
Mary Copelin
Kathryn from California
So sweet!! Congrats to Mama Z and Baby Z! And, of course, to Dad Bernie. Beautiful colt!! So glad everyone is happy and healthy! Now, in a year or so, we’ll have the privilege of watching Baby Z run against Rachel Alexandra and Curlin’s foal, Baby R. The horse racing world is waiting for that day!!
Cathy Braun-Emig
Congratulations Mom! Your baby-boo is adorable! So happy all is well for you both! Take good care and enjoy!!
What an outstanding foal! Looks like he will be dark bay with wonderful markings.
When I heard the news I almost drove off the freeway
Congratulations to Team Zenyatta and thank you for allowing us to be there in spirit beside her.
Yeah, I was finally able to get here to post!! He is absolutely beautiful Zenny!!! You did such an amazing job mama!! I’m glad to hear that you and he are doing so well. You should also know that because you are so well loved, the internet can’t keep up today with the demand for news about you and your little man! I cannot wait to see more pictures of the two of you and video of that little man kicking up his hooves!!
A very special thank you to the Moss’ who are so gracious in sharing you with the many fans you have. They truly understand the connection you have with your fans and have always ensured that you are as accessible as is possible given your celebrity. You are indeed well-loved!! My sincerest congratulations on this new addition to Team Z!
And thanks for the twitter updates too!!
Love and hugs to you all!
Congratulations – what a beautiful baby – with Mom’s “dancing ears”!!! Bless all of you!!
Irene Caty
Zenyatta, I want to congradulate you once more and let you know that we here are all so excited and happy for you. Your Prince is so beautiful with that star on his forhead and he looks just like you,oh how great that is. Your baby was born after a huge storm hit Kentucky and waited to be born on the full moon nite, that deems him to be so very special and he will need a very special name. I’m sure your owners are giving that great thought. Our congradulations to Bernie also. Special love and kisses to you and your baby Prince, he was born into Royalty as you are the Queen of Racing. Stay well and will be waiting for more pictures. The one of you and your Foal afer birth is priceless, Ann did a good job getting that shot of the both of you so close and all. This shows all the foals features and he looks just like you, legs and all. Maybe he will learn to dance like Mama Z!
The comment I sent seems to have gotten lost. Oh Well, I was so excited I probably didn’t make much sense. TAKE TWO: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! to Zenyatta, Bernardini ( you two do good work, your cold is exquisite not to mention stunning and adorable. ) Also congrats to all the human connections. Now for the fun. I’ve been reading some of the suggestions for names and I must say I’m partial to Zendini’s Moonchild or Legend’s Dancer or how about BZ’s Moonchild Dancer (probably too long) just a thought. .
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta & The Prince, I thought I was never going to get back on today…Whew!! You are so beautiful..The picture of both of you has travelled all thru my department…Yeah, Everybody knows YOU now, and knows about that Handsome Little one. I love you, Both of you so much…Lisa g
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you and the colt! You both look so healthy and happy, and I know he’ll be a winner, just like you!
Lillian L, Illinois
YIPPEE! Just a big sigh of relief that all went well for Zenyatta and her baby. The photos are too cute!
Just wanted to throw out another idea for a name. Since Zenyatta was named after the Police album “Zenyatta Mondatta”, the name Mondatta might be good, since it’s the two words together that make the title of the album. Just a thought, although I like Zendini too.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
If I remember correct, the Mosses already named one of their horses Mondatta.
Lisag in Texas
Those ears. My Queen, the way you are looking at him melts my heart. I hope you choose a strong, wonderful name for your baby. I cannot wait to see the pics of him standing up,. I guess Your John and Your Dottie are one their way NOW…Will Mario be able to make it as well? Thank you so much Ann, Jerry, Dottie and John for ALL OF THIS AND MORE. lISAG
Eveline / Maryland.
Congratulations Zenny, your boy is beautiful. I finally got through to the diary, but thank you so much for the e-mail alert. I told everyone at work this morning and everyone was elated ( I work at a racetrack, that might have to do a little with that).
Joanne A
Congratulations to you Zenny and to your whole human family. I look forward to watching this beautiful boy grow up and watch you grow as a super mom. Can’t wait for more pictures and videos..
Hope Tasty is also getting ready to foal so you and your best friend can raise your babies as best friends.
Candi E. Carter
ohh my dear zenyatta,you have an adorable baby boy and he just look like you, specially the ear so cute he gonna the next superstar in the future and to be the triple croun champion.My queen you look so calm and healthy I knew the angel from above are watching you and your baby boy,we dearly love you again congratulation for you as well as for all of your connection with love candi.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Dear Zenyatta I think he is BEAUTIFUL. Dawn called to tell me since your site would not load. We both cried tears of joy. My whole school knows that you had a colt. Every 5th Grader knows and has been making cards or signs. They started doing this on their own. We had clapping and cheers. I put the pictures of you and the baby up with my projector. We all could not be happier. Every child said he looks just like YOU !!!! Oh Zenny may God Bless You Both. Thank you Thank you for letting us be part of this wonderful time. I am sending you Many Many Hugs and Kisses and the children are also sending you and Baby Z Many Many Hugs and Kisses, Shari and Homeroom 215 XXXOOO
Havent posted in ages(doesn’t mean I havent checked in), but wanted to send love your way.
What a beautiful mother you are. The pictures answer what I already know-that you will be a wonderful mother..can see the love in your eyes.
I’ll be anxiously waiting for more pictures (videos of your little guy running maybe)!!!!
Congrats again
Susan Carothers (in TN)
I have been trying all morning to get on this site and stay on. My other comments may or may not have posted :)
Zennie- JOY! What a beautiful baby! You have such a maternal look in your eyes- breathtaking! We are all so proud of you and love you so! Please thank Ann for the incredible photos! What a good girl you are! As your John said once, you have done everything asked of you. Love you, new mama <3
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Oh I almost forgot. Tyler in my 4th period class wants you to have a contest to name Baby Z. I told him I would post his request. : )
Deneen in NE
Congratulations Zenny!! Your colt is B-E-A-UTIFUL!!!! I love that he has your ears and polka dots . . . very cute!! So glad you and Baby Z are doing well. The video is precious . . . brought sweet tears to my eyes. Enjoy your day Z — love you so very much!!!!!
Zenyatta colt was born on International Women’s day! A woman who delayed motherhood until after a trailblazing career!
Elizabeth T./Kentucky
WELL DONE ZENYATTA!….and what a beautiful boy he is. Delighted that all WENT WELL….and that Bernie knows he is a papa. Stay well.