Dear, dear, dear friends,
I am so proud and elated to share the news with you that I am now a MOM. I just gave birth to a lovely dark bay COLT, March 8th, at approximately 10:10 p.m. Eastern Time.
My adorable foal weighed in at 130 pounds, has a white star on his forehead….and some white on his feet. As Ann commented when she saw him, “he has polka dots on his feet, Zennie, just like YOU.”
All went very well with the foaling. I must say….I did it like a CHAMP!
My foal is absolutely precious…and I am so pleased to share this entire experience with all of you…my precious and loving friends.

We are all still just getting acclimated to this entire new experience. I’m doing great. MY BABY is doing great….and Bernie is also excited! I’ll update you again with some more photos in the morning.
With Love,
Hugs to All~(Can you believe it…..I’m now a MOM!)
Sarah Stetson
You did a wonderful job! He is so precious…. We love you and now we can love even more of you!
Big horsey biscuits for you and your new one…. CHEERS! From Eastern Shore Ranch.
Mary Hale
He is beautiful — looks like mom and dad. Looking forward to watching his first steps. I’m so glad everything went so well. I know that everybody on this sight is breathing a sigh of relief. Congratulations Zenyatta – you did good! Thanks to all that helped Z through this next phase in her life.
Oh Zennie your baby boy is so cute. So glad the two of your are healthy and happy. You look beautiful. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Moss and to Dottie and John and to Barn 55 and Lane’s End. What a wonderful time this is for you and for them. The pictures are precious. Love you.
Kim R
The LEGACY continues!! Congratulations to Zenyatta and the entire team. Thank you for always keeping your fans up to date on all of the exciting news :) Enjoy every minute and every moment!
Tonya Reems
Oh my GOODNESS!! Momma Z :) Wonderful, wonderful news! I am so happy for you & your new adorable colt…and for your team & owners. You look perfectly relaxed in the photos. How fabulous that everything went well ~ awesome! Enjoy the sweet tender moments with your new baby ~ He is GORGEOUS, just like you :) Thank you for sharing the photos…simply MADE MY DAY with good news!!
Much love to you Sweet Z & your new colt ♥
Mike Antonetti
What a great time for horse racing. I have never seen excitement like this before. Zenyatta just foaled a colt. One can only start dreaming of a road to the Triple Crown in three years time with Rachel´s colt in it as well. Best of health to the mom and foal.
Great times ahead!!!
Zenny’s prince has 338 FB fans so far
A star is born***
joe y
way to go z… wishes to you and all who care for you and love you…me included!!!
So, so happy for you and your whole team! Congratulations! Thank you so much to the Mosses for sharing Zenyatta with us. The little guy looks just like you, Zennie! May he live a long and healthy life…….
Suzanne Parent
Such a beautiful baby colt! Zennie you did yourself proud! I love the star on his forehead – star light, star bright!
Congratulations to the Mosses!
Congrats Z ! Your baby is absolutely gorgeous !!! A big THANK YOU to TEAM ZENYATTA for taking such excellent care of you so you could be a mom. Congrats also to Ann, Jerry, Dottie, and John. This little prince has the world at his feet. Can’t wait to see him dance. Love you !!!!!!!
He’s gorgeous. And welcome to the world, Little Z C:
Tricia Clemmensen
God Bless You, Zenny. What an exiciting way to start my Friday. You look absolutely fabulous and he is just beyond adorable. I love you Zenny. You are going to be the best of mom’s!!!!
Neva Rae Powers
Yes! He is here!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- REBORN
Your take my breath away!!
Kisses on your nose and a big hug and kiss for baby Z
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
AMEN Sue! I’ve heard this quote before, but it’s never been more appropriate! Thanks!
Congratulations you Big Beautiful Mama!!!! You did awesome. I had it right, i knew it would be full moon and i knew it would be a colt!! Make sure you get lots of rest, that’s a pretty big boy. Love ya Bunches!! Welcome to the world Prince!!
Thank you for sharing this special experience with your fans! We are so excited and I’m sure you will keep us all updated- Can’t wait to see the little guy run in the field with his Momma!~ You are so famous that it’s being reported on all news circuits!!
We love you Zenny and your little Prince!!
So happy that you both had a good birthing experience..I gotta a tear in my eye because you made me very happy..Congratulations to all!!!
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
He is so beautiful and he has your ears Zenyatta. I was hoping for a colt . Congratulations to you and the Mosses. Wait till your John sees him. He will probably automatically check his legs (insert laugh here. The legend continues.
Kathryn Dube
Congratulations to the Queen, her Prince, and all of her Court (Team Zenyatta). So glad all went well in this new stage of your life! How about Tasty?
Kathryn Dube
I’m so glad the Queen now has a Prince. Congratulations to you and your Court (Team Zenyatta). So glad all went well in this new stage of your life! How about Tasty?
Celeste in TX
Happy Birthday, Sweet Prince!!! What beautiful news to wake up to this morning! My imagination sees Thumper running through the forest shouting “The young prince is here!” It is so wonderful to see the beautiful photos and you both look so splendid and my heart is so full of joy, I just don’t know what else to say other than Thank You to your fabulous owners Ann and Jerry for sharing this whole experience with us who love you so very much!! Thank you!!!!! Now I’m going to scroll back up to the top and stare at the pictures again and start reading how happy everyone else is. This is Wonderful!!! Thank you!!!
Sarah Powell, Clemson, SC
What a relief! Congrats to all – look at those ears and legs – what a beauty! There is a tribute video to the little prince on facebook that a fan in Australia posted that works. Thanks to Dottie and all Zenny’s connections for allowing all of us who love her to be a part of this – hope we get more video later! Hope all the sleepless aunties can get some much needed rest now – you’ve kept us entertained – thanks! (thanks again Dottie)
Congratulations to Zenyatta and all of her team! The prince has arrived under a full moon looking absolutely regal! He is oh so very cute. So glad everything went so well. I am sure you will be the best mom, Z, as you were always the best on the track!
Diane J
Congratulations! Those pictures are so cute – he is adorable. I am so glad everything went well and you are both doing good.
Maggie and Nancy
YES!!!!!! So Happy for You Zennie and the whole team!!! He is a beauty!!! Teach him to Dance!!! Much love
Angela C
Oh my I am so excited for you Z, the moment we have all been waiting for is here!!!!!! Can’t wait to watch this baby grow and become a champion just like you! Lots of love
trace a colley
Welcome to the world Zenyatta’s & Bernidini’s beautiful colt :) I have been in tears of joy looking at the loving pics and heartfelt posts this morning ! I will be smiling all day :) May God bless..and watch over you and you mother for all the days of your lives. What a glorious day this !!!
Marian M.
Congratulations Queen Z and Bernardini and to all the members of your loving extended family. Thanks to all at Lane’s End who cared for you. Thanks to your Team at Barn 55. And much gratitude to the Mosses and the Shirreffs for sharing you with us.
Welcome to Baby ZB! He enters this world much loved by hundreds of thousands of people on this planet. Stay well and enjoy your new role as mother to your beautiful boy.
Susan from Fl
Big Congratulations to U ! Soooooooo Cute! Thanx for sharing this wonderful event! Peace & Happiness to U Both!