Dear, dear, dear friends,
I am so proud and elated to share the news with you that I am now a MOM. I just gave birth to a lovely dark bay COLT, March 8th, at approximately 10:10 p.m. Eastern Time.
My adorable foal weighed in at 130 pounds, has a white star on his forehead….and some white on his feet. As Ann commented when she saw him, “he has polka dots on his feet, Zennie, just like YOU.”
All went very well with the foaling. I must say….I did it like a CHAMP!
My foal is absolutely precious…and I am so pleased to share this entire experience with all of you…my precious and loving friends.

We are all still just getting acclimated to this entire new experience. I’m doing great. MY BABY is doing great….and Bernie is also excited! I’ll update you again with some more photos in the morning.
With Love,
Hugs to All~(Can you believe it…..I’m now a MOM!)
Carol from Connecticut
What a beautiful photo of Zenyatta and her adorable colt. What a handsome little guy he is and Zenyatta looks so happy. Looking at the photo brought tears of joy to my eyes (not unlike what used to happen so many times when Zenyatta crossed the finish line).
Jerry, Ann, Dottie, John, Mike and every member of Team Zenyatta, thank you so much for sharing this moment and this wonderful mare with all of us.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: WHOA! OUT COLD!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: WHOA! OUT COLD!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Congratulations Bernie! WoooWhooo Daddy!
Viv Morrison
Congratulations to Queen Zenyatta on the arrival of her beautiful boy! Many thanks to the Moss and Sheriffs family for all they have done for our pensioned racehorses! The charitable work done for others by Team Z is such an inspiration to others. Above all wishes for a long, safe and happy journey for Mom and Baby. I can’t wait until Mama teaches baby that all the cool kids run like a girl!
Heidi K (wanting more news) (Vallejo, Ca.)
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Viv- I made a donation today in honor of the new baby. I wish it were more. You all do such wonderful work!
I was running through the house like my night gown tails were on fire trying to get to my laptop when I heard the news!!! My family has been monitoring you since the day you found out you were gonna foal! Thank you for letting us experience this with you!! We are so excited!!
Thank you Trina – we all look forward to your beautiful prose, just wish we could kiss him on his sweet,soft nose!
Lynn from nearby Hwd race track
Congrats my dear Zenny. oooooh my what a handsome lad.
I can’t help the tears just started streaming, I’m so joyful.
Thank ALL who have made everything possible for this wonderful Zenyatta journey.
I’m so excited, I just can’t stand it. What a day!
All my best Congrats to you Jerry and Ann. How fortunate you are. Thank you for sharing your dear Z with us.
Many huge hugs, Lynn
Oh Zenyatta congradulations you are such a beautiful mother and the little one reminds me of our Pepper, and how she must of looked as a baby. You didn’t say how tall he is. We always had tall babies. I would so love to be able to watch him run and kick and rare and play with his friends. I have been wondering when the blessed event was coming. Now I know we will have a triple crown winners in a couple of years. Am looking forward to more pix.
Karen Mitchell
Reading the more than 350 posts already sent, I am in awe of how much love and joy, gratitude and relief have been expressed. My heart is filled to overflowing with happiness. Z is the most beautiful mom I’ve ever seen and her foal is precious. Tonight is all about love and that is what I wish for all involved including everyone posting and reading here. Karen
Gloria Jeanne - Happy Dancing
Hoping that Bloodhorse or Daily Racing Form will be able to go out and vistit Zenyatta and The Prince to take some photo’s.
Oh, please repost the video. I missed it!! Zenyatta you are just the sweetest thing and I love you so much. Can’t wait to see pictures of you and your colt in the paddock. All is right and well with the world now that you have delivered a healthy foal. Bless you and your team for bringing so much happiness to so many.
Heidi K (wanting more news) (Vallejo, Ca.)
Heidi, can you please at least put a last initial or, where you’re from? That way, Dumplings won’t confuse us. Thanks! :)
Gloria Jeanne - Happy Dancing
Super Mare Now a Mom; Zenyatta Delivers Colt
By Blood-Horse Staff
Updated: Friday, March 9, 2012 1:29 AM
Posted: Friday, March 9, 2012 1:21 AM
Photo: Anne M. EberhardtZenyattaZenyatta, the 2010 Horse of the Year, became one of America’s most beloved new moms when she delivered a healthy dark bay colt at about 10:10 p.m. EST March 8 in Lexington, Kentucky.
The colt is a son of Bernardini . Mother and son were reported doing fine at Lane’s End Farm.
The superstar mare and her owners, Jerry and Ann Moss, announced the arrival at midnight via Zenyatta’s online diary at
“Dear, dear, dear friends, I am so proud and elated to share the news with you that I am now a MOM,” read the diary. “I just gave birth to a lovely dark bay COLT, March 8th, at approximately 10:10 p.m. Eastern Time. My adorable foal weighed in at 130 pounds, has a white star on his forehead….and some white on his feet.”
Ann Moss said, “He has polka dots on his feet, Zennie, just like YOU.”
“All went very well with the foaling. I must say….I did it like a CHAMP!” the diary read. “My foal is absolutely precious.”
A 50-second YouTube video showed the mare licking her son soon after his birth.
The celebrated baby arrived a day before expected, on International Women’s Day. Zenyatta’s due date was March 9.
Read more:
Jane Flanders
He’s beautiful, Zenyatta! He looks like you, and he’s got your ears for sure! CONGRATULATIONS to you and to Team Zenyatta! TOO, TOO CUTE!
My dear Zenyatta,
though I always enjoy reading your diary posts, I don’t often comment. But for this occasion who can keep their joy to themselves?
He looks absolutely adorable, well done! Enjoy your well-earned rest both of you.
And of course, congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Moss, Dottie, John, the fantastic crew at Lane’s End and the So Cal crew at Barn 55. A day to remember guys!
Can’t wait for more photos and I would love to see some video when it’s possible!
Susan Eckard
Hes beautiful!!!!!!!! he looks just like you Z. Our future superstar– ” Thundering Z “
Omg! Congrats Z!!!!!! Well wishes for you and the baby all the way from Wahington State!
Gloria Jeanne - Happy Dancing
Rejoyce – Royality is here!!!
Gloria Jeanne - Happy Dancing
Rejoyce – Rejoyce – Royality is here!!!
Congratulations, Zenyatta!
Those ears… wow… and you gave birth during a full moon cycle at 10:10! Lots of magic involved in this event. Lots of Zen :-)).
With loving wishes for you and your baby boy – and your beautiful team – from Germany !
Judy from South Carolina
I can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said……………..
On a more annoying note……………I had ESPN on from 11 pm (EST) until 2:20 AM and they did not say ONE WORD about Zenyatta and this event!!!!! So much for this “main stream sports channel”! HMPH!
Same reason I canceled my subscription to Sports Illustrated — all you can give me is a one page to the Triple Crown races and less than THAT to the Breeder’s Cup?????? I don’t care WHAT you want to give me as a free gift-take your renewal and SHOVE IT!
Ahhhh, but I regress…………..
Great job Zenny! I knew you would do it on YOUR schedule and thank you DOTTIE for keeping us “in the loop” and thank you ANN for the photos and video as YOUR GIRL gave birth! I know all of us here have such a sense of relief so I can only IMAGINE what those closest to Zenny must be feeling.
What a HANDSOME boy! Zenny you should be SO proud! He is a little STUD MUFFIN for sure.
SO glad I can go to bed now no longer on FOAL WATCH……………good night all……..and good night Big Mamma………….Friday will be a BIG day for you!!!
CONGRATULATIONS Big Momma! What a gorgeous colt, glad to see both of you looks to be doing really well. Looking forward to seeing more pics.
C Bea
He’s a Bernardini. Give him a strong masculine name. The surname Bernardini means “bear” of some sort.
Call him Big Bear Mountain
debbie watson
Many Congrats….I called colt when I saw her in Nov…cannot be happier and cannot wait to meet him…..suggestion…I assume jerry and ann have a name in mind…anyway to add some charity guess game type thing that would go to zenyatta lounge?
Dallas from Texas
God bless you baby girl! I’m so very proud of you sweet girl. A super star has given birth to a future star. You rest my baby, I love you both, my baby girl.
Ginny from California
He is as handsome as Momma is beautiful. He will be treated as the crown prince that he is. Best wishes for you both and your two legged family also.
Let’s see the same care that was afforded to Zenyatta, afforded to this colt! He’s going to be great. That’s all I have to say.
Julie B.
Zenmomma, we all love you and are so happy you had a safe delivery! Congratulations!
Congratulations Zenyatta! He is absolutely stunning and everything we were expecting. I’m sure that he is going to grow up surrounded by love and given his opportunity to shine. I have no doubt that he will be making us all proud in a few years. Congrats again to you, Bernadini, and Team Zenyatta!
Dallas from Texas
I don’t want this to sound funny…but that’s a good looking boy! Wow baby girl you look so relaxed, it just looks as if the stress has left your face. Now I can’t sleep. I need to go out to the barn and let my babies know about this.
Thank you so much for keeping us updated and for these pictures! How wonderful!! And how much he looks like him Mum! Congratulations to Mum, proud Pop and all connections! Did you guys know it was going to be a colt? Thank you so much, Dottie. Can’t wait for more photos, maybe some vids? Have you already picked a name? Has Zenyatta’s friend foaled? Very excited!
Congratulations Z ! so happy for you and your connections. He is so so beautiful! A healthy baby boy!!