Good Morning,
Well….what can I say! It has been another fabulous evening…and I’m still very relaxed, in foal, and happy. At this time, there is NOTHING NEW TO REPORT. I would imagine you human MOMS have been through this same experience…exactly at the stage I am right now….waiting for the BIG DAY!
Nature….it is truly amazing!
I’d like to introduce you to members of my wonderful Lane’s End Team who are ready to JUMP INTO ACTION the minute something changes and it appears I’m getting ready to foal.
Front row: Sarah, Charles, Guillermo Back row: Brian, Antonio, Louis
They take such fabulous care of ME every single day. As you can see, they look nice and relaxed now….just waiting for ME to let them know what’s next. That cue will not only come from ME, but as I’ve now learned, my adorable foal will definitely have something to say about it as well.
I see Sarah has on her JOHN SHIRREFFS RACING STABLE hat. I’d know that hat anywhere! I saw it for years at BARN 55! Looking TOO CUTE, Sarah!
Thank you for your loving thoughts, warm wishes and kind responses. I so appreciate them.
Last week, Dottie did an interview discussing my ‘status at that time’ on TVG. This is one of the primary racing channels in our country. Many of you asked if it would be replayed or shown again. Donyelle Taylor, the program’s producer, sent Dottie the link this morning to share with all of you. ENJOY!
It’s raining in Lexington today…but still rather pretty outside and quite pleasant! I’m sure I’ll spend some time outdoors during the day…and then be back in my cozy stall…right by TASTY in the late afternoon. TASTY sends her regards….and wants you to know she is also doing very well. I guess you could say we are both taking “BABY STEPS” at this time towards becoming MOMS… and yes, the pun is intended!
Cheers and have a wonderful day!
With Love,
Hugs to all~
Margaret showing signs of restlessness
Okay Z. Anytime now would be fine with me. It’s all systems go from this prt of the world!
Margaret showing signs of restlessness
Perhaps as Liza said in her song that Z was checking with Mike about which gear to use…maybe Mike calling Z and telling her it’s okay to foal–maybe that might do the trick.
Yikes! I’m scaring myself getting so impatient. I’m outta here!
Sierra is excited and has started to go into fun horse research mode!
I completely agree with this!
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial#!/ZenyattaOfficial
Who’s going to stay up all night long again?? I’ll be up late night –
Restless in ZenyattaLand – watching Zenyatta Races on YOUTUBE and checking out her Facebook Page and Diary and maybe Twitter – but I don’t like Twitter…
See you here later tonight –
Carol – I hope you are working on a checklist for the long haul – I enjoying checking them off – check : )
Beth Buckley
I wonder if Bernie is pacing too?
Bernie is busy with RA…wink wink!!!
At the risk of setting off a great howling, I looked up some more moon information on http://www.moonconnection.com. Interesting site. The Full Moon is tonight, but the moon will be closest to the earth on the 10th. What does that mean? The gravitational forces of the moon are 50% greater when it is closest to the earth. Also, discovered there is a name for each full moon. The March Full Moon is sometimes called the Crow Moon. If only it were a Blue Moon then we’d be looking for a colt:) (Believe or not there is even a Pink Moon.) OK, Zenyatta let the gravitational force be with you. Sleep well tonight and have an easy delivery on the 9th or 10th or whenever the time is right. Love ya so much.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Germaine, I like that: “Let the force be with you!”
Beth Buckley
Did anybody enter the name Rachel Alexandra’s foal contest?
Debbie G/Kentucky
I did, Beth. I submitted the name Jesse’s Dream. Did you turn in a name?
I submitted Prowlin Patron.
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
Yes, indeedy, it has not been anounced yet..but I am the winner…LOL…I wanted a nice, simple name that reflected the love the owner had for Rachel…Simply…Jesse
Pam Homeier
carol in utah
I submitted JessSoFriesky…..for Mr Jackson and because the little such a little “hoof-ful”
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Beth:
I did. I submitted the name Double Gold. Both the colt’s Dam and Sire are Horses of the Year and it’s an award given to wine. Ties in the Jackson vineyards. Hugs, JB
Deborah Richman from So. Cal.
Dottie….Wonderful job on the interview! I don’t think Zenyatta could have a better spokesperson, nor could the Sport of Queens. Well done!
Oh Zennie…I feel like an expectant father with all the pacing and wondering I was doing today. I was praying for you all day…and praying my boss would not catch me checking up on you all day.
Thank you Dottie for all of your posting…Zennie truly is the People’s horse. This baby will have over 100,000 honorary God Parents…probably more than that. We are anxiously awaiting any news.
Hugs and Kisses and lots of Love,
Deborah Richman from So. Cal.
All of you funny Z’sters out there….you know who you are , that is if you are not too busy howling and recovering from coma’s, etc…..I just want to say LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!
Not easy with a half numb mouth!
Thanks to all of you (and that includes certain rednecks too) for the comic relief. :) :) :)
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
There ya go! Whoop! Too cute!
Jeanne Johnson and our Herd Scottsdale AZ
Oh Zenny and Tasty –
You are keeping us on pins and needles – We are anxious to meet your new foals –
Do be sure and post the news as soon as it happens.
Herd prayers for two beautiful new babies and very happy and healthy dams…
Ama, Ray, Marny and Goldzinger ( high hooves!)
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. I submitted Spirit of J.J.
Mary in Boone, NC
Dearest Zenyatta,
The moon was beautiful here last night, and I howled at it in honor of all my ancestors who watched it through the generations and of you and your baby. According to my Mother, I was a 10 month baby at a time when doctors let mothers go that long. Your baby is happy and safe and probably wants to stay where it is warm and comfy as long as possible. Who knows…that may give that foal the edge when running against Rachel Alexandra’s offspring and all the rest!!! May you sleep well tonight for the road that lies ahead. Know that you are being washed in prayers and love.
Take care,
Mary in Boone
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
@Jeanie: Thank you for the web address. I have no idea why, but I had this urge to go back to yesterday’s Diary. I love the “4” Moon Howling Ladies posts and I will read and reread them. I just got your message, thank you, and yes, I will donate to Marlene’s and every animal lovers cause. I do not know if they except donations in, like say, Zenyatta #12 name, or not..no difference…I know it is the Royal Baby’s Name. To have more Owners like Jerry and Ann Moss are constantly, constantly in my prayers…If other horses could just have half of what the Moss’ horses have, I would be so happy. Thank you, Jeanie, it is not what I wanted to hear, but I have come to acknowledge to my self that this is truly a fact that exists. Thank you, Marlene. Lisag
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
Ms Zenyatta and all in the Waiting Room, Good night…will leave the puter on and check in and check in and check in. Love you all….Lisag
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Zenny: I am very happy to hear you are doing well and are nice and relaxed. It sounds like Tasty is doing very well too. The picture of everyone at Lane’s End is great. I can see they are patiently awaiting the arrival of your baby too. Everyone is tapping their toes.
Zenny, please thank Dottie for posting her interview with TVG. I didn’t get a chance to see it so I really appreciate the posting.
Well Zenny, I know you will keep us up-to-date with your news.
Love you Zenny.
Wendybird in MA
Just one of those quiet readers checking in to say how lovely all of you are. Your joy and love shines in all of these posts and the kindnesses you show one another are so generous.
I’m off to see family this weekend and promised myself no computer, but I will be waiting on pins and needles and secretly hoping dad brings his laptop so I can share some of these late night checks!
Oh, and my name thought? Shape of Our Heart (a slight variation on one of my favorite Sting songs)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Maybe tonight’s the night. Love you lots, Judy and Russ
Lauren Woods Daugherty
My thoughts are with Zenyatta & all of those attending to her tonight!!
Name Ideas:
1. Zealous
2. Chemie Parfaite – French for “Perfect Chemistry”
3. Cadeau Parfait – French for “Perfect Gift”
“Sting” music-related names:
4. Zenchronicity – someone else’s idea
5. Oneandonlylove
6. Seul Aimer – French for “One And Only Love”
7. Fragile
8. Zerbrechlich – German for “Fragile”
9. Les Champs d’Or – French for “Fields of Gold”
10. Nachrichtinflasche – German for “Message in Bottle”
NICE!!! Those are some classy names! I am praying they choose a name with dignity and cadence for this long awaited blessing! I think the Mosses have a gift for names for their beautiful horses, no contests PLEASE!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Lauren:
Very nice. Hugs, JB
Sierra is excited and has started to go into fun horse research mode!
Who is up for some race trivia questions while we wait?
Diana Hanson
Checking all day waiting on good news! As others have said, pins and needles! Rest Zen!
Sierra is excited and has started to go into fun horse research mode!
Okay we have names going now? Time to break out the binder. Yes I do have a binder full of horse names and I even have a special section just for Z’s foals.. Wait did I just admit to that? Well I have them for… for… My breyers yes my breyers they need show names for when I show them so I keep a list of names when I go to a show…… *Runs and hides*
Especially Horses / Southern California
You are a girl after my own heart. I have a notebook of horse names too…going back, well, I’ll just say more than 20 years (the real amount of years actually makes me wince a bit, LOL). Most of the names were for the off-spring of Stallions standing at stud during the past several decades, LOL again. So from off the top of my head, without referring to my notebook (actually, I’m not sure where it is) here are some of those names (not meant as names for Z’s baby):
Before I knew there wasn’t going to be any little Cigars:
Smokin Grooves
Up in Smoke
Out of Ashes
Cigar Classic
Holy Smoke
Still Smokin
Unbridled Courage
Kinsman Redeemer
Like Precious Faith
Holy Bull:
Caribou Thunder
Holy Laughter
Drone (a real oldie):
Bees Make Honey
Drones Daughter
Swale (before his untimely death):
I guess I’ll have to go look for that notebook. It just might have a “useful” name.
Sierra is excited and has started to go into fun horse research mode!
Good hear I’m not the only one! I am currently going through and picking my favorite names I have for Z and getting them ready to post. I love all of these names I hope you don’t mind if I steal them and add them to my binder. I am always trying to change up my names for shows.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Oh please do! Some of these names have been gathering dust for a long time.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Wow, Zenyatta – The Zuzspenze is amazing. The world awaits your baby news.
Glad to hear you and Tasty and doing great, just waiting until the perfect moment.
Thank you Dottie for posting your interview. Very nice gesture. Sharing the love with all of us. What an amazing journey.
Blessings to all.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Wow, finally got into Twitter. Nice new photo of Ann and Z in the foaling stall (no nothing is happening).
Sierra is excited and has started to go into fun horse research mode!
Z looks a little depressed in the picture though. She may just have been caught in a bad moment though. I hope she foals soon the suspense is killing me!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yeah, Z’s pose is a bit downward, but the look on Ann’s face says otherwise.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Gals, I think Z is just being pensive.
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
I don’t think she looks depressed at all. To me it looks like she’s getting a good scritching on the side of her neck . She has dropped her head so that Ann can reach the itchy spot.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z Fans:
Just found this photo on Z’s Twitter Page. She certainly looks like any time now. Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Just got home and saw that! She looks great!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Vicki B.:
Maybe tonight! Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
And we didn’t know it, Judy, but we were right!
Abigail from Montreal
Judy: Geez, I always read top to bottom and Amanda (below) just posted this too. You girls are GOOD! The photo was only posted about 20 min. ago!!!! If you double-click on the photo, it will enlarge on a new page & you can save it as a souvenir of our Zenny on the brink of motherhood…..
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
I do just the opposite; from the bottom up. Yes, I just happened to check Z’s Twitter page right after the photo was posted. Hope it’s tonight. How’s Daisy Doodlebug doing? Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Judy, thank you so much for sharing this amazing picture of Zenyatta. It is certainly a wonderful keepsake!
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
A truly inspiring story. Hope you all enjoy it….http://cs.bloodhorse.com/blogs/beyond-the-blinkers/archive/2012/03/07/running-for-remember-me-rescue.aspx?&utm_source=DailyNewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20120308
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Delrene:
Thank you for this link. What a remarkable lady. Hugs, JB
Zenyatta will be a wonderful Mom, without a doubt. My wishes for this baby, is the same wish for every newborn – be it human or animal ….and that is – that there is great love and support, and a recognition and encouragement, of the innate talents that lie within, and begin expressing itself during growth. This foal may be a great racehorse, and then again, he/she may not. There may be talents for jumping, or dressage, or whatever. It is amazing that genes express themselves from 7 generations back. I am a firm believer in Kahlil Gibran’s statement that “children do not come to us as possessions, but rather as the result of life longing for itself.” (I am sure animal offspring are as well – there have been too many stories – i.e. the “eighty dollar champion” – an Amish plow horse saved from slaughter – who became a hall of fame champion jumper- to beat out expensive jumpers “bred” for this attribute, etc., )to dispute. I know from my own experience as a mother – my daughter has a beautiful voice, with a natural vibrato (although I cannot sing a note to save my life, and there is no one on either side that can do this – where did it come from? ) I have always had physical athletic capabilities that my daughter does not. I guess what I am saying – is that Z’s baby is soo very anticipated – yet – still – this baby will be her/his own self…and that is very, very good.
Love Kahlil Gibran writings – stumbled across “The Prophet” in my high school library and bought a copy of that and others that I still have to this day.
The Moss’ will do right by all of Z’s babies and help them find their way to whatever their talents indicate, racing or otherwise.
BARB G (SKIP) and JULIETTE the Cat in NJ
If her next date cannot be Galileo, which is my first choice, then I say Giant’s Causeway. Third choice–Capo Blanco.
The Kennedys in San Diego
Wishing you an uneventful, easy foaling and a healthy foal — colt or filly does not matter. Our thoughts are with you tonight.
Hey Zenny just posted a new picture on twitter. http://twitter.com/#!/TeamZenyatta/status/177947730377838592/photo/1
Abigail from Montreal
@AMANDA: Wow! Great photo & were you EVER fast picking it up! Montreal-time, it was only posted about 20 min. ago!!! She looks so pregnant — reminds me of yours truly days before I delivered — LOL!
Yeah I what you mean and I had the exact same look on my face. LOL