Good Morning,
Well….what can I say! It has been another fabulous evening…and I’m still very relaxed, in foal, and happy. At this time, there is NOTHING NEW TO REPORT. I would imagine you human MOMS have been through this same experience…exactly at the stage I am right now….waiting for the BIG DAY!
Nature….it is truly amazing!
I’d like to introduce you to members of my wonderful Lane’s End Team who are ready to JUMP INTO ACTION the minute something changes and it appears I’m getting ready to foal.
Front row: Sarah, Charles, Guillermo Back row: Brian, Antonio, Louis
They take such fabulous care of ME every single day. As you can see, they look nice and relaxed now….just waiting for ME to let them know what’s next. That cue will not only come from ME, but as I’ve now learned, my adorable foal will definitely have something to say about it as well.
I see Sarah has on her JOHN SHIRREFFS RACING STABLE hat. I’d know that hat anywhere! I saw it for years at BARN 55! Looking TOO CUTE, Sarah!
Thank you for your loving thoughts, warm wishes and kind responses. I so appreciate them.
Last week, Dottie did an interview discussing my ‘status at that time’ on TVG. This is one of the primary racing channels in our country. Many of you asked if it would be replayed or shown again. Donyelle Taylor, the program’s producer, sent Dottie the link this morning to share with all of you. ENJOY!
It’s raining in Lexington today…but still rather pretty outside and quite pleasant! I’m sure I’ll spend some time outdoors during the day…and then be back in my cozy stall…right by TASTY in the late afternoon. TASTY sends her regards….and wants you to know she is also doing very well. I guess you could say we are both taking “BABY STEPS” at this time towards becoming MOMS… and yes, the pun is intended!
Cheers and have a wonderful day!
With Love,
Hugs to all~
I drove into VA from PA to visit my parents for a few days and as a surprise they bought me a Zenyatta pendant! I was so excited!!! What a wonderful way to remember I was given this around the same time Z becomes a mommy!! I have been checking facebook and racing forums all day to monitor Zenyatta’s progress! When the baby is born I think we should all have the BIGGEST birthday party via internet EVER!! lol…it’s like we are all just holding our breath….and waiting…
♥ JAG Talks To the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
T H I N K P I N K !!!! (wink wink)
Zenyatta, if you have the baby on March 10th, it will be MY birthday, and I would be VERY honored. I hope you are doing well. The whole world is watching and waiting!! I’ll bet your team is setting a new record for staying awake.
Patiently waiting Zenyatta! Hope all goes well. You are in great hands!
Love you!
I am still pacing Zenny!!
Barb Zylbert
Thank you for posting the interview. How nice to finally hear the voice of Zenyatta and what a class act for American racing!
Still hoping for a dark bay filly, pair of hind socks, some white on the face, and about 125 lbs and healthy of course!
Louise Castello
Oh Zenyatta, I just love how you’re driving all of us into a frenzy!!!! It’s so great. You will never know how much you have soothed my soul and given me so many reasons to smile! Instead of staying up all night feeling sorry for myself, I have stayed up all night checking this diary, facebook, twitter, and anything else I can check! You’re fans have had me literally laughing out loud. Now my family really thinks I’ve gone over the edge! So great!! But apparently a lot of us have gone over the edge. Love it! Love you sooooooo much! Thinking of you 24/7.
Heidi K (sleepless in Cali) (Vallejo, Ca.)
Oh Zenny. I was up most of the morning chit chatting with others on here. Checking twitter,fb, and other sites for any news. The suspense is driving me batty! My luck, the night that I do Not stay up will be the night, you foal. Mother Nature sure is playing a trick on all of us. LOL
Enjoy yourself, your family and friends and in due time, you’re lil one will be here.
Also, thank you for the Interview Link, Dottie. I’m going to watch in shortly. I’ll check back later. Gotta get something done around here. My poor house has been so neglected!
♥ JAG Talks To the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
A little Derby News!
Kentucky Derby 2012 Contenders
Margie from SoCal
JAG and Karen G – I’m totally cracking up each day reading your by-line next to your names. You gals are hilarious and give me a much needed chuckle every day. You’re also accurately describing most of us here on Z’s site!
Oh Zenny, you seem to be the calmest one of all! But that’s a darn good thing considering how we’re all nervous wrecks – lol Half the world is waiting and watching for your big news. Lane’s End is ready for you, and Tasty, too. All is well. I keep thinking as soon as I sign off here, the next post will say “Zenyatta has foaled!” Zenny, just know I am sending you huge love and prayers all the time, and can’t wait to meet our new princess, or prince. Dottie – many thanks for the link to your great interview. We’re all blessed to have both you and Zenny as part of our lives. We truly are one humongous family, all for the love of Zenyatta. Hang in there, Z-ers, won’t be long now!
♥ JAG / Talks To the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
Margie I’m glad you can laugh – it’s good to be light hearted ♥ and not stuffy and so serious – Zenny has a GREAT sense of humor and wit!!
I have to go back out tonight and HOWL at the moon,,,,,,,AHHH OHHHH!!! I hope I don’t scare the critters that lurk in then night. I don’t need Mother Rockette Raccoon attack me in the back yard because I scared her babies… tee hee
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
Puleeze … you are too kind … we are jus two wacko ladies who love, love Zenny and Barn 55, and horse racing! OUCH! OHWHOO! OUCH! Now if I can get JAG to stop bending my arm behind my back! SHEESE! OKAYOKAY! OHWHOWOWI!
karen-being-controled-by-prison-guard-JAG-howling-at-the-moon-in-Zennyland! OHWHOOO!
Sierra is excited!
I agree with you Margret I love to read your tags as I have come to call them!
Pati-Professional Pacer
Hi Z family!!
I joined the SHERR group for volunteer hours. It is an equine rescue facility here in my home town. We have a yearling named Rio and four others, including one we got two days ago. That boy is soo thin, poor boy. Rio was a reject because some Thoroughbred farm in Kentucky just needed his mother to nurse the foal of one of their champion racer mares, and they were trying to sell him to slaughter when the woman rescued him. He is quite the character!! I am hoping to train him in hunter/jumper seat like the Arabian mare I am riding now to help rehab her and for her to find her forever home. What a thrill it is to jump with her!
I just finished reading a book on Native Dancer, and I must say Z, you and him were quite alike. It was like reading about you, aside from the Triple Crown races, and the fact that almost every race back then was a handicap, and the fact that he was a stud. He sired Rasie a Native, who in turn sired Mr. Prospector and Bold Ruler, who sired The Immortal Secretariat and latter was a great stud himself. He [Native Dancer] was a HUGE superstar, everyone loved him, he came from behind, did what he wanted in the race, decided when to go, lost the biggest race (the KD for him, your BCC, though I still believe you won *wink wink*) by a nose, he was a “huge slab of granite” being a grey, with muscles everywhere and a hefty 1200 lbs at 16.3 hands. His stride was an amazing 29 FEET!!!! He loved certain people but loved his black cat named Mom, the most. He loved to prance and establish his superiority, and was a MAJOR ham for the camera. Sound like someone we know? ;-P He unfortunately didn’t retire sound like you did, he retired from bad ankles, but he still had a good owner and trainer, and a Team who loved him very dearly. He won 21 of 22 starts, and 2/3rds of the Triple Crown. He barely made a million in his time, but if we took his stats now, he would be a 9 million or so winner.. but I’m not sure about how the inflation deal works, so it could be much MUCH more.
I am now going to start the book about Snowman. The old horse bought for eighty dollars and became a jumping champion against horses worth many millions. It is a good, inspirational story.
Other wise, no baby yet!! Still waiting, and I am very excited!! Hoping for a filly, and I am so ready to meet her/him, as is the rest of the Z family nation. :-) Be safe, and don’t go too crazy with the baby shower. ;-)
Pati-Professional Pacer
*Raise A Native
Terry Crow
Definitely one of the giants and all-timers in racing.
carol in utah
@pati…we called him “the Grey Ghost”
Pati-Professional Pacer
That is the name of the book. “Native Dancer The Grey Ghost, Hero of a Golden Age”
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
Native Dancer is my guy, he was magnificent and I wish I could have been alive when he was racing..Native Dancer…The Great.
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Nasrullah, not Raise a Native, was the sire of Bold Ruler. Secretariat and Mr. P were contemporaries. Raise a Native was also the sire of Alydar, among others. Nasrullah also sired Nashua and Noor, among others.
Pati- HUGE fan of Queen Z's Prince
Oh, my apologies. I may have read it wrong… but I take your word on it
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Pati, thank you for letting us know about another great racing history book. I believe I have seen it listed a couple of times when I am researching. I will have to get it!
Roberta Smith
Hello Pretty Girl! I loved Dottie’s interview and can tell that she, John, the Moss’ and all who take care of you love you so very much – just like the thousands and thousands of fans you have! I love you Zenyatta!
Diane in Solana Beach
Good Afternoon Beautiful Mama Z,
I, like everyone else, am waiting with baited breath for your foal’s arrival!
As long as you’re healthy and your foal is also is the most important thing of course.
There is something special happening tonight, however, and I’m wondering if it may
be something that could affect your foaling. Since you are an Aries (as I am)
I thought I’d share with you that the full moon tonight which astrologers are calling
“the grand trine” may have quite an effect on us Aries especially because I guess it’s
a very strong and special planetary energy that has not happened since 2004 – the
year that you were born! Of course I would love it if you foaled tonight but they said
this special magnetic force is in effect for up to 5 days so hopefully within the next few days you will have your beautiful foal. I will be dreaming of that dear Queen as
the moon beams down tonight and hopefully we’ll hear of the little pitter patter of
tiny baby hooves taking baby steps at Lane’s End! Love and Hugs to you and Tasty!
Carole Klumb #42 Eagle, WI
Dottie – Thanks for sharing the wonderful interview, enjoyed it very much.
Zenyatta – LOVE TO YOU AND TASTY. Take care and relax until baby makes his/her presence. Hugs and pepppermint kisses to you both, and a kiss on your belly for baby. XOXO
Kelly J. /ND
I Zenny still waiting for Baby Z!
Allie in Texas
Jeanie, you are quite welcome. Wish I could have donated more, but I know that if we each just donate something you will be able to rescue the Nevada 7. Speaking of Omaha, he was the only Triple Crown Winner to race abroad. He won some big races in England. The donation seemed the perfect way to remember Omaha for the Celebration of his 80th Birthday and in a way, it’s my baby gift to Zenyatta.
Pati-Professional Pacer
Trivia Question!
I have another one Z family!! As usual, no Ask.com, or Google please!
Here it is:
What horse beat Native Dancer in the Kentucky Derby by a nose, after Native Dancer had a horrible trip, and made up roughly the distance from here to New York on the winner? ;-)
Sierra is excited!
Okay no Google no Ask.com I have been looking at the Kentucky Derby history lately so I remember this: The answer is Dark Star.
Terry Crow
Dark Star
Pati-Professional Pacer
Yep! The only horse to ever beat him…I can honestly understand how Native Dancer’s fans felt when he lost by a nose…
Sierra is excited!
Terry did you see my Thank You from the last diary post?
Terry Crow
Yes I did. I posted a response to it. Looks like you beat me to the answer. I bow to a true racing historian.
Diane in Solana Beach
PS – Thank you for posting the link to Dottie’s interview! It was wonderful and really
enjoyed the videos and pictures that accompanied it!
Stella Bagwell South Texas
Dearest Zenyatta,
Looks as though you have a great bunch of caretakers. I’m sure you’re sweet and appreciative to all of them.
You and Tasty take care in the rain today. I’m thinking of You and praying for You. The days are ticking down now–soon You will see your sweet baby.
Love and kisses,
Pins and needles, butterflies, goosebumps….all describe how I feel thinking about you delivering your foal. I can’t wait to see you in your new role as “MOM”. I was at 14 of your 20 races; I loved you as an athlete, but I love you more as a mommy and improving the breed of that wonderful animal called a Thoroughbred. Sending warmest wises and prayers to you Z, and your human mom, dad, trainer, and team!
Love you all so much.
Linda B from Va
OK Zen human old wives tale the baby will come on the FULL MOON and guess what March 8 is the day….soooooo this might be the night …Lets see
♥ JAG / Talks To the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
Arienza, Daughter of Azeri, Retired ♥
Abigail from Montreal
JAG: Thanks for this. AZERI was a HUGE love of mine & I wondered about this regally bred daughter of hers. I’m happy the Lows & her trainer did right by her. I think she has the stuff to be a successful broodmare.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
So happy she is safe from the track now – please be safe on the farm!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Thanks, JAG. We loved this daughter of Azeri, our second favorite after Zenyatta. We had such a special relationship with her — I had the opportunity to visit with her in her paddock and feed her mints on several occasions — quite an unusual opportunity without a handler present — just the two of us.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
The Kennedys, she is a beautiful lady. What a special experience you shared. I am glad her owner’s recognized she just wasn’t happy on the track and decided on retirement. Now she will enjoy lots of paddock time and peppermints.
Sierra is excited!
Any news? I am so excited! I hope that the old wives tale is true. It is time for you to have your foal.
♥ JAG / Talks To the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
Light bulb moment:
To think in her day, Princess Diana (may she rest in peace) was the most watched Mother-To-Be.
Hello Mamma ZENYATTA Queen of our Hearts ♥
Sierra is excited!
So true JAG! She is our people’s horse.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
I do believe that it was Zenny’s Steve that called her that at Barn 55. The people’s horse. And indeed that she is, that she is.
Elena Erdman
Good afternoon Queen Z.
How exciting you and tasty together having a good time. I’ve told everyone I know of your progress and even people that don’t know anything about racing are so interested in you. People say when they drive by a race track or see anything on horses they think of me and my love for you. Take it easy and keep on relaxing.
Love you more and more.
Jan in WV
I am still here waiting Zenny ! I check this every day , multiple times for News ! I know only too well about ”Maiden Mares”,,,My mare was 15 days over her due date when she was a Maiden ! And she was at a very nice farm just a few miles from you ! Ohhh how I loved making that drive to Lexington every few weeks ,,,and then after my mare foaled ,,,I was there every week ! You are in a very special place with all the greats ! And Lexington will always be my Favorite City in the world ! I wish you the best ””Queen Z”” ,,,And ”Happpppy Foaling”” !~!~!
Hugggzzzzz !~! and a ”High Hoof To You And Tasty” !~!
Jan in WV
Sierra is excited!
Okay now that I have time here is my proper post.
Good to hear from you Z! I am sure you are having tons of fun watching us Aunties pace and pace as you sit there eating away just smiling. I am glad to hear that Tasty is doing well. I love you two so much sweet girls! May I just say thank you so much to the Lane’s End Team for taking so good care of you as your impending motherhood approaches! I would also like to thank Dottie, Ann, Jerry, John, and Mikey for sharing you with us! It is just amazing how much they love you and how much they love to share you with us!
Give them a high hoof for me! You are such a lucky little girl to have such great people with you at all times!
Love always Sierra!
Time to finish my poem!
just like zenyatta she been doing it all her life coming from the back but finishing first she like to take her time she don’t rush things i give it saturday morning say around 1 or 2 am
Jan S. / Houston
Live TB racing final weekend at Sam Houston Race Park. They are going to have Camel & Ostrich races! That’ll be a first for me… They had the hot dog races a couple of weeks ago.. That was hilarious…. Also the Clysdale’s will be there. I don’t bet, but going to the track is so much fun. I am going with my good friend Joyce who I met on Z’s site.
@ Karen Gogue. I work in a trauma center, and moolight in a psychiatric hosp. Just in case you need me.. ;);););) Call…..
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
Ohhhh? Wasn’t that you I saw with JAG there howling at the moon in those funny looking white jackets??? Ummm….interesting! Gotcha! LOL! HAHA YOU AND JAG ARE SO FUNNY! YOU BOTH ALWAYS GET ME IN THE END!
Jan S. / Houston
Karen, you’re the Best. :):):) and yes that was us.. Ahh Ooooh… I’ve had that white jacket on a long time now.. WHEW!!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
karen-in-looneybin-with-slapsillyJan! AHOHOWL!!
hi Melissa this is daddy