Good Morning,
Well….what can I say! It has been another fabulous evening…and I’m still very relaxed, in foal, and happy. At this time, there is NOTHING NEW TO REPORT. I would imagine you human MOMS have been through this same experience…exactly at the stage I am right now….waiting for the BIG DAY!
Nature….it is truly amazing!
I’d like to introduce you to members of my wonderful Lane’s End Team who are ready to JUMP INTO ACTION the minute something changes and it appears I’m getting ready to foal.
Front row: Sarah, Charles, Guillermo Back row: Brian, Antonio, Louis
They take such fabulous care of ME every single day. As you can see, they look nice and relaxed now….just waiting for ME to let them know what’s next. That cue will not only come from ME, but as I’ve now learned, my adorable foal will definitely have something to say about it as well.
I see Sarah has on her JOHN SHIRREFFS RACING STABLE hat. I’d know that hat anywhere! I saw it for years at BARN 55! Looking TOO CUTE, Sarah!
Thank you for your loving thoughts, warm wishes and kind responses. I so appreciate them.
Last week, Dottie did an interview discussing my ‘status at that time’ on TVG. This is one of the primary racing channels in our country. Many of you asked if it would be replayed or shown again. Donyelle Taylor, the program’s producer, sent Dottie the link this morning to share with all of you. ENJOY!
It’s raining in Lexington today…but still rather pretty outside and quite pleasant! I’m sure I’ll spend some time outdoors during the day…and then be back in my cozy stall…right by TASTY in the late afternoon. TASTY sends her regards….and wants you to know she is also doing very well. I guess you could say we are both taking “BABY STEPS” at this time towards becoming MOMS… and yes, the pun is intended!
Cheers and have a wonderful day!
With Love,
Hugs to all~
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I keep thinking about the saying that “a watched pot never boils”. Maybe we all need to shut down our computers for a couple of hours and she will surprise us !
sue and Tony
OMG…it would be just like Zenny to do that!
She loves surprises!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
OH GADS NO!!!!!!!!!!
Mary in Central Virginia
My best friend who is waiting and pacing for her first great grandbaby to be born …it is due anytime…….just like you. I am so excited waiting for your baby ….just like hundreds or is that thousands of other people. You are one loved horse Z….. I hope all goes well….it is quick ….and not too painful. I wonder if it is painful for horses….you all are so tough…guess do not show it if it is…..not like us humans….who let it be known …it is painful. I hope it will be easy for you and Tasty. Hugs to you Z. Love the picture of your team …..waiting on you. You kept us excited on the track….almost giving us a heart attack…..and now here you are doing it again……. wow….us fans love you!!!
harriett (Oklahoma)
This is March 8. Full moon and TIAGO’s birthday!
Especially Horses / Southern California
I just watched the Dottie TVG interview and now I need a clarification from you.
I have ALWAYS been under the assumption that the March 9th due date first came up from you because of John Henry and your birthday. I don’t EVER recall seeing a Diary Post from last year where Zeny/Dottie said the expected due date was March 9th.
Am I correct in this assumption? I am asking because in the Interview with Dottie the following question is posed “the due date is March 9th, right?” If my assumption is correct, that you and you alone are the source of March 9th that means that You are 100% responsible for that question being asked on National Television.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
No, March 9 is her due date based on a 342-day gestation, which many people use as a default gestation. Others use 340 days = due date of March 7. As has been pointed out, all due dates are approximate, since there is a wide variation in gestation length among healthy mares.
Especially Horses / Southern California
So March 9 was just a happy coincidence for JAG. Cool. I still credit JAG for giving it a “life of its own” in a very fun and often hilarious way. 300 plus days of March 9th….. wink, wink….high hoof to JAG. Now Zeny if you can make it happen on March 9th that would be the sprinkle on the cake (you) and frosting (baby).
♥ JAG Talks To the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
@ Especially Horses
I had no CLUE Zen’s due date was March 9th until recently – I swear!!
MY reason for wanting her to foal on that date (once I heard the due date was early March) is because of John Henry’s birthday (not mine.) He crossed Rainbow Bridge on MY birthday, Oct. 8, 2007, just hours after I kissed him farewell… my late husband’s name is John, too. He liked John Henry. My visits to the KHP/Hall Champions was in memory of my husband. The emotional attachment is to a long of a story, and I don’t want to bore everyone here!
John Henry died at the age of 32 1/2 years old – the 9th would have marked his 37th :-) Do the math – he was 100 years old…….
Auntie Judy and “Uncle John Henry” ♥
p.s. John Henry took it upon himself to “adopt” Zenyatta as his sister… that’s why there is such a L-O-V-E connection. He deligated himself her Lead Guardian Angel lol
♥ JAG Talks To the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
P.S. However, I’m flattered you thought Adorable Dottie mentioned March 9th because of me (blush blush!) LOL
Especially Horses / Southern California
That’s what I thought….that you were not basing it on calculating the gestation period.
I may have mixed up some facts (like your birthday, wow big mix up, LOL) but essentially I was on the right track regarding “your reason” for March 9th and your hope was not related to an actual calculation but to the comment “early March”. Same here, I only remember “early March”. Now that doesn’t mean someone else didn’t say the due date was March 7th or March 9th based on the date she was bred and the gestation period. I just don’t remember it that way. I only remember “early March” and the first time I ever recall seeing an actual date called-out was in one of your posts.
So Oct 8 is your birthday. I refuse to wait until Oct 8 for Zeny to give birth. LOL.
Sierra is excited!
Okay JAG I have always wondered this but never actually asked did you work with John Henry as a groom? Or what was your connection with him? I am really interested about this.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Judy, there is no part of my body that I could cross (and that’s not much) that is not crossed, hoping for the 9th and pink. It would be TOO PERFECT.
Hurry up and wait…….best wishes beautiful girl.
M. Kern
Thanks for the update and thank you Lane’s End Team: Sarah, Charles, Guillermo, Brian, Antonio and Louis for taking good care of our Queen Z and her best friend Tasty. We love you guys! I am glad that Tasty is doing well. I love you Queen Z!!! OK I will continue to wait patiently for the arrival of our prince/princess. Hopefully, SOON!
Thank you SO much for posting the You Tube link to Dottie’s interview. I can’t wait to watch it. Glad to hear Tasty’s doing great too. Love to both Tasty and Big Mama Z.
Deborah Richman from So. Cal.
Hello Z and Z’sters! Your post today is too cute, like you are! Love the picture of the team of people ready to jump into action for you.
Well, I’m off to have a root canal. Thinking of you and your soon to be born foal will keep me happy while at the dentist :)
Looking forward to checking in later and reading all the posts and watching Dottie’s interview!
Alex Bowdoin, MA
Good Luck with the root canal. I have had a few, Not Fun……HUGS
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Best wishes :{
Deborah Richman from So. Cal.
Alex and Susan….Thank you! All went well and I am home now. Thinking of Zenny during the procedure really helped. I pictured her baby chasing after her, and the two of them “racing” :)
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta. Isn’t it a beautiful day!!!! You are happy, healthy, enjoying time with lovely Tasty and your beloved family is there! That just brings such joy to me!! What a great photo of your wonderful Lane’s End friends. We all care for and appreciate every one of them for all that they do for you and for us. They are amazing!! The John Shirreffs Racing Stable hat, wouldn’t that be a great new item for the Zenyatta shop. Too fun! I did receive my new Zenyatta shirt today, it is pink and perfect. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Zenny and Dottie for posting the link to the TVG interview. It was so special to hear your cheerful voice Dottie and of course all the fantastic things you mentioned concerning our Zenyatta. It was very special indeed!!!!! You will remain a legend throughout your life and far beyond, Zenny. Our love for you only continues to grow and will last forever!! Soon, your sweet little one will be by your side and Dottie and John will be visiting, along with Mike. What memories you will all be creating together. Have a fantastic day enjoying the sunshine and paddock time with Tasty. If there is still some mud on the ground, maybe you will get a good roll in. I love you very much gorgeous girl. Sweet dreams. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO
Marilu V
Dear Zenny:
Happy to hear you and Tasty are doing well and waiting for the big moment.
Nice to see the picture of the crew who will help you. They are so lucky!
Love and hugs, Marilu
Mary M. Meek
All this waiting reminds me of the story Steve Haskin wrote about the birth of Mucho Macho Man. He was three weeks late, born in the middle of June! He was born in a field and they thought he was dead, but he jumped up and took off running! Here’s hoping Zenyatta’s baby is not that late (I know her due date it actually tomorrow) or some of us may faint from weariness. Story here: http://cs.bloodhorse.com/blogs/horse-racing-steve-haskin/archive/2011/04/25/ky-derby-trail-macho-man-was-born-to-run.aspx
I’m going to get my bottle of Heinz ketchup and start singing “Anticipation” to try to hurry things along. (Winks to those who remember those commercials.)
Mary MMM
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Mary- I had forgotten that story about MMM. Amazing!
♥ JAG Talks To the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
Mary – I do remember that commercial (showing our age!) ;-P
I had forgotten about MMM’s ♥ survival! Just another reason WHY I adore him!!
Auntie Judy (your fb friend who laughs at your “jokes” – Cigar!)
Thank you for the story Mary. I never knew that about MMM. He is one of my favorites.
Jan S. / Houston
I love the big guy.
Sierra is excited!
So funny! It’s like “He’s dead. *Foal jumps up and starts to run* Okay maybe not…”
Thanks Dottie for the link to HRTV interview with you. I really enjoyed it.
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
Allen, TVG not HRTV. Ingrid.
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
Very nice video, great interview, Dottie like always you are wonderful person, I think TVG is fantastic Horseracing channel all of them are very caring persons and they give so much class to this great sport, they are funny and so witty…
One more day, okay here I am pacing and pacing with my cigars ready, I love you, and I love TT, Ingrid.
Rose Cola
Still waiting patiently. Doc in my Vet’s office (where I work,: small animal practice) actually asked about you today. He never did that before! Hang in there!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
There’s hope for him yet :)
Too bad we cant see you foal on camera. There are a bunch of people at marestare.com that have been asking about you. Good luck queen Z
Happy afternoon Zenny! I can just see you and Tasty trying to figure out the whole process. WOL Nature will dominate in this one for the most part and the little foal will be sure to give you all the “clues” you need to get him out and into this world!
I appreciate the photo of YOUR team. The look like a great group to be on the foaling team! Love Sara’s cap!
Wishing you all the best and praying for all to be safe!
Big hugs and kisses! xxxxoooo
Carole from Oregon
I don’t comment very often, but read your posts daily. My 65th birthday is next Tuesday (the 13th). I couldn’t ask for a better present on this milestone birthday than for you to introduce your foal to the world on that day. PLEASE hold off until then, Zenny! The number 13 has always been a lucky number for me – I’m hoping it will be a lucky number for your foal, as well. Whatever day your little one shows up, I’m hoping that the delivery will be an easy one for both of you. Can’t wait to see the pictures! Start thinking Tuesday. Love ya, Carole
Abigail from Montreal
DOTTIE: This was so great to hear your interview & so good of you to post it. Here in Canada we don’t get TVG (sigh!), so I thought I’d probably never catch it. You are as gracious as your description of Zenyatta and I loved soaking up all these “little details” as we await The Arrival. Thank you!
ZENNY & TT: It’s raining off & on here in Montreal, too. A very sleepy day. By now, I guess both of you are back in the barn, but I hope you had fun outside even if the day was a little “drippy.” I guess the reference to The Arrival in your Diary hints that the foal isn’t in birthing position yet? Never mind: MOTHER NATURE is always right on (her own) time & that’s usually best for mares & their babies, too. Kisses on your soft noses and belly rubs for babies.
ZENSTERS: Thank goodness we are starting to wind down a little…..I mean, just how long can any of us maintain this phrenetic state?!!!! Of course, I also know that the minute the site stalls when we check in again or the first FB or TWITTER innuendo, there we’ll be, right back UP THERE ON THE CEILING. The anticipation is SO DELICIOUS, once one HAS to LIVE WITH IT! It’s the GREATEST TEASE of all possible teases.
In the mean time, I thought this might be of interest. Exquisite photos of UK trainer Luca Cumani’s horses at exercise on Newmarket Heath in England. As a friend on Facebook noted: “Wouldn’t it be great to get up each morning and see this scene outside your window?”
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Abigail- thanks for the link! I’ve always been kind of fascinated with Newmarket.
Patricia/Far northern CA
Newmarket is indeed a fascinating place, totally immersed in the racing industry. As you approach from the west there is a large roundabout and in the middle of that is a huge statue of a rearing stallion held by his groom… it is MOST thrilling and the photos I have were taken on a blustery March morning with very dramatic lighting and clouds.
We visited the National Stud and strolled around the town, and because one of our friends is a well known artist who has done a lot of artwork of racehorses, we got to see some places and folks not normally accessible to visitors. And there are horses ridden everywhere, one can stand at a roadside and watch gallops… and peek through trees at famous studs if one isn’t an official visitor. I wasn’t, but another friend is an owner, and she has promised that on my next trip over there I can go with her to see the stud where her mares are.
Altogether a very memorable experience.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Lovely pictures of Newmarket with the horses in the early morning mist. Thanks Abigail.
Celeste in TX
Great photos! Thanks for sharing the link to see them.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Abigail, great pictures of Newmarket!
Morgan Strang
Good morning, Zenyatta! I can’t wait for your beautiful baby girl, the great “Zendini” to arrive! She is going to look just like you! You just relax and take your time! We, your fans, will wait for you!
Great interview, Dottie! We just can’t get enough of you, Zenyatta! I know he’s gonna love your plushie! We’ll keep checkin’ up on ya!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
Thank you for this link of photos. The horses surrounded in the misty fog makes for some spectacular photos. Hugs, JB
The early excitement is what got us busy on the Facebook project. Thanks to Mike Smith, Gloria Jeanne and countless others, Zenyatta, last time I looked, was at 100,574. Frankly, I love all of this excitement. But there sure is a down side. I keep looking at that Guinness Stout and I don’t know if it’s going to last another day. This waiting is hard work, but so much fun.
Molly, Last night I drank my one bottle of Guinness Stout…just bought one for when Z foaled. But, the full moon was too much for me so I drank it, it was excellent. Now that the build up to the full moon is passing & the Guinness is drunk I feel at peace with whatever Z and Baby choose to do! All the best to you! Bonnie
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
Ahhhh, person after my own heart! Too cute!
karen-in-hiccup!-in-where,where am I? ……….hiccup!
I’m super excited Zenny!! Best of wishes!!!! : ))))) :DDDD ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥ JAG Talks To the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
This is too cute – had to share – will make you smile!
Auntie Judy (just ate lunch and is content!)
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
Thanks, that is too cute!
Hugs and kisses to you, beautiful Zenyatta. I can’t wait to see your little one. I love you.
sue and Tony
Dottie, what a wonder interview for us to enjoy! We loved hearing everything current about Zenny and it seems as if we will have lots more to look forward to.
Yipee! We know the Mosses know how to work a camera, video and otherwise.
Zenny, we think you and TT are pacing yourselves to make sure you deliver at the same time. That being said…we’ll start pacing on our own right now!
Soft kisses on your nose, big girl. Stay relaxed …it’s almost time.
Hi Allie in Texas,
Thank you so much for your DOUBLE DONATION to save the NEVADA 7 — one in honor of Zenyatta’s foal and one in honor of the 80th anniversary of the birth of Omaha — the third winner of the American Triple Crown and the only Triple Crown winner sired by a Triple Crown winner!
As long as we are saving horses, let’s do it in honor of something in Thoroughbred history that makes us each happy or is very important to each of us. When I think of Omaha, I think of THE HORSE FOR WHOM THE TRIPLE CROWN WAS NAMED! Yes Z’isters, it is true; the horses that won before Omaha, his sire Gallant Fox and Sir Barton before him, when they won the Derby, Preakness and Belmont Stakes, it was not called the Triple Crown at that time. Only when Omaha won was it called the Triple Crown for THE FIRST TIME!
So I pledge my donation to Valley View Ranch Equine Rescue in honor of Zenyatta, her soon-to-be-born foal, to the great Omaha and to the great *Noor, who means so much to my dear friend Charlotte Farmer.
Your humble J
carol in utah
@Jeanie…Omaha is also the only TC winner not named HOY…1935…going to have to research Discovery …he must have had a great yr
Pati-Professional Pacer
He did actually. Discovery was the sire of Native Dancer, and he had a smashing year. In the book about Native Dancer, they made reference to his [Discovery’s] really good year when he raced for Vanderbilt Jr., but I don’t know if I spelled the name right! lol
Pati-Professional Pacer
Sorry, Grandsire, I believe. Typo!! Again, my apologizes!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
Hear Hear! Great goin’ Jeanie and others who donated!
And I should have added this to my post:
Hi Zenny. All I can say is,”I`m waiting, waiting, waiting”. I can`t say much more….Lots of HUGE hugs and kisses…ps,had a dream last night that you had a GIRL…. Love you, Alene
Zenny! Goodness, the wait is killing me! Haha, I’ve got to be patient, don’t I? Guess so.
I told all my friends about YOU, and they all can’t wait for YOUR baby! One requested for me to draw a sketch of YOU. YOU’RE that special!
Love and hugs from one of your biggest fans,