Good Morning,
Well….what can I say! It has been another fabulous evening…and I’m still very relaxed, in foal, and happy. At this time, there is NOTHING NEW TO REPORT. I would imagine you human MOMS have been through this same experience…exactly at the stage I am right now….waiting for the BIG DAY!
Nature….it is truly amazing!
I’d like to introduce you to members of my wonderful Lane’s End Team who are ready to JUMP INTO ACTION the minute something changes and it appears I’m getting ready to foal.
Front row: Sarah, Charles, Guillermo Back row: Brian, Antonio, Louis
They take such fabulous care of ME every single day. As you can see, they look nice and relaxed now….just waiting for ME to let them know what’s next. That cue will not only come from ME, but as I’ve now learned, my adorable foal will definitely have something to say about it as well.
I see Sarah has on her JOHN SHIRREFFS RACING STABLE hat. I’d know that hat anywhere! I saw it for years at BARN 55! Looking TOO CUTE, Sarah!
Thank you for your loving thoughts, warm wishes and kind responses. I so appreciate them.
Last week, Dottie did an interview discussing my ‘status at that time’ on TVG. This is one of the primary racing channels in our country. Many of you asked if it would be replayed or shown again. Donyelle Taylor, the program’s producer, sent Dottie the link this morning to share with all of you. ENJOY!
It’s raining in Lexington today…but still rather pretty outside and quite pleasant! I’m sure I’ll spend some time outdoors during the day…and then be back in my cozy stall…right by TASTY in the late afternoon. TASTY sends her regards….and wants you to know she is also doing very well. I guess you could say we are both taking “BABY STEPS” at this time towards becoming MOMS… and yes, the pun is intended!
Cheers and have a wonderful day!
With Love,
Hugs to all~
biting my finger nails, and taking deep breaths. love to The Queen and Tasty.
Good Morning to you Z and, of course, Tasty! Glad to know all is well. You and Tasty enjoy your time now because you are going to be very busy very soon taking care of your little one. Sending smooches and hugs! xxoo to you and Tasty!
Zenyatta, we all love your entries! You are always thinking of others! Good luck!
Dawn Deems
You wouldn’t believe the number of people that are on “Zenyatta baby watch”! I dreamed last night you had a filly. Hope you have an easy delivery. We love you! XOXOXO
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Baby steps … TOO CUTE! Maybe your foal is holding off a bit so that he/she and Tasty’s foal can arrive at the same time … Or you are just enjoying all the fussing and love so much you want to STREEEETCH out this special time as long as possible. Then again, maybe this is what you and Tasty were cooking up in that photo: “Ok, Tasty, here’s the plan .. I’ll start showing signs, get everyone all worked up into a frenzy and then YOU pop your foal out while everyone is focussed on me. Then when they aren’t looking, I’ll pop mine out! A girl’s got to have her privacy at a time like this!”
Susan Carothers (in TN)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Julie D.:
That would be something, if TT foals first. Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
Oh, too too cute!
Marty R / Colorado
Perfect Prior Planning. Love it!!
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
Julie—Gave me a good laugh Thanks
Terry Crow
Just as long as duct tape is not involved.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Julie, too funny!! I can just see Tasty and Zenny working their plan out!
Sierra is excited!
Lol! I can imagine them doing this!
Jean in VA.
I had to go out for a while and jumped right on here when I got home to find out what is going on. Sitting and waiting for the news – : ) I did hear that your family from California are either there or on their way. This is so exciting. Glad that your Lane’s End Team are right there with you and ready to move at a minute’s notice.
Sending lots of love and hugs to you and Tasty !!!
Judy from South Carolina
Jean………..Ann and Jerry are there
wish you the best of luck i seen your owners at the keenland sale very nice people as all racehorse people are they even sign my sale book thanks again and you take care the new baby will be chasing you every where LOL have fun with the new baby wish i was there i will send you a copy of the book coming out BOYS FROM THE BUSHES BY LOU DEAN about 30 jockeys coming from the oklahoma bush tracks a couple names in the book charlie burr and eldon nelson and my dad oscar wells he got his pic in the kentucky derby museum this year he was one of the great jockeys of all time sorry so long winded just so excited this year we even got to wach you race at oaklawn apple blossom you won i was only a couple feet from you i tried to get your autograph but you where real busy a shoe print LOL see ya
Susan Carothers (in TN)
That sounds like a very interesting book! I’ll bet you know some great stories!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
Oh, I wanna read this book! Thanks for the heads up!
Stephanie in San Diego (been calm but now pacing with everyone else..)
Oscar…will be looking out for the book. Maybe we can get a group rate :))))
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Oscar it sounds like a great racing book. I will watch for it. Congratulations to your father on his amazing career. That is very special that his photo is up at the Kentucky Derby Museum. I will be visiting this summer and will be sure to look for it.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Dawn, How wonderful that you will be back in Kentucky this summer. Vic has been talking about where we will be going. Sadly, nowhere since I’m trying to figure out how Grandmothers on old age pension can pay for college. If we suddenly win the lottery Vic would like to go back to Saratoga and for a longer stay this time. Will Mom be taking the trip with you??
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Brenda, I am actually meeting up with Shari Voltz in Lexington, won’t that be fun!! I am still mapping out where we will go from there. I was thinking about going to Saratoga again too and Shari has never been there before, so she is very interested in going. I am sorry your fixed budget is not allowing for very much travel, but I know Vic’s education is very important to you both. Plans are for Mom to go. I know we don’t have too many more years for longer trips, so we are making hay while the sun shines. How far did you say it was from your house to Buffalo NY? Were you planning on going to Breeder’s Cup?
Mimi G
Wishing you an easy and safe delivery when the time comes, and a happy and healthy foal! Can’t wait to hear about it.
Does your “support staff” have a video monitor in your stall so they can watch you and yet give you your privacy so to speak?
I’m in gym class right now Zen! All my Friends are stopping me,
“Has she had it yet??” xD Stay safe!
mary bobolis
I was wondering if there would be a vet be there in the beginning?
They have farm vets, but usually they just have the foaling crew if something were to go wrong they would call the vet. But all of the people there have been foaling plenty of babies already this year and for many years.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
Well, the Mosses ARE there and you betcha there is a vet! LOL!
Yeah they usually don’t call a vet in unless there is complications but with Zenyatta I bet there will be one before and after just to be safe. I think in one of the videos one of the vets only lives like 6 mins away so they can get there quick if need be. I so excited.
Super excited the whole waiting part is what sucks the MOST! It can go either way with new mares they either have it early or really late. So let the waiting begin. I pray everything goes super smooth!!!!!!!!!!!!
Debbie Hokanson
Good morning Zenny…hoping your enjoying your time alone, for very soon, you will not have much time to yourself…lol. You and Tasty will be busy, busy momma’s….All of my friends here in Alberta Canada are keeping close tabs on your progress…We too are expecting 12 foals in the next couple weeks, as well as getting ready to go to the track for spring training.
Have a good day!!
Thinking of you, God bless and God Speed~
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Wow- are you busy or what?!? Best wishes!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Debbie, best wishes for successful and safe foalings and racing!!!
Dear Zenny – I can totally relate to your situation….when I had my daughter 25 years ago, I was two weeks late. I thought I would go crazy waiting, but when the time is right, the time is right. I am so happy that you have such a wonderful team at your disposal. You are certainly a lucky girl. I am so happy that you have your friend Tasty to keep you company. God bless beautiful girl and the charming little prince or princess.
Shema Satya
Oh! thank you so much, love listening to Dottie’s interview!
Kathy S.
What a great interview! Thanks, Dottie! Back to pacing…
We hope the wait isn’t too long, for your sake AND for ours! :) I couldn’t manage to stay up all night checking for updates like some people, but still, we all are still pacing, as you’ve said! So glad you have such a wonderful group of people at Lane’s End to look after you. You are one lucky horse!
Zenyatta, you never fail to do things your way…in your own time. Hugs and smoochies….xoxo
Anticipation! I was soooo anxious for today’s Diary update! Gosh, Zenyatta, you keep us waiting….
Maybe a March 9th baby, right on due date????
Praying for you and baby for a safe, healthy, delivery ….
Thank you for the picture of your ‘delivery’ team :)
Hugs and Prayers
Well, I must say this is the first thing I check every morning, rather than read the paper or look at “people news!” and maybe a hundred times during the day and evening. I had a lot of mares who foaled in my lifetime and never missed a one, so this is hard on us “old racetrackers”! It’ll be born when it darned well gets ready. I laughed when I read about you ‘waxing’ and “foaling would be imminent”……one of mine waxed up…and then began to drip milk…..then milk would squirt in two little streams each time she took a step…and her wonderful new baby was born 2 weeks later! So much for the waxing thing for her! I, like 100,525 more, will be waiting to hear the grand news when it happens. How about “The Edge of Glory”?
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Peggy One, Margaret and Equine knowlegeable Z’sters:
Thanks for the very interesting foaling info. All of you are really knowledgeable, hands on experienced in all things horses. Learning a lot thanks to you. Hugs, JB
It is all up to mother nature, all signs mean things
Are eminent, but when is the big question. Only
Zenny’s body knows:
Horses are not induced or sectioned; very dangerous
With very poor outcomes.
Stephanie in San Diego (been calm but now pacing with everyone else..)
PeggyOne, I’m right there with you, I should know better then to think any one can predict a date. As I mentioned in an earlier post, we seldom ever got it right when I was younger and we had a few mares foaling each year. For part of that time I was in high school…I remember it always felt like they would do it the night before a big test or a whole lot of homework due:) Guess which one was my priority..LOL. Mare foaling never really was considered a good reason for an absence or make up exam…but I used it anyway. Happy Waiting
I put on my Zenyatta Sweet Feed T-shirt last night and back on today. I’m now considering just wearing it until you foal (sort of like Baseball players who don’t change their socks while on a winning streak :-) Of course, if it’s more than a couple of days, I’ll launder it – but I’ll then put on my Zenyatta “I Saw The Queen” ball cap until it’s dry.
Your team takes such good care of you! All of you get some rest and stay relaxed. The rest of us will do the pacing.
Jan S. / Houston
Thanks for the update sweet Mama. Your foal will tell you when it’s time. Stay cool and calm. Waiting and anticipating. Your crew looks ready to go….
Lots of love & kisses coming your way. xoxo. For Tasty too.
I keep checking for an update!!!! Fingers crossed for a happy healthy foal and mom.
Roxanne Cook - Boulder Creek, CA
Had a dream last night that you had a dark bay, nearly black, colt with a tall white stocking on his back left leg and no white markings on his face. And he was the most hyper foal I’d ever seen; bouncing all around you and racing Tasty’s foal along the pasture fence – a future champion for sure. Good luck! We’re all thinking of you and wishing you and your team much joy this week. I wanna see photos of even BIGGER smiles!
Dottie, wonderful interview..I can feel the love you have for Zenyatta in your voice!! Thank you for sharing and for all you do!!!! Zenny and Tasty, enjoy a nice peaceful day..sending lots of love!!
You just take your time Zenyatta! Babies don’t arrive on schedule, they arrive on their own time. Love and Kisses!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Dottie:
Just watched the video. Lovely interview. Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
Thank you Dottie! I have been trying to find that link forever! Thank you too Donyelle Taylor from TVG! Don’t forget Zenny watchers – TVG will have Dr. Brown on later to discuss the foaling process – see last post 452.
PatB from NM
You bless us all, Zenyatta. I’ll keep checking; you keep having a relaxing and enjoyable time till you’re ready.
Love you always, Z.
Add one more fan to your number! I have started checking your diary post daily now.
You have given so much, and increased enthusiasm to the “sport of kings,” or should we be saying “queens.”?
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
Too Cute!
carol in utah
It occurred to me in the wee hrs when I could not sleep that Your mom and dads arrival in ky was probably not triggered by anything you did but had long been planned….ie… monogramed jumpsuits ready…
This thought is helping me to relax and not to leap to conclusions
Kelso birthday….4/4…..not a good idea
Sec’s birthday…..3/31…long time off yet
I wish for you to enjoy and relax…You, little BizZeeDancin, mom nature, and the general state of the universe will all do Your thing in due time
as always peppermint kisses for your soft nose and for Tasty too…thx for the word on her…..take care of YOU….we will worry for you