Good Morning,
Well….what can I say! It has been another fabulous evening…and I’m still very relaxed, in foal, and happy. At this time, there is NOTHING NEW TO REPORT. I would imagine you human MOMS have been through this same experience…exactly at the stage I am right now….waiting for the BIG DAY!
Nature….it is truly amazing!
I’d like to introduce you to members of my wonderful Lane’s End Team who are ready to JUMP INTO ACTION the minute something changes and it appears I’m getting ready to foal.
Front row: Sarah, Charles, Guillermo Back row: Brian, Antonio, Louis
They take such fabulous care of ME every single day. As you can see, they look nice and relaxed now….just waiting for ME to let them know what’s next. That cue will not only come from ME, but as I’ve now learned, my adorable foal will definitely have something to say about it as well.
I see Sarah has on her JOHN SHIRREFFS RACING STABLE hat. I’d know that hat anywhere! I saw it for years at BARN 55! Looking TOO CUTE, Sarah!
Thank you for your loving thoughts, warm wishes and kind responses. I so appreciate them.
Last week, Dottie did an interview discussing my ‘status at that time’ on TVG. This is one of the primary racing channels in our country. Many of you asked if it would be replayed or shown again. Donyelle Taylor, the program’s producer, sent Dottie the link this morning to share with all of you. ENJOY!
It’s raining in Lexington today…but still rather pretty outside and quite pleasant! I’m sure I’ll spend some time outdoors during the day…and then be back in my cozy stall…right by TASTY in the late afternoon. TASTY sends her regards….and wants you to know she is also doing very well. I guess you could say we are both taking “BABY STEPS” at this time towards becoming MOMS… and yes, the pun is intended!
Cheers and have a wonderful day!
With Love,
Hugs to all~
good morning sweetie still pacing the floor
Great Timing, number one March 8, 2012.
So glad to see Sarah and Charles on your
Foaling Team. Guess that foal is getting some
Extra rest as he/she is going to have to run fast
To keep up with mom.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Teresa, did you see your Birthday poem from Trina, late on last night’s post? https://staging.zenyatta.com/diary/diary-post-452-2#comment-138287
Holly Walker
Am still waiting very anxiously as are hundreds or more like thousands. Can’t wait to hear the news. I don’t see a link posted for the interview Dottie was talking about. I would like to see the interview.
Am still praying for a safe and healthy foal. Good Luck big beautiful girl.
I think your friend Dottie would also know me as the “Bobby” friend, that is when I first started talking to her and have tried to talk to her whenever I see her at the racetrack now and it is always about “YOU”!!
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
click on the teal “enjoy” for the link holly.:)
Waiting on pins and needles just like the rest of your fans. I’m sure all will go smooth and perfectly. Can’t WAIT to see that new baby. I’m sure his or her appearance will be just as spectacular as mom.
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
Top of the Morning
oh dear you and tasty need to hurry up i am going to need a new pair of shoes
Paige (from NKY)
Zenny, I would love to get into personal contact with Dottie. Is there any way, besides your website that I could do that? I would absolutely LOVE to learn as much as I could about you and whenever I read your diary updates, you always seem to lift my spirits, no matter what mood I’m in. I wish you good luck on your impending due date and to let you know, I’ve been following this site for quite a while – ever since you were retired.
Speaking of the site – for some reason, when I get on here, it freezes up my computer for about five minutes. Is there anything I can do to keep that from happening?
Raylene/ So Cal
Am I really First?
Raylene/ So Cal
Especially Horses / Southern California
Don’t give up…..one day you will be the quickest on the draw and come up first.
I smiled at your “never mind”.
Raylene/ So Cal
Yes, I kinda did too!
Shannon From Cool
As long as you are here, that’s what matters.
Maryp (New York)
Me too! Love that line! Use it often! lol!
I’m trying to be patient. I know your foal will be worth the wait! Hope you are still feeling comfortable. Sending love from Wisconsin!
JAG Talks To the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
March 8 = ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Queen Zenytta
As I drove home from work last night I was in a-w-w-w of the Full Moon. I should have pulled over and taken a picture of it THEN because when I went outside later, it didn’t have the same a-w-ww
However, I did talk to the Heaven’s and prayed that the Stars and the Moon – who watched you be born – watch over you again!
♥ Auntie Judy (On Cloud Nine while I wait for your Foal!)
I just posted the above comments on yesterday’s diary…
Especially Horses / Southern California
You know….I think March 9 could really happen, I really do!! She just needs to hold on until 9PM PST and then go for it….here’s hoping.
Raylene/ So Cal
I am thinking March 9th also. I know my eyes are tired. Even had eye strain headache yesterday. I am a big fan of the Iditarod sled dog race which is going on right now. So I am following it also and i am doing lots of reading and I think my Bi-focals are giving out!
JAG Talks To the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
JAG Talks To the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
p.s. You know my eyes are tired when I can’t spell your name correctly!!! Z-N-Y-A-T-T-A
A BIG thank you to your friends at Lane’s End! I wish one of them could give you a Tummy Rub from ME :D
Full Moon——– could it be…… or, perhaps Uncle John Henry has a hoof in this delivery and insists you wait until the 9th (wink wink)
JAG Talks To the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
I did it again!! Z-E-N-Y-A-T-T-A I’m going back to work————
kelly-Allentown, Pa
March 9th is looking good. ^-^
JAG Talks To the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
=^..^= :-)
stephanie from san diego
I gave in a long time ago…. really believe it will be March 9th:)) thank you evetyone for all the birthday wishes this morning! Xoxo
stephanie from san diego
Oops up to late checking for updates has impacted my typing abilities. Should have typed….thank you everyone………
Zenny, I am with you and your little BABY in thoughts, even from Germany :-) It is raining here too… I hope you get some time out. TOO CUTE, I just imagine in a few weeks time, we will have photos of you both outside. And maybe together with Tasty as well… makes me smiling.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Wonderful to hear from you Julia, all the way from Germany. Zenny is definitely loved the world over!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z, TT, Dottie, Z’s LE and CA Teams and Z Fans:
Thank you so much for the update. Glad to know you’re both doing well. We will be waiting. Dottie, thank you for all you do to keep all of us in the loop and thank you for the link to your interview video. Love you and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
Lori K
I LOVE YOU ZENNY. Please be safe. I know that BABY Z will be here soon. I can’t wait. Say HELLO to TASTY.
Oh thank you for the update! I can go back to work and be productive knowing you (and Tasty) are taking baby-steps. I will check-in every few hours now!
Celeste in TX
Thank you for the update and for sharing the photo to introduce us to your friends there at Lane’s End. You are all so sweet to be so concerned with how we, your legion of fans, are holding up with all this anticipation. You are beautiful, my Queen!
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial#!/ZenyattaOfficial
Awesome News Zenyatta – Take your time we are not going anywhere.
Enjoy the day!!!!
wonderful video!! can’t wait for the big moment!! glad that all is well with you and Tasty. Hang in there!!
It’s raining here in Florida too Zenyatta! Thanks for the update and the pic of your LE Team. I’m sure they are as anxious as we all are! One of my goals this year was to lose that last 10 pounds. With all the pacing I’ve been doing waiting for you to birth your zendini I’m sure by the time he/she arrives I’ll have accomplished my goal and I’ll have two things to cheer about! LOL! Love to you Big Momma Z!
I am glad that you have such good help when the big moment arrives. These people and you are comfortable with eachother and that makes it better for you. Tell BABY he needs to arrive soon, we all will just love him, just like we all do you..love SHERRY
Zenyatta could you please ask Jerry and Ann to post photos of you???? Surely they have taken lots already!? :)
Keri Mattingly
They say that the full moon has an effect on pregnant women and births. I wonder if it will have an effect on you and Tasty. Thanks for keeping us updated!!
Rhonda Clements
taking your time see, reminds me of your racing style so I guess we will have a fast exciting finish when the time comes!!! Will not relax until the little one is here and both are safe and sound!!! Love you sweet Momma and thanks to Dottie and love to everyone in Team Z we will be pacing and waiting. If you wait until tomorrow my son and my sister and my grandpa were all born on the 9th so maybe that is a good day to be born!!
Eveline / Maryland.
Hi Zenny, you just take all the time you want and let the rest of us do all the worrying. You and Tasty have a great afternoon.
Eveline / Maryland.
That was a great interview, thanks for sharing.
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Love you Zenyatta. ^-^
Jo in Colorado
Thank you for the update! Thinking about you around the clock, Z, and glad you and Tasty are doing well. Love you so much! Best wishes to everyone who is part of Team Zenyatta and taking such wonderful care of her.
We know that when you make us wait we always come away knowing it was worth it! Take your time Big Mama!
Lord I don’t know if I can make it until you have this baby. I’m checking all the time. Oh well he/she will come when they are good and ready so we will all just have to be patient until then.
The interview with Dottie was just wonderful.
Mary B.
As I have heard MANY times while waiting for foals…….”The apple falls from the tree when it’s good & ripe”!!! Can’t Wait!!!! <3
Aaahh!! Thanks for the update!! Safe,happy and relaxed…all that matters. Love you!
Z myself and a lot of my friends are right by your side. I know I haven’t left my laptop much this whole week. We love you and your Team Zenny. So happy to know all is going well. We were all just saying we haven’t heard a thing from you in almost 24 hours. Gosh this is so exciting. “We’re all having a baby”!!!! Hang in there Zen. We love you
Checked Twitter all during the night and have checked about every 5 minutes this morning. Girl you are giving me gray hairs. LOL But all that matters is that you and the baby are healthy.
Me too! I never even bothered to install the Twitter app on my phone until… ZENYATTA!! I find myself checking it constantly now, along with her facebook page :)
Never posted before…but have ALWAYS followed the Queen. I had the honor of seeing her at Hollywood Park up close and personal…watched all her races…and now I’M getting nervous waiting and waiting. Best of luck to all involved!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Doree- must have been so wonderful to see her race! I’m so grateful I live in the Youtube age!
JAG Talks To the Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
We were probably steps from each other! I was at Barn 55 way toooo many times for John to deal with me LOL
Hi John! My “Shirreffs” who will bail me out if needed LOL
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Puleeze? ... Looney Tunes Coma! ♥
Pssst, that’s not what John told me! heehee shhhhhh! – there’s JAG, quiet!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Doree, so great to see your post. Welcome!!! An up close and personal experience, how wonderful for you!!!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Doree:
I agree with Susan in Tn. How great for you. I am also thankful for the videos of Z’s races as I was never fortunate enough to see her race up close and personal. Hugs, JB
God Bless You! Continue to pray for you daily!
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
Dottie, thank you for the phone interview with all the pictures of Our Queen. Yes, she will always be remembered, never forgotten. Thank you, Dottie.