Happy Wednesday Dear Friends,
I have heard that everyone all over the country is PACING, PACING, PACING waiting to hear the news. As of this morning….I have not foaled. I’m not quite sure when it will happen. This is such a new experience for ME!
My dear pals at BARN 55…Mario, Steve, Michelle…and ALL of the others are anxiously waiting for the updates.
I must graciously say…so are YOU. I am extremely proud to announce that we have now passed the 100,000 mark in Face Book Fans. This is truly quite an accomplishment…and I want to THANK ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! This number has more than doubled since I retired from racing and arrived at Lane’s End Farm. We have all come a long way together and have been blessed to share quite a fabulous and amazing journey. Again…THANK YOU!
As for my physical well-being….this morning’s reports are that I am doing great! I guess you could say I am taking my own sweet time to foal. You know ME…I have a tendency to keep people in suspense…on the edge of their seats…waiting to see what happens. That was definitely my racing style…and I gather it is carrying over to my new career in becoming a MOM!
I am happy, healthy, looking quite good (Blush, Blush…if I say so myself)…surrounded by people who adore ME. I genuinely feel all of the LOVE you all have for ME.

I’ll keep you posted. Relax and have a FUN DAY! I know I will!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(All 100,000 plus of YOU! This is TOO CUTE!)
Carmela B/Pasadena CA
How’s about an update on your pal Tasty, Lady Z? Any news from that end of the barn?
It’s hard to stay calm all the way over here in So Cali…I’m checking FB at work (a no-no, of course) in case there’s any news…I’m still thinking filly, tomorrow the 8th….
keep breathing fellow “pacers!”
Abigail from Montreal
Happy Wednesday to you Zenny, Tasty, Team Z, Babies 2B + Zen-sters:
It was very funny to read the fourth paragraph in ZenDottie’s Diary today because I was thinking exactly the same thing last night: “She’ll be late (coming at it from the back of the pack) and then sweep into birthing like a pro, leaving all of us emotionally & physically exhausted, though elated.”
Loved the photos, too. VERY CUTE of Steve, Mario & Michelle AND doesn’t Mr. Moss look thoroughly besotted with you, Zenny? And then to hear on Twitter that you had a GREAT ROLL IN THE MUD (as any HAPPY girl should do!) was just TOO MUCH FUN!
Too, you & I share something in common, Big Girl. I was late too. Here’s the tale:
I must have been late in my 7th month/beginning of the 8th and I was still teaching. I carried like Moby Dick, dear Zen. Baby was ALL OUT FRONT! Ergo, I couldn’t see my toes at this point.
After school I always met my son’s father (also a teacher) in the lobby of the school and then we’d start out for home together. This particular day, a student had dropped his ice cream in the pool under a dripping water fountain and….YUP! …. down I went, right on my tummy (being completely out of sync bodily, landing on tummy was in the cards). Everyone went nuts and I was soon flat on my back in the nurse’s office. Baby’s heartbeat was called into my OB and a few hours later I was headed to the hospital — the baby was FINE but I had BROKEN MY LEFT ELBOW — and I am left-handed. There the arm was put in a cast.
The next day I had to see the OB. He checked me & discovered I’d started to dilate (from the fall) so, rather than take drugs to stop a pre-mature delivery, to bed I went. I was only allowed up to visit the washroom…..can you imagine? I KNOW: YOU THINK IT WOULD BE GREAT RIGHT? Well, it wasn’t.
I wiled away the weeks making a wall-hanging of brightly coloured birds, horses, cows, mice, kitties & puppies that hung on giant buttons so that baby & I could move them around. (I also had no clue if baby was a she or a he — wanted to be surprised — just like all of your Team & you, Zenny!)
Two weeks before my due date, I was set free. It was like an elixir. I cleaned, I cooked, I cavorted around. Due date came & went: no baby.
In the end, my sweet baby James Joshua Goodman had to be induced!!!!******
Celeste in TX
Oh, my! After all you went through with the fall and the bed-rest, then you had to wait to be induced! Ironic, huh? :)
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Abigail, I was wondering today if horses had to be induced. I was lucky, three and a half hours from start to finish, and so could not quite believe that my daughter needed a C-section after almost twenty four hours of labour. It was quite an experience to be in the room when Vic was delivered.
Abigail from Montreal
Brenda: Funny you should ask! I had the same question but no idea whether that happens or not. And: Do C-sections ever happen with horses?
Horses are not induced, huge huge huge problems
When it is tried. Their bodies are regulated by nature.
Abdominal surgery in horses is extremely extremely
dangerous and is only undertaken very cautiously.
Horses do not do well with general anesthesia they
Do not metabolize the medication very well and have
Lots of post op anesthesia problems. They have very
Delicate physiology.
Graat story! I know it wasn’t great at the time.
And, a story with a happy ending.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Abigail, great story my friend. Thank you for sharing!! And thank you for all of the great links too. They give everyone some entertainment during the wait!
Heidi K (insomiac, delirious, no more shoes or carpet) (Vallejo, Ca.)
Oh, Zenny, love the first pic. Thank you John!!! I was up all morning, waiting, checking, pacing etc.. I have my guiness ready to pop open at any given moment. I’m ready for a nap but, sleep can wait. LOL
Especially Horses / Southern California
I think most of us were being fairly sane and reasonable in our wait until Mike made his “within 24 hours” comment, then all craziness broke out, LOL. The “Zenyatta is on Tweeter” only fueled the intensity of “the watch”, after all, in my mind, that was a sure sign that something was going to happen. So, last night I stayed up two hours past my normal bed time hoping for news, and when I finally caved in to the necessity of sleep I tossed and turned all night thinking about Z.
I woke up early this morning “just knowing” I’d see an announcement (of course nothing). Did one more quick check before I left for a work conference. I was bummed because I knew I’d have no access to the Internet, so I rushed home “just knowing” there would be an announcement. And now I learn big mama is rolling in the mud. Oh pleasseeeee. This is too funny and suspenseful, BUT oh so much fun. Love you beautiful Z.
Kim in Louisville
So true! I was mentally prepared to sleep and just wake up early to check for good news, then I saw that “within 24 hours” post from Mike and didn’t sleep a wink! I see they must have made him take it off facebook since it caused such a stir. Still bursting with excitement and anticipation! :)
Patricia/Far northern CA
… and I don’t think it’s been 24 hours yet???
Especially Horses / Southern California
There was a foal born yesterday at Lane’s End:
Sierra is freaking out.
It’s official my friends think that I am insane. I have literally been pacing all over the science room and I cannot stay off my computer. I am a nervous wreck! Breath Sierra Breath that is all I need to remember to do and I will survive. Oh and thank you all for the comments on my poem I have been so inspired I may write at least three more before the foal is born.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Go for it, Sierra! High hoof!
Kathy Miklus
Zenyatta is probably wondering what all the fuss and attention is about – I think it will happen tonight or tomorrow night. Good luck !
Zenny has this thing always last and BAM! it’s to the front she goes (((pacing))) the floor gonna wear out my shoes and the floor PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUsh!!!!! oh I forget I am not in the delivery room omg what was I thinking? LMAO
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial#!/ZenyattaOfficial
LOL – Cute
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Zenny taking mud-baths doesn’t sound like she’s obsessing about foaling — LIKE WE ARE! LoL! Big girl, you’ve got the right attitude, for sure smarter than quite a few of us.
Does anyone have a hint of an IDEA or a CLUE to who her next stallion date will be? Anything? Anybody?
They have developed a relationship with Darley who has brought “Lonhro” here from Australia for the first time this season – don’t know their compatibility pedigree wise. Maybe one of our premium stallions who is getting on in years before he is pensioned is another guess. I had hoped for Bernie’s sire, A.P.Indy, until his fertility became an issue and he was pensioned. Can’t wait to hear. With David and Dottie doing the research – the choices will be spot on as always. One day I hope for “Sea the Stars” or Gallileo.
Sure hope as well for Galileo or Sea the Stars.
Not sure Lohnro is a good match due to his bulkiness
As well with Curlin. Zenny has great soundness genes from her
Sire Street Cry, “V” herself was not sound but her
Children do not seem to inherit that from her, bad ankles.
Abigail gave a preliminary analysis of possible sites
A few posts ago. It was quite interesting and an
Excellent analysis of pedigrees.
Can’t wait to hear Dottie’s picks. May have to breed
Her on her foal heat as her normal heat may bring
About a late foal.
Celeste in TX
Love these photos in your diary today, Zenny!!! I got so excited when I was laughing at the pacing crew in Barn 55 that somehow this new computer and I got confused and I left my message on the previous diary entry. Still not sure how that happened, but maybe one of these days I’ll get the hang of this. LOL! Thank you for sharing this special time with us. Thank you for this wonderful place!!
OMG! With all of us pacing, we could be the Zenyatta Pacers in any sport. Here’s hoping Queen Z and Tasty are both doing well. Must take my dog Punky for a walk, pace a bit and come back to check on both Z and Tasty.
Elizabeth in NM
When you take Punky for another walk, I think I’ll go with you! We’re in the mountains of NM on “satellite internet”. I’ve just waited over 3 minutes for ZENNY’s website to appear… it is ALWAYS worth waiting for!
Please pet Punky for us here in the outer reaches!
Agree on your OMG – I do really believe omggGYasa – OH my glorious, gracious, GOD, YOU are so awesome… and He is… just think of ZENYATTA, and how can you not?!
So, OMG right back for you, Zowie… because He is!
Many Blessings from Above are our wishes and prayers for everyone, and Love to you, Zowie (just thought… another ‘Z’… how fun!). And many blessings, prayers, LOVE and hugs, MOMMA Z and Baby Z, TT and Baby TT! And also for Jerry and Ann Moss, John and Dottie Shirreffs, everyone at Barn 55 and Lane’s End, and
all of YOUR Fan Family, ZENNY….
PS this one so-o-o long, because I think it may take ‘hours’ when Baby Z arrives to ‘find out’ and also share our thoughts and prayers…. from here in the hinterlands.
MUCH LOVE and Hooves Crossed
Pacing, pacing, pacing….
Good luck, Elizabeth over the next few days!
There is a powerful solar flare that could affect communication.
Giving you a heads-up.
They (scientists) say it could distrupt power grids, satellite transmission,
and even airline travel.
So, if you have a problem, that may be the reason.
Pam Zacek,
Thats the way you are Zen, come from behind, and take your own sweet time, then wam, you got the best foal, the best healthy one, and this , one will be a winner also, you take your time, or it is taking its time, getting, that from Mom, she knows, she or he is going to be the crown, Jewel of the Race world, just like Mom… All we all want is one healthy, Foal, and a healthy happy mommy, Love you Zen,
sue and tony
Zenny, we signed up for twitter today just to follow you and learned you had a great roll in the mud since the snow has melted. They tell us you are a very happy horse…as if we didn’t know!
Pacing, pacing, pacing…..check website…..pacing, pacing, pacing check website…..pacing, pacing, pacing……Love you so much Zennie.
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
Dang! I just realized I wore PINK today! I was going to wear pink – or blue – to celebrate their birth. Maybe by wearing pink today I have a premonition!
Auntie Judy (Howling At the Moon Tonight!)
p.e. John Shirreffs help me with bail if I get arrested – wink wink
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
Sylvia Font
Zenyatta…I’m so anxious for you to safely have your foul. I have been following you since the beginning and loved seeing you race…and dance. I think of you every day and admire your owners and trainers for taking such good care of you. Good luck Z.
Margie from SoCal
Love you, Zenny! We’ll be hooting and hollering in celebration any day (or moment) now. I’ll be praying for a safe delivery, a healthy foal and no trauma for mama! I’d say we’re all pretty much basket cases here waiting for the news. I had movers here todat at work taking care of some stuff, and I found myself kind of snapping at the crew boss to finish up because it was already 2:30 and I hadn’t been to lunch yet. Well, I wasn’t cranky because I hadn’t eaten – it was because I couldn’t get to my computer to check in on Baby Watch! Yikes, I better get a grip! So glad the Mr. and Mrs. Moss are with our girl (we knew they would be). This is so exciting. Zenny, when you’re ready, we will be waiting…
Love from Old Aunt Marge
Debbie G/Kentucky
All of this waiting is making me crazy! Luckily we weren’t very busy at work today because I was checking my phone at least 3 times an hour to see if there was any news on Zenyatta. I think I’m going to sign up for twitter just so I can check there too. I talked to my mom last week and told her a lot of people were saying that Z would probably have her foal on the 8th because there would be a full moon. She told me that was just an old wives tale. I told her that I may not be an old wife, but I definitely have an old wives’ tail! LOL It looks like that may be the case, though. Whenever it is, I just hope that Z and her baby come through it all all right and are healthy.
carol in utah
Supposedly….study done on human persons showed full moon had nothing to do with birthing….try telling that to someone who has worked in that area for the yrs I did..
Lots of Luck
nancy in nj
oh, goodness! this waiting is tough! i am trying to keep my attention centered on my students in this night class….guess how well that is going! fortunately, they don’t need much talking from me as they are testing tonight. here is an article which i read last year and really liked – maybe it will help you pass the time, and it certainly is interesting to imagine z going through all these stages:
as always, thank you, dottie, for giving the big mare a voice…and for allowing us entry into her world.
carol in utah
I tried Zenny….just can not get the tweet thing …
MUD BATH….that’s a beauty treatment….cost lots for us humans ..
rest….enjoy family…check on Tasty…eat…excercise..breath..
More peppermint kisses for your soft nose…Tasty too…
I KNOW YOU HAVE THIS WHOLE THING HANDLED….its just the rest of us that are truly messed up
love always
Linda B from Va
True to your style you will bring it to a win with a burst of steam….you are so cute. HAPPY HORSE HAPPY HEALTHY FOAL. We are all waiting cheering you on to a great finish.
Janet Cutting in Wisconsin
Zenny !!!!! I am going to go have a BEER– I am thinking of you and Tasty. I think I will check out Twitter–I have never gone there. God bless Z and I’ll ck back with you……
Terry Crow
Sounds like a woman with a plan.
Zenny I am happy you reached over 100,000 facebook fans.I am pacing waiting for your foal!
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
Ms Zenyatta, still trying to relax in Texas, as my heart is in Kentucky. I am going to go eat dinner..please wait for me. I am going to check Twitter the best I can..heard you were having a wonderful time today. I would like to try that sometime, I bet it is fun. Will check back later. I love you and tell you family there with you hi, including Tasty, I have not forgotten her. Lisag
What silly creatures aunts can be. To the person who suggested Legend’s Dancer for a name, I agree that’s really lovely. I admit I only got as far as Zendini for a colt and Benyatta for a filly. Pace Pace Pace. Almost time for dinner in this part of the world so will check back later. Loads of love to Zenyatta and Tasty both.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
Nice post, there are great photos as well of Zenny and post on foaling. Enjoy!
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
Nice! ♥
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
Judy, am I a ‘twit’?? (I just twitted, er, tweeted to Team Zenyatta! OMG did it show up??) WOW! I don’t even twit, er, tweet on my cell phone!!! OH HAPPY DAY … OH HAPPY DAY!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
OMG I’ll sound like Tweedy Bird before this is all over! ‘Thay, (say-spit) did I just thee (see-spit) a puddy (pussy) that (cat-spit)’? LOL! I’ll have to twit, er, tweet more often now that I sound like Tweedy Bird! “Thay, Hay!’ (Say-spit hey)
Maggie N
Start to finish usually a half an hour? I’m coming back as a well loved horse! With my first I took 36 hours. ( 12 in hard labor) /every year I tease my son telling him how he tried to kill me, and all through the day until the hour he was born I tell him…” still in labor”,good thing the mother/child bond is so strong! LOL Now I know how everyone felt waiting for me to have him
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Maggie- that’s so funny! My first labor was around 42 hours and I do the same thing with my son. I call him on Dec. 3 (start of labor) and then on Dec. 5 to wish him a happy birthday. That doesn’t sound very funny, but we enjoy it :) I was actually happy when they told me I needed an emergency C-section with my second.
Susan, Now this is way too cute, my second son was emergency C-section also! Were you ever told you had a long lost twin, or at least sister?
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Karen and Judy, you two are just the greatest, you have given me some great giggles today!!!
Love and hugs,
pace…pace…pace…pace…pace…pace…so nervous & excited for you Z…
Yippie ver 100,000 on FB :) And do not worry sweet girl when baby is ready him or her, will say “well mom it is time” . Hey Auntie Judy, it is Auntie Nancy in So Ca. as well, hope to see ya on FB as well.
Z you relax and injoy your visits we all love you.
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
Hi Auntie Nancy! ♥
Isn’t life grand – The Queen is about to bestow all of her Adoring Fans with a little Prince or Princess :D
March 9th just might be “the” day after all… Full moon on the 8th isn’t too shabby either! AH OHHHHHH!!!!
On Saturday the track is going to be buzzing!!!
Auntie Judy (Over The Moon with Excitement!)
Love you, sweet Zenyatta, thinking about you and your whole family at this special time! May God bless you all and bring you all through safely and wonderfully – Love you to pieces! Maryyette