Happy Wednesday Dear Friends,
I have heard that everyone all over the country is PACING, PACING, PACING waiting to hear the news. As of this morning….I have not foaled. I’m not quite sure when it will happen. This is such a new experience for ME!
My dear pals at BARN 55…Mario, Steve, Michelle…and ALL of the others are anxiously waiting for the updates.
I must graciously say…so are YOU. I am extremely proud to announce that we have now passed the 100,000 mark in Face Book Fans. This is truly quite an accomplishment…and I want to THANK ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! This number has more than doubled since I retired from racing and arrived at Lane’s End Farm. We have all come a long way together and have been blessed to share quite a fabulous and amazing journey. Again…THANK YOU!
As for my physical well-being….this morning’s reports are that I am doing great! I guess you could say I am taking my own sweet time to foal. You know ME…I have a tendency to keep people in suspense…on the edge of their seats…waiting to see what happens. That was definitely my racing style…and I gather it is carrying over to my new career in becoming a MOM!
I am happy, healthy, looking quite good (Blush, Blush…if I say so myself)…surrounded by people who adore ME. I genuinely feel all of the LOVE you all have for ME.

I’ll keep you posted. Relax and have a FUN DAY! I know I will!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(All 100,000 plus of YOU! This is TOO CUTE!)
What’s the news on “Tasty”? Girl friends have to stick together and keep track of each other at times like this.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
This is even worse than sitting through a performance of “Waiting for Godot.”
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
Cynthia, thats a good one, just like ” Lucky “, Ingrid.
Goldikova (FR) is at Coolmore Stud in Ireland to be bred to Gallileo IRE Sadlers Wells out of Urban Sea FR – 1/2 brother to Sea the Stars and other good horses. It a full moon in the UK now so excited!
Hope Zen gets to “Sea the Stars” someday. Match made in heaven. Besides the Irish folks apparently love her and would get a visit, unless he spends a season here. They’d be slipping her Guinness and all sorts of “new fangled” Irish treats!
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
A great match for the Champion, Goldikova. I love her, and her name.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Joanna:
Wow, that baby will have quite a pedigree. Hugs, JB
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
My adorable Zenyatta, here I am, with my cigars ready, and pacing and more pacing…
Love you, love you Ingrid.
Maybe it’s Bernardini calling Lanes End:) Poor guy gets left out of the celebration.
Raylene/ So Cal
carol in utah
got much needed haircut …
Now trying to catch up
Love you..
Kisses for you and Tasty as always
carol in utah
Never could figure out twitter
Mary in Boone, NC
Dearest Zenyatta,
It is totally awesome to see so much love in the world, from Boone to Afghanistan, all centered on you. I am certain you can appreciate (blush, blush) how you have brought all of us together united by awe of your power and grace as we await the birth of your first foal. We await news, photos, videos. Let those cynics caw, for they are certainly jealous of our Queen…who is not only Queen of racing, but also is Queen of our hearts. Take care, and you go girl!!!
Mary in Central Virginia
Love the picture of you with Jerry…..and as I said yesterday….love seeing you with Ann…I love to see you with them….can see and feel the love. I just sent this note to my friend on facebook….she just left town today going about three hours from here to wait for her first great-grandbaby….. I said this to my firend Bev: Have fun…..let us know when the baby comes…..I am waiting for two baby announcements….one from you….and one for Zenyatta and her first foal that is due any day. :)
Love you Z….. so much fun…… hugs to you….. say hello to Jerry and Ann….what a lovely couple.
Happy Wednesday Z. I’m glad to see how good you look. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. We are patiently waiting to hear the news. Take your time, relax and it will just happen. Love & Kisses.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- AGING FAST
Zenny, been monitoring things all day …….and no baby YET? You are taking us for a ride aren’t you! Just about the time we’re ready to sit back and relax you’re going to pop that little critter out aren’t you. That’s okay we’ll just hunker down and wait you out sooner or later that baby’s going to say ” get me outta here, I can’t stretch my legs out”. Love you girly girl, and we are just glad to be part of this very special, first time ever, never been done before…….story of your life. I’ll be baaack!
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
What is the virtual equivalent of running into the house to use the bathroom? I believe someone said that is usually when a mare foals, when her “foal watchers” dash off to do something else. :)
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
I know that some of you are already aware of this eagles nest located in Iowa – but for those of you who aren’t – check out Mommy and Daddy laying on their 3 eggs.. Last year one of the 3 eaglets was born the day after Zen’s birthday – April 2nd. xo
I look at the nest to settle my nerves because it’s calming :-) Enjoy the cam 24/7!! Today they panned up close to the feathers with raindrops – BEAUTIFUL!!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
JAG – I haven’t even looked at them since first thing this morning, (Canada time) and I think it was Mom on the nest, I think they’ll start hatching around Zenny’s birthday this year too. I’m thinking pink and that you may get your wish = 9th.
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
Brenda ♥
They panned in real close on dad laying on the eggs – it was breathtaking. They also panned the farm – two brown horses and one white one – TOO CUTE!
Thanks for the “wishful” date of 9 ♥
Auntie Judy (losing steam…. rest needed LOL)
Kathy S.
We are all on pins and needles, Zenny. Can’t wait to welcome the new prince or princess. Kisses on your velvet nose, and a HIGH HOOF to Tasty.
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
Giddy Auntie Judy (I’m YOUR Auntie, too!)
Oh man Zenny, I stayed up ALL night hoping. I’ll have to sleep tonight. You’re going to foal when I’m not waiting, aren’t you? :P
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
wow – Such an incredible wave of happiness and excitement from the East coast to the West!!! Zenyatta, you are the best! We will be patient and await.
congratulations on achieving the 100,000 + & counting Facebook fans.
Congratulations to Careless Jewels, a beautiful new Mom. Hope we see pictures soon.
Very soon, I’m sure.
A big hug to you and Tasty T.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
whoops, Careless Jewel.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Zenny,
Goodness me! I guess I am making up for never having lived through the suspense of watching you race – well, live anyway. I have the CD with all of your races, and I know your reputation for coming from behind and keeping everyone on pins and needles. You seem to be a master at that, but I think you are just waiting for the clock to tick into the early morning of the 9th for your Auntie Judy.
It is such a good thing that we have this wonderful place to meet and pace together. As others have said, it’s tough when you are not around anyone who “gets it.” I’m sure that no horse has had more loving caretakers and owners, and knowing that does give us a sense of “everything will be OK.” Take care dear Zenny. Give my love to Tasty too.
Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
Your comment about the 9th (and so many other posts today) make me tear up!!!
I just posted my horoscope when I saw your comment above mine…. :D
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ :-)
(I’d still like to know how people are doing this symbols; you can only copy and paste something that someone figured out how to do in the first place – a great mystery!)
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
Libra (9/23-10/22)
You have often been warned not to get your hopes too high — but what would be so wrong with that right now? Nothing, that’s what. Your positive thinking has made things happen in the past, so who’s to say that it won’t work again?
Oh, my! I love my horoscope today LOL (come on 8th or 9th)
Judy from South Carolina
Hey Auntie JAG……..remember when I mentioned we were both Judy’s? Well, we are BOTH LIBRAS too! Mine is 9/26 when is yours?
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
LOL oh my!!!! I’m October 8th! Your b’day is one day before my wedding which was 9/27!! I’ve been widowed since 1991, though.
Is your middle name Ann?
You and I must meet!! Are you coming out for the BC??
Judy from South Carolina
I can’t come to CA for the Breeder’s Cup. I am so “tied down” here with all of my animals plus financially it’s out of the question. I have a BFF who lives in Glendale, CA who goes to SA, Del Mar and Hollywood Park and keeps me “up to date” on everything “California racing”. I read everyone’s posts about meeting up at the Seabiscuit statue, etc. and I am just green with envy…………
Maybe one of these days. But until then I just have to be grateful for TVG and HRTV and all of YOU which I am SO thankful to have found through our mutual LOVE for Zenyatta.
And by the way, you were born the day before my beloved mother who passed away back in 1991 so that time of October is always special to me.
(no I am a Judith Lynne………….not an Ann…..but we are still kindred!) ((((hugs))))
Update from Zenyatta’s twitter:
We’re cleaning up after quality time with Z. All the snow has melted, and she enjoyed a great roll in the mud! Very Happy Horse.
So sounds like she is still holding on to that baby and it might not be anytime soon if she’s out still feeling frisky and rolling in the mud. LOL She’s going to make all of us nervous wrecks just like in her races.
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
I’ve heard a good roll in the hay… this means she is feeling GREAT! I just went and read her twitter, too. You go, ♥ Zen!!! Our Girly Girl!!!
Especially Horses / Southern California
I was just going to post that tweet too. Maybe that roll will “activate” the process, LOL. Then again, March 9th is looking like a real possibility. JAG maybe she is purposely tightening her muscles in order to hold out for your birthday, ha-ha.
Especially Horses:
I agree – she may be just trying to “motivate” Baby Z – “Don’t be shy, they all love you. You will get used to all the attention and love it. Now back to your dance lessons, your recital is coming up. Now they have to give me a bath because of all the mud – we will both look perfect!”
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
ROFL!!!! Tighten those muscles, Zenny!!! :-))))
Just tweeted:
We’re cleaning up after quality time with Z. All the snow has melted, and she enjoyed a great roll in the mud! Very Happy Horse! #Zenyatta
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Zenyatta Team just tweeted that they are “cleaning-up” after having spent some quality time with her today, and that she has enjoyed having a roll in the mud.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Team Zenyatta’s tweet, about 8 minutes ago:
“We’re cleaning up after quality time with Z. All the snow has melted, and she enjoyed a great roll in the mud! Very Happy Horse!”
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial#!/ZenyattaOfficial
I think she is trying to get the foal out of her tummy!!!!
stephanie lambert
I am pacing , pacing, pacing, i brought my IPad to work and checked every hour, I went grocery shopping and worried I might have missed it, I came home and jumped right on to check up on you :), you Zenny are THE MOST loved horse on this planet because you are the MOST special , you make our hearts happy , this babt you carry is such a gift you give the world, your first foal…wow….how truly blessed are we all that you have shared with us all????? You brighten all our lives for all time, I live on the memory of your kisses and races and of meeting you at Del Mar, you hold my heart for all time,,,,,, simply put, you are and always will be , The Horse of My Heart.
I know I keep checking between, zenyatta.com, twitter, facebook, Mike Smith’s Facebook page, Bernardini’s FB page, etc like every 5 mins to see if something is happening. LOL
Kimberly Potter/PACE PACE PACE
This just tweeted about 15 minutes ago. Whoever the facebook person was…..was most definately “messing with our minds” No baby yet….Z’s been rolling in the mud…lol
TeamZenyatta Team Zenyatta
We’re cleaning up after quality time with Z. All the snow has melted, and she enjoyed a great roll in the mud! Very Happy Horse! #Zenyatta
14 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Kimberly Potter/PACE PACE PACE
Looks like I was beat to the punch…lol Oh well, just wanted to share….
julie Tirinnanzi
Oh dear, I just found out about your website. You are the most beautiful horse I have ever seen…even more beautiful than Secretariat.. I have admired you since you hit the tracks as a late blooming filly. I admire your handlers for not pushing you too hard. You have stood up to the test and raced beyond your 3yr. You have proved your are the best.
I await your foal. I hope she is just like you and that Mike Smith rides it!! Love all of you.
Terry Crow
Julie-Thanks for posting. Come back often. Like Wilbur said in Charlotte’s Web, this is a nice place.
A big WELCOME…Z sure knows how to create a great family.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Julie T.:
Welcome to Z’s Diary. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
In case anyone is looking for a little diversion, the Kennedys posted this great link late in yesterday’s post (thanks!!). It takes you to pictures of some of the Lane’s End moms and foals out in the snow. I wonder if anyone knows who the mom is in the 9th picture (with the foal that looks like it could be her twin – TOO CUTE!)
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
ARRRRGHH! Here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/#!/media/set/?set=a.323958964319639.73929.130389357009935&type=3
Here is a little something for you PACERS to read while waiting in the waiting room for Zenny to give birth.
carol in utah
just love this pic of Bernie……just awesome
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
I got the Google Alert too., about the blog saying she’s “Ready to Foal”, meaning “her gestation reached full term today”. It goes on to say, “A maiden mare giving birth for the first time hasn’t read What to Expect When You Are Expecting, gone to a Lamaze class or consulted with a doula. The best you can do to prepare a mare for her first foal is let her see other mares and foals as they walk by in the barn. That way when confronted with this new little creature in her stall, at least she has seen something similar before.” And more interesting stuff.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carolyn:
Thank you for these wonderful photos of Z and Bernie. Hugs, JB
Lynn Martin - Citrus Heights, California
While I am waiting, I will ask some questions that some of you out there may take time to answer, to get your mind on other things. Just random questions that have been wondering about
Why do mares usually give birth at night? I have often thought it was for the safety of darkness, but most predators do hunt at night.
Why are some race horses’ tongues tied down? I know it is to keep the tongue from flopping around, but WHY do they flop around? Some sort of genetic flaw in race horses? I have never seen it in other breeds.
Do horses have long labors? Hours of contractions? Or just one or 2 pushes? Someone mentioned it appears Zenyatta’s baby has turned, now facing “out”. I imagine it takes some contractions to do that, so there must be some visible “pre labor” contractions.
Is that why the Moss’ have arrived? Because there is some pre labor activity?
Did someone mention that mares can “turn off” labor if necessary? I imagine in the wild if some predator is around, she would stop the process to run away, then continue when she feels safe?
Zenyatta is going to be bred when the foal is just a couple of months old, right? Wont that dry up her milk production?
Any ideas on who the next sire will be? Maybe they will bring her home to California and breed her to a California stallion….is there anyone in this state that is good enough for her?
Enough for new. Back to pacing…..
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Lynn: Their tongues are tied down to prevent them from swallowing their tongue during the race. In the past, this was not done unless a particular horse typically had a problem swallowing his tongue, but now it is done routinely as a precaution.
To your question about bringing Zenyatta back to California…. probably will never happen. I don’t think there’s every been a real plan to do that. Most likely she will stay at LE for her broodmare career being bred to stallions in KY.
Patricia/Far northern CA
Right, “home” for Zenny is, remember, Kentucky — she was born there… went to “school” in Florida, and “got a job” in California!!!
California was home only for her racing career, which is now finished, and for her owners. Her present location gives her everything she could possibly need, including numerous attentive humans anxious to make sure she is healthy, happy and comfortable. And fortunately, owners who have the resources (fiscal and human) to provide that. What a great team!!!
Oh my gosh, I am feeling what must be a rolling earthquake… here in California we know about those… but wait— WHAT? it’s all the PACING FEET drumming out a beat for Zenny—- and there are so many the earth is shaking!!! Careful, everyone, we’ll tilt the Richter scale!!!
Abigail from Montreal
Lynn: Here’s my take on some of the questions.
a) Giving birth at night: I believe that this comes down to them from the wild. Under the cover of night, horses feel safer lying down. They’re not so worried about predators who are usually sleeping themselves in the wee hours.
b) Contractions: Yes, they have them. For how long depends on the mare. But it’s short compared to us 2-legged girls, unless something is wrong. When the mare lies down, she’s ready to deliver.
c) I would say the Mosses are there because Zenny’s due date was yesterday.
d) RE: Milk supply. Apparently not. The same is true with dairy cows, but I really don’t know why!!!!
Okay, I’ll try to answer some of these. Some I don’t know…
While I am waiting, I will ask some questions that some of you out there may take time to answer, to get your mind on other things. Just random questions that have been wondering about
answer–Because mares prefer the cover of darkness. Although Ginger Kathrens (Cloud specials) has caught two mares staying with their herdmates.
Why do mares usually give birth at night? I have often thought it was for the safety of darkness, but most predators do hunt at night.
Just a total guess here–horses tongues down so they don’t get it over the bit which could then cut delicate tissue. Also having the bit on top of tongue allows for more control.
Why are some race horses’ tongues tied down? I know it is to keep the tongue from flopping around, but WHY do they flop around? Some sort of genetic flaw in race horses? I have never seen it in other breeds.
Horses in Stage 1 delivery I don’t know. This could be a “hidden” labor–meaning no outward signs. You know the horse is close but there are no real indicators–unless you know the horse really well. That’s where note taking comes in handy. If the mare is acting colicky–it could be signs of stage 1 labor.
This also the Stage in which the mare can “turn off” her labor if she feels threatened somehow.
Stage 2 is when the mare’s water breaks. At this point the foal should be born within 30 mins. If not–SUMMON THE VET!
As referenced by Lane’s End’s videos Z will always have EXPERIENCED help with her at all times now. When she’s outside she’ll be checked quite regularly. At night the night watchman will check her repeatedly and call those respective employees who should be there.
Do horses have long labors? Hours of contractions? Or just one or 2 pushes?
Just like with humans the baby does drop. Having never given birth myself I don’t know if those are pre-labor contractions.
But upon reading last year when Z lost her first pregnancy I learned that in the months leading up to delivery–Z will carry her baby width wise.
It could be considered a sign when the baby drops but there are many mares who drop weeks ahead of time.
Someone mentioned it appears Zenyatta’s baby has turned, now facing “out”. I imagine it takes some contractions to do that, so there must be some visible “pre labor” contractions.
I think the plan for the Moss’s has always been to be there. They LOVE their girl and will take any occasion to visit and be with her. Wouldn’t you want to be there when your first grandchild is born?
Is that why the Moss’ have arrived? Because there is some pre labor activity?
Please see above in that I think I already answered this question.
Did someone mention that mares can “turn off” labor if necessary? I imagine in the wild if some predator is around, she would stop the process to run away, then continue when she feels safe?
Z could be bred back on her foal heat about 9 days after she delivers. But all things must be safe and sound for this to happen. In this case a vet is absolutely necessary to clear her. Some let her miss the foal cycle and breed a month later. Some folks have had problems getting mares reared if they don’t breed on the foal heat and vice versa. But I think many things depend on Z, what happens and if can handle being bred back.
It should also be noted that foal heat is not drug induced heat. You can tell by the foal having bad diarrhea that the mare is back in ‘season” (heat)
Zenyatta is going to be bred when the foal is just a couple of months old, right? Wont that dry up her milk production?
According to the DRF article last week I think Team Z is finalizing those plans.
Any ideas on who the next sire will be?
I think it’s safe to say NO here. Stallions do not travel to the mare. In tb industry you have to have “live coverage”. The mating has to go the whole natural rout. And because of East coast bisas, and because Kentucky has the best grass, this is where she’ll stay. Z doesn’t really know which State she’s in nor does care. She has grass, hay, grain and friends. She has shelter when she needs it and privacy for impending motherhood.
And when the time is right for her to retire, I know the Moss’s will consider the fans who so want see her, and she them. But their first priority will be Z’s safety. Perhaps she’ll stay at LE’s, perhaps a quick move to either Kentucky Horse Park or Old Friends. I think she’ll stay a Kentucky horse from here on out.
Mikey said it best. No man is worthy of our girl!
Maybe they will bring her home to California and breed her to a California stallion….is there anyone in this state that is good enough for her?
As Dr. Oz would say–just make sure you get in your 10,000 steps a day. With everyone pacing I have little fear that this goal is somehow being missed!
Hope this helps!
Enough for new. Back to pacing…..
Gerrie P
Oh, this is so exciting. Is tonight the night?
Take care Queen Z.
You are loved!!!!!
Judy Sims in Florida
******Pace******Deep Breath******Pace*******Deep Breath******Pace*******
Check Website******Pace*******Deep Breath*******Pace*******Deep Breath*******
*******Pace******Check Website******and so it goes!
Sending good thoughts and prayers and loads of love to you Zenny and good wishes to Ann & Jerry and the whole Lane’s End crew.
Soon Zenyatta’s and Bernardini’s Legacy will be shared with and adored by thousands and thousands of worshippers (aka Fans, Dumplings, Zsters, Barn 55 and Lane’s End crews,Team Z, the Shirreff’s and the fabulous owners, Ann & Jerry Moss).
Glory, Glory, Glory!
Now back to ******Pace******Deep Breath******Pace******Deep Breath*******Check Website!