Happy Wednesday Dear Friends,
I have heard that everyone all over the country is PACING, PACING, PACING waiting to hear the news. As of this morning….I have not foaled. I’m not quite sure when it will happen. This is such a new experience for ME!
My dear pals at BARN 55…Mario, Steve, Michelle…and ALL of the others are anxiously waiting for the updates.
I must graciously say…so are YOU. I am extremely proud to announce that we have now passed the 100,000 mark in Face Book Fans. This is truly quite an accomplishment…and I want to THANK ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! This number has more than doubled since I retired from racing and arrived at Lane’s End Farm. We have all come a long way together and have been blessed to share quite a fabulous and amazing journey. Again…THANK YOU!
As for my physical well-being….this morning’s reports are that I am doing great! I guess you could say I am taking my own sweet time to foal. You know ME…I have a tendency to keep people in suspense…on the edge of their seats…waiting to see what happens. That was definitely my racing style…and I gather it is carrying over to my new career in becoming a MOM!
I am happy, healthy, looking quite good (Blush, Blush…if I say so myself)…surrounded by people who adore ME. I genuinely feel all of the LOVE you all have for ME.

I’ll keep you posted. Relax and have a FUN DAY! I know I will!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(All 100,000 plus of YOU! This is TOO CUTE!)
Marilu V
Hi Zenny:
Wonderful picture of you and Jerry. We are happy and excited for you and your family.
Say hi to Tasty for me. Hope she is fine too.
Love and hugs,
Super super excited for you Zenyatta!!!! This foal is going to be what everyone is talking about in the horse world for the next 3 years! lol! I am so excited for your next entry! Keep us posted!!! :D ♥♥♥
At 2:18pm the current moon phase is 100% Full.
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
I’m going to be howling at the moon soon…. When the local law enforcment come and takes me to jail for disturbing the peace, I hope John “Shirreffs” bails me out LOL
Super Giddy Auntie Judy
Love you Zen! xoxo
Jan S. / Houston
Ah Ohh, werewolf in CA………
Stephanie in San Diego (been calm but now pacing with everyone else..)
JAG…I think you need some sleep. LOL But if it really comes to the need for a bail out..I’m sure we can put our nickles together and get you out. Actually if a bunch of crazy dumplings show up at the police station….they may just let you out to get rid of all of us.
OR, we might all be in the cell (padded) together!!
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
LOL Yup, they’d say we like donuts, but we don’t know anything about Dumplings—————- get out of here! tee hee
Auntie Judy is VERY Giddy!!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Stephanie in SD:
Too funny,. Ha, ha. Hugs, JB
Sue MacGray
Well we’re pacing here in Toledo, Ohio, too!! I saw Mike’s fb post last night and I’ve been checking the computer every hour since then. I love the family pictures Z, and I must say you look very calm compared to everyone around you. Stay that way and have baby when you’re good and ready. After all, we’re used to being on the edge of our seats when it comes to following you my dear.
I’m thrillled that your family is there for the big event – it’s wonderful to see the affection and love they have for you and you for them. It must make YOU very happy and content to have them with you while you’re awaiting your first baby.
Take care girl, and keep us posted (when you can :)
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Toledo Ohio????? Sue – where have you been? I thought I was the only one in the part of the state (and as far as I know, unless people just aren’t saying, not too many of us in Ohio period!). Glad to have another Buckeye on board :-)
Pacing in Toledo as well!
Maggie N
Shannon, prayers to your husband and the many others there that risk their lives so we may live in a safe country. Bless all of them, that they soon return to the ones that wait and love them so.
Raylene/ So Cal
I second that. I pray every night for our troops, active and non-active.
leslie stidham
Way to go big girl for reaching the fan goal. That didn’t surprise me though. I am soo happy the mosses are there for the amazing miracle. We are pacing the floor I think there is extra wear and tear on my floor lol all kidding aside your doing this zenny style and that’s to keep us on the edge of our seats till the finish line. You take your sweet time my love this is your time and we are blessed to be a part in the journey. We love you Dottie from the bottom of our hearts………now relax and rest sweet queen love is streaming to you and all the team from around the world. Gods speed ZENNY YOUR GONNA BE THE BEST MOMMY EVER AND I LOVE YOU TO PIECES. Sending love to sweet Tasty too. Soft nose rub and all the love you so deserve. I love you Auntie Leslie
It won’t be long now. I’m so excited. Good Luck and please keep us posted. I keep checking the website for any news.
Thank you so much for sharing all this with us.
Stephanie in San Diego (been calm but now pacing with everyone else..)
Another day of waiting, so everyone get some rest :) cause could be another night of eager anticipation. So glad Zenny has no idea of just how crazy we all are over her.
Please Please don’t call Lanes End. They have been so generous, but have lots of mares foaling during this time and I’m sure Zenny is getting the best care and attentoin availalble. Plus…she has her Ann and Jerry there. What wonderful owners she has.
Have a good day everyone…and let the pacing continue :))xoxo
ps. Anyone have word on Tasty?
Lisag in Texas
You mean people are really calling Lanes End? I thought it was a joke! Dottie will let us know…we need to leave them alone so they can tend to Our Queen.
Kimberly Potter/PACE PACE PACE
Raylene/ So Cal
Agreed also. Leave them alone they have a job to do. They are very busy right now.
eastcoastkid aka Mary in MA
@ Judy Berube;
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the name “Legend”s Dancer”; good for either a boy or girl…I truly hope it is considered!
I looked out over the Atlantic Ocean last night about 11;30PM (I live at the beach) and the moon was HUGE over the water. My thoughts were with Zenyatta and all the people, both anonymous and famous who love her. I felt sure in the knowledge others were looking at the moon too and praying for her foal’s safe delivery. We are a family of 100,000 and growing; soon by one four legged treasure beyond imagination! Safe delivery Momma Z…you are this family’s “beating heart”.
OOOOH, I just love that name, too. It fits like a T!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Suew/Va:
Thank you. I think it will suit a boy or a girl. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear eastcoastkid aka Mary in MA:
Thanks. I’m glad you like it. Love your post. Hoping we have a baby by tomorrow morning. Hugs, JB
Michelle Moore - England
Hi all, it is not just everyone over “the pond” that is pacing, there are quite a few of us over here in England too, I am checking the website before, during and after work, I give a daily update at work to those around me too! It is now 8.45pm Wed night and I cannot wait, me and my daughter Lauryn have the name “Zendini” for baby. Can I say too that I honestly think that you have the best owners in the world, the way they have treated you throughout your career and after and the way they have kept the public involved is amazing and a lot of other owners could learn a lot from them. Sending you loads of love, Michelle.
Lisag in Texas
Hi Michelle Moore in England, How’s is Goldikova? Love that girl. So glad Zenyatta and Goldikova are BFF’s. Keep that side of the pond relaxed, orders from The Queen.
Marty R / Colorado
We’re so happy you are sticking it out with us and getting other people acquainted with Zenyatta.
You are absolutely spot on about Zenny’s owners, Mr. and Mrs. Moss.
I’m also partial to the name Zendini, but right now, the foal is Z/B to me. It will be exciting to find out what name the Mosses will decide.
Thanks for keeping the excitement going in England.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Hi Michelle, there are some “Brits over here on this side of the pond ( Canada) and I’m so pleased to see your post. I used to live in Manchester, where are you?
It’s good to hear from fans all over the world. It’s so exciting…for all of us.
Terry Crow
Always good to hear from our friends in the UK.
Debbie & Jenny from California
We are glad you are still doing well. We are sending you lots of love from California and can’t wait to see the beautiful gift that will be arriving soon!
Love and hugs
Debbie & Jenny
Eve from Baton Rouge, Louisiana
There is a full moon on Thursday 3/8. I understand that is a good time for a foal. Good Luck Love the picture with you, Z, and Jerry Moss.
diana in P.V.P
love you girlie! ♥
Rosanne Glynn
Zen, you do take your time. Like when the gate opens and you’re the last horse running at the end and then suddenly you dash pass all the horses and run right up to the finish line….you do surprise us all…..well not really…we know you are a winner and the best racehorse in the country! Love you…biting my nails…..I don’t think that anyone has ever told you to hurry up….so I will continue to pace with a rapid heartbeat!! love you!! oxoxxo
Jennifer...Losing it in Lexington
I cannot believe how distracted I am at work today awaiting news on Zenyatta. I think this is worse then when I had my own babies, Best wishes for a safe delivery, Zenyatta!
Kelly J. /ND
Love you ZENNY! I’m so anxious for your foal to come! XOXOXOXOXOXO
I just want to say a big “THANK YOU” to all of Z’s connections for being so kind to all her fans who love her so much. Some of us are quiet in our exuberance, and others are a bit more noisy, but we are all nonetheless anxious with anticipation as the event gets closer. And THANK YOU to Lane’s End for being so patient with us. You have provided Zenyatta with a wonderful home and caring people and her best friend Tasty and previously, Pirate Queen. I only wish all broodmares received the same excellent care and love that Z receives. Okay, back to waiting………
jeanie langford
Waiting and Waiting for the arrival of Zimply Zenzational. Pacing, pacing , pacing……………… Come on Queen Z the drama is building.
Victoria from Canada
Zenyatta, I don’t adore you. I worship the ground you walk on. You’re a wonderful horse and a beautiful girl, and that baby you’re carrying is going to be the cutest baby of them all!!
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, I cannot wait to get home. There is a link to you bio Daddie and I cannot wait to see it. It has been awhile since I took a look at the Irish Lad. I have a weakness or Greys and Irish Lads. Not much longer, I will clock out, do the long comute home, take care of Lucy’s needs, then turn on the puter. I love you…Lisag
Somebody posted on her Facebook page they had just been told she foaled a filly a little while ago. Don’t know how true that is but I’m waiting for the offical announcement before I get excited.
Louise Castello
What?!!! How true is this?
Kimberly Potter/PACE PACE PACE
I am waiting for OFFICIAL word. Could be anyone just “messing” with us.
No baby yet! Newly updated tweet:
We’re cleaning up after quality time with Z. All the snow has melted, and she enjoyed a great roll in the mud! Very Happy Horse.
I’m not sure if it’s true at all or not so I’m just going to wait for the offical word.
Lisag in Texas
What? What? A Princess? Will not get excited until I hear from Dottie, Ann, Jerry, or John. And I sticking with it…..OMGoodness a Princess.
Jan S. / Houston
Ahhhh, I hope so……..
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
Glad I kept my cool, did not post misinfo on FB, Texting or go absolutely nuts. Thank you.
Sierra is freaking out.
I hope this is true but it depends where you got it. I am still gonna wait for the official word. Can someone post on here if it shows up on twitter or FB please?
Especially Horses / Southern California
This just tweeted:
We’re cleanng up after quality time with Z. All the snow has melted and she enjoyed a great roll in the mud! Very Happy Horse.
Does that sound like a mare who just foaled? I don’t think so.
She got all muddy to force them to give her a bath – now she will be pristine perfect for all her photos with Baby Z. Our Z, always thinking ahead – where’s the finish line!
It’s not on Z’s FB or Lane’s End.
Just checked
Lori K
Sierra is freaking out.
Great to hear from you Z! I cannot wait for your foal! But I really want to know how Tasty is doing too! Did you get to read my poem about all of us pacing aunties? Well I hope you are doing well but I am sure you are as you look very happy! Once I get the first picture of the foal I’m going to finish the picture and send it off to you at Lane’s End. I hope that it is okay.
Love always,
P.S When will you be able to get treats again? I don’t want to send any if you can’t have them.
Terry Crow
Sierra-I’m sure Spike is overseeing the whole thing.
Sierra is freaking out.
Aww.. Thanks for that Terry that makes me feel so good to know. I always told Spikey about Z but of course he was still #1 in my heart but Z is a close 2nd. This made my day thank you!
Sierra is freaking out.
If I had refreshed the page when I was on earlier I could have been the first to post oh well..
Judy from South Carolina
I have managed to stay away for an hour or so but here I am again…….I have HRTV on as well assuming they will surely announce any updates. I am driving my husband SO nuts that he went to take a nap a little while ago LOL! He loves Zenyatta too and watched all of her races with me but he thinks I am ready for the nut house (he could be right!) I am glad that Mike tweets updates but after last night and then the “Zenyatta will foal TODAY” if he tweets again and she doesn’t foal I may have to hunt him down and throttle him (JUST KIDDING).
Off to start dinner (it’s that time on the East Coast to at least be THINKING about it LOL!)
PLEASE let there be some news soon…………………..
QUEEN Z would be laughing her hooves off if she knew how spastic we all were……….
Kimberly Potter/PACE PACE PACE
Judy~ Isn’t that the truth…lol. You know how cool, calm and collected Z is…..but I am sure she would also think we were TOO CUTE!
Sierra is freaking out.
So true she would be laughing her hooves off. I am sure Dottie is laughing at all of us crazy Aunties.
Jan S. / Houston
You know she is… hahahaha….
Sierra is freaking out.
Read my poem that I just posted I thought of this post when I wrote it.
Oh, Zenny, I am SOO anxious! I AM on the edge of my seat, waiting, waiting, waiting! Pacing and waiting. Best wishes for a easy, short delivery! Cannot WAIT to see Baby Z!
Nickers and neighs,
Yes, Zenny, you are having this baby just like you raced! I hope he/she comes out dancing:) Can’t wait. You have been my inspiration since the first time I saw you come from dead last to win.
Love you,
PatB from NM
March 8, my queen? No pressure! You decide!
Love you always, Zenyatta.
Lisag in Texas
I have such a long ride home, please let me know if she did or did not…I should be back online in 1.5 to 2 hours….O please, let it be true…the 7th.
Sierra is freaking out.
Thought I would make another poem for the occasion. This one is just kind of silly though but I thought it was perfect for the timing.
The day is near
Time Time
All we need is a time machine
Then we will know when the little one will be here
All us Aunties won’t be calm until we see
The baby so dear and sweet.
We all await his arrival
The physic wards are calling
They have gotten too many calls
That us Aunties are gone
It’s true
We’re in a land that only we know
A land of Z and only Z
It is a glorious land but only we know what’s inside
We dare share our secret
The only ones that know are in the club
A club that is full of secrets
But there are two things we can tell you
In this club we love Z
Everywhere you look there she is
Towering over us in glory
But last and not least in this club we have duck tape
Because without it we are not complete.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I love the last bit about the duct tape! LOL
Terry Crow
Anyone who loves duct tape like you do is definitely a candidate for membership in the California chapter.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Cute, cute, cute….one suggested change:
The physic wards are calling
They have gotten too many calls
About Aunties Gone Wild
You’ve been on an inspired roll….keep it up.
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
Sierra, that is so witty, Ingrid
Celeste in TX
I love it! Thanks!
Debbie G/Kentucky
Great poem Sierra
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sierra:
Thank you. Very nice. Hugs, JB