Happy Wednesday Dear Friends,
I have heard that everyone all over the country is PACING, PACING, PACING waiting to hear the news. As of this morning….I have not foaled. I’m not quite sure when it will happen. This is such a new experience for ME!
My dear pals at BARN 55…Mario, Steve, Michelle…and ALL of the others are anxiously waiting for the updates.
I must graciously say…so are YOU. I am extremely proud to announce that we have now passed the 100,000 mark in Face Book Fans. This is truly quite an accomplishment…and I want to THANK ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! This number has more than doubled since I retired from racing and arrived at Lane’s End Farm. We have all come a long way together and have been blessed to share quite a fabulous and amazing journey. Again…THANK YOU!
As for my physical well-being….this morning’s reports are that I am doing great! I guess you could say I am taking my own sweet time to foal. You know ME…I have a tendency to keep people in suspense…on the edge of their seats…waiting to see what happens. That was definitely my racing style…and I gather it is carrying over to my new career in becoming a MOM!
I am happy, healthy, looking quite good (Blush, Blush…if I say so myself)…surrounded by people who adore ME. I genuinely feel all of the LOVE you all have for ME.

I’ll keep you posted. Relax and have a FUN DAY! I know I will!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(All 100,000 plus of YOU! This is TOO CUTE!)
Following your life from your earliest races has been quite a ride. Thank you for the privilege of allowing me to come along. Can’t wait to hear you have foaled safely and have a happy healthy baby. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
carol in utah
OraJean Stevenson
Dear Zenny & Team-Z,
Hugs. Fondly, OraJean
helene from Middletown, Ohio
Love, love, more love and prayers all around you, my darling beautiful Zenny! h +++
You are part of our lives now and we all love you! Keep us posted, several of us signed up for Twitter just to get quick updates from your team!
Can’t wait for the big day. How is Tasty? You both are going to be GREAT moms!
Thanks for the daily updates. Love reading them with my morning coffee ;)
sue and tony
Hi Big Mama…it won’t be long now…we know you always liked to do things on your schedule, your way…. so we guess it’s best for us to just exhale and relax.
We don’t know how the Mosses can stay calm but certainly they are. They know their girl so well.
We loved this latest pic of your Barn 55 pals and of your Jerry at LE. The world is watching and we are a strong bunch…over 100,000 FB friends is a lot of pals.
We hope you and TT enjoy the day.
Now it’s off to pace…pace…pace. Guess the relaxation thing didn’t last too long. ;-)
Jody Lawrence
Oh Zenny this is so like you to take your time and keep us all on pins and needles until the end!!! Peppermint KISSES!!!!
Trisha from VA
Oh gorgeous girl, you are just too much. How wonderful it must be to know hundreds of thousands of your fans are anxiously awaiting the news.
Still pacing and walking the floor over you!!.
Love hugs and kisses
All in good time Z, no rush with this one.
It is cold out side. Good girl.
Raylene/ So Cal
I too am waiting anxiously for you to have a safe and sound foaling experience. I came into work early today just to check and see if it happened last night. I am so happy that your owners, family, are there with you. It would be an exciting birth to witness. I hope that they keep your offspring. Checking diary every half hour also, but I have a feeling it will be at night, and a filly!!! May God watch over you and everyone there at Lands end. So cute that someone gave their dog a facebook acct to help you reach 100,000.
Please give us an update and Tasty.
Stay well and relaxed Queen Z.
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
Hey, Raylene:
The Mosses had already said they would keep the foal so we all know that baby will be in good hands for it’s whole life.
Raylene/ So Cal
Thanks for letting me know. I am so happy that he Mosses will be taking care of her they are a class act.
I don’t think the Mosses will sell any of her foal,
But probably the grand foals. They have made that
Pretty clear,
That first photo about sums it up! We are certainly all pacing nervously waiting for the Big Event. But things happen in their proper time so we will all just have to wait until YOU are ready. I know I won’t be going far from my computer until the news is out. And I’m so glad your human family is there with you and you know how much you are loved.
Will Ann and Jerry give us a name to go with the foal when it is born or do the owners usually wait a while to name? This is all so new to me.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
A foal does not have to be named until it is ready to race. Many foals won’t be named as babies, because they may be sold and the new owners usually like to choose a name themselves. However, a foal can be named anytime before then. I suspect the Mosses have some names in mind. FWIW, it is permissible to reserve a name temporarily with the Jockey Club.
Of course, the foal’s barn name can be anything they want. I am sure they will choose something appropriate once they see the baby.
Zenyatta was known as “little Tige” when she was a foal at Winter Quarter Farm. Her mom Vertigieux was “Tige.”
Frankel’s racing name is Frankel. They often call him Bobby at home.
Shari Voltz\Ohio
Zenyatta love the pictures. My whole school knows what is going on. We are all so EXCITED !!!! Enjoy your time with your family and let nature take its course. WE LOVE YOU. Tell Tasty hi. Hugs and Kisses, Shari and Homeroom 215 XXXOOO
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Shari- that’s so fun!!
Barb Guckert
Best wishes on an easy delivery and a healthy foal. We community members on the TVG site are getting up a guessing game. I said March 10th. I have a couple family members and close friends having b-days that day. I hope I can add your little one to the list.
Good luck Zen girl.
Kimberly Potter/PACE PACE PACE
My Beautiful Zenyatta~ Thanks for the update and congratulations on hitting the 100,000 mark on FB. This Army really can move mountains.
I am feeling a little bit calmer now…..but I know that will change this evening. I love you GORGEOUS MOMMA!
Joanna from TX
I just thought I’d throw out a little bit of ‘other’ news to the Zesters….our Z girl has a new 1/2 brother…Careless Jewel (lovely gray Tapit daughter), agruably the 2nd best 3YO filly of 2009 behind Rachel, had a colt by Street Cry on 1/12/12 at Southern Equine Stables.
Pacing…pacing…pacing. OK, Z…any time now :))) <3 <3
Kathy Baldwin
ZEN’S BLESSING is on it’s way! Any day now! Thanks Zenny and Dottie for todays pics
and update. Sending calm peaceful thoughts to you and all your Beloved Connections,
as well as, all in the Zenyatta Nation! :)
Love & Blessings,
Kathy from SoCal xoxo
pace pace pace on foal patrol
Raylene/ So Cal
Very cute Bonnie! I like it.
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
I must admit I LOL’d when I saw the picture of Mario, Steve and Michelle. Some much-needed comic relief. After having seen pictures of the foaling stalls at LE, from the picture with Jerry it doesn’t look like she’s been moved to one of them. Does anyone know when that happens and if those stalls are in the same barn she’s in? It might give us a clue as to how close she is to having that baby.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
I wondered that, too.
Since she went to the foaling barn she has been
In a foaling stall. They have an inside and outside
Window. They don’t move a mare that is in labor to
A “different room” like humans. There are 16 foaling
Stalls on the foaling barn at LE.
Grandma Bea Gobee, Ladee Elizabeth, Remington Barbaro, Bashful & Mazda
Oh Zenyatta we are praying for you and your foal to be strong, happy, healthy. We love you so much. God speed for an easy delivery.
Hugs & Love
Grandma Bea & my 4 kitties
Terry Crow
Great post, Grandma Bea.
In class, and keep peeking for updates. Since I can’t physically pace, I’m doing it mentally. Ironically, in my animal breeding class and we’re discussing GENETICS!!!! hmmmm should I do a punnit square for the Queen and B’s foal???? Sweet girl, take your time, I can use the physical exercise from pacing. Just be safe. You matter to all of us- yes your baby is important, but YOU are what matters. There will never be another YOU. I know your baby will come in its own sweet time. I’m happy your “family” is there with you.
Lou in Tx
Good day Queen Zenyatta! Glad to see you are doing well and enjoying all your family. Yes we are all waiting to see your precious foal. But as always, do it in your own time! We love you soooooo much! We will keep Tapp Tapp Tapping just for you. Have a great day with all your family. Love you. Lou
Shannon From Cool
Yay! Mr. Jerry is with you. So glad your family is surrounding you at this time, Z.
100,000 that is quite an accomplishment. Zenny you have touched so many people, you are the best. Just relax and enjoy your time with Ann and Jerry. Hope you and Tasty have a great day. The Little Prince or Princess will be here before long. LOL from Tennessee.
carol in utah
@ Joanna- technically, Careless Jewel’s colt isn’t a half brother to the Queen, only the maternal line is considered “related” as the sire can cover numerous mares in a season.
@ Sharon- Zenny and Tasty were moved to the foaling barn a couple weeks ago so they could settle in before their big day!
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
Hey, Casey:
I know she’s in a foaling barn but after having seen pic’s of foaling stalls on LE’s facebook page, my question was are those screen-fronted foaling stalls in the same barn she’s in right now and, also, at what point would she be moved to the foaling stall? Guess I didn’t quite phrase it right before. If you notice in the photo of Z and Jerry today, Z’s stall has a solid front. Would she be moved to the screen-fronted stall when she’s ready to drop the foal?
Joanna from TX
@Casey – Yeah, I know but I refuse to accept the definition imposed. Just like I refused to go along with the general racing biz consensuses that the mares/females don’t really count so why mention them. You know….’G1 winner Sam by stakes winner George out of mare by Belmont winner Henry’…..is there a mother in there someplace???? Well, after 3 female HOY winners in a row, that nonsense is going to get really difficult to do. I’ve actually noticed a change already.
Can’t wait…… <3 <3
I love the analogy of you making us wait til the last minute for foaling AND racing. TOO CUTE. We will all just have to be content to keep pacing. Stay safe and warm Z.
Sharyn - Vermont
Just got home and the first thing I did was come to the computer to see if there was an update on you and your foal!! It won’t be long now – everyone is pacing!!
Just relax and enjoy your day with Jerry and Ann!
How’s Tasty doing with all these goings on?
Julie Malida
This is just SO exciting. Another nailbiter! Leave it to you, Z!
Hope Ann and Jerry just have the best experience seeing it all firsthand.
I really mean it when I say “wish I was there!”