Happy Wednesday Dear Friends,
I have heard that everyone all over the country is PACING, PACING, PACING waiting to hear the news. As of this morning….I have not foaled. I’m not quite sure when it will happen. This is such a new experience for ME!
My dear pals at BARN 55…Mario, Steve, Michelle…and ALL of the others are anxiously waiting for the updates.
I must graciously say…so are YOU. I am extremely proud to announce that we have now passed the 100,000 mark in Face Book Fans. This is truly quite an accomplishment…and I want to THANK ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! This number has more than doubled since I retired from racing and arrived at Lane’s End Farm. We have all come a long way together and have been blessed to share quite a fabulous and amazing journey. Again…THANK YOU!
As for my physical well-being….this morning’s reports are that I am doing great! I guess you could say I am taking my own sweet time to foal. You know ME…I have a tendency to keep people in suspense…on the edge of their seats…waiting to see what happens. That was definitely my racing style…and I gather it is carrying over to my new career in becoming a MOM!
I am happy, healthy, looking quite good (Blush, Blush…if I say so myself)…surrounded by people who adore ME. I genuinely feel all of the LOVE you all have for ME.

I’ll keep you posted. Relax and have a FUN DAY! I know I will!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(All 100,000 plus of YOU! This is TOO CUTE!)
Martha SP
Just can’t seem to sleep. Waiting to see your precious angel!!!
laine raia
Zenyatta ~ we LOVE you! I have my fingers (and all of the horses at my barn have their hoofs) CROSSED! Wishing you all the best ~ laine
I had a feeling it was going to be today…or tonight, the day’s not over yet.
And to those in the news industry….PLEASE, PLEASE let the national news stations tell the world when Zenyatta has had her foal and is doing well. She is the Queen of Horseracing afterall!
Diana Stuart - Pacing in Arizona
Zen’s Solar Flare
I’m just sayin’
diastu – heading home to tempe – finally – at 9:10PM
Great name “Diastu” – Solar Flare!!!!
Sierra is freaking out.
Okay I have been looking at stallions and I really think that Tiznow would be a great match. This would be the pedigree: http://www.equineline.com/Free-5X-Pedigree.cfm?page_state=ORDER_AND_CONFIRM&sire_reference_number=4322623&dam_reference_number=7156465&color=Bay&sex=Colt+&hypo_foaling_year=13&breeder=&x=31&y=15
Any thoughts?
carol in utah
@Sierra…I know nothing about this but take a look at Lonhro…he is a real beauty..his fee in Australia is a lot more than here…maybe available only this one season …don’t know if plan to bring him back each yr…just a thought…I am sure Dottie and the Mosses and all of Team Z are completely up on everything about this and they will do only what is the very best for Zenny…and knowing our beloved Z..she probably gets a vote too
Tiznow is beautiful and he and Zenny look a lot alike but I think he is a big boy so they will probably stick with slightly smaller stallions than she is to help balance out the baby and make sure it’s not a monster. But I think they would make a great baby.
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
Tiznow, I also love this beautiful, beautiful horse. While all the excitement and frenzy about who will be Zenyatta’s ‘husband’, I wanted Tiznow and so hoped they would be together. Someone, probably LauraJ, with experience and knowledge, did explain to me that he was to large, he stands at 17 hands as well, and this would not be good for Zenyatta or the baby. At that point, Tiznow was gone from my mind as a match..Zenyatta’s health was #1. He is a beauty, I miss him racing. I think Prince B is the best choice and all his kids are doing great.
delon scott
I think we are all pulling an all-nighter tonight!
Edie Dickenson
So Zenny, this morning, my Internet and phone went down. I went NUTS! Of all days; there will only be one time that you have your first foal and I will NOT miss it! Luckily, for frontiernet, they got it fixed!
We are ALL here for you; be safe and well and happy and soon you will be the best mama ever!
I love you so much!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: aaugh! ... Looney Tunes Coma!
Anyone out there know of a good wig maker??
Jan S. / Houston
Karen Gogue, I think we need to put you on some heavy duty drugs ASAP.
Keeping on eye on you girlfriend….. ;);););) Whee……. :):):)
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: aaugh! ... Looney Tunes Coma!
Teehee too cute! gulp! excuse me – just took my med!
karen-in-lullaby-LaLa land … lullaby and goodnite in Zennyland! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Judy from South Carolina
Well, I guess it is going to be another sleepless night LOL! Loved that last post about the full moon being 1:41 am (Pacific), 4.41 am (Eastern) March 8th (the simple post — the complicated one I couldn’t follow LOL!). Not sure I can make it until 4 am +)EST) again tonight but I am going to try.
Earlier – @Sierra Is Freaking Out………you asked what everyone’s opinion was…..I initially thought that if they took Z out and allowed her to roll in the mud that there was NO way she was in the early stages of foaling but then rethought things and Z BEING Z and because she is unlike any other we have EVER KNOWN that it might be EXACTLY what those around her would sense that she might need — to get out of that “watched environment”, relax and have everyone’s “nervous energy” have some place to “go”.
So I honestly think if she doesn’t foal over night tonight she is going to go beyond the 8th and maybe even into the weekend.
One thing for sure……….she is going to do it on HER schedule. And will have a good laugh on ALL of us when it is over and her ANN tells her a bedtime story about all of the sleep that WE lost waiting! But she will LOVE us for our concern and this baby is going to ROCK the RACING WORLD! And, god forbid, if he/she never sets foot on the race track he/she will have a place in racing history just the same!
LOVE YOU Z! Going to be a long night……LOL!
Sierra is freaking out.
You are probably right about them taking her out to get rid of the nervous energy. I can also imagine Ann telling Z a bed time story about us loosing so much sleep. I think I am going to write that story right now.
carol in utah
lets see….
Full moon….check
Solar flares…check
Pacing potential auntie’s and nannies…check
Beauty routine/mud bath done…check
Bernie on alert…?check?
Family at stallside…check
Tasty comfortable and ready to lend support…?check?
universe aligned…check
Love you…relax…breathe…relax…breathe
Kimberly Potter/PACE PACE PACE
LOL….love this Carol….
Sierra is freaking out.
Lol! These question are all ones to ask! But again where is Tasty?
Terry Crow
I agree. we should have heard something about her by now, even if it is something like she’s not ready.
We are definitely ready Z – are you!
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial
I love your check list – it’s perfect!!!!
Steph K. is Pacing in Minnesota
Hope you’re doing alright Zenny! Keep it up. I KNOW you’ll be one amazing mother!! It seems like just yesterday I watched you win the Breeders’ Cup, now look at you…A soon to be mother.
I wonder if your foal will have your dance moves.
Keep us updated, cause all night I’ll be checking for updates!!!
Hugs and kisses
Hey Zenya, if you really wanna take your time you could wait until March 23…that’s your baby daddy’s birthday…how cool would that be???
or just go ahead on Friday the 9th, that’s John Henry’s birthday…2 time Horse of the Year!
I’m so glad A & J are there:)
carol in utah
Wonder when Kelso was born…HOY five years in a row..even beat out a triple crown winner one of those yrs..I think…wait a minute going to check my facts..senility setting in
carol in utah
I was right about being wrong
Kelso did win 5 HOY awards…1960 thru 1964
The triple crown winner who was not named HOY was Omaha in 1935
so…..half right
Terry Crow
Good research. It made me think about how horses are treated differently these days. Citation actually ran in a race, and won it, between the Preakness and the Belmont.
Deborah Richman from So. Cal.
Dear Z,
I just got home from babysitting my little grandson and this is the first chance I’ve had to post in a couple of days. When I was putting him in his crib for a nap, I held the Zenyatta plushie up so he could touch its softness with his little hands. He ran his hands through “your” mane and rubbed your nose and smiled. As he did this I thought of you and your soon to be born foal, and how lovely it will be to experience the magic of your mother/foal bond.
Team Zenyatta, there are no words to thank you enough for including all of us in the Queen’s life the way you do. She is surrounded by love from around the world, and so are all of you!
Zenny, Horse of our Hearts, wishing you a peaceful, uneventful, easy foaling. I know you will approach motherhood as you have everything else you have done….kind, loving, topnotch, and with inimitable style!
Soon the little Prince or Princess will be here! Oh Joy!
Shannon From Cool
What a heartfelt and thoughful post.
You speak so eloquently for all of us.
Thank you.
Thank you – there are indeed no words. So we wait for our beautiful blessing from Z. She’s just waiting to be sure it is perfect.
Terry Crow
Agree. This diary had made many of my days.
Linda M
Dear Zenny,
Just checking in after a full day of travel and no news yet!
Well I am sure Baby Z will let us know very soon who she/he is.
Has your OWNER ever shared this 1960’s memory with you? You have us on “Needles & Pins”!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Too cute, Linda! High hoof!
Linda M
Thanks – what is a girl to do?
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Well, sweet Zenny, as I’ve said before, another day has come and gone. YOU are such a character, but of course half the world has fallen in love with YOU. The only reason that the ohter half hasn’t is that they don’t know about YOU. Either sleep tight or work hard (hint, hint) tonight, and we will welcome the news (or not) in the morning. I may be awake,so I might be lurking.
Paula Higgins
Well, I am very late to this party!!! Love the picture John took of the Barn 55 family. Too cute!!! Like everyone else, I am on pins and needles. Zenny congrats on your 100,000 Facebook milestone!!! You are The Queen for a reason. O.k. I am going to bed and in my prayers, I wil pray for the safest delivery for Zenny and a beautiful and healthy foal. Love the picture of Jerry with Zenny!
olga lidia rubi
honestly,really,your going to do the same thing as your races?i think privately your waiting for st patricks …is the name ;the luck of the irish already used? anyway as long as the baby is not green like my favorite martian everything is okie dokie.hahahaha good positive vibes going your way.
Olga – agreed, no green Baby Z. Though I’m pretty sure Zen wouldn’t mind Guinness on the sly!
Margaret Patiently waiting--no hurry Z
I think we’re at day 340. We not overdue although from all the pacing one would think so. We could be at this for another 3 weeks! Probably not but we could.
I’m telling you this to help you relax. There is no hurry.
I know many are anxious so let me ask you a couple of questions.
Are you pacing because your having sympathy labor pains!?
Are you nervous because of the unknown?
If this is the root cause asks yourself how and why. Think about breaking this down into bite size pieces. People here can help you resolve questions if you can put words to them.
Is some of it hurry up Mother Nature?
This one I can’t do a thing about. Mother Nature will take her own sweet time. The only thing I can tell you is that Z has experienced handlers with her. You have to trust the system. Know that Team Z would never do a thing to endanger Z. And that her handlers have lots of experience in foaling mares out.
Try to be calm. I know it’s an anxious time. But most of us here in cyberland have little to no experience with handling foaling mares. Book learning is great cause it gives the person a foundation to build upon. We all will get through this. And Z? truthfully all she cares about is having food, water, love. She is the one who is undoubtedly the calmest one!
Sierra is freaking out.
What we could still have to wait three weeks! No Margret don’t scare me like this! I am going to die…
Shannon From Cool
That’s right. My calendar has her due date as March 28th so who knows. Those closest to her know the best.
Rolling today could have been repositioning the foal as someone else here suggested.
We’ll just have to wait and see….and wait and wait and wait until poof! A foal is standing next to her.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: aaugh! ... Looney Tunes Coma!
Yes, I also have her foal coming anywhere from the 17th to the end of the month – first timer, and we all know how long it took Zenny to mature, and she was a little behind in her training etc. ….
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: aaugh! ... Looney Tunes Coma!
When SHE’S ready – WHOOP! THERE IT IS! On her own terms and time ….
“Whoop There It Is” prevails again! Trever Denman would be in heaven!
Sierra is no longer freaking out because of Margret
Okay now that I have read the rest of the post I am calm now. Okay I think I am going to survive. But if I get wind that she is foaling I am gonna go crazy again.
Margaret Patiently waiting--no hurry Z
We most likely won’t hear until she’s foaled. So no worries that you’ll hear shes in labor!
And I do understand the crazy happiness when the announcement comes!
I did some checking on who was following her. All kinds of horsey news outlets are following her tweets. So if this site does crash (we here in CA are sadly rather familiar with earthquakes) one of them will pick it up.
It isn’t just the people here and on fb–apparently this is HUGE GIGANTIC ENORMOUS news in the making. I think everyone here can be rest assured that we will hear one way or the other when the big event happens.
For those still up on the east coast–go to bed! It’s getting past John and Dottie’s bedtime out here in CA. We most likely won’t here anything until morning at the earliest. But Jerry and Ann could tweet something. I don’t tweet so I don’t know how that works.
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial
Margret – Thanks for staying!!!! and Posting –
I think we PACE because we are excited – She’s our Zen and we worry too.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
ditto to what every1 said. luv ya margaret. hugs/prayers
Your posts are always interesting. I like to read them.
Love you Margret!
You state the facts and don’t waiver! Move over Dr. Phil – Dr. Margret is in the house!!!
We love you – keep on keeping us on an even keel. And anyone doesn’t like it – well, there are are other houses. Calm, Cool, and Informed. That’s the Zenyatta way!!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Margaret, I am so happy to see you did not leave us and are still posting!!!!
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
Another 3 weeks? Wow, there is still hope for my March 17th date? Too Cute.
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
My excitement, my packeing, my nervousness, my sleeplessness is because it will be a once in a lifetime priveledge to see Zenyatta’s First Born, to see her with her baby, to watch her teach her baby, all the wonderful things. I have no doubt about the people at Lanes End helping her out during this time. They have done a wonderful job taking great care with her. Zenyatta looks incredible and healthy, and has during her pregnancy. To see all the excitement here, in Zenyatta’s World, is warm fuzzies to me….and all of us here are sharing our feelings of happiness with each other..Lisag
Allie in Texas
Sierra I love Tiznow. I try to watch him every day on the Winstar Tiznow Cam. Tiznow and Zenyatta both seemed to have that ability to dig down when they needed another gear.
Tiznow the only horse to win the Breeders Cup Classic twice, beat some pretty impressive horses in those two races. (Giant’s Causeway, Fusaichi Pegasus, Lemon Drop Kid, Galileo, Sakhee, etc.)
Handsome stallion. Man O War line, I think.
Sierra is no longer freaking out because of Margret
I think they would have a beautiful foal. It would exactly like both of them because they look the exact same… But I think it would also be super talented. Well I am currently just so excited for the first foal I will think more about the second one later once we actually know who the stallion is.
Pacing in Colorado too. Zenny, rolling in the mud, were you positioning your foal to be born tonight? Prayers and best wishes for a good night.
Barb Zylbert
Smart cookie that Z. She is waiting for all the humans to clear the barn aisle!
You got it Barb – Work themselves into freaking out so they fall asleep and then – Zen’s silent and profound gift in the cloak of darkness. Spring it on ‘um late as always Zen!
Can’t sleep! Too excited waiting for Baby Z!
Heidi K (sleepy) (Vallejo, Ca.)
I finally figured out how to twitter. I guess, I was looking at the wrong Tweet? Just checking in to see how things are going. Check back later tonight. Love you Mama to be!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight. Hope we have a Little Z soon. TT, thinking of you too. Love you, Judy and Russ
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sharon in Seattle:
Thinking of you and hoping you are doing well. Hugs, JB
JAG / ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Over The Moon Auntie Judy / So. CA
8 ♥s for March 8th!!!! It’s 1:30 a.m. in Kentucky :-)
I went out and talked to the moon ;-P
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Too Cute!! I also went outside to talk to the moon. I even took a picture of it. I believe that I officially have lost my mind. Got 2 hrs of sleep last night. Had to be at work at 5a this morning and now Im trying to get some sleep cuz I have to be at work at 6a. Maybe a stiff drink will help.
God Bless Sweet Zenny and Baby Z.
Sweet Dreams to All.
stephanie from san diego
Ok we are all officially nuts!! I was embarassed to admit i walked outside about 9:00 tonight to talk to the moon, now i find out i’m not alone. Sleep, we all need to sleep. Xoxo
JAG ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Giddy Auntie Judy / So. CA
OMG!! I took a picture, too! We are officially NUTS lol
I also took a picture of Venus the brightest start out there… my astrology sign is Venus and thought that would bring Our Queen good luck :D
cindy albrecht, seattle
Can’t count how many times I checked today, just for any update. Earlier today I left an entry, but it got lossed. So with it being a little bit late for everybody, thought I might be able be to leave a message. Know we all love you very much, Hope your day was smooth, and filled with birds singing and maybe a little sun shininng. With the difference in time , you might be showing signs of labor, take it easy and carefully. Do EVERYTHING THEY TELL YOU. Course knowing alittle about horses, I know it more the other way around.
Any news on our dear friend Tasty.
Sweet dreams to everybody, see you in the morning.
Judy from South Carolina
@Margaret……………you are truly the calm voice in all of this madness…………
I am actually going to bed!
I will check in when I get up in the morning. If I go to bed NOW I will be checking in EARLY instead of NOON (Eastern Standard Time) because I have been up all night!
Goodnight all of my sister Z’sters. I AM EXHAUSTED. LOL!
Tammy B
Been on Internet a fair amount today trying to catch any news about you, Zenny. For several months I’ve been trying to think of a name for your foal and finally tonight I happen to think of one for a filly… Z Dancing Queen! And I sincerely hope whether it is a colt or filly that s/he will dance just like Momma Z. My thoughts and prayers are with you Z. I’m praying you have a very easy delivery and that both you and the baby are fine. Maybe if this one’s a handsome Prince then perhaps “Z Dancing Queen” can be given to one of your precious Princesses. You are a Dancing Queen and I’m so glad your family allows us information and pictures and videos of you. God bless.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear Zenyatta. Just checking in before heading to bed. I love you!!!!!!! Sweet dreams. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO