Happy Wednesday Dear Friends,
I have heard that everyone all over the country is PACING, PACING, PACING waiting to hear the news. As of this morning….I have not foaled. I’m not quite sure when it will happen. This is such a new experience for ME!
My dear pals at BARN 55…Mario, Steve, Michelle…and ALL of the others are anxiously waiting for the updates.
I must graciously say…so are YOU. I am extremely proud to announce that we have now passed the 100,000 mark in Face Book Fans. This is truly quite an accomplishment…and I want to THANK ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! This number has more than doubled since I retired from racing and arrived at Lane’s End Farm. We have all come a long way together and have been blessed to share quite a fabulous and amazing journey. Again…THANK YOU!
As for my physical well-being….this morning’s reports are that I am doing great! I guess you could say I am taking my own sweet time to foal. You know ME…I have a tendency to keep people in suspense…on the edge of their seats…waiting to see what happens. That was definitely my racing style…and I gather it is carrying over to my new career in becoming a MOM!
I am happy, healthy, looking quite good (Blush, Blush…if I say so myself)…surrounded by people who adore ME. I genuinely feel all of the LOVE you all have for ME.

I’ll keep you posted. Relax and have a FUN DAY! I know I will!
With Love,
Hugs to All~(All 100,000 plus of YOU! This is TOO CUTE!)
Absolutely love to see Mario mentioned, and especially pictured, on your Diary!!
Momma Z loved the picture with your Mr. Moss. You are truly a fortunate one for having them…….and they are not going to miss a minute of your blessed event. I am sure you will be having an adorable foal soon………………. hooves crossed
Rose Cola
Take your time Big Girl, you can’t rush Mother Nature! Let us do all the worrying.
Love toTasty and your family.
Jan S. / Houston
This is hilarious…. We are all Nuts!!!! But having a good time waiting.. LOL.
Karen Gogue.. You are certifiable at this point. hehehe.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
Justh (just-spit) call me Tweedy (er,sweetie-spit)! Yeth (yes-spit) sirth (sir-spit)
certhisthighable! (certifiable-spit) Thenny (zenny-spit-sorry girl!) lubber! (lover-spit)
Yeth (yes-spit) Tweedy’s my name and ‘twits’ (tweets-spit) my game!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Karen:
You guys have me crying and laughing at the same time. Hugs,JB
Neva Rae Powers
Can’t wait!
barbara in clearwater
as long as we are pacing………perhaps we could practice the “zenyatta dance”!
Linda Edwards in NJ
Hi Zenny: I am now home from work and can be a little more chatty. You looked terrific in yesterday’s photo with your Mom. You’re right, the photographer caught you at the right angle. It was very flattering photo of YOU, the Mom to be. You also look terrific here with your Dad. Nice picture of Mr. Moss with his Girl.
As you well know Zenny, we are all Pacing and Pacing and Pacing. I like the post from one of your fans — their shoes and carpet are all worn out. Lol! I liked another post from a fan that said everyone at Lane’s End must be working overtime in anticipation of your Foal.
It is a beautiful evening, Zenny. What a beautiful full moon. Very mystical!
I am going to have dinner now–will check back in a little bit.
Hope you are doing okay.
Shannon From Cool
Jerry Moss sure is a good looking guy. As well as Ann, what a beautiful woman. They make a sensational pair.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Hi Z Family I just wanted to say that I will do the Zenyatta Dance. I was singing her song in my car today. I wanted to check in to see if there is any change. Now I have homework. Oh well the Teacher’s work is never done. I Love You Zenyatta. Hugs and Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
The Google Alert was described a bit above in an earlier entry. Great picture of Bernardini in the article.
Here is an informative video on Z’s foaling barn. Guesses are that it is a Princess.
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
Thank you the link. It was really nice. I then braved myself and watched my first ‘foaling’ and NO, I do not want to see Queen Zenyatta go thru that…I only want to see when her baby is laying next to her for the first time and on. I admit, it was very interesting, but I do not want to see her go thru that, I just could not do it.
Beth Whisman
Colt or Filly, your racing silks make for a good nursery theme. Good Luck!
Sierra is freaking out.
Too cute!
Doreen in CT
Zenny – I’ve been waiting on pins and needles. Are you waiting for Tasty to catch up to you so that you can have your foals on the same day? It would be just like you since both of you are such good friends that you want to do everything together.
We’re all waiting to see your foal, but you take all the time you want. We love waiting on the edge of our seats for you. Baby will come at the right time and we will all be thrilled.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
From “Waiting for Godot” to “Long Day’s Journey into Night”……….
Diana Stuart - Pacing in Arizona
diastu in tempe still at work at 9:05PM AZ time! yikes!
Terry Crow
Thank you “Ed.”
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Zenny, you’ve enjoyed a mud bath and I’ve got a numb bum reading all the posts. There are nearly 500 and there are hours still to go. I have NOT phoned Lane’s End but I must confess to phoning Darley once to check on whether Berni was back from the land of Aus. They were so nice but I don’t suppose they were getting as many calls as LE. I’m going to take a short pause to un-numb my rear end, the moon is full so go to it. Love you Zenny.
hi Z! I’m now a tweeter, and not too good at it, I want to get notifications on my phone and tried to set it up but I’m not getting any, teamzenyatta tweeted a couple of hours ago that YOU had a good roll in the mud today so I’m hoping that’s what YOU needed to get things started;) Love YOU gorgeous girl oh, I’m sooo excited and nervous and and and… xoxoxo
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: aaugh! ... Looney Tunes Coma!
X0♥0XX♥X0♥ Zenny and b♥by! ♥
Sarah Powell, Clemson, SC
Checking in for news and still betting tonight after midnight – however, she still might make Auntie Judy very happy and hold out until the 9th!
Linda in Fla.
I loved the photo of the crew at Barn 55, pacing and awaiting the imminent birth but I’m curious. Is that a paper bag in Mario’s hands in case he hyperventilates? Too funny! I’m glad that John snapped that photo to inject a little humor for all those obsessing and waiting for news. I have followed racing for 64 years, and read numerous books about famous horses and the people they shared their careers with and I’ve never run into a story as compelling as the relationship between the Mosses and Zenyatta. That they came to Lexington to be there when she was first turned out was really special and now , to be there for her foal’s birth… what can you say? . . They indeed know how blessed they have been to be the owners of such a wonderful, amazing horse. Just like we all know…we have been blessed to witness such an unique animal, blessed with speed, beauty, personality, grace, and charisma, and at a time in history where we can continue to follow her even after her racing career has ended. We are all so fortunate. Best wishes and prayers for a safe delivery and continued good fortune for all.
Josie Stomp
So perceptive and so right on. Yay! Team Zenyatta, including everyone on this site and elsewhere. Virtual bonds are so sustainable but not possible without the Mosses, Barn 55, Z fans and Lane’s End.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Linda in Fla.:
Love your post. So true. Hugs, JB
Linda Edwards in NJ
Did she have her baby? Someone said on FB that she had her foal.
JAG / Excited More Than Ever ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
No, rumor mill again!
Melissa M.
Miss Zenny – Just swung by to check in on ya, big girl! I bet you’ll have your behbeh in the wee hours o’ the morning. Good luck sweetheart!!
Sierra is freaking out.
I thought I would repost this for Terry to see.
Terry CrowPermalink | Reply
March 7, 2012 at 3:40 pm
Sierra-I’m sure Spike is overseeing the whole thing.
Aww.. Thanks for that Terry that makes me feel so good and much more calm. I always told Spikey about Z but of course he was still #1 in my heart but Z is a close 2nd. This made my day thank you! From early on Spike was always worried about his mares and I am sure with me telling him all about Z he felt as if she was one of his mares and I am sure you are right and that he is currently looking over her for me. Once I meet him at the rainbow bridge I am sure he will tell me all about it. One of the stories my mom told me about Spike was that he used to be turned out with about 5 mares (Such a ladies man wasn’t he?) and one day when there was a storm and my mom tried to bring him in he wouldn’t go. So she started to bring in the mares and then tried again. He still didn’t go so she brought in the rest of them and then went and got him finally he decided to go in. One of those mares Kir was his buddy for life and she is still alive. After we put him down she stood at the spot where he had laid down for the last time still alive all night supposedly not moving except to go over and sniff his body (We thought that is was only fair to her too that she should be allowed to say good bye just as if they were in the wild.) I am sure he was very proud of her for this. He always watched over everyone as if they were his children (The tears are coming now.) If I had a bad day I would always go out to the paddock and sit under the tree and sometimes just cry and he would come over and put his head in my lap and nudge me until I would start to laugh and then he would start to nudge me up and chase me around the paddock. I always thought that he loved to make me laugh. Thanks so much Terry! I am sure he is watching. I am sure he will be happy to know that the treats I will be sending Z were his old ones they were his favorite. Hilton Herb balls very healthy but he loved them so much he would dance just like Z for them.
Marshall (in NC)
Thank you for sharing your memories of Spike — perfectly lovely. What a sweet soul and what a wonderful bond you had with him. Hugs to you and to Kir!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sierra:
Got me crying too. Spike was really special. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Thanks for the reply, Sierra. Very thoughtful of you. From the way you describe him, Spike must have been quite a guy. Animals have a way of capturing our hearts and our souls. When Zenyatta delivers, I will be thinking of Spike. Bless you.
Dear Zenny I’m so excited for your baby! I don’t always have access to a computer so I’ve been anxious the last couple of days I don’t want to miss anything. I hope your team takes dozens of pictures for us “zsters” to go gaga over. My mare Precilla passed away during foaling and my little colt didn’t make it either. I know you’ll have a wonderful delivery and baby. Hopefully your gorgeous baby will help me during my rough time. Love you very much Zenny and I’m praying for you.
Marshall (in NC)
Sincere condolences to you. Healing thoughts, prayers and Hugs. <3
Dear Abby
Thoughts and prayers are with you in the loss of
Your beloved mare and her foal. Hope the happiness
And joy on this site will be healing for you in this
Difficult time.
Elizabeth in NM
Keeping you in prayer for the loss of your lovely Mare and her foal. I don’t know the words to say, but want you to know that so many of us are here and hope that we can share a little in your grief. I hope Zenny will be able to give you glimmers of hope at this time.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abby:
So sorry for your loss. Hugs, JB
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
sorry bout the loss of your mare & foal. big hugs/prayers. may God comfort you, vampress
Margaret Patiently waiting--no hurry Z
Yikes I almost used rush! Ick! Do not like that manhole!
Z you just take it slow and easy okay? I hear you had a good role in the mud today! All gloppy and muddy? Oooohhhh I bet that felt good. Slimey mud to ease the tummy aches!
I know having mom and dad there helps you to know that all will be fine. Soon the baby will be here and don’t worry. All the tummy aches will be gone pretty quick and you’ll have all these fond memories of when your mom welcomed you to the world.
Everyone there will help see to your needs. No fears there mama. And that bonding thing? Don’t worry. It should all kick in. Mother Nature does this splendidly if we humans will step out of the way. You’ll know what to do. You’ll see that baby and you’ll want to kiss and kiss it. That’s right mama. You just go ahead and lick the baby dry. It’s all healthy, a part of the rhythm of time. It will kick start the heart beating and sending blood through the lungs to get vital oxygen. And it kickstarts that whole bonding thing.
That complicated bonding thing. It will help you find your foal in a big pasture. When your foal gets scared they’ll know by smell how to get back to you. Both of you will be so attached. But it’s all as it should be mama. This is a whole part of motherhood that your entering.
Don’t you worry mama. No one will put you out in a big field until both of you are ready. Your handlers know what to look for. Trust them mama.
You have nothing to be afraid of. Everyone loves you and will do all they can to help you. You have but to ask.
Just thinking of you and sending you happy vibes. It’ll all be fine mama.
Sierra is freaking out.
Another great post Margret!
Sending Prayers for a Safe Foaling & Healthy Foal!!
Sierra is freaking out.
Question: Why does the full moon effect births for animals? I was just wondering this recently when I found out my friend was born on a full moon.
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
Alot of folks think that is just an Ole Wives Tale (Why wives, why not husbands?) The full moon has affects of people, animals and all of nature in different ways. It is just a part of nature and it is real. Old says and things like that come from real things that have happened…and a full moon is no different. Nature is mysterious and wonderful.
Terry Crow
Old wives may tell tales, but they are the best kind. And I don’t mean the tales.
AJ from CA
I hope it’s tomorrow cause I’m taking the day off from work…..so exciting!
Be well Big Mama! Be well. You are in good hands and you are loved dearly by more than 100,000 fans. All of our good wishes and prayers are sent to you from every corner of the globe.
Shannon From Cool
I wish we could get an update of how she’s doing. What her bag looks like? Is she dripping milk yet? WHAT, WHAT, WHAT!!!?
Margaret Patiently waiting--no hurry Z
Shannon while the video isn’t exactly related to Z– Lanes End, Donna Vowles and YouTube has an excellent 3 part video that might help you.
I highly recommend them. You’ll see a mare’s milk bag and then you can guess that Z should be pretty much the same.
Shannon From Cool
Thanks so much.
I use to work on TB breeding farms (even one in Versailles, KY) and have seen many foals being born BUT THIS TIME …. WELL, it’s EXTRA SPECIAL. I wanted to know what the status of her bag so I can settle down. I, like the rest of us, am so excited.
Sierra is freaking out.
I have been watching these and I am on my last one. They are great informational videos!