Good Morning,
Look who arrived to share all of my ‘new experiences’ with ME during the next several days….MY OWNERS!
I am so, so excited. Yesterday, we spent some time out in my paddock area together for a bit….and then some more time together indoors in my barn. We cuddled, we snuggled, and we just ‘hung out’. No treats…as my diet is being so carefully monitored these days….just sharing TRUE LOVE, FRIENDSHIP and JOY!
As you can see, it was a bit chilly and the snow is definitely on the ground…but it didn’t change anything for us. We had a great time sharing so many cherished moments together!
I am so HAPPY!
Lane’s End is also TOO CUTE! They had special coveralls made for both of them. Their names are personally stitched on the garments. This way, they’ll have something special to wear when ‘hanging out with ME’.
Everything is STATUS QUO with my ‘physical signs as I progress towards becoming a MOM’. Each day is a step closer…but other than that no further news.
I must stay, MY OWNER looks pretty terrific here….but I DO TOO (Blush, Blush) …especially when one considers I’m right at full term in my pregnancy!
A HIGH HOOF to our great photographer…who knew exactly how to capture the perfect pose.
This is truly a photo for our memory books!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~(Yeah, Barretts on a great sale last night. Numbers are UP!)
barbara in clearwater
dearest zenny,
there is a FULL moon in the sky!!! maybe you and tasty will give birth on the same day(ie night)! HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE??
well maybe not for the lane’s end wonderful staff. i sure they want to give each of you their UNdivided attention:):):)
love you lots and have an easy birth. BIG HUGS!
Diana Stuart - Pacing in Arizona
@All: I’m going to break one of my rules – as soon as I get home from work tonight, on my personal computer – I WILL join Z’s FB page to help get her there to 100,000.
Yikes! Did I just say that?
diastu – plunging into cyberspace with my foil hat off – in tempe
JAG More Excited Than Ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥Auntie Judy / So. CA
You better friend me, too, GF!!
Lisag in Texas
You go, Girl
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial#!/ZenyattaOfficial
Just so you know – Zenyatta was the only reason I joined Facebook!!!!!
Me, too! My hubby wanted me to join when he did but it took a certain horse to make me do it.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Me three! Some of my friends kept bugging me to join but I didn’t want to until I discovered that Zenyatta had a FB page. That was all it took!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
That foil hat is quite becoming! LOL! Yikes! You dident? I’m your sometime friend aren’t I?? your-friend-(maybe NOT!) -in-cyberspace-LaLa-land!
JAG More Excited Than Ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥Auntie Judy / So. CA
Auntie Judy (has lost it for sure!)
My good friend just sent me an early birthday present. Your plushie. What a perfect gift for me and with the new foal due any day a very timely present
So happy to Ann and Jerry are their with you Zenny
Anxiously awaiting the special news
Debbie & Jenny H from California
Dear Zenyatta,
I am so excited for the birth of your new foal. I can’t wait to see photos. I hope you are doing great. You are my favorite race horse of all time and you are a great inspiration to me.
With Love,
Jenny H (age 9) from California
Terry Crow
Jenny-Hope you keep posting.
Robin Alexander
OMG!!!!!!!SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! I HAVE GOOSE BUMPS FROM HEAD 2 TOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEP IM DOIN THE ZENYATTA DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAYERS FOR ZENYATTA & BABY : ) : ) : )
Counting the hours now. So glad your family is there for the birth!
Lisa in TN
Zen luck was with you when the Moss’ bought you. Hoping to hear soon. Glad they are there to witness to most anticapiated foal of the year. I bet there has never been a foal born that has had this much attention before it’s birth, and will have its life documented like this one will, but what a treasure that will be. Fingers crosses. Pace, pace.
Love you
Heidi K (Vallejo, Ca)
Lisa, if you hear the news before me, send me a text, blow my phone up!! Visa Versa! lol
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
Wow, what a super great pic Zenyatta of you and Ann Moss. Truly one for the picture album-Mr. Moss takes good pics I must say, he captured a truly warm and special moment.
So glad that your owners made it there to be with you for when your big event comes, I am sure there is no place that they would rather be than there with you. Nice too that you all are being able to share some time before your lives change forever. So thankful that all is going well and that you are progressing right along. Sending lots of positive energies and prayers to you Zenyatta and your unborn little baby foal. Just remember that you are so special to me and that you are my sparkling and shining star! My Love & Blessings to you!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
Ahhh Zenny! I am fried, frizzled, fizzled, freaked, and frazed! Forgot the laundry in the dryer for two days, trying to back out of the driveway and didn’t start the car!! Sat in the dark last night stareing (trying to catch some ZZZZ’S) at nothing but at blank computer screen with ‘something’ bouncing back and forth! Must remember when making smoothies, oh yeah! must remember the fruit! Remember to cook dinner and turn off the burners! (yeah, I burned up a frozen pizza last night! Geez!) Did I feed the cats?? Mail left in the mailbox since I don’t know when! (forgot stamps on out going mail too!) Almost left the house with one eyelash yesterday LOL! Almost forgot to peel hard boiled eggs before making egg salad! (wondered why it was so crunchy!) Contact lenses still stuck on eyeballs (talk about a Zombie look! LOL!) What’s today?? Plump dumpling rump is sore (ouch!) from sitting at the computer all night and day! (Feels like not riding a horse in awhile!) Phewww! and don’t mention the shower that I desperately do need! (what is that strange green tinge on my teeth?? looks like … naw! …it couldn’t be … could it??) UGGG! BUT what a blithering mess of looney happiness about to be, beautiful girl!!! I’d do it all over again just for you my heart!! ♥ and b♥by makes two! ♥ ♥ OXXOXXOO
JAG More Excited Than Ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥Auntie Judy / So. CA
I can relate….. numb butt :-)))) Contacts dry – eyes blurry and burning… burning the midnight oil by the computer…. cat is ticked off because I haven’t given HER any TLC… sleep – what is that!!
Diana Stuart - Pacing in Arizona
@Karen: Gotta find the sand box – I’m laughing sooooo hard right now!!!
dia-tee-pee-stu in tempeeeee
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
OMG you’re too too funny!
Heidi K (Vallejo, Ca)
LOLOL….. Hey, at least we can laugh at ourselves, right? Things are getting interesting around here!! Hmmm, maybe the up coming full moon is playing tricks on all of us!!! You go Howl, and Howl, JAG!!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
Zenny. the children ARE out to play today – yeah, the Zombie Zoo is right! HAHAHA! FUN FUN just to take the edge off, ya know? We need it to stay sane girl!!!
Jan S. / Houston
Whoa!! Karen, you are really in the Zombie Zoo. LOL..
Debbie G/Kentucky
You are too funny Karen!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
LoL, even if I don’t believe half of it, it’s great!
OMG Z I have not spoken to you forever! I got sidetracked with school and all, also with my new horse! I got him on january 13th and he is a bay tobiano National Show Horse! His name is Sundae Sensation (aka Sundae) Great to hear about the baby news. Z i hope you know my life long dream is to one day meet you! Well keep posting Z! You will always be the best there is!
OMG, Is any of us going to go to sleep tonight? I mean how in the heck can we? We are constantly checking all the sites on the web, checking “Z”‘s website, Just how are we supposed to shut our eyes tonight and go to sleep. Since the arrival of the Moss’s we all know it can be anytime now, so what are we supposed to do? I don’t drink but I may have to go buy a bottle, I don’t smoke but I may have to go buy a pack, I don’t chew, but hey, I might as well try that one too since it may just help me calm down. I don’t take prescription narcotics but hey, this is as good as a time as any to chuck a pill down……… I sure to heck can’t count sheep……..then I’d be thinking about horses then Zenny then, I’ll be right back where I started………and still won’t get to go to sleep…………………OH, well she won’t have another foal until next year. I can catch up on my missed sleep later……….
JAG More Excited Than Ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥Auntie Judy / So. CA
First Born ♥! Right! We can all catch up with our Zs later LOL
Auntie Judy
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
Too Cute! LOL!
Louise Castello
This is hysterical Carol! Reminds me of Lloyd Bridge’s lines from Airplane. “Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking, amphetamines, sniffing glue, etc.
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
JAG / Excited More Than Ever ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
I love that scene and line LOL
Diana Stuart - Pacing in Arizona
@Carolyn: This sounds like the makings of a redneck waiting room! Pass that chew, will ya?
diastu is losing it in Arizona
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
Diana GF! Chew? Big league chew huh? Me thinks you’ve been hangin’ around them baseballers down there in the desert – chaw ya’ll …
Terry Crow
I think Diana S is referring to Redman.
Terri Bey
I am SO SO Excited for you, Zenny. I can not wait for your blessed baby to come. I am so happy your blessed owners Jerry and Ann Moss arrived for this great event. Love you so so much. High Hoof! Good luck and God Bless. Will say a prayer for you, your owners, the vets, and your baby.
HUGS and KISSes from me and my beagle.
Patricia ( Lake Tahoe, Nevada)
Being technologically challenged, I never felt the need to be on Facebook, but want to help Z make it to 100,000, so just “liked” the queen!!! Is that the same as being a friend?? Someone please tell me if that is not the case!!! Thanks Z’sters
Have been pacing so long I’m now STAGGERING!!!
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial#!/ZenyattaOfficial
“Like” is the same as friend – they changed it a while back.
Thanks for supporting Zen – She’s the only reason I joined Facebook bach when she only had about 15,000 fans – that was not too long ago.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
Me too!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Ladies, we’re at 99,899 on FB right now.
JAG / Excited More Than Ever ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
We are coming down to the wire……… it looks like it will take a Closing Kick. Who out there has the BEST TURN OF FOOT – come on Z’sters who aren’t on facebook – do your deed!
And down the stretch they come…………… I want to know who becomes the 100,000 friend! ♥
Auntie Giddy Judy
Barb Zylbert
It is going to be mighty crowded outside that foaling stall !!! Hopefully Zenyatta won’t mind.
Diana Stuart - Pacing in Arizona
@Barb Z: Counting all the spirits and angels and planet-bound humans? Yeah! How many of us can we fit on a pin?
diastu in tempe
Diana Stuart - Pacing in Arizona
I meant “the head of a pin”! Going home now. Takes 30 minutes. Don’t do anything til I get there Z!
I bet all of Lane’s End staff is working overtime so they can all witness Zenyatta’s delivery. I bet they will all have their cameras ready. I sure hope so. I want to see this very special blessed event unfolding. If some aren’t working then I bet they are on speed dial so they can get there to witness the birth of baby Z.
Just minutes ago, I took a picture of the moon and posted it on Zenyatta’s Facebook. Does anyone see some pink in this picture? Hmmmm.
mary bobolis
Mike Smith and Lanes End posted a few hours ago that Zen is expected to foal within the next 24 hous..
Sierra is upset and pacing
Wait Lane’s End posted that can you give me the link?
Lisag in Texas
I cannot breathe nor can type.
Diana Stuart - Pacing in Arizona
@Dottie: PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do a quick COMMENT post here when the big moment arrives for all of us that are staying up all night waiting for exciting news. And since it will probably cause the site to crash again, you’ll be able to go get some sleep after. :-) LOVE YOU and the whole Z TEAM.
diastu – looking for the BIG coffee urn – in tempe
I hope we get to see a picture of your precious baby tomorrow. I am thinking a filly. I like the name Zenny’s Dini. Wishing you all the best! Love You Forever!!!!!!!
Linda H. in PA
so excited to see the new arrival. I know there will be tears of joy all around for the new prince or princess.
Barbara Sanders
I love the overalls. My sister and brother-in-law are both Vets so we always wore overalls for our family soccer games on Thanksgiving when the weather was inclement. One team was in dark green: the other in beige: It was always a great time. You should surely put overalls in the gift shop with Zenyatta and her foals monograms on them. You’ll be sold out in a day.
Z IS looking slim in that stance isn’t she. We can’t wait here in Long Beach CA so Happy foaling sweet Z. I really miss visiting you @ Barn 55.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
Howdy neighbor! I’m in Long Beach too! :)
Diana Stuart - Pacing in Arizona
Howdy from a Long Beach native. They kicked me out so now I’m in Arizona :-)
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
Yeah, just didnt ‘fit’ with the dia-stu-in-LB thingie! MizBossyPants can have all ’em desert lizards and other scaly creatures that crawl …. and slither! owwwho! yeee! No, I am not talking about YOUR Arizona Diamondbacks GF!
Lisag in Texas
I got kicked out to, now I am in Texas.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Born and raised in Long Beach, CA myself.
Nice photo – looks pink to me!!!
Friends up to 99,825
The Kennedys in San Diego
Looks like MIke Smith posted a photo of Pirate Queen and her foal on his Facebook page.
Is there any other horse that would crash a website?! lol Nope! So excited to hear the news you’re getting close sweetheart!! So happy for Ann especially that she’s there for you Zenyatta! She loves you so so much! Love how she calls you “darling” in all the videos! :-)) Hugs for Dottie,John and Mario too! Thank you all for sharing her!
The Kennedys in San Diego
Wonderful photos of Lane’s End mares and foals frolicking in the snow.
Abigail from Montreal
Did you notice the 2 of Pirate Queen & her ADORABLE baby?
Here’s another of the two of them, posted on LE Facebook in the Foaling Barn photos:
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, how are you feeling? What are you and Your Company doing? Has your friend, Goldikova been in touch?
Prince/Princess Zenyatta 12, enjoy coming out into the world. You have the best Mom and Human Grandparents, ever. I love you both..Lisag
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Hi Zenyatta it has been a day. I am just going to say I love you so much. Enjoy your special time with your family. I love you sweet girl. Tell Tasty Hi too. Hugs and many many Kisses, Shari XXXOOO
PS I am watching Secretariat again. Maybe that is a sign it is a colt : )
Sierra is upset and pacing
That is funny because I am watching that too! I guess I am just trying to hold off some of my excitement.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
carol in utah
I watched it this morning …..great minds think alike
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
I dreamed Our Queen had a Prince. My heart wanted a Princess, but the little Prince was so beautiful, I did not think Princess anymore. He was so beautiful, he was so Black he was Blue, he had a small “tornado” and 2 white socks. He was magnificent.
Sierra is upset and pacing
I am sad because I cannot stay up all night and I have school tomorrow…. I guess I will be the last to know about Z’s birth. I might just get up around 6 and see if the little one was born yet. I hope I don’t miss anything… I also hope that the site doesn’t crash I think we should set up a time for everyone to be on so we don’t crash the site. I think we would all die if that happened!
Oh and Dottie if you could please let us know when Z has started her process that would be great as I think some of us might not be able to get on when the foal is actually born but would like to know that the foal is getting really close to being born.
Lisag in Texas
Don’t be sad, give Shari your number…she will call you and you probably won’t be asleep.
I am right there with you. I am always last to know as a get home from school at 4 Eastern Time.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I won’t have a chance to check the website until after I get to work at 7 am (and get all the computers turned on, log in my computer, write the day’s schedule on the white board, unlock the doors and deal with the first rush of students …). If there is no news at that point, I will be hitting “refresh” as often as I can in between helping students … I sincerely doubt I will get much work done until the diary is posted tomorrow!!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yeah, Julie, Pati, and Sierra — and Zenny might be going, “(Yawn), I’m not quite ready yet…” and “Think I’ll wait awhile longer, to make sure this ‘puppy’ is exactly ready.” and “Let’s see what the moon says, first.” Just sayin’.
Zenyatta, I’ll bet you are happy to see your owners at Lane’s End Farm. Every day is a day closer to yours and Tasty’s foals being born. They are taking excellent care of you and making sure everything is going perfectly. Good luck!