Good Morning,
Look who arrived to share all of my ‘new experiences’ with ME during the next several days….MY OWNERS!
I am so, so excited. Yesterday, we spent some time out in my paddock area together for a bit….and then some more time together indoors in my barn. We cuddled, we snuggled, and we just ‘hung out’. No treats…as my diet is being so carefully monitored these days….just sharing TRUE LOVE, FRIENDSHIP and JOY!
As you can see, it was a bit chilly and the snow is definitely on the ground…but it didn’t change anything for us. We had a great time sharing so many cherished moments together!
I am so HAPPY!
Lane’s End is also TOO CUTE! They had special coveralls made for both of them. Their names are personally stitched on the garments. This way, they’ll have something special to wear when ‘hanging out with ME’.
Everything is STATUS QUO with my ‘physical signs as I progress towards becoming a MOM’. Each day is a step closer…but other than that no further news.
I must stay, MY OWNER looks pretty terrific here….but I DO TOO (Blush, Blush) …especially when one considers I’m right at full term in my pregnancy!
A HIGH HOOF to our great photographer…who knew exactly how to capture the perfect pose.
This is truly a photo for our memory books!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~(Yeah, Barretts on a great sale last night. Numbers are UP!)
The time must truly be near if Jerry and Ann have already arrived in Kentucky!!! The world is ready to welcome Baby Z with open arms!!! Hang in there, Queen Z……..your time is almost here……….can’t wait to see you and the new little one snuggle for the first time!! You’ll have to show him/her how to “dance” (after he/she learns how to walk and run, of course)!! You’re gonna be a GREAT mama!!! =)
Mike Smith’s update on his Facebook page said Zenyatta will foal within 24 hours!
Louise Castello
Oh my gosh! Can’t stand the excitement! Good luck Ms. Z!
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, how is it going My Queen? Prince/Princess Zenyatta 12, alot of your Aunties, Uncles, and Grandmama’s and Grandpapa’s in Your World are anxiously awaiting your arrival. Have a wonderful time as you come into the world, you have the best Mom and Human Grandparents, ever.
Ms Zenyatta, has Goldikova been in touch, keeping up with the events? Guess you talk about that way later…other important things going on.
Lisag in Texas
Still cannot breathe. I wish I were there in overalls and a sleeping bag (sleep, yeah right), I wish I were there.
sending you good energy during this special time. excited to see your baby!
Looks like right horn from the shot with Anne. That means filly. I’m right 50% of the time
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Good one, Kathleen!
Camille from Louisville, KY
Looks like March 7th may very well be the BIG DAY for Zenyatta………how about that……..Lucky 7!!! Just in time for St. Patty’s Day!! =) Not much longer, big girl. The new chapter in your life is about to begin………….you’re in the final stretch once more…….and all your fans will be cheering you on, as always. Can’t wait to see your foal!! May God bless you and keep you safe, today, tomorrow, and always!! XOXOXO
Any new on Tasty’s condition? Just wonderin’
From previous posts it seems Tasty is just a few days behind Zenny in certain stages. So she will most likely foal after Zenyatta but you never know.
I kinda figured the same thing.. didn’t know if anyone knew anything else about her. Thanks so much.
I just saw Mike’s post & am very excited – Guess that’s why company is in town! Hope all goes well for momma & baby. Many auntie’s on pins & needles tonight. Can’t wait to read the latest tomorrow, hope the site doesn’t crash!
Sending much love to momma Z & baby Z!
x0x0x0 Auntie Patti
Haha two Pattis in a row. :-D
If what I am hearing is true, then by tomorrow, this site should over-load, and my poor tractor of a computer will putter out and die from exaustion of trying to load the site. LOL
Can’t wait!! I will be at school tomorrow and I will cry if I miss the information. I do not wish to be the last to know. Would anyone mind informing me when the new prince/princess arrives??
I will also write to my local station and try to get them to do a story about it!! Hooves crossed that they accept!!
Oh and Z family, I believe my “bully” issue has been resolved. Thanks for the support and well wishes. What a wonderful weirdly-extended family we all are. ;-) I feel blessed and I am very lucky to be a Zenyatta fan, and a Z family member. :-)
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Pati:
Glad to hear everything is good with you. Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks for letting us know, Pati, I was still wondering (occasionally, when not thinking of Z!).
Jan S. / Houston
Thumbs up Pati. :)
Pati- Professional Pacer
Thankk you thank you! I am riding again this Friday at the barn, I will post pictures if I can on FB or YouTube, just so you can see the “Big Mama” I ride!!!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks for letting us know that things are looking up for you in regards to that bully. High hoof to you!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Hope to see those pics!
Anxiously awaiting the new prince/princess of racing. Your picture with Ann is so so cute. Prayers still going up for a safe delivery and a healthy baby. So glad your family is there with you for the big day or night. I check the sites many times a night and all day to see if there is any news. Please let us know as soon as you can when you foal. We, out here in Z land are on pins and needles waiting! Love you Z !!
Janet Cutting in Wisconsin
Hi Zenny, You and Mrs Moss look so happy together. I am glad you will have Mr and Mrs Moss with you this week. I cant wait !!!!!!! Gotta be a little Z…… but a little Bernie is good too……….
Karen in Indiana
Oh, hugs to all!! How exciting and to be able to share it with people who love you makes it even more so. Blessings to you all and hopes that it will be soon and everything turns out wonderful. We all join you in anticipation.
Paula Higgins
Oh my it is getting close now!!! I am very glad Ann and Jerry are there. The Lane’s End staff know exactly what they are doing,but having family she knows there, is ideal. Ann and our girl look beautiful standing there with the snowy background. Love the jumpsuit!! Too cute!
Terry Crow
I would think that the Lane’s End staff is the most nervous of all.
Celeste in TX
Thank you for sharing the beautiful photo of you and your lovely Ann! It makes me so happy to know that your sweet human mom & dad will be there with you! Lane’s End is so gracious and generous to create the personalized coveralls – that is just too cute! Thank you once more for giving us all this wonderful site!
Hi “ZENNY”….I have a very strong feeling there`s something going to happen very,very, soon. This is why Jerry and Ann are there with you now. Well, to tell you the truth I`m a nervous wreck. I say it on each post lately. Everyone important is there with and for you. Everyone is supporting you in every way they can.The work will be done by only you,Zenny. You`ll do a SPECTACULAR job. Just like you did at every race.May everything go perfect each step of the way. Soon it will be your time to have your baby and God will help you along with everyone there. I just can`t wait to hear the news. I wish we could get constant updates. I`m always wondering if you`re in labor yet. Oh dear! Soooo nervous. Ok my girl now you`re with your Ann and Jerry. Nothing CAN go wrong now. Love you Zenny!!!! Lots of BIG hugs and kisses for you and your little….Girl!!! ALENE
BARB G (SKIP) and JULIETTE the Cat in NJ
Zenyatta, I love you with all my heart…thank you for all you give to us through your magnificent voice, Dottie…bless and keep you as you go forward into this new stage of life
OMG, 203 away from 100,000!
Hugs from Emilie, Zenny! Can’t wait to see Baby Z!
God bless!
Heidi K (Vallejo, Ca)
Oh my oh my! I always love to see photos of you with your Mom, Anne. The love and bond is so evident! So, since they’re there now, that means Any Moment, Any Hour!! Like so many other, Aunties and Uncles waiting on pins and needles and checking sites through out the day, count me in on the Obsessed! I was up until 4 am checking back and forth between, here, fb, bh, drf and TT! After seeing Mikey’s post on FB, I got chills.
I also know that You’re Handsome Man is very nervous as well. I wonder if the blessed event will make it to the News? Could you imagine!! Watching you’re regular show and having it interrupted with an announcement of “The Foal the World has been waiting for has finally arrived!”
Oh my, how in the world will I be able to sleep the entire night? I don’t see that happening.
As someone stated above, I bet you were just waiting for your Mom and Dad to get there! Now you can take a deep breathe (all of us) and let Mother Nature make her impact! I’ll check back every hour or so. My luck, when I’m away this Evening, things will happen. LOL, I’ll be rushing to get back to my laptop!
To those that had issues getting in, I had no issues. Maybe, because, I didn’t check in until mid afternoon?! Hopefully, the site will not crash. If so, Like Abigail said, post the news to Rachel’s site or Bernies if it comes down to that!
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial#!/ZenyattaOfficial
197 Facebook fans to go!!!!
193 now. At least we can get immediate updates with that. Helps me take my mind of the big update. LOL
Patricia/Far northern CA
Okay, everyone, take a deep breath, settle down, and send all the good vibes you can to Our Zenny…
Zenny, you’re in wonderful hands and they will give you whatever you need. And we will all be patient, though it’s hard… we’ve waited so long! All our best to the Mosses, Dottie and John, and the crews at Barn 55 and LE— who certainly are as anxious as we are to get the news.
One of my Arabian mares used to get HUGE just before foaling, she was a tiny thing (13:3!!!) —- looked like a balloon with little stick legs underneath and big eyes and tossing mane up front…
In the last couple of days before her due date I’d take her for walks and when she saw the other horses in the fields she would PIAFFE along the path… her eyes (normally very large) would get enormous, she’d throw her tail up over her back, and she would just STRUT. She thought she was so cool… she WAS… normally she was very quiet and sensible and so easy to live with… she was such fun.
We covered many miles and years together, she lived to 30 and gave me some lovely babies, and I still have her grandson age 28 next month, and his daughter, nearly 19, who exhibit some of the same mischievous personality…
Remember, mares in the wild had to be able to move with the herd, so it’s good to see Zenny out enjoying the fresh air and exercising naturally. Best thing for her!!!
Very nice story.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
In the midst of the looming insanity here, Patricia, I like your nice dose of reality. Thanks.
Mary Ann Greene
FULL MOON almost here….in humans the L & D suites are hopping!!! Bet it is the same in the equine world….
Sierra is pacing very nervously now
So great to hear you will foal very soon! If you foal tonight I would be so happy because it is my friend’s birthday today and I have shared everything about you with her. I can’t wait to see your foal! Hope you and Tasty are doing well. Oh and speaking of Tasty we haven’t heard about her lately how is she?
Love always,
P.S. I drew a great picture of you today in class I will add your foal to it once it is born and then send it to Lane’s End as a welcome to the world gift! I might even send some horse treats with it! Love you so much Z!
Abigail from Montreal
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
So sweet, share with us if you can. I cannot wait to see this drawing you created.
Mike Smith posted a picture of PQ and her QR foal on his Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=345163412193543&set=a.152527891457097.25723.122849674424919&type=1&theater
He is a cutie! Looks like he will might be a grey.
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
P’s n Q’s is beautiful
JAG More Excited Than Ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥Auntie Judy / So. CA
I’m going to howl at the moon……………. the local police department will be taking me to the station – I just hope John “Shirreffs” can bail me out :-))))
♥ DOTTIE – you are a doll! Please don’t stop sharing Our Queen with us, even with the “bickering”. I guess our own hormones are on high, too!! Debate. Debate, Debate – it’s that time of year ‘ya know!
Xanax here I come………………… ;-)
Auntie Judy (on The Verge of Exploding with Excitement!) XOXO
p.s. Good thoughts for Tasty Temptation…
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
Sheese LOL! LOL!
Heidi K (Vallejo, Ca)
JAG you and Karen are on a roll. You have me laughing so loud that, my cat’s went for cover. Plus, they don’t know what to do with me… They just keep watching me walking in circles trying to figure out, “Why am I in this room?!” Oh Yeah, laundry and dishes. LOL
Just think tomorrow, or early tonight/morning, we might get the news of the foal! Oooo, I am going stir crazy!!! Breathe, breathe.. Ok, gotta get out of here and get some fresh, cool air. bbl
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
haha! Yeah, that “Why am I in this Room?” feeling is scary, huh? Too cute post!
JAG / Excited More Than Ever ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
MIDNIGHT in Kentucky – I added another heart ♥ to my name for the 7th day of March…….. could it be…………. Lord settle me timbers……….
Auntie Judy (inhale. exhale, inhale, exhale!) Oh, whoops, it’s not ME in labor……
Go get ’em, Zenny! I’m sending so much LOVE and GOOD VIBES xoxoxoxo
Beautiful picture Z. You both look amazing. I wish every horse could be surrounded by all the love that surrounds you.
Shannon From Cool
GETTING READY FOR A NATIONAL HOLIDAY when Zenyatta foals. Is it true what Mike Smith’s Facebook page says, “Zenyatta to foal within 24 hours?”
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yes, it does. I’m refusing to believe it until Zenny says.
sue and tony
Thank goodness we are off work tomorrow…I think this place will be CRAZY!!!!!
Lynn in Citrus Heights
Oh My!!! Ann and Jerry are there with you! That means you are very close to delivering! How exciting to be able to spend some time with them before the blessed event!
I spent all day at the Superior Courthouse in Sacramento on Jury duty! Just PRAYING I wold not get chosen and therefore out of the loop for a week or so….I was not selected! Phew!! Not that I did not want to do my civic duty, but the timing was not right!!!
First thing I did when I got home (after letting my 3 vizslas out) was run back and check the website. No baby yet, but soon. A full moon is coming….
Good luck, Zennie, get lots of rest and lots of snuggles with your human loved ones!! I can imagine that if we are so excited about the coming few days, they must be about to BURST!!! Maybe they can have your Guinness.
Hugs from windy California,
Terry Crow
Maybe you will end up on JAG’s jury.
Linda M.
Dear Sweet Zenny and Dottie, well of all the “Too Cutes” your Diary today is WAY TOO CUTE!!!!
LOVE the pic, love the update and love the new outfits :)
We are so glad that your owners have arrived to share this once in a lifetime miracle with you! And to be able to relay back to your Team Z and Barn 55 friends 1st hand the joyous occasion.
Seems like any day now, Zenny, we will all get introduced to Baby Z! All your Aunties and Uncles can hardly wait!!
Sending our love, high hooves, and best wishes, Linda & George
PatB from NM
This AM I was #11 on the blog, but couldn’t get my comment in before the crash, so here goes 358 later!
I’m so moved by the thought of your loving and beloved owners being with you during your blessed event. This has to be unique, or certainly rare, among owners of such stature. You, Zenyatta, my love, look VERY fit, certainly not like most of us ladies at nine months! My most positive and loving thoughts are with you, now and always.
Love you always, Z.
P.S. Wondering if your excitement at seeing your people will delay the birth, as some were saying the inclement weather could cause you to “put things off.”