Good Morning,
Look who arrived to share all of my ‘new experiences’ with ME during the next several days….MY OWNERS!
I am so, so excited. Yesterday, we spent some time out in my paddock area together for a bit….and then some more time together indoors in my barn. We cuddled, we snuggled, and we just ‘hung out’. No treats…as my diet is being so carefully monitored these days….just sharing TRUE LOVE, FRIENDSHIP and JOY!
As you can see, it was a bit chilly and the snow is definitely on the ground…but it didn’t change anything for us. We had a great time sharing so many cherished moments together!
I am so HAPPY!
Lane’s End is also TOO CUTE! They had special coveralls made for both of them. Their names are personally stitched on the garments. This way, they’ll have something special to wear when ‘hanging out with ME’.
Everything is STATUS QUO with my ‘physical signs as I progress towards becoming a MOM’. Each day is a step closer…but other than that no further news.
I must stay, MY OWNER looks pretty terrific here….but I DO TOO (Blush, Blush) …especially when one considers I’m right at full term in my pregnancy!
A HIGH HOOF to our great photographer…who knew exactly how to capture the perfect pose.
This is truly a photo for our memory books!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~(Yeah, Barretts on a great sale last night. Numbers are UP!)
carol in utah
just had time to read all the posts…
a while back some posted that equine people carry babies “sideways” and when they are getting very close to time…the foal “turns” so its front legs and head are pointed into the birth canal….(hope this is right…no personal experience with foaling mares)
judging from the “just too cute for words” picture at the top of this post…there aint
nothing “sideways” about you anymore…
deep breathing…..will do good for you Zenny and probably will help all of your totally loving aunties/nannies/grannies/uncles/and pawpaw’s too…
the very gentlest of belly rubs for you and for Tasty too…
(can we find out how close she is getting? really like seeing you two together…)
love you always…love all YOUR FAMILY… love everyone that posts here…
we are a really diverse bunch…
REST….EXERCISE….EAT…..RELAX…..we will ALL the worring for you
That would probably be me. At least you remembered something I tried to impart.
Back to “go away” mode
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Hi, Margaret! Peek-a-boo. Glad to see you’re still reading, at least, so you can see how excited we all are, if a bit loopy from it. Even if you don’t write, I like to think you’re keeping up.
carol in utah
@margaret…..always read your posts with interest …know that the info will be accurate and well researched…even at my increasing age …willing to learn…also my mind seems to retain detail….only time my then teenagers wanted mom was when we were playing Trivial Pursuit
Mary in Central Virginia
Oh Z…..glad you posted a picture of you with Ann……..she is so cute….love her coveralls…..and of course you love her…can see that…..guess you just have to touch her hair…..so sweet. Wow….what a wonderful fun time for all…….cannot wait to see the baby. I go visit a lady who is 88 at a nursing home…and I said to her today….June, my favorite horse Zenyatta is about to have her foal. June asked if a boy or a girl….I said we do not know yet. Hugs to you Z……. say thank you to Ann and Jerry for sharing you and all this excitement with us fans. Sure does brighten ones day. :)
Liz Gooch
So glad your Jerry and Ann will be there with you and your bundle of joy. They are wonderful people and the best ambassadors, along with John and Dottie, for horse racing. Thank you for sharing each day with the fans. After meeting you over a year ago I get goosebumps everytime I read your posts.
hi Z! oh I’m so happy that YOU’RE happy;) and so glad YOU have company during this very special time in YOUR life! I can’t wait to see the little Z/B!!! Love YOU gorgeous mama xoxoxo the photo is precious!
Bernadette Norwood
Sweet beautiful Zanyatta! I’m thrilled that your wonderful family have arrived, and you
will always have that very special photo to remember this BIG EVENT! The world is waiting for the happy news? Wishing you a safe and quick delivery!
Hugs, Bernadette
Z- if you could just hold out a few more days… I have a big x-0 birthday on Saturday! I’d love to share that day with your little one!!! Hugs~~~
Kim, goodness, Zenation will have a heart attack by then. We are ready for this superstar to come now, today. God bless you on your birthday but we are all overly anxious about this little one coming much sooner than later.
Valarie Franklin
That is so awesome that your owners came to be with you, Zenny! Up until last night I’d been “feeling” that the foal is a filly but last night I had a dream it’s a colt! I can’t wait to find out! Love you!
Deat z wish all horses were loved like you your owners are great love ya z
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, As always you look radiantly beautiful, even more so standing, sniffing, and snuggling with your radiantly beautiful Human Mama. I have along comute home, with no puter by my side, and an old cell phone…I have been meaning to upgrade..what is wrong with me??? Please wait, if you can, if you’ve decided the 6th is your preference. I love you and so glad and not at all surprised your CA family is there with more on the way. Sure hope Your John brings along your favorite Adult Beverage! I love you, I will be home soon…but not soon enough…I love you….Lisag
Susan in SO CAL
Z, Love you and wishing you and yours the best!
Raylene/ So Cal
I am having a terrible time trying to get work done. I too was wondering what happened when I could not load your page. I am thinking the site will probably crash when your FILLY is born. Hope it does not though. God Bless you and Tasty too! May you both have a smooth and safe delivery. I too think it is great that Jerry and Ann are there for you.
Think pink!!
For Ann and Jerry to be here that’s a clear indication that baby Z is getting ready to make his/her grand entrance to the horse racing world. Just like any terrific grandparents, they wouldn’t miss this for the world. Now, Ann and Jerry are Pacing, Pacing, Pacing.
Past the Grandstand
I am so excited, Zenyatta! How great that your owners are there. Stay healthy and safe! Love you, Z!
Pam Zacek,
You are one lucky HOrse, and wow, the owners there so good to you, but all of the team, still , is, your John, comes and visits, dottie, and the diary, Bet Moral askes everyday, how our doing, and all the Barn 55 Horses, probably Neighing, together, wondering, How and when the Little one will arrive, but wow, your Owners are so lucky to have you, the whole world, loves you, big time, I am hoping all will go well, and everything, is A Okay, i love the coveralls, just like, that old Poster, You been farming, long, LOL, or You been risen winners Long??? anyway, keep relaxing, eating, that great grass, and everyone is pacing, around, Im with the one, said, might have earth quake, while we all pace, back and forth, waiting for the big event… Prayers for a happy, healthy, foal, I don t care which it is, just healthy and Mom Mom, stays that way, I would love to call this little one, HOpe, and Love, with all the people, following this whole preganacy and all the other diarys, of the Queen, keep, safe, Zen, Love you and hugs to the little guy, or gal.
Lanes End, The Moss’s, or whomever is putting out the info on Z and her delivery. If worst things happen and this website of Zenyatta’s crashes, please go to her Facebook page and give us the information. Zennation will die if this site crashes and we are left in the dark. The world awaits for this delivery…………
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I hope they send out an email, because I can’t access FB from work!! :)
Julie, as long as you can access any number of websites like AOL, Google, Msn, or Bloodhorse.com , Thoroughbredtimes.com, DRF.com , any of these I expect you’ll only need to type in zenyatta and if any info is available , you’ll see the latest news and if she’s foaled. Hope this helps, I don’t want to see you or any of us miss a thing.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Don’t worry, I am a library tech, so I know how to find information online! :) Our Internet filters won’t let me access Blood Horse, Thoroughbred Times or DRF, unfortunately, so I’ll have to rely on good old Google. I would LOVE to read the news in Z’s Diary first, though, in “her own words” rather than a “press release”. It’s silly, I know, but Z makes me silly (in the best way)!!
JAG More Excited Than Ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥Auntie Judy / So. CA
I can’t access FB from work either :-(
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial#!/ZenyattaOfficial
I know – the site has crashed several times in the past week – Too Cute – expect when you are waiting for the arrival of the Queens baby foal.
sue and tony
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial#!/ZenyattaOfficial
My mom’s birthday is on the 10th- that would be cool for your little one to share that date…. but I don’t think I can wait that long!!!! Daylight savings is on the 11th which would be cool – but again, I don’t think I can wait that long :)
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
I think all of us who are over the age of 21 should hoist a Guinness to toast the new arrival when he/she comes! Just think, Zenny, thousands of Guinnesses all being drunk in your honor! ;)
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!!
Here! Here! I’ll drink to that! Cheers!! Bottoms up!
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial#!/ZenyattaOfficial
High Hoof – Cheers
JAG More Excited Than Ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥Auntie Judy / So. CA
I don’t drink – but that is about to change………….. LOL
Lisag in Texas
Thank you, Auntie JAG…You have kept me LOL, ROFLMAO, making this a little bit better for me. Keep it up.
JAG / Excited More Than Ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
I’m watching the clock…… tick tick tick……… where the hell is midnight in Kentucky!!?? Tick tick tick
Auntie Judy (loves to make ’em laugh!)
Jan S. / Houston
LOL.. YEAH!!!!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
Hohooheehee busting my sides – hurts – That IS funny JAG! Can’t say that about myself though – a sip (yeah right! more like a snort and a ‘suck it up!’ Whoop!) now and then is OKAY, right????
Barb France/Washington State
Glasses will be clinking everywhere!!! Cheers!
Maybe Guiness should do a special run of Zenyatta Celebration?
Design a cute label of Z with foal.
I’d buy that & beer/ale isn’t my drink of choice.
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
Excellent idea! Funny Cide had his own beer, why shouldn’t Zenyatta have one too?
Judy Sims in Florida
Dear Zenny, Ann & Jerry:
I am so very happy that you all are together at this special time and soaking up the love, and I am also very relieved that the terrible weather spared the farms and the horses and of course you, Zenny, and that Ann & Jerry arrived safe and sound and will be there for the blessed event.
Your first foal will be the most celebrated event of 2012 around the world.
Prayers for a safe, easy delivery.
What a great picture and the special coveralls are TOO, TOO CUTE! Jerry and Your John are quite the photographers (another skill to add to their resumes)!
God Bless You All.
Am checking the Lane’s End foal website several times a day and your website too.
Special thanks and gratefulness for the fabulous Dottie.
Love, Judy (pacing in Florida)
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial#!/ZenyattaOfficial
Only 219 more Facebook “Like”s to go – keep it rolling along :)
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Hoof-ray, Gloria Jeanne! That’s FANtastic!
I just posted to Black Caviar and Daily Racing Form to see if we can get that final 200 or so. You know Z won’t let us see baby Z until she attains that landmark to be added to the numerous articles that will be written (LOL).
Know that’s what I was thinking too she’s just waiting for Dottie or Ann to tell her she has 100,000 likes and then she’ll be like ok it’s time, let’s do this. LOL She’s been getting around 200 a day so she’ll hit 100,000 tomorrow at the lateset. At least we can obsess over that and try to keep our minds busy until we get the big announcement.
I just posted to Guinness as well, I remember someone here months ago saying she was very popular in Ireland:
One of your most famous Guinness drinker’s of all time, Zenyatta, is due to foal anytime now. Her owner’s, Ann and Jerry Moss, have arrived to be present for the long-awaited event. Many of her facebook fans are already stocking up on Guinness to celebrate in her honor (she has a restricted diet due to her impending motherhood). Please become a fan of Zenyatta’s and help her reach the milestone of 100,000 – she just needs a little over 200 more before the arrival of your next loyal customer – Little Z!!!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Very clever, AmyK! High hoof!
Barb France/Washington State
Ann is just beaming! Zenyatta is giving her a big kiss! I can’t stop smiling myself looking at this picture! I am so thankful that they are allowing us to be a part of their experience with Z. I think we are all going through “labor” pains with Zenny!
Dear Zenny,
What a TOO CUTE photo of you and Ann
From a great photographer, Jerry. So impressed
The have special clothing for visitors and I am sure
Staff that does not go away from the foaling barn. Kind
Of like when our human visitors wear scrubs for
Human Labor and Deliveries. What a very special place
Is Lanes End and how appropriate to have Custom
Made overalls for the foaling barn. Love the photo,
Can see your baby sticking out from your sides. Guess
He or she is getting quite big. Wishing you the best as you
Embark on motherhood; safe labor and delivery and a quick
Stand and nurse. XXXOOOO
Zenny I can’t hardly wait for the new arrival. God be with you and your baby. You have touched so many hearts. I love you and wish you the best. Please keep us posted.
Abigail from Montreal
@ALL: I concur. The SUSPENSE is wrecking HAVOC here in Montreal! I’ve been trying to write a new piece for THE VAULT and despite the motivation, all I can think about is OUR ZENYATTA.
I also agree that Zenny’s body shape looks different from this perspective and there does seem to be a LOT LESS of a tummy. And yes, the foal turns towards the pelvic area according to that wonderful foaling assistant @ LE who’s videos we were watching awhile back. The other thing that struck me is the fencing in the photo. We’ve never seen this kind of fencing before, making me wonder if Zenny & Tasty aren’t in a turn out closer to the foaling barn (when they’re this close & outdoors, they are visually checked about every 25 minutes apparently and it would make sense if those mares closest to foaling were also closest to the barn.
Don’t get me wrong: every about-to-be mom has her very OWN BIRTHING CLOCK. And DOTTIE is right in saying that it’s OUR ZENNY who will decide when she’s ready to deliver. And that’s exactly as it should be.
The site could crash? I never thought of that! But GEEZ given the bottleneck this morning & at noon I guess this is going to be quite THE CHALLENGE to navigate. OH DEAR.
While you are on FB, check out the new photos that LE has posted.
One looks like Pirate Queen with a foal that looks black.
So Cute!!
See what you think.
If a gray mare gives birth to a black foal, that foal will quite likely shed out grey. With greys you just never know!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
Thank for the link to RA. Think it’s Too Cute that RA is posting about Z. Hugs, JB
Sally B. (cherish Z) Wi.
YOU BOTH look TOO CUTE in this picture!! I loved yesterdays too. I knew it, I knew it; no matter the busy schedule of Ann’s (Jerrys) they would be there and share your experience. And if time permitted I would not doubt that Dottie and John will show up to see you and baby z.
I take a deep breath when I think of you. I hold my Plushie (YOU) and wish, hope and say a little prayer. My BFF will call me ASAP the moment she learns of the birth of baby z. I am sooooooooooooo Excited!! Then I will have to try to get to the library computer again. I don’t mind at all, you make me feel at home.
love, 2 kisses on your soft nose, one for baby z Auntie Sally
Elizabeth in Oregon
How wonderful that your caring owners are with you, Queen Z! We’re all so excited for the big day!!!
@Mary – have a wonderful First Anniversary celebration at Santa Anita. You could not find a better place to have fun than the Great Race Place!
Thanks for the wonderful post — You and Ann look happy, as always, to be with each other. :-)
I just read on Mike Smith’s facebook page that you should foal in the next 24 hours!!! I am so so so excited for you Zenny!! This is awesome!! Baby Z is comming in this world very soon and you will be a great mom!! I am sooooo excited!!!! Best of luck!! Praying for you!!! :D
P.S. Dottie, will please you give Zenyatta a kiss on the nose for me, and Baby Z too when he/she arrives? :) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Thank you Sheri that is great news. We will probable blow up the site tomorrow.
Kathy Baldwin
Two beautiful ladies hanging out together. TOO CUTE! Thanks for the great photo that
your Jerry took and for today’s post Zenny and Dottie. :)
Kathy from SoCal xoxo
Happy Birthday to everyone having a March special day!
Abigail from Montreal
MIKEY just posted this photo on FB with the message: “Zenyatta should foal within the next 24 hours.”
Check it out:
PS: I sure feel better knowing that even OUR MIKEY is on tender hooks!!!!!
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
Do you think Zenyatta’s Mikey will get to Kentucky to see his future mount?
Sally B. (cherish Z) Wi.
Margaret (N) I will be at the Ocala yearling sales one of the days since I am not sure if we will spend more $ to stay and we are staying in Fl. 90 minutes away at the gulf. I forgot my
Dumpling tag, but I hope you have yours!!
Terry Crow; Sue Fredrick told me today you thought I was backing out of the wrestling match. Sue is right. I am staying active, walking and bicycling to get in shape. But, I may have to still request a handicap as my couple toes are killing me! I think they are becoming deformed!! Otherwise the rule will have to be,” NO Stomping on the opponents feet or toes!! ” Did you read this Sue. ha ha
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- AGING FAST
Terry Crow
If you want to declare Sue the president of the chapter, that’s OK. Glad to have you both as members.