Good Morning,
Look who arrived to share all of my ‘new experiences’ with ME during the next several days….MY OWNERS!
I am so, so excited. Yesterday, we spent some time out in my paddock area together for a bit….and then some more time together indoors in my barn. We cuddled, we snuggled, and we just ‘hung out’. No treats…as my diet is being so carefully monitored these days….just sharing TRUE LOVE, FRIENDSHIP and JOY!
As you can see, it was a bit chilly and the snow is definitely on the ground…but it didn’t change anything for us. We had a great time sharing so many cherished moments together!
I am so HAPPY!
Lane’s End is also TOO CUTE! They had special coveralls made for both of them. Their names are personally stitched on the garments. This way, they’ll have something special to wear when ‘hanging out with ME’.
Everything is STATUS QUO with my ‘physical signs as I progress towards becoming a MOM’. Each day is a step closer…but other than that no further news.
I must stay, MY OWNER looks pretty terrific here….but I DO TOO (Blush, Blush) …especially when one considers I’m right at full term in my pregnancy!
A HIGH HOOF to our great photographer…who knew exactly how to capture the perfect pose.
This is truly a photo for our memory books!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~(Yeah, Barretts on a great sale last night. Numbers are UP!)
Kimberly Potter can't hold back the tears in Montana
Zenyatta~ Whoa…now that I enlarged this precious photo of YOU and YOUR MOM ANN, You most definately look like you will deliever at any time now. I am so excited that I can’t even begin to concentrate here at work. MY Lord, what am I going to do….
This is such an EPIC shot of you Sweet Momma….
I love you so much….
Auntie Kimi
Carolyn Caswell-Brown
Zenny – “COMPANY IS HERE”! I was like OMG & Click, Click, Click, Click – To learn that your beloved Ann & Jerry had arrived. O.K., well that is good news. Hadn’t seen any new pictures of Ann with you for quite awhile now and as always you both look TOO CUTE & HAPPY. . . . . . But girlfriend, please watch how you word those headlines. You’re killing me with anticipation as it is!!! Got to get my heart started again..
Dear Great One,
You are so blessed to have such wonderful owners who care so much about YOU that they want to be there for you when you go through this life-changing experience. That is remarkable to say the least. Some husbands don’t show up at their wives’ bedside for this!!!!! I know the time is coming soon — maybe in a few days — and after that the world will have to wait and see what this Little Prince or Princess will become in two years. No doubt he/she will be the apple of your eye but we’re all hoping he/she will be the apple of ALL OUR EYES and carry on YOUR GREATNESS.
When you think about it, few humans accomplish in their lives what you accomplished in three years and even now, YOU ARE STILL THE STANDARDBEARER OF THOROUGHBRED RACING. All I can say to you dear Great One is good luck and God Bless!
Your humble J
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, gotta go for awhile, I am having my annual review in a few moments, hope I get a raise. Of all days, my supervisor chooses today, when you Human Mom and Dad are there, and it is difficult to get into Your World….and The toyal Baby may be here at any monent….. I love you, and I will be back (wait for me)….Lisag
Kimberly Potter can't hold back the tears in Montana
Lisag~ I hope you get the raise…..I am sure you more than deserve it!
Lisag in Texas
I got the raise, thank you, and for the last 35 minutes I just kept thinking about Our Queen. My supervisor knows about Zenyatta, has caught me a few times here…so I did ask him if he wanted to know if the Royal Baby was boy or girl, and he said…no matter his answer wasn’t I going to tell him anyway?? chuckle by him.
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Hi Queen Z ♥
my laptop died last week so i havent been able to post. but my phone is cooperating w/ me ATM so im able to check in w/ YOU beautiful girl. i see i havent missed yoyr birth yet. Yay :) YOU look so happy w/ ann. TOO CUTE.
I pray Dr. Leslie is recovering.
im glad you were safe during those nasty storms.
i’ve missed every1 here. hugs/prayers
@all whose bdays i missed = happy belated bday! I hope it was good :)
@ Trina = beautiful poems you write ♥
@all = thx for sharing all the links. Love them.
@ kelly-Allentown, Pa & Jessica = welcome to the Z gang :)
Zenyattaholic = Too cute
@ Julie DuVall = i bookmarked your blog :)
@ Margaret, Anna M, Abigail & others who’re sick = i pray youre getting better. Big hugs
@ Ann Maree = congrats on your article. :) thx for sharing ♥
@ Andrea = praying for your mare :) hooves crossed. Hugs
@dawn = thx for sharing Linda R letter. Awesome ♥
@ Cheryl, Louise Castello,& allothers i may’ve missed = sorry to hear your beloved pets died. Big hugs/prayers. They’ll be waiting to reunite over the rainbow bridge.
@ Diane J = happy anniversary. :)
@ Lisag = congrats on your raise :)
I love you all & your life stories. Ya’ll make me smile. ♥ God bless. Hugs/prayers.
Hooves crossed for YOU Z & Tasty too for a safe birth ♥. Cant wait :)
Still (((((pacing)))) the floor
I am gonna wear my shoes and the floor out lol
How cute and wonderful! Ann is one lucky lady!!!
Raylene/ So Cal
I totally agree with you.
Anita in SoCal
Hi Zenny! It is so wonderful to see YOU with your Owners who Love You so much. Am so happy they are with you to share in this very exciting & Blessed event. Thank you for sharing this with all of us, Z & Dottie & Mr & Mrs Moss you are all so dear to my heart. I am watching & waiting with you and also for Tasty! I’m so happy you will be together with your foals in the pasture, god willing. God Bless You & watch over you.
Dianne Meyer
Just like proud excited Grand Parents.They have to be there to share the joy and give you love and support.
What great people the Mosses.
Wish there where more like them and John and Dottie.
The racing world and for that matter the entire world would be a better place.
Thinking about you and your baby all the time
carol in utah
Great good morning lovely lady…
just finally got thru…
so wonderful that your family is with you…but was there ever a doubt?
As always peppermint kisses for your soft nose…dome for Tasty too
I am just thrilled to know your human “mom” and “dad” are there with you and will experience this joyous event with you. I know many of us wondered if the Mosses would make the trip to be with you and I’m so happy to know they have. That is wonderful news. Good luck as your time grows nearer. It’s going to be amazing. Love to you always.
Abigail from Montreal
@ ALL: Seems like an appropriate moment to post this — Ann & Zenny, appropriately titled, “Hi, Sweetheart”
Maureen in CA
What a great picture of you and your Ann, Zenyatta! I’m SO glad she and Jerry are there with you – to await Baby Z! And I know they couldn’t possibly be anywhere else at this special time! You know what happened today? I think all your zillions of admirers “crashed” your site early today – trying to find out if you’d had your baby yet! It was pretty crazy – my whole computer at work went down! I’m sure most of us won’t be getting much sleep, constantly checking & re-checking your Diary for the arrival of your baby. We all love you so!
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
How very, very special. I’m so glad that they care enough to share this special event with you. I’m very proud of all of your Team!
Susie Cartwright
My dear Z, I check every morning to see if you have had your baby yet! Ann Moss is a very lucky woman to be your Mama! I’m so happy for both of you! I hope your baby delivery will be painless. You must be the most famous racehorse ever!
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- AGING FAST
ZENNY, IT’S FINALLY OFFICIAL THE GRANDPARENTS HAVE ARRIVED IN THE WAITING ROOM!!! I see they have even been given their nursery clothes to wear…..how thoughtful of Lane’s End. Boy, Ann looks good in anything doesn’t she?
Now you can relax your mom and dad are there with you and will give you moral support thru this momentous event……along with a little Angel we know as Kari. I’m not worried anymore just excited for the entry of a new star in our Galaxy!!
Love and kisses on your noses, TT too. Auntie Sue
Lisag in Texas
Too Cute, The Waiting Room….and Too Sweet, I too am thinking of Our Kari.
Zenyatta you are surrounded by such caring people who love
you dearly.
Still feeling you are having a filly – Princess ……………?
Praying for all to be well for you our special Queen Z.
I can hardly wait. Now that your mom and dad are there I know you will foal very soon. I’m so glad that they could make it. Take it very easy and be safe. Your foal will be at your side before you know it. Looking forward to seeing the first pictures of the new baby. Loving you more and more each day. Hugs Yvonne
I knew that if there was enough time with you starting to show signs & there were any possible way – Jerry and Ann would be there for you! The coveralls are TOO CUTE. Wish you could have a treat, but don’t worry – I think there will be plenty arriving after your little bundle arrives.
Thank you to the entire team for keeping us up to speed with what’s going on. Zenny, trust me when I say that you have virtually hundreds of thousands of folks who would also love to be there with you at this time. There’s a huge circle of Zenny/baby love just swirling around you (and Tasty, too) right now.
Rose Edwards(Quarterhossgal)
Queen Z……I know there is no other place for Ann and Jerry to be other than with you.
The love you and Ann share is apparent in every picture that is taken of the two of you. My guess for delivery is either Wednesday or Thursday based on the information you have shared with us. I know most Z’sters are thinking pink but it seems to me Bernardini sires a lot of colts. We’ll all have to wait and see.
Safe delivery and healthy foal beautiful girl!
Which of the Z team are present? I see Ann but cannot imagine others not being there as well. God bless one and all. Good luck girl. Be safe and healthy.
Linda Hoke
Dearest Zenny, I’m so thrilled that Ann and Jerry can be with you right now and I hope the foaling process is uneventful for you. You’re such a big girl that it will probably be easy. I remember when my mare had her foal, and how magical it was to watch the first bonding, the baby steps, the tiny hooves… I will be dreaming about you tonight, for sure. Best wishes to you and your extended family. Also, high hooves to Dottie for keeping us up-to-date on the latest.
Kelly J. /ND
Hi ZENNY! you and Ann look so beautiful I hope you had fun with her.
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
I don’t know, folks. It just looks to me in this photo that Z isn’t as wide as she has been so maybe the foal has dropped and turned in the birth canal. Something just tells me that she’s going to have that baby tonight. Don’t know exactly why, I just do. I know the LE people must have called Ann and Jerry to tell them to “come on, NOW!”.
Tonight, tonight, won’t be just any night
Tonight there will be no morning star
Tonight, tonight, we’ll see her foal tonight
OK, now I’m trippin’!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Lisag in Texas
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sharon in Atlanta:
You’ve got me laughing out loud. Too Cute. Hugs, JB
Lisag in Texas
Sharon, between you and JAG, I am a little more relaxed than I should be….it is all the laughing…keeping some tension away, yet still feel like I am having a break down..waiting…waiting, and I am sure it will be tonight. I need to find Erico’s post, I lost it, my puter went nuts when I went to reply to him.
Louise Castello
Zenyatta, You and Ann look beautiful and I’m sure Jerry does. too! You must feel the love, how could you not? This is a wonderful group of people from all over the world loving you and praying for you and your little baby and family. They have certainly soothed my soul. So, so excited for you beautiful. I’ll be checking all day and night constantly! Love you so much Zenyatta! P.S. Last night Rachel Alexandra posted on her facebook you were on “baby watch” and got all HER fans in a frenzy. You are so loved!
Abigail from Montreal
Zenny the morning after win #19…..TOO CUTE!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Zenny- hooray! Your mom and dad are there with you! Ann looks so happy, as she always does when she’s with you (in all the photos I’ve seen). Glad you’re checking her hair :) You and Tasty are in my thoughts and prayers (and in everyone else’s here!)- eagerly awaiting the announcement! Love you, sweet girl <3
Susan Carothers (in TN)
It’s probably a good thing that we don’t all live in the same area. With all the pacing, surely it would register on the Richter scale?? (not sure if I spelled that right :} )
carol in utah
you did
JAG More Excited Than Ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥Auntie Judy / So. CA
♥ MILLION DOLLAR BABY ♥ on it’s way!! High Hoof WOO HOO!!
Great Auntie Judy (geez, JAG, go eat your lunch……) tee hee wink wink
JAG More Excited Than Ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥Auntie Judy / So. CA
p.s. Uncle John ♥ Henry has the best seat in Heaven – he is watching over you, Zen. He was NOT born into Greatness – he earned it. He adores YOU as his “sis”. He would do anything for you!! xoxo
Lisag in Texas
Too Sweet, and their Bronze’s will be together soon.
JAG / Excited More Than Ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
Yes, they will – right across the fountain from each other! God had a plan and I love it! My two Sweeties together XOXO
Auntie Judy (waiting for the clock to change to 9 p.m. PT / midnight ET) :-D
What a fabulous surprise for YOU! How could they stay away from your new future ahead? I am soooo glad they are there to be with you. I would have been so surprised if they were not. You look so happy to be next to your best human friend. I am sure the three of you had a lot of catching up to do sharing some moments that you have all missed over the past year and 3 months. How they must miss you. We miss you on the track so I can only imagine how they felt the first day when you were no longer in Barn 55. Sniff, sniff…
Have fun with Ann and Jerry. We are all thinking and keeping our hoofs crossed for an easy delivery for when the stork finally comes. :>)