Good Morning,
Look who arrived to share all of my ‘new experiences’ with ME during the next several days….MY OWNERS!
I am so, so excited. Yesterday, we spent some time out in my paddock area together for a bit….and then some more time together indoors in my barn. We cuddled, we snuggled, and we just ‘hung out’. No treats…as my diet is being so carefully monitored these days….just sharing TRUE LOVE, FRIENDSHIP and JOY!
As you can see, it was a bit chilly and the snow is definitely on the ground…but it didn’t change anything for us. We had a great time sharing so many cherished moments together!
I am so HAPPY!
Lane’s End is also TOO CUTE! They had special coveralls made for both of them. Their names are personally stitched on the garments. This way, they’ll have something special to wear when ‘hanging out with ME’.
Everything is STATUS QUO with my ‘physical signs as I progress towards becoming a MOM’. Each day is a step closer…but other than that no further news.
I must stay, MY OWNER looks pretty terrific here….but I DO TOO (Blush, Blush) …especially when one considers I’m right at full term in my pregnancy!
A HIGH HOOF to our great photographer…who knew exactly how to capture the perfect pose.
This is truly a photo for our memory books!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~(Yeah, Barretts on a great sale last night. Numbers are UP!)
Finally I was able to get through!! I’m so glad the Moss’ are there with you! Enjoy these moments….. The big day will be here sion!
Wonderful pose, Zenyatta. I know what warm horsey breath you are blowing on Ann’s shoulder and hair.
Such a sweet snuggle pose.
I am sooo happy your owners are there to share this exciting experience with you.
I am sooo excited I can hardly wait for your foal to arrive.
Prayers for you and baby.
Hugs for all
JAG More Excited Than Ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥Auntie Judy / So. CA
Zenny Sweetheart ♥
The site almost crashed!! So many of us were trying to access it at the same time that it wouldn’t open – ONLY YOU would cause such a FRENZY – just like on the track LOL
I’m thrilled that Ann and Jerry are with you. The picture of Ann and YOU is TOO CUTE! ♥
I’m still hoping for a PINK BLANKIE xoxoxo
Best of luck to your BFF, Tasty, too
God blessed us with YOU, my Queen. May He continue to bless you and your foal. Praying for an uncomplicated delivery – Baby Bernie/Zen, we already LOVE ♥ YOU!! XOXO
Love Always and Forever,
Auntie Judy ♥
Robin Ventura Ca
What a wonderful picture! Can’t wait for baby Z!!!!! Have a wonderful day and see you tomorrow!!
JoAnna Liming, Inverness, FL
Like everyone else, i too am following closely. I am so anxious to see how close my estimate is. For some reason, I felt March 9th was going to be her day! Then just this weekend, I dreamed it was a Filly. Could be all wishful thinking too. The queen having a little girl….. I am partial to girls as I have one my self. Being Mom is the best job in the world. I know that you will be fantastic!
Take care and stay safe.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Zenny,
Hoofray!! Ann and Jerry made it. I know you are SO glad to have them there, and we can see that you’re working on Ann’s hair as usual. There must be a whole lot of traffic to this site today (what a surprise). I’ve never had as much trouble getting on or getting the page to refresh. Glad to hear others mention the same problem – I was afraid that it was my (overworked) computer. We might have to set up some kind of system (i.e., east of the Mississippi peeps can check during even hours and west of the Mississippi can check during odd hours :-) Just kidding folks. Enjoy the time with your human family Zenny. I know that you will be SO proud to introduce them to your little one. Take nice deep breaths until you’re ready. Prayers for a safe delivery.
Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!!
Haha – great Sandy! LOVE IT! LOL!
Jeanenne Cliffman
Looking forward to seeing Baby Z/B!!! and of course you Momma Z – Love you, xxxxoooo <3
-A non poster anxiously waiting.
Adorable picture. It’s almost as if Z is smelling her scent and thinking memories….
How blessed Z is to have such wonderful loving people around her during this special time in her life.
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Love you Zenyatta! ^-^
Shanda Hooton
Both of you look amazing!!! You are soooo lucky to have them just as they are to have you: ) I am so happy that they are are able to be there with you and witness the long awaited special day! Such a lucky special girl you are…enjoy your family time Zenyatta! Waiting and watching for the news from you everyday and it will be very soon now: ) Love to all….thinking of you and as always you are in my prayers!
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
I’m SOOO HAPPY and Ann is there with YOU to share this SPECIAL TIME WITH YOU!!!!
I can’t wait – I know it will be any day now – perhaps tonight :)
I think it will be a colt and maybe a little lighter than YOU and Bernie!!! Not sure why, jus a thought.
I love the Jumpsuit that Ann is wearing!!!! Enjoy your speical day with your family. I do hope that Dottie and John decide to go out before you foal – after is good too. I know your owners have first choice to spend time with you.
I keep saying I hope there is lots of video of this so special birth… it will be the most watched horse birth ever…. Hugs.
Jane W. (so California)
So glad that YOUR Ann and Jerry are there with you! Now you can relax and let Mother Nature take over! Hopefully the news will come today or tomorrow!
Gloria Jeanne - PACE - PACE - PACE
Pace – Pace – Pace
Joanna from TX
Me too! Going nuts here at work when I couldn’t get on to the website. Good thing I have an office by myself…coworkers already think I’m nuts; I don’t want to confirm it :)))
Lisag in Texas
Joanna from TX, I too had a difficult time today getting on this website today..I do not have an office, I do not think my co-workers think I am nuts…they just listen and nod…Like you I do not want to confirm anything about being nuts.
JAG More Excited Than Ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥Auntie Judy / So. CA
I had a co-worker check the site because I thought my employer blocked ME from it LOL
Auntie Judy
Kimberly Potter/Montana
LOL, that would have been rude… :) If he had, I guess you would have had to miss a few days work…. lol
JAG More Excited Than Ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥Auntie Judy / So. CA
You bet I would LOL The nerve – if he doesn’t know by now – Zenyatta is the most important thing in my daily routine :-P
Auntie Judy (better watch my back!)
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Judy Idriss
Dear Zenny,
So happy your owners are there to share this special time with you. I am so excited & can’t wait to see your foal. I know he or she will be spectacular. Keep happy & safe. I pray for you & your little one every night. Much love from Sunland, Ca.
Leslie R.
Hi Zenny, I’m so happy that your human parents are there to share this special time with you. I know you have a strong bond with them, especially with Ann, so I’m sure they’ll be of some comfort to you. Thanks for keeping us updated and for sharing that adorable pic of you and Ann! I’m keeping good thoughts for you and Tasty. Take care, sweet girl.
Love to all,
Shema Satya
oh Z, you must be so happy to have your owners here! and I love their coveralls!
Diane J.
It’s great your family is there with you during this special time. No pressure, but it’s my wedding anniversary today and it would be a really neat present if your foal was born sometime this evening (hint, hint)! Seriously, though, we’re all praying for a safe delivery and that your little one will be healthy and strong.
Celeste in TX
Happy Anniversary!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Happy Anniversary, Diane!!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
Wouldn’t it be cool, if just before midnight through the snowy night, Zenny’s precious bundle arrived on YOUR SPECIAL DAY Diane?? Congratulations on celebrating your anniversary!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Happy anniversary, Diane J!
Diane J
Thanks everyone for the kind wishes! My biggest wish didn’t happen (alas, no baby Z on March 6) but I’m hopeful we’ll all hear good news sometime this week. It’s so sweet Ann and Jerry are there with her. I wish more owners were like them.
mary bobolis
I knew Ann and Jerry would fly in for the big moment. Can’t wait to see you running with your foal!
Maryp (New York)
Dear Zenyatta, You have the very best “company”. I am so excited for you, Ann and Jerry, being together for this awesome event. I know you will all enjoy hanging out together especially when the little one is here. Oooh, can’t wait!!!!!!
Hope Tasty is doing well. Kisses and hugs to you both.
Maryp (New York)
There must have been 100 of us trying to get here at the same time….it took me awhile!
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
♡ Dearest Zenyatta,
You have moved with breathtaking grace throughout your life as if touched by a spark from the gods. May it continue to be so at this very special time.
Your dear Jerry and your darling Ann have come to share their limitless love, comfort, and support. And you will be entertaining an “angel unawares,” who will never leave your side. ♡ Kari.
God bless, our great and noble Queen.
12th ♡
Kari B.s daughter (Ashton) in Tn.
There is no doubt in my mind, Moma came charging in on Cloud Man with my Grandaddy, who passed away yesterday, to show him her beloved Zenyatta. I know she is dancing a happy dance amongst the clouds over Lane’s End full of joy and anticipation. I can honestly feel her joy pulsing through my veins today.
My entire family will always be on any list pertaining to Zenyatta and all future foals. We share her love for the sport. I have almost always read the diary and when I was too busy , she would read it to me.
Terry Crow,
She read your jokes to me and Daddy all the time.
Please resume your jokes. She loved to laugh. I know she would want everyone laughing as they await the birth of the heir to the throne.
Celeste in TX
Thank you for sharing your sweet mama’s love for Zenyatta with all the rest of us here waiting. This is very special.
Beautiful thoughts, Kari B’s daughter.
Thank you for sharing them & being here with us.
Sending you a hug
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!!
Bless you and your family on the loss of you Grandaddy too …. we pray for him as well as your sweet joyful moma …. she and Zenny are our heart here …. ♥ ♥
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kari B’s Daughter:
Such a sweet post. Sorry for he loss of your Grandad so soon after your Moma. Hugs, JB
sue and tony
Kari’s daughter, what a beautiful post! We know your mom is watching everything from heaven and delighting in the good news that is about to come.
We watched several of Kari’s videos today …taking time to remember the magic of the Queen all over again.
Cynthia H./ 12th ♥
Dear Ashton,
Your post is beautiful, and would have set your precious Moma “squalling” from now until the cows come home and got sent out again the next morning. I know that she is very proud of you, and that your Granddaddy is, too. Kari was a gift of joy to all of us on this site. Please, let us be the same for you.
You are an extraordinary young woman, who has been both a blessing and a comfort to everyone at a very sad time in your life. I hope that these next few days will be a great source of joy to you, as they would have been for your Moma.
Prayers for your and your family.
Terry Crow
@Kari’s daughter-IN my own way, I have been grieving the loss of your mother. However, your post has reminded me of the reason I posted the jokes in the first place. Your mother often expressed the fact that she enjoyed them. Now that I have the go ahead from you, I will resume them after the foaling as all attention on this site is focused there. So sorry for the loss of your grandaddy. YOu have had more problems lately than any person should have to bear.
Lisag in Texas
Kari’s Daughter, I am so sorry about your Granddaddy, I know Kari and him are watching all of us now. The Queen’s First Born will always remind me of Kari, Our Kari. Angels to comfort you and yours.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
ashton, thx for posting.
my deepest sympaty for the loss of your mom & granddad. May God bless you & keep you in his care. BIG HUGS/PRAYERS. ♥ vampress
Stephanie in San Diego (been call but now pacing with everyone else..)
Oh Kari B’s Daughter…I should say Ashton (love your name) Your dear Mom has been so on my mind so much this week. Everytime I open the diary, I think of her and just how excited she would be right now as we await the arrival of our Z’s little one. So sorry to hear about you Grand Daddy. You and your family remain on my heart and in my prayers.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Condolences to you and your family on the loss of your granddad at this time when you are still deep in grief for the loss of dearest Kari. I’m sure your granddad is now in a beautiful place together with Kari. Prayers for you all.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Dear Ashton,
I am sorry you lost your grandfather, but have no doubt that your moma met him as you said! I can imagine that her joy is palpable. I always enjoyed your moma’s sense of humor. Thank you for posting <3
Helen Rasmussen
Oh Zenny, I just knew your Mom and Dad would be there for you! I, among many others are so excited for you all! If you have your baby on the 10th I will get the best present of all since that is my birthday! :)
What an absolutely wonderful picture! Anne with her Girl awaiting the pending arrival on a beautiful day in Kentucky! Wishing you ALL the best of luck and happiness during this special time! The World Awaits the arrival of this little prince or princess!!!
Many Blessings to you Zenyatta and your entire Team!
Georgia Harper< Seattle, WA
How wonderful that Jerry and Ann are with you and love the idea of the coveralls with the names, I am sure you are so happy to have them by your side. Much love to you and the Mosses and everyone out there waiting for the wonderful news of our little Z. Anxious Granny !!!!!
Lois Gillespie/DE
Z, our first great-grandchild is due in early May, and I actually think I am almost as anxious and excited about your dear foal as I am about our coming baby! It is wonderful that the Mosses have arrived – this week they are just people who adore their horse and want to be with you for this special moment. Bllessings to all of you–
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Love your post. Congrats on having your first grandbaby!
Zenyatta, so happy that your family could be with you for this joyous event. I am not sure if the moon will have an effect on your delivery or not, but it’s fun just keeping track of the moon’s phases. Today the Moon is Waxing Gibbous 96% Full. Thursday, March 8, the moon will be at 100%. May your delivery be an easy one and your foal the most healthy and handsome colt/filly on this planet.
Dear Zenny: I am so happy that you are with your owners and that they are with you to love you and cherish you during this exciting time in your life. When I saw your post that you had company — I thought the baby had arrived. Oh my this is just too exciting for me!!! I can’t wait to see the first pictures of the princess/prince. Whether pink or blue, we love you. God bless beautiful girl!!!
helene from Middletown, Ohio
More excited all the time. Many chucks up your gorgeous nose, sweetheart. Stay comfortable and breathe deep and let Mother Nature guide you. Prayers and pure white love. h +++
Oh Zenny,
I couldn’t get on to this sight..I think you have more friends than any other horse in the world. The waiting for your foal to arrive is exhausting. In my mind, if a filly is born, I think she should be named Roxanne (from the Police). If a colt, Park Me in First, then he can be known as “Uno”.
Pepper kisses to you and sweet Tasty
Lisag in Texas
I agree, that is Zenyatta’s favorite song…Roxanne…call her Roxie.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
I like the name Roxanne as a name, but as a connection to the Police–not so much. Remember what Roxanne’s job was in the song.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!!
Remember that the Mosses have a horse Roxanne O in John’s barn too! I have a video of her out for a stroll with Frank from Hollywood Park paddock … beautiful girl! I will post it someday, IF FB EVER TAKES VIDEO AGAIN! sometimes it takes a week to up load a video! Geez!
Lisag in Texas
Roxanne is out then, rather this is the Queen’s favorite song or not.
Jane (southern California)
There’s a quarter horse (race horse) by the name of Dance For Romance. I love this name for Zenyatta’s foal and Mike loved it too! Because it’s so fitting…Zenyatta danced her way into our hearts!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Good point!
debbie gustafson
Zenn,,I am so happy that The Mosses are there with you,,,,I know its close now,,,cant wait to see if its a colt r filly,,,You are gonna be a great mom,,,,,OH,,Bern is so nervous,,,lol Wishing you the best Girl,,,,,,,,,xxxxx’s
Lisag in Texas
OMGoodness, I will have to get away and check on Your Man’s FB, forgot all about him…please forgive me…both of you.