Good Morning,
Look who arrived to share all of my ‘new experiences’ with ME during the next several days….MY OWNERS!
I am so, so excited. Yesterday, we spent some time out in my paddock area together for a bit….and then some more time together indoors in my barn. We cuddled, we snuggled, and we just ‘hung out’. No treats…as my diet is being so carefully monitored these days….just sharing TRUE LOVE, FRIENDSHIP and JOY!
As you can see, it was a bit chilly and the snow is definitely on the ground…but it didn’t change anything for us. We had a great time sharing so many cherished moments together!
I am so HAPPY!
Lane’s End is also TOO CUTE! They had special coveralls made for both of them. Their names are personally stitched on the garments. This way, they’ll have something special to wear when ‘hanging out with ME’.
Everything is STATUS QUO with my ‘physical signs as I progress towards becoming a MOM’. Each day is a step closer…but other than that no further news.
I must stay, MY OWNER looks pretty terrific here….but I DO TOO (Blush, Blush) …especially when one considers I’m right at full term in my pregnancy!
A HIGH HOOF to our great photographer…who knew exactly how to capture the perfect pose.
This is truly a photo for our memory books!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~(Yeah, Barretts on a great sale last night. Numbers are UP!)
Zenny I am so glad to here that Ann and Jerry are there with you. You and Tasty are in our thoughts and prayers, just praying for a safe and easy delivery and for a healthy foal. Now you go spend some time with your family. Love You big girl.
I am so happy to see how much Z and this foal mean to The Mosses!!! The definitely love their girl! Can’t wait for the big announcement!
Sharyn - Vermont
Love that photo of you and Ann – how exciting it must be for them too….and to be there to share this all with you – they are the best and such caring owners!! We need a close up of Ann and Jerry in their coveralls – too cute!! Great memories for all!!
Took forever to get in here today – your site is being over loaded waiting for the big moment!! We are all with you……
I’m so excited for you! I’m still praying that everything will go well for you and your “little” one. **Horsey Hugs for you**
Irene Caty
Hi Zenny, We are so happy for you, Ann and Jerry and glad to see they have arrived to be sure to share your big event with you. This is a huge event for all of you and a very special time. You will soon have your baby Z and you will be Moma Queen Z. We are very anxious for you to Foal and find out if you have a Filly or Mare. Have a great visit with Ann and Jerry with many loving moments. I love it when you are so happy and I know you are the happiest when you are with your family. Good luck dear Zenny and our thoughts and love are with you all the way.
Georgia Harper< Seattle, WA
Fran: I know I could not bring up the site for some time this morning and was extremely nervous I thought something had happened.
It won’t be too long now! I’m so happy YOUR Ann and Jerry are there for you. Hoping for a speedy, safe, and easy delivery for you and Tasty.
Ann looks TOO CUTE in her coveralls.
High Hoof to Lane’s End for their care of you and Tasty as well as all the other Moms and Moms to be.
Love you Zenny. Kisses to you and TT.
Denise in St. Louis
I am so happy that Ann & Jerry were able to arrive in time to be with Queen Z to see Baby ZB when he/she arrives!!!!!! We are all so excited and love them so much!! Best wishes !!!!!
Diana Harris
The next days, hours who knows but I am soooo excited for you. This is really a moment on horse racing history. I don’t think that any baby has been followed more before birth ever. I hope for you a safe and easy birth. That you both are healthy and happy. I wish I could be there but thank you to team Z for sharing all they have. Sending you a big kiss on the nose and belly rubs. Love you Zenny!
Sue Byrd
So happy for all of you and us. I can’t hardly stand the wait. Anne and Z always look so good together.
Shannon From Cool
YAY to Mr. and Mrs. Moss.
And we are all here to share in the experiences too.
KEEP THEM COMIN’, we’re on pins and needles!!!
Checking in often.
Lisag in Texas
Ms Zenyatta, I knew your human family would get there this week. I bet you are having fun, and Ann is trying hard not to give you any carrots. This has to be a dream come true to Ann, if she had her way you would be living in her front yard. Hahaha…Too Cute. When I began reading your post: “Look who arrived”, my heart went boom, nada, boom-boom, I thought you were going to say Your Royal Baby has arrived. Wow…I hope I can pull thru this. So happy your family is there, I bet you are feeling even more special now. Looks like you both are enjoying the snow. I just cannot get over how well you carry your pregnancy, full term and you look like a model….I love you….Lisag
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Zenyatta, I’m so happy for you that Mr. and Mrs. Moss are with you during this exciting new event in your life, and in theirs. The First Foal will be here soon and I am excited for you and all your connections (Oh, and all of US too).
Love the photo, your owners are the best!
Melanie Young
There is nothing like waiting for a new foal to be born, and the fact that this is Zenyatta’s just makes it that much more thrilling! I’m predicting BabyZ will arrive in the wee hours of Thursday a.m. I just hope everything goes well! xxxx’s & oooo’s.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma! ... yetnotyetnotyet ♥
Zenny, darling! You really don’t look all that huge for about to deliver – at least not in this photo anyway! Too cute your Ann! LOL!
@ Karen, That’s what I was thinking too. It’s all about angles. In yesterday’s picture she looked like she was ready to pop and she just look a little big in this photo. She is carrying her weight well.
Abigail from Montreal
Hi Sweetie, Tasty, Dottie, The Mosses, Babies 2B & Zensters:
Wow, Z! For the first time EVER I could not get on site here, even though everything else on my computer is fine. YOU JUST WOULDN’T LOAD!!!!
Then I figured it out: the combination of all YOUR nannies/aunties/grannies/grampies & uncles “checking in” every few hours, plus the LUNCH HOUR, plus March 6 being your DUE DATE must have overloaded the site!!!!
GEEZ: Not that we’re anxiously awaiting, or anything like that, right?
Kisses & hugs, Big Girl. So happy the Mosses are there to spend some “quality time” with you over the next few days. After all, EVERY MOM-TO-BE needs AT LEAST ONE COACH, right? Love you!
Elsie Martus
I too, am so excited for the birth of this foal and am waking up during the night unable to sleep. I’m kinda hoping for a filly just like her beautiful mama. Maybe they can do the Zenyatta dance step together.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Same thing happened to me.
You have such wonderful owners! I’m sure they would love to be there when your foal arrives. So happy for all of you!
Judy from South Carolina
Good afternoon MY QUEEN! I just LOVE it anytime I see a picture of you with beautiful Ann. I have never seen another owner express such love for a horse as I witness every time I see the two of you together. (Yes, Mr. Jerry, I know you love her too but it’s a “girl thing” if you know what I mean!).
So Ann and Jerry are there so that means any day now……we are ALL so excited for you that we can hardly stand it. We pray for a safe, uneventful delivery and a beautiful and healthy foal (and hoping he or she looks just like you). And of course we also waiting with baited breath to find out what Ann and Jerry have decided to name your Little Champion-To-Be!!!!!
Relax and enjoy having your Humans there — they have their “scrubs” ready for stall duty!
LOVE YOU Z!!!!!!!
The Mosses are a class act. Love it that they wanted to BE there to witness the birth. Praying all goes well and we hear soon. I wish there was a camera in the stall, too, but foaling mares need all the privacy they can get. I’m sure there will be at least two foaling attendants (and a vet) in there with her.
(I’ve got a first-time mare due on April 7 and I’m ALREADY pacing!)
Best of luck to all.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and Z Fans:
Wonderful photo of you and your “Mom” Ann. Won’t be long now. Enjoy your owners being there with you. What a joyful time it will be when your foal arrives. Love you and TT and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
harriett (Oklahoma)
Whew! Finally got through! Your website has been jammed up all morning. I guess that’s what happens when you’re THE MOST FAMOUS HORSE IN THE WORLD!
Ann and Jerry Moss are the best! I’m so glad they are with you right now.
I will be thinking of you and praying all goes spectacularly well. HOOVES CROSSED for a great week.
I am also lighting candles for you at
or www. gratefulness.org then search Group Name: ZENNY
Jan in WV
Waiting to hear of the impending good news ”Z” !~! You will love being a mama,,My mare did !
Jan in WV
The Mosses are such wonderful owners. They’re there for Zenyatta plus they’re keeping her baby (from what I remember). It’s nice to see owners who really care for their horse. I just can’t wait.
This means it want be long now! You only need 244 more likes to reach 100,000 which will probably be sometime later tonight or tomorrow. I can’t wait for all the photos and hopefully video of you and your “little” one. Praying for a safe and easy delivery and a happy and heathly mama and baby.
Janey Boyd
Z,you have been so well tended to during your pregnancy and I know all are so excited that the end is so near.So glad your owners are there for the big event but expected no less.You are so loved by so many.I hope that you know you have the prayers and well wishes of such a multitude for a safe delivery and healthy foal!Enjoy your experience,there is nothing like becoming a mother!!Have your team keep us posted please and pics as soon as able.Will be thinking of you and checking back often!!!!
Trisha from VA
How very lucky you are to have Ann and Jerry . They love you so much and are such special people to want be there for your first delivery. What an event it is going to be.
Love to you gorgeous. Love, Love you
love hugs and kisses
Hi Zenny, Wonderful your OWNERS are there with you for your special event.
LOL Arlene from Vermont
JeAnna from California
Just a little note as foaling approaches . . . . think of you every day and hoping for an uneventful foaling. I’m “Thinking Pink” for your first.
<3 you always,
aka Tairaterces
LIsa in CO
TOO CUTE…I knew they would want to be there with your, beautiful girl. We are so excited. I can’t imagine how excited they must be. What a girl you are and what wonderful connections you have.