Good Morning,
Look who arrived to share all of my ‘new experiences’ with ME during the next several days….MY OWNERS!
I am so, so excited. Yesterday, we spent some time out in my paddock area together for a bit….and then some more time together indoors in my barn. We cuddled, we snuggled, and we just ‘hung out’. No treats…as my diet is being so carefully monitored these days….just sharing TRUE LOVE, FRIENDSHIP and JOY!
As you can see, it was a bit chilly and the snow is definitely on the ground…but it didn’t change anything for us. We had a great time sharing so many cherished moments together!
I am so HAPPY!
Lane’s End is also TOO CUTE! They had special coveralls made for both of them. Their names are personally stitched on the garments. This way, they’ll have something special to wear when ‘hanging out with ME’.
Everything is STATUS QUO with my ‘physical signs as I progress towards becoming a MOM’. Each day is a step closer…but other than that no further news.
I must stay, MY OWNER looks pretty terrific here….but I DO TOO (Blush, Blush) …especially when one considers I’m right at full term in my pregnancy!
A HIGH HOOF to our great photographer…who knew exactly how to capture the perfect pose.
This is truly a photo for our memory books!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~(Yeah, Barretts on a great sale last night. Numbers are UP!)
Zenyatta’s facebook page also posted: you can view Z’s Twitter page without signing in. http://twitter.com/#!/teamZenyatta (you can also click the Twitter link on zenyatta.com)
Vicki B. posted the above message yesterday. Twitter may be our best bet. Also, someone suggested setting up a Google News Alert.
The Diary may be difficult to access after Zenyatta delivers. her foal.
WhooHoo 100,006 ok baby can come on now! :)
Hi Zenny & Zsters, Just checking in from the East. LOL & prayers, Arlene
Hi, 100,008 likes. YEA!!!!!, Arlene
Lisag in Texas
Yeah, got two more at the last minute here from work. They have FB on their tele.
Mary Mc
I am hoping for a colt. It would be awful hard for a filly to live up to her mother. Has anyone heard that if there is a swelling at the tip of the mares tail bone it is a colt? Z hope it is a safe and easy delivery.
8:47am Waxing Gibbous — 99% FULL Moon
Barbara Wood (Texas)
I’m only showing 2 “tweets” on Twitter.
Jan Doyle / TX
Good Morning Everyone!.. Hope all is well with you Zenyatta. Pace… Pace…. Pace
Shannon From Cool
It’s 6:00 a.m. California time and no baby news yet.
Jane (southern California)
Just saw this morning that you now have over 100,000 Facebook fans! WOW!
Hope all is well with you this morning and waiting for that exciting announcement!
✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿ .
Diana Stuart
@Zenny: 7:14AM here in AZ. Big Class 5 solar flare due today – hummmm – interesting delivery system? TOO CUTE! Wrecks havok on electrical goodies all over the planet? Huge Northern Lights? Yep. Perfect setting for your baby to make an appearance! Getting ready for work and will try to sneak in later. Tried last night and web still shakey – just like all of us. We love you girl!
diastu – another granny in tempe
Debra M
You must be at Kit Peak! (or one of the many other obs in AZ). I agree – a CME would be a different way to deliver a foal. Better than a stork! LOL! Well, we have a full moon, as well. No meteor showers? No baby showers?
BTW, my farm name is Stars End and my racing silks have a shooting star across the front and back. Most of my foals get some type of astronomical name. They belong to the universe.
Zenyatta’s foal belongs to all of us! Hooves crossed! I’m pacing, too!
Terry Crow
Debra-Do you have any horses in training at the present time? I would like to follow their careers.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Many have spoken of difficult access to the site. I’ve had no problem here …so far.
Good morning everyone
Just checking in – no news yet!!!!
Mike Smith just made a comment on his Facebook Page — Zenyatta should have her foal today. Soon we will see little hoof prints around Zenyatta.
Lisag in Texas
My heart aches. When I read your Post of Mikey’s Post, it literally took a breath away.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Little hoofprints around Zenyatta? How cute is that? Way to go Mike!
Carol Howard -Traverse City, Michigan
It took me forever since I’m technologically challenged, but I now have a twitter account and the posts will go to my cell. Let the tweeting begin!
Lisag in Texas
You and me both, last night was awful. I have a Tweet that says “Am I tweeting”, I do not know how it works.
Judy from South Carolina
Join the club! I was two hours getting my Twitter account re-activated (forgot my password, etc.) and once I did I STILL didn’t know how to “do” it LOL!
I guess we are just technologically challenged, Lisag!
Lisag in Texas
Checking in again. I think Ms. Zenyatta will wait until evening to have her baby, she was probably all excited about Ann & Jerry being there for the Royal Arrival. Will keep checking, in case Our Queen wants to be unique and have her baby during the daylight hours. I already told everyone on half of the second floor that we made the 100,000 mark on FB, and did this from my cube. Those who did not know about Zenyatta…do now.
Too Cute! Now, maybe little Z/B will pop into our world!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and Z Fans:
Keeping you in our thoughts and waiting for news. Love you lots and love to all of you, Judy and Russ
It’s always good to have your Mommy there when you have your first baby! I bet she is so excited !!! Be safe Zenny and know that the world is watching and praying for your health and happiness. I am wishing for a Filly!!!! I never thought this day would get here, I am bringing my iPad to work so I can keep checking up on you. Remember you are our heart…..you are loved xoxoxoxo from Maine
I just wanted to say how proud I am of you Z , you are now and always will be the Greatest female horse to ever grace this planet, thank you for having babies !!!!! I love you so much I cannot even express it on paper, I can only feel it. Xoxoxo be safe xoxoxo from Maine
Abigail from Montreal
@ ALL from Ray Paulick on TWITTER: Note to #Zenyatta fans. Please don’t call @LanesEndFarms every 10 mins to see if she has foaled yet. And don’t forget to breathe!
Of course, he doesn’t realize that the ONLY thing in the thoroughbred community for us at this time is OUR ZENNY!!!!!
Lisag in Texas
Don’t call? What does he mean, don’t cal? LOL
Winstar Farm just posted Zenyatta and Ann’s picture on Facebook. How cool is that. Instead of pacing, you can watch two of Winstar’s Cams for FREE in their Stablemates section.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- AGING FAST
Zenny please, please have your baby today we can’t take it anymore!!! The world is your stage and we are waiting for the final act!!! Prayers for safe delivery and a beautiful bouncing…….. anything!!
Love and kisses on your nose, WORNOUT Auntie Sue
Terry Crow
Sue-We all have our parts to play.
Joyce Groth
We are all with you. We hope and pray that all goes well. Glad that your owners are with you. I can’t wait to see your beautiful baby. Love to you Z &z
Sierra is freaking out
Yay we got to 100,000! I am so happy! But she hasn’t yet had her foal… I am going to be a nervous wreck now today! My friends are going to think that I am insane! Oh and thanks for the lovely comments on my poem it means a lot!
Waiting anxiously for your foaling. Hope it is soon. Your fans can’t wait for the big day. I just hope everything goes smoothly and you and your foal are healthy!!!!!
Debra Malone
Can hardly wait for Baby Z to be born. Paceing the floor, you’d think this was my daughter having a baby…Well Zenyatta, that is how much I love you…So glad the Mosses are there with you…I think the whole world is anxiously awaiting Baby Z.
That’s how much we all love you….We all want this to be a safe delivery for you and Baby Z. Love you….
Lisag in Texas
Checking in again, keep the news coming in Mikey. Every ten minutes! I do no know what to do. I wish I would stop holding my breath and just breathe, I really need to start breathing.
Especially Horses / Southern California
It’s March 7. Is TODAY the DAY?
If she has the foal today, the same day she hit 100,000 that would be total kismet and they should name the foal Kizmet.
Terry Crow
Great name.
I realize that the system is probably maxed out at this point, but I sure could use a reassuring post from Dottie, the voice of reason. Breath in , breath out…
Lisag in Texas
I need a post from Dottie, but I do not know if my heart can take it. I hold my breath everytime I log in for a check in.