Good Morning,
Look who arrived to share all of my ‘new experiences’ with ME during the next several days….MY OWNERS!
I am so, so excited. Yesterday, we spent some time out in my paddock area together for a bit….and then some more time together indoors in my barn. We cuddled, we snuggled, and we just ‘hung out’. No treats…as my diet is being so carefully monitored these days….just sharing TRUE LOVE, FRIENDSHIP and JOY!
As you can see, it was a bit chilly and the snow is definitely on the ground…but it didn’t change anything for us. We had a great time sharing so many cherished moments together!
I am so HAPPY!
Lane’s End is also TOO CUTE! They had special coveralls made for both of them. Their names are personally stitched on the garments. This way, they’ll have something special to wear when ‘hanging out with ME’.
Everything is STATUS QUO with my ‘physical signs as I progress towards becoming a MOM’. Each day is a step closer…but other than that no further news.
I must stay, MY OWNER looks pretty terrific here….but I DO TOO (Blush, Blush) …especially when one considers I’m right at full term in my pregnancy!
A HIGH HOOF to our great photographer…who knew exactly how to capture the perfect pose.
This is truly a photo for our memory books!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~(Yeah, Barretts on a great sale last night. Numbers are UP!)
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial
Not sleeping tonight!!!!! only 81 more Facebook “Likes” needed to get 100,000
Pass it on and have people you know or follow on Twitter to have then Like Zenyatta’s Facebook Page.
Thanks –
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Now 78!
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial
Sleepless in Orange County tonight – Pace Pace Pace
I hope Zenyatta is doing ok tonight- Maybe someone is sleeping in her stall with her tonight and maybe they have a video camera to follow everything to share with us.
Sierra is sadly going to sleep
So here is my good night poem:
All the Aunties pace back and forward, back and forward
We wait for the news
The arrival of the prince
We all know that Z will do her job
But we cannot help but worry
We adore our Queen
So this only natural
One blink
That is all that it could take for us to miss it
Sleep is no object
All good horse people say
The horse comes first
To us the one that comes above them all is our queen
Her foal just as precious
The time is near
The moon beckons with rays of light
Welcoming the foal into the world
Just as the Aunties wait with open arm
Love you Z and I cannot wait until you foal is born! I will be up all night awaiting it’s arrival as I snuggle up in my blanket. Good night my Queen I hope you have a safe a quick delivery,
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Amen, Sierra!
Sweet dreams Sierra – maybe when you wake up there will be a present for all of us.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Sweet dreams Sierra. I’m off to bed. The Santa Ana winds are kicking up in my neighborhood. As I fall asleep I’ll think of Z racing the wind.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sierra:
Very nice. Hope we have wake to baby news. Hugs, JB
judy berube from Rhode Island
OOPS. Sorry, I’m getting dopey. Meant hope we wake up to baby news. Hugs, JB
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Beautiful, Sierra!
Elizabeth in NM
Wonderful, Sierra – Good morning… we’re still pacing. It’s fun to be a a pacing auntie, though. Hope you got some good sleep last night.
So happy for you, Zenyatta, that your family is there with you!! I knew they couldn’t miss this for the world!! They’ve gotta be bursting with joy to be with you right now! Best wishes and a high, HIGH HOOF for you in the coming days! Love you so much!
Just got posted moments ago:
Zenyatta is on Twitter! Follow @TeamZenyatta for official updates!
Especially Horses / Southern California
Goodnight beautiful Zenyatta and Godspeed to you and the little Prince or Princess. This is like going to bed on Christmas eve and knowing that in the morning there is going to be a wonderful gift waiting.
Zenny, beautiful photo of you and your OWNER. You look great. It’s neat that they can be there with you. We wish you a good night and a beautiful foal.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Good night, Z <3
JAG / Excited More Than Ever ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
Per Zenyatta’s facebook wall:
Zenyatta is on Twitter! Follow @TeamZenyatta for official updates!
Sheri Gasche
Dear Queen Z,
How wonderful that Ann & Jerry are there with you. I met Ann on my first visit with you at Barn 55 (November 15th 2010) and luckily there were only a handful of people there so I got to spend some quality time with you and them – you even gave me a big ol’ smooch and I was privileged to pet your fine glossy coat. Your people are all so lovely and caring and have gotten you this far in your various careers – they know you are multi-talented! Plus you do so much good for other horses and people as well. You are a true ambassador to the sport. I know you are focusing on delivering this big foal, but glad you are out and enjoying the outdoors whenever possible. Please extend my thanks and gratitude to Ann and Jerry for so generously sharing you with us and to Dottie for being your “translator” – brilliant!
Many Hugs!
This was just posted on twitter:
Z is so relaxed… she has been yawning all day.
Here’s the link for those of you not on twitter like myself:
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
Thank you, Amyk.
Donna in El Paso
Zenny, I worried so about you last weekend with the threatening weather and thank
God that you stayed safe. He was so good to bless us all with you. Now He’ll soon bless us with your beautiful baby. You are so fortunate to have your precious family there with you. Have a safe and happy delivery. Love you much.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Only 75 more LIKES to go to reach 100,000 on Z’s fb page! High hoof!
awesome coveralls on Ms Moss. Checking the website daily. this may be posted somewhere but what is her due date?
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
chris, I’m pretty sure they said March 9.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Just joined Twitter! Never would have, if not for Team Z. At 9:42 pm they posted: “Z is so relaxed… she has been yawning all day. #Zenyatta”. So it sounds like no worries tonight, LoL
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Zenyatta’s facebook page also posted: you can view Z’s Twitter page without signing in. http://twitter.com/#!/teamZenyatta (you can also click the Twitter link on zenyatta.com)
Stephanie in San Diego (been calm but now pacing with everyone else..)
Vicki…I just did the same thing! LOL ..joined twitter..now if I could just figure out how to use it. I am jumping back and forth between email, facebook, dairy and twitter. I can not even think about sleep. This is crazy and exciting.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Yes, Stephanie, but I am glad we’ve got the late night “Yawning” confirmation! I’ve had a cold, have to work tomorrow, and was so much flittering online, I didn’t even eat dinner yet — have to at least snack, or I won’t be able to sleep at all. Night-night all!
99,925 on FB now!
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial
we are getting there – 99,932 man – I think people went to sleep. We just need a few more likes to get us there.
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
Thank you, Stephanie, you gave me the courage to try again, had to reset Password, go back to E mail, Blah, Blah, I found Team Zenyatta and how relaxed and yawning she is. I still do not get Twitter, I we supposed to Tweet or do we just “Follow”. Anyway, Twitter baffles me still. Did JB go back to sleep? I will keep checking here and Twitter throughout the early morning hours.
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
Hey, no news, except Twitter! Fell asleep and guess who I dreamed about?? She was just slowing running and looking beautiful, did not see the baby yet. Woke up in the middle of the dream and here I am catching up. I must be old, I have a Twitter Account…but I do not get it..have not signed on in 2 years…..cuz I do not get it. I need help to Learn To Twit.
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
Wow, it is the 7th already. I think, yeah.
Stephanie, for a moment I thought there was a new bovine social network. Then I realized you meant “diary”. I think we are all tired tonight, but trying to hang in there. Just checked on Tiznow, via CAM, and he is flat out for the night. For whoever is working on getting Facebook Likes for Zenyatta, keep up the good work. Zenyatta, sweet dreams.
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial
I’m still up – we only need 70 more Likes on Zenyatta’s Facebook page to reach our goal of getting 100,000 before she has her foal – we are running out of time. She might foal tonight. Please help out
sharing is caring
I have posted to :Black Caviar, Guinness, Rachel Alexandra, Daily Racing Form, Mike Smith, Jay Leno, Craig Ferguson, and ESPN and maybe some others I’ve forgotten. Best to try overseas where they will be awake.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Great thinking, Amy K! High hoof!
I don’t know how to tweet – that would be another option for someone with the skills. Especially Meydan Racecourse, Australia or somewhere like that where people are awake now.
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial
awesome – Thank you Amy- I have posted everywhere and I am sure people are getting tired of me….. I’ve been at this now for a few months – great ideas- we only need about 62 more to reach our goal!!!!
Melissa M.
Z – I hear your baby’s due soon! I can’t believe it was just a little over a year ago I saw you at Keeneland. So excited for you! Big hugs and best wishes — I’ll be keeping an eye on the news!
Lisa B./Escondido, CA
Oh Sweet Zenny,
So happy your family is with you now. Praying all goes smoothly for YOU and Baby Z. I must try to get some sleep. I have to be at work at 5a. But I am just to excited! Love YOU OOOXXX
Per Jennifer Caswell (on facebook) :
I think I am going to be up all night waiting!!! I have my own mares close to being on foal watch, and am very well versed on staying up all night! Mares don’t yawn because they are relaxed, it’s a sign of discomfort. They gave the within 24 hours, which means they are testing her milk, and it’s saying it’s probable
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thanks for the input.
You look beautiful Ms. Z as does your owner Ann, you must be so happy they are there to share the event when they become grandparents! God speed my girl, you are my favorite horse I’ve ever seen or rooted for, and I pray and think of you and your new little foal, I am sure it will be a blessed an amazing event. You will be a terrific mom!
Kay from Hollywood
Mary Alice Ker
Good night Team Zenyatta and thanks for the twitter update that Zenyatta has been relaxed and yawning all day!! It’s hard to believe after all the years I’ve watched the Queen win at Hollywood Park, Santa Anita and Del Mar we’ve reached this great moment waiting for the her first foal! Blessings and safe foaling Zenyatta!!
I have still have school in a few hours, so I’m gonna get some sleep. Maybe, hopefully. (Try explaining this to my teachers). Have a good night Z, and if you do have your baby (I hope you do!) I pray everything will go perfect. =) Sweet dreams Queen Zenyatta, and the future prince or princess.
Judy from South Carolina
Almost 3:30 am here in South Carolina and I have GOT to go to BED!!!!!!!!
Don’t know if I can go to sleep or not but I am dizzy from reading all of the posts here and jumping back and forth between here and Facebook and Twitter (the last two I STILL have NO idea how to use or WHAT I am doing LOL!)………
Goodnight to my West Coast Z’sters. Good night Queen Of My Heart. I pray that you have a night that is “meant to be” whatever it is. (I am going to be NUTS by the time all of this is over LOL!)
Dreaming of a perfect foal……………2 hours from now, tomorrow or the day AFTER tomorrow (GASP if we can do this for that long……….)
Heidi K (insomiac, delirious, no more shoes or carpet)(Vallejo, Ca)
Ok, back up. Nice lil 2 1/2 hour nappy. I too, followed the twitter link and have no idea how to use it. I guess in time, I’ll figure it out but, now is not the time.
Zenny and Dumplings, going to make my “rounds,” be back soon. :)
Who else is up with me?
Still here Heidi, but fading – maybe she will wait until tomorrow night at this point. OR maybe not until we get those last few fans to get us at the 100,000 milestone. Z is up to 99,952 @ 4:48am EST. Lets get those last few ASAP so we can see Baby Z!!!
Heidi K (insomiac, delirious, no more shoes or carpet)(Vallejo, Ca)
AmyK, where are you? It’s 2:05 am here in Calif.
East – time for me to get some rest. Hold the Fort!!!! The dumplings should be up shortly. We need to get the last 44 to make 100,000.
Heidi K (insomiac, delirious, no more shoes or carpet)(Vallejo, Ca)
BTW… I know some people were having issues logging in, which, I had no problem with but, the screen and comments keep disappearing and re-appearing. Weird.
Mary Zinke
She used to work out at 9:30 a.m. Maybe that’s when her baby will arrive.
Heidi K (insomiac, delirious, no more shoes or carpet)(Vallejo, Ca)
Mary Zinke…. Don’t respond to my post on here, please.. This is a “clean, wholesome site,” don’t disrupt that! Thank you!!
Lisag in Texas just trying to breathe
They are all sleeping, checked Twitter, nothing since the yawn. I gotta get ready for work. I almost did not get back in.