Good Morning,
Look who arrived to share all of my ‘new experiences’ with ME during the next several days….MY OWNERS!
I am so, so excited. Yesterday, we spent some time out in my paddock area together for a bit….and then some more time together indoors in my barn. We cuddled, we snuggled, and we just ‘hung out’. No treats…as my diet is being so carefully monitored these days….just sharing TRUE LOVE, FRIENDSHIP and JOY!
As you can see, it was a bit chilly and the snow is definitely on the ground…but it didn’t change anything for us. We had a great time sharing so many cherished moments together!
I am so HAPPY!
Lane’s End is also TOO CUTE! They had special coveralls made for both of them. Their names are personally stitched on the garments. This way, they’ll have something special to wear when ‘hanging out with ME’.
Everything is STATUS QUO with my ‘physical signs as I progress towards becoming a MOM’. Each day is a step closer…but other than that no further news.
I must stay, MY OWNER looks pretty terrific here….but I DO TOO (Blush, Blush) …especially when one considers I’m right at full term in my pregnancy!
A HIGH HOOF to our great photographer…who knew exactly how to capture the perfect pose.
This is truly a photo for our memory books!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~(Yeah, Barretts on a great sale last night. Numbers are UP!)
Sierra is digging a hole to Kentucky (Maybe)
Must know when foal is born or when Z has started her process….. Please Dottie I’m begging you……
Please tell me before I die!! Well I won’t die but before I start digging that hole!
Sierra hmmm. Well you can be certain that Z is in the final hours of pregnancy. Delivery might be a bit difficult to pinpoint.
Her handlers might be catch it. Stage 1 can be a hidden stage. No outward appearance. That’s why the mares are checked so frequently when there out in the paddocks. And the night watch man is constantly moving from one mare to the next.
AftermStage 2 when the water breaks things happen very swiftly. Baby is generally born within 30 mins. So hopefully the Moss’s are snuggled up nearby in a couple of comfy couches!
Maiden mares can be difficult to guess about. No one has any notes on what signs they will give as they go from one stage to the next. That’s one reason notes are kept.
Just thinking good thoughts and vibes. Know that everything possible for her is being done. And we are pretty much at the tail end of the wait. Just a little more patience!
Sierra is digging that whole to Kentucky!
Thanks so much for this Margret! Again another great informative post! I almost feel like I should be filing these away for a pony club quiz or something!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks, Margaret NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO TELL ANYONE TO “GO AWAY”, for another dose of sanity. You’re especially good at that. Mikie’s “prediction” of 24 hrs. might come true, but I keep wondering if he might just be wishful-thinking-jumping-the-gun-a-bit. Mostly because Dottie has not said anything like that here. She just said “Status Quo”.
I don’t think Lane’s End does milk test strips. These strips are really nothing more than pool water test strips. They check calcium levels in the mare’s milk as well as check ph balance.
The strips are not 100% accurate in terms of determining when. It can give you an idea.
It is nerve wracking. I’ve been feeling it the past couple of days most definitely. But I’m determined to stay calm because I can’t do anything from here to help Z. I can try to help others get comfy and maybe relax even for a moment or two.
That’s my contribution.
Especially Horses / Southern California
I can’t believe this. I’ve been gone all day and just now checked the site to see the new post. And what do I read…..Z is expected to foal in the next 24 hours!!!!!!!!! This is what we’ve been waiting for. Now what? Will they post something as soon as the event happens? It’s a little after 10:00pm EST right now, is it possible that Mama Z is foaling as I type? Do I go to sleep tonight? Do I check the site every 30 minutes, 20 minutes, 15 minutes, 10 minutes……Tomorrow at this time will we actually be in the throngs of discussing the photos, the sex, the weight, the color, all the wonderful details. I’m so happy !!!
Sierra is digging a hole to Kentucky (Maybe)
These are all very good questions I have been asking the same things but I am debating digging a hole to Kentucky.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Big smile…..wish I could help you LOL
Sierra is digging a hole to Kentucky (Maybe)
First I need to pack mainly things for Z though. Let me think Camera (can’t forget that), Carrots (if she can have them), peppermints, drawings of Z that I have made am I forgetting anything?
Especially Horses / Southern California
Yes….wasn’t someone knitting a baby halter?
Sierra is digging a hole to Kentucky (Maybe)
Your right! I also forgot paper to one draw and two for a hoof print from both Z and the foal!
Especially Horses / Southern California
Oh my! Sierra you just hit on something brilliant…..Z and baby Z hoof print Christmas Cards !!!!!
Sierra is digging a hole to Kentucky (Maybe)
Wait really…. Win! Dottie think about it….. How much would we all love to have hoof print cards for Christmas?
Wish List for next year:
Baby Z and Z hoof print
End of Wish List
Heidi K (Vallejo, Ca)
What an Idea…. How about Birthday cards?? Birth announcements?? The list can go on and on..
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Excellent idea!
Kimberly Potter is beyond emotional in Montana
My Beautiful Zenyatta! I am beside myself…..tears of JOY…..I will never sleep tonight…. I knew you were waiting for YOUR human Mom Ann…..Let mother nature take its course….peace, comfort and LOVE sweet Momma…..
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
Well, Zenny, the Zombie Zoo (thanks Jan S. for that one! whoop whoop!) is about to lullaby, (HUH? UH, SURE!) lull to sleep – BUT NOT MEEEEEE! WHEEEE! THIS IS TOOOO EXCITING … SLEEP? … um … what? … how many nights now without?? I dunno but WHEEEE!! I’m ’bout to be a Nanny-Granny! MEEEE! WHEEEE! AND ALL YOU TOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Kisses and hugs all around when it happens!! Love you Zenny ♥ and b♥by makes two! ♥ ♥ OXXOXXOO
Sierra is digging a hole to Kentucky (Maybe)
Exactly! What is this sleep you speak of?
Kimberly Potter is beyond emotional in Montana
Karen Gogue~ Thanks for that beautiful description of how WE are feeling right now….SERIOUSLY….I am a freak right now,,,,,, GO ZENYATTTA….you got this GIRLFRIEND…….not sleep for this Z’ster until I know baby Z is safely on the ground!!!!
I love you Big Momma!!!!!!!
Roberta joy
Hi Our beautiful Z We are all on pins and needles now awaiting for your baby to arrive!! So happy to hear your owners are now with you. We all will be thinking of you from now on day and night!! and keep on checking my computer for news. Love to you and family
Julie DuVall / Ontario, CA
A little something to help while away the time as we wait on Foal Watch. This is an excerpt from a fantasy story I’ve been working on for a while now. The two main characters (Ned and Mariel) have the ability to “hear” the thoughts of horses. This is some bits of a scene where Ned’s mare Lily gives birth to a foal by his stallion Balan. A note on punctuation: the colons indicate something that Ned/Mariel “hear” from the horses, for example :Can’t do it: This is how I imagine the first interaction between a mare and foal … just picture Queen Z in Lily’s place as she greets her little one!
The rain was coming down steadily now, pattering on the roof of the barn. Snug and warm inside, Ned found the sound rather cozy. Lily was finally in labor and so far the foaling was going well. He started at the sound of the barn door opening.
“How is she?” she said, softly.
“Coming along nicely,” he replied. “It shouldn’t be much longer. Her water broke a while back and I expect to see the foal’s hooves any minute now.”
As if on cue, Lily dropped to her side with a groan and strained. A grey, rubbery looking sac began to show under her tail. “There it is,” said Ned. “The foal’s inside the foal sac, but he’ll tear through it with his sharp little hooves. If not, we’ll help him out.”
“Or her,” Mariel said. “It might be a filly.”
She turned back to Lily suddenly. “Look! Is that the foal’s head?”
It was. While they were talking, Lily had pushed her foal out even further. The little head rested on the outstretched forelegs, as if the foal were diving into water. The birth sac was still intact, and Ned slipped into the stall and tore the membrane away from the foal’s nostrils.
“It’s breathing,” he told Mariel. “Come on now, Lily my girl, just a bit more.”
Lily strained, and the foal slid a little further out, but then stopped. The mare pushed and pushed, but nothing happened. :Can’t do it.: she complained. Mariel stepped into the stall.
“What’s wrong?” she said anxiously.
“Get back,” Ned told her. “I think the foal’s hips are too wide; I told you Lily was a bit small to breed to Balan. I’ll try pulling as she pushes and hopefully the foal will slip free. Give me your shawl.”
He wound the shawl around the foal’s slippery forelegs and waited for Lily to strain again. When she did, he pulled, slowly and steadily, just enough traction to help Lily without hurting her. This time, the foal came out a little further, and the next time the exhausted mare pushed, the foal’s hips popped free. :Is it over?:
“Just once more, lass,” Ned said. “That’s all, then it’s over.”
Lily groaned and the foal slid into Ned’s lap. :Done.:
Ned cleared the foal sac away and started to dry the foal a little with Mariel’s shawl before he realized what he was doing. “Oh, I’ve ruined your shawl,” he said suddenly.
“No matter,” said Mariel, joining him in the straw. “He needs it more than I do at the moment.” She grinned and kissed him on the cheek. “Congratulations, Ned. It’s a colt.”
It was, a big bay with a star on his forehead and three white feet. “Aye,” said Ned. “And a right bonny one, too. Well done, Lily my girl.”
The mare raised her weary head. :Who’s that?!: she said, pricking her ears. She let out a deep, rumbling whicker. :He’s mine. Where did he come from? He’s mine.:
The colt was gazing about, his head wobbly on his thin neck. :Cold. Bright. Noises. What? Who? Where?: He was bewildered, but curious.
“Let’s leave them alone to get acquainted,” Ned suggested. “We’ll watch to make sure she passes the afterbirth and that he gets up on his feet and suckles.”
They left the stall and stood, leaning on the door. Lily shifted around so she could lick the colt’s wet coat, her eyes shining. :You’re all wet. You’re mine. Come here.: As she dried the colt, he squirmed around, trying to get his spindly legs under him.
:Get up.: he thought, but his brain and his legs weren’t communicating properly yet. :Have to get to the warm. She’s mine.: He butted at Lily’s side with his nose, instinctively wanting to nurse, but not sure how.
Lily lurched to her feet, shaking her head. She whickered to the colt, who tried once again to stand. They watched for close to an hour before Baron finally got to his feet, tottering unsteadily. The colt took a few awkward steps through the straw to reach his mother. He butted her flank with his head, gradually reaching her udder. :Aha!: he thought, beginning to nurse greedily. His little tail wagged back and forth with joy.
Kimberly Potter is beyond emotional in Montana
Julie DuValL~ that did not help my emotions as now my tears are flowing buckets….what a beautiful description…..thanks
Sierra is digging a hole to Kentucky (Maybe)
This is an amazing story Julie! Thank you so much I love this story so much!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Julie:
Thank you. Lovely. Hugs, JB
Especially Horses / Southern California
Ah Julie, wonderful timing on your part. You couldn’t have posted at a better time. I did imagine it was Z.
Thank you.
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
I love this! Thank you!
In these last few hours before Z becomes a mom with babe at side let’s do some quick review.
In Stage 1 delivery if something is amiss for Z she can stop delivery. This is something unique to horses. It could be a change in staff, maybe the sniffles, or a storm blowing in. We probably won’t ever know the reasons cause Z doesn’t speak human!
Really it’s nothing to be alarmed about. This is all Mother Nature at the helm directing things. And she has been doing a massive job for eons.
Next while we may not see delivery live more about a just in a case type of thing than anything else–I am hoping that the Moss’s take lots of video. And that they don’t stop. I can wait for the edited video. What I’m hoping for is a two hour video that show delivery, the baby standing and nursing and lots of video showing bonding time.
But I believe it shouldn’t be “free” video. Maybe we don’t know have to pay thousands for the video but a donation to Old Friends, SCTR or any other reputable horse rescue in exchange for the video.
In this way you not only raise monies for different charities but you also make others aware of the plight of many “lesser known” horses. Horses that have all the breeding you could ask for but no desire to be on the track.
Most of us here in cyber land have no access to Z. We couldn’t be there even if we wanted to. Much less many of us wouldn’t know how to help and would just be in the way. To that end I applaud the many of you who light candles for Z, think good thoughts for her and impending motherhood.
We have to have confidence in the people handling Z that they know what they are doing. They will have the patience needed to help her during this time. And even those who are there training will be able to absorb all that is transporting so they can help the next horse. Some of it may be time held tradition but a tradition that has shown itself to be ever in the horses favor.
ps No, I’m not over the vicious attack by Leslie Stidham. Matter of fact she came back last night to attack me again. She needs to sleep with Rush Limbaugh she talks like him.
Sierra is digging a hole to Kentucky (Maybe)
Thanks so much for the info Margret! I like your idea about donating although then I personally wouldn’t be able to see it because my mom would not pay just so I could see a video of Z. But again thanks so much for the info this calms my nerves!
Talk to Old Friends. I’m not talking thousands of dollars. And with the economy as bad as it is–even pledging 5 dollars a month for 6 months might do it.
Something square and equitable for all. It depends on your situation. Call one of the farms.
Darlene Daniels
Thank you Margaret. Very good info. Hope you continue posting. You are a good teacher and I want to learn alot. Are you feeling better from your cold? Did you get my “virtual chicken soup” I sent you? Take care.
Still extraordinarily congested. Just when I think I’m clear–major coughing fit ensues.
Thank You Margaret! I love your passion! As well as your knowledge. I tend to skim through most of these posts, as they are somewhat silly at times! However, yours are brimming with knowledge and insight about the subject we all love! Thank You!
Sierra is digging a hole to Kentucky (Maybe)
^^ I agree with this completely except I read everyone’s post I just love your posts so much as they always learn something from them!
Sierra is digging a hole to Kentucky (Maybe)
I can stay on until 10 hopefully by then we will know whether or not she is foaling or if the foal has been born.
Especially Horses / Southern California
10pm PST is about it for me too. That will be 1am EST. It would be nice to just get a short post that says “Foaling has started”. That would be so awesome. To get a “real time” update.
BARB G (SKIP) and JULIETTE the Cat in NJ
This is like being in a maternity ward with 999 other people, all pacing up and down! We will never forget this vigil…so much love is centered on this website tonight…God, bless us all AFTER you bless our precious Zenyatta and her baby…
Kimberly Potter is beyond emotional in Montana
AMEN SKIPPER~ this is the moment we have been waiting for…..
carol in utah
I worked a large part of my nursing career in and around the delivery rooms…mostly on the baby side…this is Waiting Room to the MAX!
Especially Horses / Southern California
One of the best lines (maternity ward with 999 other people) tonight!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Or now, 99,914 friends on the FB waiting room.
Darlene Daniels
Dear Jerry and Ann. Thank you so much for sharing Zenyatta with all of us. As you know she is the most beloved horse in history. I hope you had a chance for a nap today. Thank you Dottie and John for this diary, your inspiration, love and undying loyalty to all of Zenyatta’s fans. I think it is going to be “Sleepless in America” tonight because everyone is watching and waiting. Dear Zenyatta I wish you an easy and safe delivery. God Bless you all. I love you so much, my angel. Love Darlene
P.S. Zenny, the way you are nuzzling Ann’s hair in the photo, looks like you love her so much you could just eat her up.
You look great! You’re gonna make a great mommy. =)
Camille from Louisville, KY
Zenyatta, I must be having sympathy pains for you………….just got sick to my stomach a few minutes ago……..feel better now, though!!! There is the most beautiful full moon shining in the clear Kentucky sky tonight……..feels like Baby Z is on the way. Best wishes for a safe delivery, big girl. All the world is awaiting your precious foal!!! =)
#1 New England fan
It’s 11:11 pm Eastern, and I’m heading to bed, but not to sleep, I’m sure. It’s so exciting to think that tomorrow we’ll most probably have the news we are all waiting for. Can you imagine the nerves down at Lane’s End right about now?
God bless our Queen and her court tonight. We all take comfort in knowing that her human family is with her anda that THE best vets and handlers are with her. Lastly, remember this — we are talking about Zenyatta. So of course she will handle this magnificently!
Good luck to all in Zenyattaland who will try to sleep!
Annie B in MA
Sierra is digging a hole to Kentucky (Maybe)
Here is a poem that I wrote in honor of Baby Z:
Baby Z we anticipate your arrival
We all pace thinking, wondering
When will he come? What will it be?
All that matters is that he is healthy
But we cannot all but wonder
Will he be as great as our Queen?
Will the ground shake as he runs?
Will the sun come out just for him?
Will he be loved by all?
All these questions but no answers
Except one
His greatness is immeasurable
Soon the world will see
Just how great Baby Z can be.
Hope you like Z and my Z sisters!
Especially Horses / Southern California
Sierra is digging a hole to Kentucky (Maybe)
Thanks! That means a lot from you! Oh and see my comment above about the Christmas cards. Lastly I am writing another poem as we speak I think I have been inspired!
carol in utah
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Sierra:
I second Especially Horses Bravo. Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma!
Great goin’! I loved your other one below too! Thanks!
carol in utah
I have worn out shoes, socks, rug, floor…..
2dogs and 2cats think I have gone bezerk….totally bonkers
Hubby cowering in corner ….calling for “padded” cell to be reserved..
I live with 5 beings ….not one of them has a clue…
No sleep for us….
Zenny and all of YOUR TEAM….all of YOUR FAMILY….we love you…
breathe….slow deep breaths…do not know if this helps equines…but all humans involved will benefit
Sierra is digging a hole to Kentucky (Maybe)
All they need to do is stick all of us into a padded cell with about 20 computers and some noisemakers and we will all be fine.
I’m seeing a number of posts requesting a “phone tree” of sorts. Not sure how serious everyone is. Guessing you are here are some thoughts for next time.
Perhaps we can sign up for special notices–like impending delivery. We could do an actual tree based on phone numbers–so no one is calling Russia when there is someone closer and not such long distant charges would be involved.
One person could call 2 or 3 people and so on.
Same for emails. That way even if the site crashes people would still be in the know.
It would take a lot of trust, something I have NONE of t this point.
We have a lot of people here and at fb. We’d probably need a few mods and then a whole lot of chiefs helping out.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Not quite as personal as a phone call, but Linda in NC posted above, how to set up a Google news alert, which I just did for “Zenyatta foal”, so I will get it even if this site is too full or crashes. Here is the link to her post: https://staging.zenyatta.com/diary/diary-post-451#comment-137183
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Dearest Z– many of us were hoping for the full moon, but we don’t want you to be uncomfortable any longer than necessary before your little one is born. I have been gone all day and apologize for not having time to read all the posts. Will do more tomorrow. Love you always, precious Z, and we’re all pulling and praying for a quick, safe delivery and a healthy baby who will soon be bouncing around. Hope I can sleep tonight, as I didn’t last night.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Barbara, I hope you can sleep, too. Remember, Dottie said “Everything is STATUS QUO”, even if Mikie thinks it’ll be within 24 hrs. He might be wishful-thinking & jumping-the-gun.
Good luck girl, we’re all so excited for you :)
Any of you have friends who would like to “like” our beautiful Z! (We all know that’s not possible – they need a “love” button! Hope if she decides not to foal tonight that she is resting comfortably and having sweet dreams. Tomorrow is another day and it will be warmer the next two days.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Seriously! Oh man, I need to make some email pleads to family/friends.
Sierra is digging that whole to Kentucky!
So close.. someone should post it on the lane’s end page! That could help also try posting on Rachel’s page.
I have posted on those and several other places earlier. Won’t hurt to post again if you want.
Especially Horses / Southern California
Just got us two new LIKES
Sierra is digging that whole to Kentucky!
Yay! It looks like it just keeps going up we are now only 87 away.
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial
Thanks Everyone – Zenyatta is waiting for us to get to 100,000 before she has her foal – we can get there!!!!
Keep sharing
Darlene Daniels
Does anyone else see any irony in the fact that Secretariat is being played right now on Encore? Is it a sign??
Sierra is digging that whole to Kentucky!
Wait really it is? It is a sign! I think tomorrow we might be hearing about a colt that has a blaze…
Darlene Daniels
That’s kinda what I’m thinking too Sierra. Well, quess we will know tomorrow if not sooner.
Shannon From Cool
We are like hundreds of busy, doting and loving aunties all waiting for the second coming of Zenyatta. This is so fun.
Marshall (in NC)
Dearest Z,
What a lovely photo of you and Ann in the snow! Great job of photography, Mr. Moss!
So very glad the Mosses have arrived. Wishing you smooth sailing and a healthy baby.
Sweet dreams to all! Love and hugs, too (same to Tasty!).
Sierra is digging that whole to Kentucky!
Only 89 more likes to go!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Now 80!
Stephanie in San Diego (been calm but now pacing with everyone else..)
Sure I will be checking throught out the night. Do you think there has ever been a foal loved by so many, before being born? xoxo Maybe tonight. :)
So glad Ann and Jerry are there. Love them..
Sierra is digging that whole to Kentucky!
No I am sure there has not been a more loved foal before it is even born..
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
And she or he doesn’t even know that we’re all nutso here.
Sierra is digging that whole to Kentucky!
It is now March 7th for Z! Maybe it is the lucky birthday for the foal? I hope so…. If so then if it is right that she will foal around 2:30 we only have about 2 hours to wait unless she foals later in the day.
delon scott
It is so amazing to read through all the posts and hear about the collective love for Zenyatta from all over the world, what a lifetime event to treasure–historical–and to be a part of it by just being a fan is truly special, thanks to all, hard to sleep tonight for sure, it feels like Christmas!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
It is, deion! I’m playing Christmas Carols!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Sorry – delon or ariadne
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial
That’s what I told my boyfriend – it’s like Christmas Eve!!!
Everyone stay up and don’t fall asleep tonight
Heidi K (Vallejo, Ca)
Ok, going out tonight didn’t help the situation. Some friends asked how I was and I said: a nervous wreck! They thought about it for a few minutes and said: “What was the horses name that you’re always talking about and isn’t she having a baby soon?” I had to laugh because, I always wear my Z cap! I turned my head so they could see the name on the back and they started to laugh! A few questions were asked and after talking about the actual “birth” they changed the subject, got up and walked away. Men!!! Too funny!
BTW.,. I got a bottle of guinness so that I can toast the baby into the world!!
Back to driving my partner and cats crazy…….
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Heidi, Clearly they were not Z people. Most of my friends are not either, but some are nice enough to want me to tell them when THE EVENT has actually occurred.
JAG / Excited More Than Ever ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
Everytime I go get my nails done (every other week) I’m asked: “How is Zenyatta doing?” I love it!
When I go to the framing store I will have to give them the news, too! They had to hear all the talk about John Henry, now it’s about Zenny :-D
Giddy Auntie Judy ♥
Heidi K (Vallejo, Ca)
Yes, some people just dont “get it!” That’s ok, one day they’ll look back over time and say, “Remember when Heidi told us about the Greatest Mare:?” ” What was her name. it was a Police Song, hmmm, Mondatta, no, oh wait, Zenyatta Mondatta but, the Mare was/is Zenyatta!” Soon enough, they might catch on.
Zenny, I’m taking a very late nap, so that I can be up and alert in the weee hours. It’s 1 am there… TTYS…
I don’t know about you all but, Lisa (TN) and I are on “text alert!” My phone is charged and will be by my side all night and morning!
olga lidia rubi
the baby its almost here cant wait, am so happy the family is together for the main event….make sure to write everyday we are out hear on pins and needles love@u
Dear Zenyatta and the Mosses, I am one of the many fans counting the hours until your foal’s arrival. Zenyatta has touched so many lives both during her racing years and, now, in her new career. I have over 25 videos and over 125 pictures of Zenyatta on my computer and seven on photos on my wall! I am sure these numbers will swell once the little one has hoofs on the ground.
Kimberly Potter is beyond emotional in Montana
My Beautiful Zenyatta~ Ok, I’m gonna try to get some sleep…….NOT! I just hope that I can I can get on this site in the morning. Once I am on…. I AM ON…..Love YOU Gorgeous MOMMA…..Wishing you SWEET PEACE and COMFORT…. YOU are in the best of hands and this I KNOW…