Good Morning,
Look who arrived to share all of my ‘new experiences’ with ME during the next several days….MY OWNERS!
I am so, so excited. Yesterday, we spent some time out in my paddock area together for a bit….and then some more time together indoors in my barn. We cuddled, we snuggled, and we just ‘hung out’. No treats…as my diet is being so carefully monitored these days….just sharing TRUE LOVE, FRIENDSHIP and JOY!
As you can see, it was a bit chilly and the snow is definitely on the ground…but it didn’t change anything for us. We had a great time sharing so many cherished moments together!
I am so HAPPY!
Lane’s End is also TOO CUTE! They had special coveralls made for both of them. Their names are personally stitched on the garments. This way, they’ll have something special to wear when ‘hanging out with ME’.
Everything is STATUS QUO with my ‘physical signs as I progress towards becoming a MOM’. Each day is a step closer…but other than that no further news.
I must stay, MY OWNER looks pretty terrific here….but I DO TOO (Blush, Blush) …especially when one considers I’m right at full term in my pregnancy!
A HIGH HOOF to our great photographer…who knew exactly how to capture the perfect pose.
This is truly a photo for our memory books!
With Love,
Hugs to ALL~(Yeah, Barretts on a great sale last night. Numbers are UP!)
I can’t wait to meet baby Z! So excited! I hope you are feeling comfortable. Glad to see that your friends are there to be with you for the delivery! Love you so much!
Congrats Lori!!!!
Number one today, Yipee !!!! Yipee !!!! Yipee !!!!
Gloria Jeanne - http://www.facebook.com/ZenyattaOfficial
we still need more Facebook fans “likes” for Zenyatta to reach our goal of 100,000 – please share. 63 will do it!!!
Pat Amos
Tomorrow, March 7th would be a perfect day! It was my dads birthday. Love Your Washington State Friends
Come on baby Z …. March 7th is my birthday!!
Wendy in St. Louis
Dear Z, Wishing you and your entire family…human, equine, canine & feline…all the best for the foals’ first year and every year to come. I love you all !
Shari Voltz/Ohio
Hi Zenyatta this is Shaylin Stovall in Mrs.Voltz’s class she told me you might have your baby on March 7th and that is my birthday i thought that was pretty cool and exciting for both of us.I hope you Love your foal cause i think she or he is going to be really cute and have you figured what the name was going to be?If not please let us know :D
Love:Shaylin Stovall
Debbie Baucom
You look gorgeous and happy, Z. But the suspense is killing me! I hope you have your baby soon! Best wishes for a safe and easy delivery, and for a healthy baby. That’s all that really matters. (By the way – how about Zendini?)
Darlene Daniels
How beautiful Zenyatta!! Ann you must be so excited!! Love Darlene
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
So Happy for you Zenyatta – YOUR OWNERS – too cute!!!
Yvonne and Maurice
Hi Zenyatta. You and Ann look so beautiful. Waiting for the moment. Can’t wait to see the video of baby’s first steps. Love you Angel.
Oh, sweet Zenny, every picture I see of you with your Ann brings smiles and happy tears. What a duo you make! And YOUR Jerry can take a great picture just like Sarah. I’m pacing here…I think lillte Z/B will be here in the next day. {{{ }}} to you and your wonderful owners.
Hi Zenny, I am so glad Ann is with you. The princess will be here soon. love you all
Pattie in South Carolina
Are you thinking “Pink” like I am ?? I’ve had strong feelings it will be a filly. I’m so excited and looking forward to seeing Baby BZ too :)
Hi Pattie, I feel like it should be a little Zinket. I would love to see a mini Z. If we are wrong oh well.
On a different note does anyone have an update on that horse that was recovered from someplace out west. She was going to be put down and was in foal? I believe the foal was going to be name Cloud after the late great Cloud Man. If anyone has news I was just wondering about that youngster too.
I have had a feeling all along that Baby Z will be a filly, too. ( I had a feeling, which turned out right, that Rachel Alexandra would have a colt. Of course, whatever speculation is a 50/50 chance) We shall soon find out…….
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Wow, I almost made it to the top today!
Zenny, YOU and YOUR Ann both look adorable. How kind of Lane’s End to do that so you three can enjoy the wintry weather there.
It just can’t be too much longer now! In this picture, you don’t even look so “plump”.
Love you.
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Hi BW~ I thought the same thing of this pic. She really doesn’t even look pregnant at this angle. To ME…. Zenyatta is the most gorgeous creature on this Planet!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
I can see the difference in Zenny’s shape too, I think she’s “dropped”
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Me, too!!
Bobbie --- Elkhorn WI
I did read that when the foal moves into the birthing position the mare isn’t so wide.
Kathy S.
Oh man..I can hardly stand it! Not much longer now…Love to everyone.
sue and tony
Zenny…it must be almost time if your dear owners are with you! This picture is so cute..but then there is always magic when you and your Ann hang out together. Jerry captured the moment perfectly. Love to all of you as we await the arival of our little prince or princess.
Jo in Colorado
I’m so excited! And thrilled that the Mosses are there to be with you, Z!
Enrico Equus
Zenny, as we anxiously await the arrival of your foal, many of your fans may not know that Congress quietly passed a law last November that provides for the reopening of equine slaughterhouses within the US. Despite talk of austerity, Congress found money to fund FDA inspectors to approve the meat for human consumption. The single best thing your fans can do to ensure that your friends and relatives don’t fall victim to Ferdinand’s fate is to donate to a registered thoroughbred rescue charity. Owner and breeder Paul Saylor’s offer to match any gift to the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation up to a total of $50,000 has not been met. No gift is too small, and donations to the TRF are tax deductible.
Dear fans of Zennyatta, can you please help meet the Saylor challenge?
Enrico Equus
CC of VT
EE, thank you for this reminder. I’ve just clicked on the provided link and have made donation. In lieu of booties, my shower gift is a donation to the Saylor Challenge in honor of Zennyatta’s 2012 foal.
CC of VT
good grief! “Zenyatta’s”…sorry everyone…got too excited!
Enrico Equus
CC of VT, Thank you for making a donation “In lieu of booties” and in honor of Zenny’s foal — what a GREAT idea! BTW, in addition to lovingly taking care of their own (Zenny and others), Jerry and Ann Moss are generous contributors to the TRF (and many other equine charities).
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Great idea!
Kimberly Potter/Montana
Fabulous idea. Thank you Enrico, for reminding everyone that slaughter returning to the US is very real…..and we must do all we can to stop it.
I will make my donation to the Thouroughbred Retirement Foundation in Zenyatta’s name and in celebration and honor of her new prince/princess.
Hugz to ALL!!!
Sharon in Atlanta, GA
Hey, Enrico:
There those of us that did know this. Actually, US horse slaughter is a lot closer then anyone may have guessed. There are plans on the table as we speak to open the first US horse slaughter plant, I believe, in Missouri. The plant will process 200 to 400 horses a day and they only want young, healthy horses. Please folks, make those donations right away. You could be saving countless lives. Thanks!
Kimberly Potter can't hold back the tears in Montana
Sharon in Atlanta~ Yes, and thanks for stating more of the details of the nightmare of returning horse slaughter to the USA. The majority of horses do NOT live in Zenyatta’s world, unfortunately. I wish they all could.
Lisag in Texas
@Sharon, I do not understand. Why will there be a legal S (hate that word)House in the US, a civilized country as ours? Why do they want to S young and healthy horses? I do not see why SHouses’s exsist anywhere. I have been trying to decide which org to donate in Zenyatta and her Baby’s name, and I think I found it. If not too much trouble, please tell me Why? Why?
Enrico Equus
Lisag in Texas, One word: profit. Young and healthy means less likelihood of FDA rejection. Please, no euphemisms. When Ferdinand was slaughtered in Japan, his American fans were heartbroken. Slaughtered is the word and it’s about to happen HERE in the US. Maybe we’re not so civilized. No one who loves horses likes to think about it, but this reality can’t be prettied up or glossed over. Give anything, even if it’s only one dollar: http://www.trfinc.org/Make-a-Gift-c9.html
Lisag in Texas
Thank you, Enrico, consider it done. I lost you earlier, and finally found you again. In search of you I found Kari’s Daughter…when I tried to reply to her…I lost her. Now I will search for her again. Thank you, Enrico, but I just do not get it. The whole thing makes me sick to my stomach. I read the story about the lady in Sweden who took Excel to the SHouse, and she described what he went thru as he approached the place…He knew what it was. It makes me sick.
Suzanne G (IL)
Hi Enrico,
Thanks for posting this link. Wish I were able to do more. Hopefully, we on Zenyatta’s site will enable the Saylor challenge to be met! Would be awful to lose challenge $$$ especially when horses are involved.
The sad reality is that with all the newborn foals comes the chance that any one of them could end up in a slaughter house. It is a disgusting thought. With all the excitement of the many foals I worry about their fate. I have horses, five of them, and I could not stand the thought of anything happening to them. The racing industry creates many foals,and there is a real chance that some of them will end up in a slaughter house.
Marilu V
Hello Enrico:
Thanks for the reminder. I wrote Senator Boxer twice concerning this. As you have suggested the best we can do is help so we can save the horses. Such a horrible truth but so real. Thanks again, Marilu
Cheryl Y
Thanks for the reminder,just made my donation !! MAKE SURE EVERY ONE TO APPLY YOUR DONATION TO THE PAUL SAYLOR CHALLENGE so that TRF can take advantage of his offer !! Here is a quote from Gandi that applys to the USA now !!!!! THE GREATNESS OF A NATION AND ITS MORAL PROGRESS CAN BE JUDGED BY THE WAY ITS ANIMALS ARE TREATED , doesn’t say much for the our country right now does it ?
Stephanie in San Diego (been call but now pacing with everyone else..)
Enrico…just clicked and made my donation in honor of Zenny and foal. Then I thought of Kari….so went back and made another one in her name. She would have been so very excited reading todays post and seeing Ann with her Zenny. xoxo
Carol Howard -Traverse City, Michigan
I’m so happy to see you have your owners with you. Now I can relax knowing everything is in place. Love You!
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
I’m SOOO HAPPY and Ann is there with YOU to share this SPECIAL TIME WITH YOU!!!!
I can’t wait – I know it will be any day now – perhaps tonight :)
I think it will be a colt and maybe a little lighter than YOU and Bernie!!! Not sure why, jus a thought.
Roxanne Cook - Boulder Creek, CA
So glad the weather has settled down there for you. I’ll bet it is a quiet comfort to have Ann and Jerry there with you at this time of your life. We’ll keep you all in our thoughts and prayers in the week ahead for a safe and normal delivery and a healthy foal. Blessings
The Kennedys in San Diego
We are so happy they will be there with you for The Big Event.
Zenny, I think you like rearranging Ann’s hair. You always seem to be very interested in it. Is a line of hair care products in the offering? ZMagic is a good name don’t you think?
Kimberly Potter/Montana
I spent a lot of the past weekend, trying to find out if Lane’s End had been hit by those devastating tornados and being horrified by the destruction in West Liberty. Such a terrible tragedy for so many.
It’s so wonderful to hear that all is well with you and yours’ and that Ann and Jerry are there with you. I knew they would be. They love you so. I don’t see how they are going to be able to leave you and the “young’en” and go back to California, even though I suppose they must.
You can be considered ‘full term’ now and all will be well. We’ll all be anxious to hear when it happens and that you and your baby are both doing just fine.
janie from Massachusetts
Looking good baby gril ….. So glad you’re surrounded by your family ….. Full moon on its way ……
Hi Zenny!
I read the title, “Company’s Here”, and I screamed verynloud because I thought the baby came! My dog jumped about a foot and is still barking! Lol! I am so excited and can’t wait for the little one to make his/her appearance. :o) So glad your family is there with you.
Happy…Healthy….Safe for you and yours.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
I know- me, too!
Pam Homeier
I thought the same, too. Don’t do that! lol
At first I was SCREAMing for joy!!!! I thought the royal baby had come!!!!!! So excited to see your owners are there with you! Surrounding you with pure white light of safety, health, courage, and strength to have a blessed delivery!!!! Love, love, and more love. Hugs, peppermint kisses, chucks, and nose nuzzles, dear, sweet Zenny and Tasty too! h +++
Mary Copelin
DARLING Z- I am so glad that your human Mom and Dad have arrived to support you and cheer you on during this very special time in your life. I know it will be of great comfort to you to have them there.
You look absolutely ravashing, as usual!
All the Dumplings are on 24/7 watch and sending you lots of love and prayers.
It does look like maybe the foal has started to turn??
So glad your owners came to be with you. Your handlers must think you’re very close to the time if the Mosses have joined you now.
Prayers for a quick and uneventful foaling and a healthy little champion for you to raise. I’m thinking colt. But I think I may have predicted a filly 8 or 9 months ago. It will surely be one or the other, LOL.
I hope they will get video of the whole thing and share it with us after the baby comes.
Company’s here–I also thought it was the pounding of little hooves! How wonderful that Mr. and Mrs. Moss are there to share in your BIG moment!
Lisag in Texas
Too cute.
Sarah Powell, Clemson, SC
Came in from the barn straight to the computer to check – no post. Then when a post turned up, I couldn’t get on the diary page – I thought maybe all the Aunties were trying to get on at once! LOL So glad your family is there with you. Lots of prayers and pacing going on out here. Love the picture. (thanks Dottie)
Patty Delaware
Zenny I’m so glad for you that your owners are with you to share in the event. I do believe that I wore a hole in my carpet from all the checking all weekend long. It won’t be long now beautiful girl we our all PACEING now for sure love you
I am really thinking pink. I envision a big beautiful girl, just like you with two white socks in the back. Love, love, and more love, to you and your little Zenyadinni. Blessing your stall with protection from Our Lord, and His Blessed Mother. St Benedict, keep the stall pure and clean from any darkness. I pray this in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, Amen. h+++
Lisag in Texas
Don’t forget Saint Francis of Assisi
helene from Middletown, Ohio
Of course, St. Francis, patron of animals! Thanks for the help. We are a great family here with one objective; to love Queen Zenny and her Royal Baby +++
Diana Hanson
Oh the anticipation! I have my computer on foal alert! Take it easy and enjoy the time with your family.
Sue Noel/Sun Valley,ID
Oh–this picture made me cry,it is SO beautiful!!!I just knew that YOUR ANN and YOUR JERRY would fly to your side for this most anticipated time. For sure you will all be happier and calmer just being together!!
I know you must all feel all the love and the prayers that are being sent your way. And,certainly for Tasty too–she has been such a lovely friend to you. You are both in our hearts and you are on our minds ALL the time these days. It is as though the whole world is holding it’s breath ,just waiting to hear the joyous news!!! Have a perfect day with your precious family. LOVE YOU!!!!
So happy to see Lady Ann by your side – sharing the comfort of two soul mates. I can just feel Jerry’s heart swelling with pride as he catches another special moment. You seem more excited than you have in the last several photos – I think you are so happy to see your family and know there will be something extraordinary happening soon. Thank you again to Ann, Jerry, Dottie, John, Sarah, Matt, and all your family at Lane’s End and Barn 55 for sharing your journey with us – Be well Zen, can’t wait for the magical moment to arrive when you safely deliver our long awaited fascination – Baby Z. Get ready Bernie!!!
I, like many of you saw Company is here and flipped out thinking the champion had arrived, then freaked out because I could not get the site to come up! Obviously, all the Zenyatta fans are hard at work monitoring the champs arrival and have overloaded the FB page. We are all “PACING” and I for one am proud to admit it. After all she is the “Queen”/America’s horse for all to share. I love you Z and am so thrilled that Ann and Jerry are there to share in the joy of the birth of your 1st foal. Be safe and I wish for you a no complications on the birth of a healthy baby champion, to be celebrated by us all!
NOTE: Our goal of reaching 100.000 “LIKES” before the birth of the new champ has almost been reached. Remember, it must be new FB people to “LIKE” the page for it to happen. We only need 244 more “LIKES” to make this happen in honor of Z. Share the love of Z with all you know, I know as fans we can make this a reality!!!
So glad Grandma and Grandpa to be are with you!!! I think you know by now we all wish we could be there with you as you bring Baby Bump into the world. You are surrounded by all the love there is in the world.