Hello from LANE’S END!
Happy Monday everyone! It was a very pleasant and normal weekend here at the farm. My body is still making ‘gradual and steady’ progress in its’ pre-foaling changes….but there isn’t any other news to report at this time.
In Lexington, we had 4 inches of snow fall and it is absolutely gorgeous outside. It suddenly occurred to ME while walking in my paddock earlier today that if HANSEN (by Tapit) was out playing in the snow like this, he’d blend right into the environment. He is so handsome…and so WHITE in color. I thought he ran a fabulous race in The Gotham (G3) on Saturday. It is wonderful to see a 2 year old champion remain in top form when returning for his 3 year old campaign.
Dottie shared with ME how concerned you are about ‘my status’. She commented that many people stopped her on Saturday while at Santa Anita to ask about ME…when I’m going to have my foal…and my general well-being! She thought it was so special when several had their iPads and phones in hand…constantly checking the web-site for ‘any news’. You are all TOO CUTE! Thank you for your loving interest and concern!
I hope you had a great time following the racing all over the country this weekend…and if you were in California…the almost 90 degree weather outdoors. Today, marks the beginning of the 2 YEAR OLD IN-TRAINING SALES for our industry. The first one takes place in Pomona, CA this evening at BARRETTS. The sales prices, figures, and overall statistics will be used to study the ‘climate’ of our industry in so many ways. Good Luck to all of the sales horses and their connections. HAPPY BIDDING!
Until tomorrow…….
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Z, I am so happy to hear that you and Tasty are safe and sound. I was worried about the storms around you and I was so glad to know that they did not affect Lane’s End. You will have your blessed foal in your own sweet time as in everything you do. I hope that there are alot of pictures and video taken of this extradordinary event!!! I have gotten my co-workers involved in the event and we have all given our predictions on date, weight of foal, and whether it is a filly or a colt. They were not familiar with horse racing etc., but they are now all pleasantly involved. We are all PACING…PACING…PACING! Of course we are all asking about you, you are our Queen for goodness sake and we love and respect you sooooo much. Hope everyting is going well for you and that you have Jerry and Ann with you now at this crucial time. Cannot wait to hear the news!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Goodnight, Zenny- wax on, wax off :)
JAG / Excited More Than Ever ♥♥♥♥♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: Blithering Zombie COMA! ♥ aaugh!!
Diana Stuart
@Zenny: My first time in today to check on you! It’s 1:15AM Tuesday morning in Arizona! I’ve been so busy today helping make arrangements to rescue a TB off the track in Tucson on behalf of Joan P in Texas. I’ve been relying on Auntie Judy to text me if you had a surprise for us (wink, wink). You look so zaftig in the snow! But stay warm and cozy in your stall tonight.
diastu – anticipating – in tempe
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
Diana – good luck with the horse inTucson. I hope it finds its forever home through your efforts.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Diana–RT says, “Go to sleep, already!”
Thomas Peca
Z, My prayers are with you my Love. Tap
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
Could today be the day for the arrival of The First Foal?
Hello Zenyatta,
I am checking in every day to monitor your progress. I am so excited and can’t wait for the big event. My best goes out to you Zenny.
Lane’s End has updated the foals list so far still no Zenny on it. Only 260 likes (loves) to go til 100,000. I think she’s just holding out to get number 100,000 then she’ll be like ok it’s time. LOL
Especially Horses / Southern California
It’s March 6. Is today the day?
Good morning Zenny, Wouldn’t it be sweet if your little one had a heart shape on it’s forhead! Everything about you, your connections, fans is all HEART !!!
LOL & prayers, Arlene in Vermont
Shema Satya
good morning Z, beautiful pic of you in the snow. glad you had a good weekend, and yes Hansen did run a good race! :-)
Robin from Maryland
Dear Zen, I didn’t realize you are Soooooo close to being a mom. I know we all can’t wait for your baby to be born. I hope that everything goes well for you and your team on that great day or night. The rest of us will be waiting for the news of a safe delivery for you. Please get plenty of rest until the big day. Love to all……
Nancy Petrillo
Hello Beautiful Girl,
I’m just checking in to see how you are doing. Also, so glad to hear that the tornadoes did not come anywhere near you and Tasty and all the other horses in the region. Snow is nice and refreshing, I’m so glad you enjoy it.
Stay well and thank Dottie for keeping us all updated.
Hugs and Kisses,
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
The mystery concerning the cards continues. I love a good mystery. Someone suggested that the cards were being mailed by Lane’s End to those who sent cards to Zenyatta in care of Lane’s End. I sent a card to Zenyatta at Lane’s end (one for birthday, one for Xmas) and I haven’t (yet) received one of the mystery cards. Also, Zenyatta is not owned by Lane’s End and I don’t suppose they could send out thank you cards under her name without permission of some kind. And it seems that people who ordered more than one Plushie got two thank you cards. It’s fun to speculate who, what and why.
Someone has gone to a lot of time, trouble, not to mention expense and I think it is very special that they went to that effort. Perhaps it is Tasty who is behind it and Zenyatta gave her permission (laugh, laugh)
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny, aaugh!! Zombie Coma! notyetnotyetnotyetnotyet
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma! ... yetnotyetnotyet ♥
Awww, I love you more and more and more and ………………..
OraJean Stevenson
Dear Queen-Z & Team-Z,
You look sooooo lovely in the snow !! Thanks for the picture. I was releived to
hear that the awful tornadoes and supercells, of last week, didn’t hit your region of Kentucky.
Are you still able to make “Snow Angels” in your condition ?? Have fun…take care.
Hugs to all. Fondly, OraJean
Rosie Naprovnik enjoys 5 win day at Fairgrounds this past weekend.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Hoof-ray for Rosie! Thanks, Sign!
Karen Gogue /Nanny-Granny status: notyetnotyetnotyet ... aaugh! Zombie Coma! ... yetnotyetnotyet ♥
Hang in there JAG!!! Could be on the 9th yet!!
Carol Howard -Traverse City, Michigan
Can’t stop checking my computer. Both of my girls want you to deliver on their birthdays, 7th or 9th. Can’t wait to see your foal!
Zenyatta, it snowed where I live too. The snow was totally unexpected where I live, however. I’m glad that you got the chance to play in it. I’m sure it made your unborn foal happy as well. I saw the Gotham Stakes this past Saturday and was very pleased that Hansen won it. He was trailing the race at first and it didn’t much look like he could pull it off but he really surprised me. I will definitely agree that he is a great looking horse and that he blends right in with the snow. I’m happy to hear that your Mario is doing well.
Dr. Catherine Hansen
Congratulations on your baby colt, 12 Zenyatta! And thank you for mentioning Hansen (by Tapit) fondly. I can assure you that Hansen (and his family) has the deepest of respect and affection for you and your accomplishments. And now you can add to your list of accomplishments with your son. I wish that we could attend your shower on Saturday, but want to wish you well! Enjoy the love!