Hello from LANE’S END!
Happy Monday everyone! It was a very pleasant and normal weekend here at the farm. My body is still making ‘gradual and steady’ progress in its’ pre-foaling changes….but there isn’t any other news to report at this time.
In Lexington, we had 4 inches of snow fall and it is absolutely gorgeous outside. It suddenly occurred to ME while walking in my paddock earlier today that if HANSEN (by Tapit) was out playing in the snow like this, he’d blend right into the environment. He is so handsome…and so WHITE in color. I thought he ran a fabulous race in The Gotham (G3) on Saturday. It is wonderful to see a 2 year old champion remain in top form when returning for his 3 year old campaign.
Dottie shared with ME how concerned you are about ‘my status’. She commented that many people stopped her on Saturday while at Santa Anita to ask about ME…when I’m going to have my foal…and my general well-being! She thought it was so special when several had their iPads and phones in hand…constantly checking the web-site for ‘any news’. You are all TOO CUTE! Thank you for your loving interest and concern!
I hope you had a great time following the racing all over the country this weekend…and if you were in California…the almost 90 degree weather outdoors. Today, marks the beginning of the 2 YEAR OLD IN-TRAINING SALES for our industry. The first one takes place in Pomona, CA this evening at BARRETTS. The sales prices, figures, and overall statistics will be used to study the ‘climate’ of our industry in so many ways. Good Luck to all of the sales horses and their connections. HAPPY BIDDING!
Until tomorrow…….
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Heidi K (Vallejo, Ca)
Oh Zenny, so happy to hear from you today! Love the pic of you in the snow. I remember the first time you were turned loose. Squealing with joy and running around. Anyways, all weekend, I checked all the sites for any “New” news! I was away from my laptop on Sunday and kept pacing back and forth at the establishment we were at and our friends kept laughing at me. I even had my Zenny attire on! They all thought that you had foaled since I was wearing them (jersey, hoody and hat). Then, they remembered that we were headed to Golden Gate Fields (which didn’t happen). Hopefully, we can make it this weekend.
Oh by the way, I love how your tummy has dropped.. Any Day, any minute now!! Love you big girl and I hope and pray for an easy delivery, happy and Healthy foal and Mom!! I’m trying to be patient but, as the days pass, it gets harder and harder to contain myself! lol
Margie from SoCal
Hi Sweet Zenny, I’m so grateful you, Tasty and all the other horses and farms are okay after the horrific weekend weather, and my sincere condolences to the families who lost loved ones in the tornados. It’s any day now, Zenny, and we’re all so excited for you and praying for a safe delivery, a healthy baby, and a healthy you. Like any good Dumpling, you are on my mind constantly. I know you’re blessed with loving connections and the best of care at Lane’s End, and the best friend ever in Tasty. All well deserved for the joy you’ve given us, and continue to give every day. I love you.
@JAG – did my eyes deceive me, or did I see you write 3/8 instead of 3/9? You’ve had me primed for 3/9 for months now! LOL
I currently have 10 “regular” nieces/nephews, 7 “great” nieces/nephews, and Zenny’s prince or princess will round it out to a total of 18! Old Aunt Marge can’t wait! :-)
Lou Ann (Ashland, OH)
Zenyatta, Snow. Equals the ultimate snow angel! YOU make the snow look more beautiful! Love you Mama Z!
Sandra Frey
Zenyatta….it won’t be long, sweetheart! YOU are going to be a fantastic MOM!
I loved the snow this morning…my drive to work was just beautiful and it made me so happy to start my day off with such natural beauty surrounding me. The Kentucky pastures glistened like DIAMONDS! I even SANG all the way to work!
You take care, sweet girl, and know that I am thinking of you and what the week may bring to you…
shirlee in Indy
Hey, it doesn’t have to be a colt to compete with Rachael’s in Triple Crown Races. Just look at Our Queen, Rachael and Rags To Riches. The girls can do it too. How about the next Triple Crown winner being a filly?????
If you are in Kentucky and get the chance, visit Claiborne Farm. The graveyard is filled with past champions including Big Red! It boggles the mind to think about the great ones who were born or stood there.
carol in utah
Debbie G/Kentucky
Claiborne is so awesome, Shirlee. There’s just grave after grave of these legendary horses, from Big Red of course to Mr. Prospector and Swale, etc., etc. Maybe they don’t have as many big name horses now as they used to, but every horse lover should go there if they get the chance just to see all the history there.
Hi, Zenny-I live in Colorado at 5000 feet of altitude and I think you’re getting more snow than we are-it looks beautiful as do you. I want to thank you for converting me from a Triple Crown fan to a year round fan-having TVG helps also. Are they going to repeat the special they did on you recently? If so,I would love to know when.Thank you also for all the information about racing that many casual fans-like me-wouldn’t know. I really miss watching you race but I am waitiing with great anticipation for the birth of your foal-good wishes and good health to both of you-Saralee
After the barrage I took (see above) you folks are on your own. I’ll be here to send my thoughts to Zenyatta but Leslie Stidham has totally teed me.
Others here with more day to day experience both on the ground and via books are the people you should be looking.
The h*** with you all.
Sorry Z, but some here totally teed me off. And I have the right to speak up! Don’t like it? Don’t read or answer my posts!
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Dear Margaret, I apologize that this little dissention escalated, and I certainly sympathize with your being angered by an inappropriate response. Putting in my own two cents again, I don’t want you to go away–instead I want to acknowledge the great contributions you have made to discussions of the process of a mare becoming a mom. You have researched very carefully and taken the time to write extensively about this topic of intense interest to Z-sters here, and continued even while you have been very much under the weather. I hope LS will reconsider her own comment, and meanwhile let’s cut everyone a little slack as TOGETHER we await the GREAT EVENT! May the QUEEN’S PEACE reign here.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Agreed. Margaret, this was just one person saying “go away”. I would feel angry, and hurt, too, at that. But I do not want you to just go away, and I’m betting many others feel similarly. So when you’re feeling better, please come back — it wouldn’t be the same here without you.
PatB from NM
Margaret is the one who started this with her “insult” remark, but if she can lighten up a bit (her facts are educating, but she doesn’t seem to get the spirit of this blog), I have no problem with her being part of our magical connection.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
I don’t think Margaret should go away either. We are many different people with many different experiences and thoughts. However, as Margaret says, she has a right to express her thoughts and comments, as does the person who posted about Zenyatta’s Baby Bump. She has a right to express her thoughts also and if “Baby Bump” is in her thoughts, then so be it. No one should tell that poster she made an insulting comment, because it certainly didn’t seem insulting to me. Just my opinion.
Margaret should not leave because of this incident.
You post have given great insights into the foaling process & horses, in general..
And, you are a great in sharing your knowledge & teaching.
This group is a collection of newbies & experienced horse people.
I put myself in the middle–a life-long horse lover & owner (but boarded)
So, I know more than some. Certainly not as much as you.
Each of us has the right to express themselves.
We don’t have to agree.
But, in the spirit of Zenyatta and the Team we should be caring & loving.
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
Dear Margaret- Please don’t let anyone on this site bully you or tell you to go away!!!! Write what you know and would like to share – anyone who does not like toooo bad!!!!!! Some people have pushed other’s off of this site in the past who knew what was going onwith breeding and foaling. Please don’t go away – freedon of speach
Louise Castello
Margaret, When I posted my Buddy loss last night, you were the first to respond! It meant so much. Please don’t go away! I have always enjoyed your posts and you helped me so much. Thank you and STAY!
Debbie G/Kentucky
Margaret, I don’t want you to leave either. Everyone has a right to their opinion and you shouldn’t let one person run you off.
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Dear Margaret,
I would miss your posts immensely! I always look forward to reading them and you have been so helpful this past year (plus) by sharing all that information as Z’s pregnancy progressed. Please stay with us! I want to hear what you think about the baby!! <3
Margaret Story
Hi Z glad that you are enjoying the snow here in Lex, Im glad that you are staying nice and toasty in your stall resting up for the BIG day… How is TASTY doing today, is she any closer?
Love and HUGS MAMA Z
Louise Castello
TO EVERYONE: I don’t want to put anymore sadness on this happy site, but I need to tell you all again how much you have helped me. Just typing the words last night made me feel a little better and then, your reponses were unbelievably helpful. Buddy came to me at 8 weeks old, really too young, so he was my little boy from the beginning for over 13 years. We went through so much together. My children grew up and left home and he comforted me so much. I live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast walking distance from the Gulf of Mexico and he evacuated with me for Hurricane Katrina. We came home to four feet of the gulf in our home and live crabs and dead fish inside. Poor Buddy had to live in a tiny little FEMA trailer with us for six months while we re-built. My husband worked at the power company so needless to say was gone a lot and Buddy took such good care of me. He survived major surgery last year and I hope I took as good care of him. He just was my heart (though no more than your pets were to ya’ll) Last night when I came here I was not being rational and just wanted him back. I was also looking for signs of him and wasn’t feeling them and I thought he was mad at me because when I took him to the vet, at first they thought we could fight this but he had to have IV meds and hydration so had to stay two nights. I got to see him both days he was there but I think he was mad for me having to leave and didn’t know how hard we were trying to save him. Anyway (tears again) sorry for rambling but your responses made me feel him. BONNIE and ABIGAIL, the Braveheart references really made me feel him because Buddy Braveheart was his name. Thanks so, so much.
TRINA and SUSAN for the Rainbow Bridge! Susan, I remember Tiny’s story. Abigail, I remember Jericho’s Spirit Dog story. GARY, the Choctaw Legend you put for everyone was so touching. I just have to tell you all, MARGARET, CAROL, ESPECIALLY HORSES, SUE FREDRICK, VICKI B., SUSAN CAROTHERS, SIGN, ABIGAIL, KIMBERLY POTTER, DEBORAH RICHMAN, SIERRA, KAREN GOGUE, JUDY FROM SOUTH CAROLINA, STEPHANIE IN SAN DIEGO, MARSHALL IN N.C. JAN S., ROSEMARY MCCAULEY, TERRY CROW, DEBBIE G., ROBIN, BARBARA WOOD, BONNIE,PEPPERONI, SANDY (NORTHEAST OHIO), LISAG IN TEXAS, JUDY BERUBE, RAYLENE, DAWN CONRAD, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!! Can never thank you all properly and I hope I didn’t leave anyone out. You have helped my heart so much. Thank you for caring and I hope Buddy is playing with all your dear pets. Now, I will just try to think happy for our Zenyatta and this healing site. Love you all!
Eveline / Maryland.
Louise, I really think Buddy knew you were trying to save him and didn’t abandon him. Animals know so much more than we give them credit for. I understand you second guessing yourself about leaving him at the vets place, such a hard choice, but Buddy knew you were with him in spirit. From your description of him I can tell what a fantastic friend and family member he was to you. I’m very sorry for your loss.
Louise Castello
Thank you Eveline. You have all made me feel so much better. I can’t believe how many wonderful responses I have had. Ya’ll are just a wonderful group of people and I will never forget this. God bless!
Mary in Central Virginia
Louise Castello … So sorry for your loss. I know how you must be feeling. I had a scare today with my Westie…and his name is Buddy……he had a seizure at the Groomer….only one ever. He seems fine now. I thought he got stressed. I took my Lab to vet for a teeth cleaning and I think my Westie got upset with him gone….then I took him to be groomed and left him. My Groomer is the best….she explained it all to me….what to expect and how to handle it if again. So far nine hours later….he is doing fine…especially now we are all home and together. I cried on the way home from the Groomer….thinking about my Buddy getting older….he is 11 years old….and what you just went through…..will be in my future sooner than I will be ready. I hope I have a few good years left with him…but today made me think. Louise….bless your heart ….. may God ease your pain of losing your Buddy.
Louise Castello
Mary, thank you so much. I will keep your Buddy in my prayers. May he have many more good years with you. All these stories have touched me and helped me so much. Thank you all again.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Love you too, Louise! And I agree with Eveline–she speaks with the voice of experience.
No need to thank me! I know exactly how you feel. I had to put down my beloved Spike who was my horse for all fourteen years of my life. He also died in my arms and I know the feeling of that last breath. He brought me through the toughest times just like Buddy did for you. He was even there for me when my dad died in December. Animals seem to do so much for us that it seems as though there is nothing we can do to repay. I have learned that if anything I gave Spike (other than bran mash) the one thing he would thank me for was knowing when the time was to say good bye no matter how hard it was for me. Animals give us so much selfishly and the one thing that we can give them that is completely unselfish is giving them the peaceful painless death that they deserve. I would think that if Buddy could talk to you right now he would say Thank You for knowing that my time had come and for trying to save me. I hope you find happiness in all of the memories and in the birth of Z’s foal.
My prayers are with you,
When I read you post yesterday, my heart broke for you.
My beloved Bichon Finnegan was the love of my life.
He had had major back surgery and recovered.
There always was the threat of reoccurrence
My husband Bob was diagnosed with terminal throat cancer in early May 2004.
Then on Memorial Day, Finnegan stepped out the front door & screamed in pain.
I had Bute which I was able to give him to ease the pain.
Took him to an Emergency Vet Clinic (only one opened on holiday)
X-rays confirmed what I already knew.
Having nursed Finn through the 1st surgery, there was only one choice.
I was with him. The gift was being there as he went to sleep, final breath.
What I did not know at the time but the realization came later,
going through this with Finnegan was preparation for losing Bob.
Eventually, at the urging of my daughter, I started looking for a puppy.
Cavalier, not Bichon. Female, not Male, Black & Tan, not White.
When we went to the breeder, the puppies were in a puppy pen.
She opened it and they tumbled out.
One came over parked at my feet & said with her eyes: Where have you been?
This was Emma who has been by my side all these years.
And, as a puppy her caring for Bob, showed me she needed to work as a
therapy dog. She was certified & we visited homes for elder care/Alzheimer’s care.
On July 4th, Bob died at home with me by his side.
The greatest compliment Bob paid Emma was:
I never thought you’d find a dog as great as Finnegan–but you have!
♥ ♥ ♥
Sierra (is trying not to pace)
This is a very sweet story Keta! I hope you and Emma are now living a very happy life!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Keta, your story about Emma is beautiful.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
So sorry, I meant to say your story about Finnegan and Emma is beautiful. Sometimes I think I type something and then it isn’t there!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Keta, Sierra, Mary, Louise and All Z’sters who have lost Beloved Pets,
We’re of one mind when it comes to our precious dogs, cats, horses and all kinds of pets. We love them all and can relate when one is lost. We must always remember the joy and the connection. The bonding and the unique personalities of each and every one. They will live in our memories until we meet at the Rainbow Bridge. Love and Hugs, JB
Louise Castello
Thank you Keta for your beautiful story. I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband and Finnegan. God bless you and sweet Emma. You have helped so much. Thank you.
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Thank you, Keta, for sharing your story of love and loss, and love again. Bless you.
Linda Edwards in NJ
Louise–so sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose your best friend.
Abigail from Montreal
Louise: No need to thank me, but your kindness is much appreciated. Just glad that I could help a little. Hugs
Debbie G/Kentucky
Please don’t feel guilty about leaving Buddy at the vet’s, Louise. I’m sure that he understood that he was sick and you were doing everything in your power to make him better. I felt guilty for a long time because my Leo died during surgery for bladder stones. I just knew in my heart when I dropped him off at the vet’s office it would be the last time I saw him, but it had to be done. I finally learned to quit beating myself up over it. I did everything I could for him, but it was just his time. From what you’ve said I can tell that you gave Buddy a wonderful life and that’s what really matters.
Louise Castello
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.
Debbie G/Kentucky
Keta, your story about Emma is beautiful!
Mary, I hope your sweet Buddy is OK.
Marshall (in NC)
We love you and are here for you. Bless you!
Hugs and take care!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Love to you, too, Louise <3
Judy from South Carolina
Dear Louise………Buddy didn’t think that you abandoned him. The caring people around him comforted him and gave him love. I have had to “do it” both ways. Being there; not being there………….one is no easier than the other. One just leaves you with a bunch of “what if’s” which are so UNKIND to yourself!
The bottom line is that going through all that you did in your two life times together– think about what his life COULD have been like with someone LESS CARING, especially after Katrina. You found each in this life time for a reason and it was SUPPOSED to be. All of it. And I still believe (because it happened to me) one day you will look into another set of eyes and, well you already know what I said. Buddy will guide you so that your love for HIM can go full circle when he sends another into your care. It’s just how it is. That will be his forever connection and communication with you and when it happens you will do one of those smiles that don’t show any teeth (you know the kind I mean) and will just shake your head and nod and understand.
Please be good to yourself during your grief and, again, only surround yourself with those that UNDERSTAND. ((((hugs))))
Louise Castello
So beautiful Judy. Thank you so much for this and for caring. I’ll never forget!
Ingrid Arnone. South Beach.
Oh you look so cute, love you Ingrid.
Louise, It’s kind of funny how things happen. I don’t come to Z’s diary everyday, but I read a couple times a week and post even less often. But, something caught my eye when I saw your name and I felt compelled to read on. Then as I read on the imagine of Buddy came to me and the word “braveheart”. It just shows me how connected we ALL are especially through our animals. I know Buddy is going to go on to do good things and that his soul lives on. In the meantime I know you’re hurting and I’m glad you told us about his passing, I hope it helps to share your sorrow.
Louise Castello
Thank you again Bonnie. It helped me a lot to feel like you understood and that you somehow knew him.
Mary in Central Virginia
You look beautiful in the snow….you can tell you are curious about it. We got about an inch here in Lynchburg, VA ….. it was just enough….pretty. I all of a sudden thought….I need to see about Z……it has been such a busy day for me. I had my Lab at the vet …his teeth cleaned….and a wart taken off his lip….and my Westie at the Groomer. But Z…. I remembered you……..just cannot wait until that baby is here. Hugs to you Z…
Mary in Central Virginia, What part of Central Virginia are you in? I live in Madison Heights VA. myself. So good to know we have more than one Zenny lover in Central Virginia.
Shaun S. Basch
Hey Momma Z!
I just wanted to let you know how much we love you here in the wintry north of Michigan. I talk about you almost daily with my friends and family and simply cannot wait to see your baby.
I hope all is well and Charles and Matt are taking care of you. Tell them Shaun from the KEMI program says “hello” for me if you get a chance!
All my love,
Shaun S. Basch, LVT
Super excited for you Zenyatta! Can’t wait untill you bring your prince/princess into this world! Best of wishes!! :D
The Kennedys in San Diego
Linda Edwards in NJ
Wow that is very interesting.
Gloria Jeanne "O.C." SO CAL
Dear Margaret- Please don’t let anyone on this site bully you or tell you to go away!!!! Write what you know and would like to share – anyone who does not like toooo bad!!!!!! Some people have pushed other’s off of this site in the past who knew what was going onwith breeding and foaling. Please don’t go away – freedon of speach
carol in utah
@Patricia in far north Cal…you mentioned one of my all time favorites…Silky Sullivan ..
I could watch his 6 1/2 F race every day…where he comes from 41 lengths back to win..it remains just awesome in my mind…although what he was doing back there is anyones guess…
He was a character …
@Margaret…10,000 steps a day would probably kill me…but I keep trying…bad ankles and knees…new knee did not help much..
ZENNY…..love you….Tasty too
Maryp (New York)
Oh Zenyatta, Add me to the long list of people checking this site several times daily for any progress and also found great relief to know that you all at LE are safe from the storms. My nerves won’t be back to normal until you have your foal……pace pace pace……and the beat goes on!
Sierra (is trying not to pace)
Hello Z!
You look so gorgeous in the snow! I am so happy we got at least one last pregnancy photo of you! I hope you and Tasty are doing well and I cannot wait for both of your foals to come into the world! I am sure you two will be great mothers!
Have fun in the snow and safe births to both of you,
Still ((((pacing the floor)))) have a great day beautiful
Sierra (is trying not to pace)
Oh I had a question that maybe someone can answer. Is there any reason that Z does not wear a blanket?
LauraJ (Cincinnati, OH)
She doesn’t need one. She has a winter coat, and it’s been a mild winter anyway. She has good hay to eat. Digestion produces a lot of heat and helps keep the horse warm. She can also move around and generate heat that way. Horses are cold weather animals. If a horse is blanketed too heavily she can sweat, and then she will get chilled. I’m sure the LE folks blanket her if she needs it.
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
What Laura says is correct. Also, if she wore a blanket she would not grow the heavy coat she needs in the wiinter.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
True. If left alone, horses can get quite wooly. Often if you see a horse with a blanket, it is because the horse has been clipped. Performance horses are clipped, partly for looks but mostly to enable them to expel heat generated during activity.
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Dear Zenyatta Your picture brought tears to my eyes. You look so Beautiful in the snow. So at peace with the world. You are just so Beautiful my sweet girl. Sarah takes such great pictures. This one would be one for framing. I hope you and Tasty have a good night. Stay warm because it is going to get cold tonight. I love you Zenny and I am sending You many Hugs and Kisses. I also would Kiss Tasty too. Love, Shari XXXOOO
@ This is for my Z Family I called Secretariat.com to ask about these cards that are coming after one orders a Plushie. The cards are not from Zenyatta, Dottie or Ann. Someone is sending them to random people but not from any of the Zenyatta Team. If any of my family wants to ask me about the call you can email me. I believe Christa. I also talked to her Boss who is in contact with Dottie. Titus8@yahoo.com
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Shari: Thank you for the information regarding the cards that some people have been receiving. I have been checking my immediately when I get home and I have not received one. But if someone is sending them at random not connected with Zenyatta how are they getting the addresses of those who have ordered Plushies? Just curious.
Sue Fredrick - Wisconsin- AGING FAST
Rosemary, I haven’t yet received mine either, but the only place they could be getting addresses from as far as I’m concerned is the Plushie place. My BFF received two cards and she ordered two Plushies so that makes sense. I’ll keep you posted on my status and you let me know if you get one please. Hugs
Rosemary McCauley So. Cal.
Sue – I will keep you posted if I get one. I also ordered two Plushies – since you can’t have just one.
Diane in CA
I emailed “the plushie place” and this is the response I received Hi Diane, it is not us, and we really don’t know anything about it. If you see one, please forward a sample so we can see try to figure it out. Thank you!
The Zenyatta Shop Team
Just wanted to add about the card, I have not ordered a plushie but have ordered other things from the store. I have also sent cards and treats to Z at LE. Maybe someone there (LE) is sending cards…all I know is that they are done very professionally …I hope everyone is fortunate to receive one.
Interesting question.
I also ordered a plushie (better known as Mondata)
and have not received a card–so far.
Debbie G/Kentucky
I got a card two weeks ago and just thought that it was because I order a plushie, but it doesn’t sound like that’s the case now. The only other thing I can figure is that I got one because I sent a Christmas card to Zenyatta at Lane’s End. The envelope the card came in has Versaille’s zip code on the meter strip and the back of the card has a picture of Zenyatta on it and underneath her picture it says “Zenyatta, Lane’s End Farm” and has their address. I hope this helps clear up some of the confusion!
JAG / More Excited Than Ever ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
I haven’t read the current postings from Friday’s diary – so this link might be a repost (Sunday)
Ron The Greek flies in and wins Santa Anita Handicap
Quote: “A rare occurrence took place in the third race, which ended up being called a no-contest for bettors.”
“Muny jumped early and broke through the gate, at almost the exact second the button was pushed to open the gates. Several horses left, while several others stayed with gate assistants holding tight to the reins. Three horses left the gate, ran the race and received the normal owners’ pot distribution. All bets just on that race were refunded and exotic bets — Pick 3, Pick 4 and Pick 5 — made all starters eligible as winners to keep tickets alive.”
Watching this was by far the most interesting race (or “no” race) I have ever seen… We were all scratching our heads. The good news was that no horses or jocks were hurt. Seeing 3 horses racing in a 7 horse field was a heart stopper for a moment, for sure!
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Janet Cutting in Wisconsin
Hi Zenny, I am patiently waiting…….. thinking PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anne from Paramount, CA
Hello, our beautiful Snow QUEEN!!!
@Dumplings all, I am just jumping in right now, not having read through the postings yet. Wanted to “report” that we had a great time in Vegas and I hope to read through the diary later. From what I can quickly surmise sounds like a great Dumpling time was had at the Great Race Place. More later. :-)
Trina Nagele in So Cal
Glad you and Rod had a great anniversary–we missed you at SA.
JAG / More Excited Than Ever ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
I asked some fellow ♥ Z Dumplings on Saturday, what sex do you hope Our Queen has? Some said a boy – but the majority said a girl – TOO CUTE!
♥ Zenyatta Will Do Deliver On Her Own Terms and Her Own Time♥
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
I wasn’t able to attend Saturday’s races, but can I add my vote for the sex of the First Foal? If so, I want a boy!
JAG / More Excited Than Ever ♥ Auntie Judy / So. CA
We also discussed who is the next Lucky Stud! We really sounded like a bunch of Mother Hens LOL
Sierra (is trying not to pace)
Who were you guys thinking about?
Sierra (is trying not to pace)
I would love a girl but I have a feeling that it is going to be a colt.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Zenny just wanted to check in on you. Hope your doing fine this evening. I’m Nervous. Your going to have to be brave for both of us.
Zenny my girl just had to tell ya, I about had a heart attack last night. I’m Kidding but I did get upset. You know I told you that i’m planning on goint to the Ocala 2 year old sales next week. Well, I hadn’t know for sure if I was going to be able to go, but I had never had trouble getting a place to stay there before (even late) at the place I like. Well I have another name for you horses. (Horses sell out Hotels) Jeez I called and the two days I wanted (Sold Out) I like to stay at the Hilton because they do the Undertack show there. Anyway had to scurry but I did find a place, and Z it only had 2 regular rooms left. Jeez They had Suites but I didn’t need a suite. Anyway I did grab one of those and they have the undertack show too. Yah hoo…. So happy. I did have to pay just a little bit more. but it’s worth it. You horses Rock
Zenny you take good care of yourself. I’m checking on ya every chance I getl. Zenny I hope its March 9th too.
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi, Sis, Peggy!! I am so glad that you got a room! I hope you have a marvelous time. I can’t wait to hear all about it!!!
Marty R / Colorado
Dear Peggy,
So happy you were able to find a place to stay. You’ve been talking about this sale for a very long time. Are there some that especially have your interest from the sale catalog?
I have to ask…what is the Undertack Show?
Have a great time!!
Marty R.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Hi Dawn & Hi Marty,
There are so many horses there that I like. The Undertack show is streaming video. It’s on the TV in the rooms. In this case it will be from Ocala Breeders Sales and it will be showing the works from the horses that are going on sale. Listing the hip #’s on the screen. Only a hand full of Hotels do it.
Hope I haven’t talked about this too much. I know I just get carried away sometimes. They tell me at work and my customers tell me when I start talking about horses my face just lights up.
I think they just get the DVD’s from the sales compainies. Its wonderful, although you have a hard time leaving the room and the TV. You’re just glued to it.
Marty R / Colorado
Hi Peggy,
Thanks for the explanation. No, you haven’t talked about it too much. I just know it’s something you’ve been wanting to do. You have a great time. Be sure you pull yourself away from the tv so you can see the horses up close.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
Marty that’s the fun part seeing them up close. I’ll tell you all about it when I get back. Blessings, Peggy
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
You could never talk about this too much, my friend. It brings me joy just to hear how excited you are!!!
Susan Carothers (in TN)
Peggy- that sounds so fun! So glad you got a room!
Sheri Deets
So glad everything is still going well! I was worrried over the weekend when there weren”t any new posts! I Have been on vacation with my husband but faithfully checked your status several times a day!! So excited for the little one to arrive!
I loves you lots Big Z!!! I think this may be a very special week for you and all your people and your fans!!! Lori